## CIS Kubernetes Benchmark support

kube-bench supports running tests for Kubernetes.
Most of our supported benchmarks are defined in the [CIS Kubernetes Benchmarks](https://www.cisecurity.org/benchmark/kubernetes/).
Some defined by other hardenening guides.

| Source | Kubernetes Benchmark | kube-bench config | Kubernetes versions |
| CIS  | [1.5.1](https://workbench.cisecurity.org/benchmarks/4892)      | cis-1.5   | 1.15        |
| CIS  | [1.6.0](https://workbench.cisecurity.org/benchmarks/4834)      | cis-1.6   | 1.16-1.18   |
| CIS  | [1.20](https://workbench.cisecurity.org/benchmarks/6246)       | cis-1.20  | 1.19-1.21   |
| CIS  | [1.23](https://workbench.cisecurity.org/benchmarks/7532)       | cis-1.23  | 1.22-1.23   |
| CIS  | [GKE 1.0.0](https://workbench.cisecurity.org/benchmarks/4536)  | gke-1.0   | GKE         |
| CIS  | [GKE 1.2.0](https://workbench.cisecurity.org/benchmarks/7534)  | gke-1.2.0 | GKE         |
| CIS  | [EKS 1.0.1](https://workbench.cisecurity.org/benchmarks/6041)  | eks-1.0.1 | EKS         |
| CIS  | [ACK 1.0.0](https://workbench.cisecurity.org/benchmarks/6467)  | ack-1.0   | ACK         |
| CIS  | [AKS 1.0.0](https://workbench.cisecurity.org/benchmarks/6347)  | aks-1.0   | AKS         |
| RHEL | RedHat OpenShift hardening guide                               | rh-0.7    | OCP 3.10-3.11 |
| CIS  | [OCP4 1.1.0](https://workbench.cisecurity.org/benchmarks/6778) | rh-1.0    | OCP 4.1-    |