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+# RFC-0002 Flux OCI support for Helm
+**Status:** implementable
+**Creation date:** 2022-03-30
+**Last update:** 2022-04-13
+## Summary
+Given that Helm v3.8 supports [OCI](https://helm.sh/docs/topics/registries/) for package distribution,
+we should extend the Flux Source API to allow fetching Helm charts from container registries.
+## Motivation
+Helm OCI support is one of the most requested feature in Flux
+as seen on this [issue](https://github.com/fluxcd/source-controller/issues/124).
+With OCI support, Flux users can automate chart updates to Git in the same way
+they do today for container images.
+### Goals
+- Add support for fetching Helm charts stored as OCI artifacts with minimal API changes to Flux.
+- Make it easy for users to switch from [HTTP/S Helm repositories](https://github.com/helm/helm-www/blob/416fabea6ffab8dc156b6a0c5eb5e8df5f5ef7dc/content/en/docs/topics/chart_repository.md)
+  to OCI repositories.
+### Non-Goals
+- Introduce a new API kind for referencing charts stored as OCI artifacts.
+## Proposal
+Introduce an optional field called `type` to the `HelmRepository` spec.
+When not specified, the `spec.type` field defaults to `Default` which preserve the current `HelmRepository` API behaviour.
+When the `spec.type` field is set to `OCI`, the `spec.url` field must be prefixed with `oci://` (to follow the Helm conventions).
+For `oci://` URLs, source-controller will use the Helm SDK and the `oras` library to connect to the OCI remote storage.
+For authentication, the controller will use Kubernetes secrets of `kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson` type.
+### User Stories
+#### Story 1
+> As a developer I want to use Flux `HelmReleases` that refer to Helm charts stored
+> as OCI artifacts in GitHub Container Registry.
+First create a secret using a GitHub token that allows access to GHCR:
+kubectl create secret docker-registry ghcr-charts \
+    --docker-server=ghcr.io \
+    --docker-username=$GITHUB_USER \
+    --docker-password=$GITHUB_TOKEN
+Then define a `HelmRepository` of type `OCI` and reference the `dockerconfig` secret:
+apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2
+kind: HelmRepository
+  name: ghcr-charts
+  namespace: default
+  type: OCI
+  url: oci://ghcr.io/my-org/charts/
+  secretRef:
+    name: ghcr-charts
+And finally in Flux `HelmReleases`, refer to the ghcr-charts `HelmRepository`:
+apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1
+kind: HelmRelease
+  name: my-app
+  namespace: default
+  interval: 60m
+  chart:
+    spec:
+      chart: my-app
+      version: '1.0.x'
+      sourceRef:
+        kind: HelmRepository
+        name: ghcr-charts
+      interval: 1m # check for new OCI artifacts every minute
+#### Story 2
+> As a platform admin I want to automate Helm chart updates based on a semver ranges.
+> When a new patch version is available in the container registry, I want Flux to open a PR
+> with the version set in the `HelmRelease` manifests.
+Given that charts are stored in container registries, you can use Flux image automation
+and patch the chart version in Git, in the same way Flux works for updating container image tags.
+Define an image registry and a policy for the chart artifact:
+apiVersion: image.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta1
+kind: ImageRepository
+  name: my-app
+  namespace: default
+  image: ghcr.io/my-org/charts/my-app
+  interval: 1m0s
+apiVersion: image.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta1
+kind: ImagePolicy
+  name: my-app
+  namespace: default
+  imageRepositoryRef:
+    name: my-app
+  policy:
+    semver:
+      range: 1.0.x
+Then add the policy marker to the `HelmRelease` manifests in Git:
+apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1
+kind: HelmRelease
+  name: my-app
+  namespace: default
+  interval: 60m
+  chart:
+    spec:
+      chart: my-app
+      version: 1.0.0 # {"$imagepolicy": "default:my-app:tag"}
+      sourceRef:
+        kind: HelmRepository
+        name: ghcr-charts
+      interval: 1m
+### Alternatives
+We could introduce a new API type e.g. `HelmRegistry` to hold the reference to auth secret,
+as proposed in [#2573](https://github.com/fluxcd/flux2/pull/2573).
+That is considered unpractical, as there is no benefit for users in having a dedicated kind instead of
+a `type` field in the current `HelmRepository` API. Adding a `type` field to the spec follows the Flux
+Bucket API design, where the same Kind servers different implementations: AWS S3 vs Azure Blob vs Google Storage.
+## Design Details
+In source-controller we'll add a new predicate for filtering `HelmRepositories` based on the `spec.type` field.
+The current `HelmRepositoryReconciler` will be renamed to `HelmRepositoryDefaultReconciler`,
+it's scope remains unchanged, and it will handle only objects with `type: Default`.
+We'll introduce a new reconciler named `HelmRepositoryOCIReconciler`, that will handle
+objects with `type: OCI`. This reconciler will set the `HelmRepository` Ready status to
+`False` if the URL is not prefixed with `oci://`, otherwise the Ready status will be set to `True`.
+The current `HelmChartReconciler` will be renamed to `HelmChartDefaultReconciler`,
+it's scope remains unchanged, and it will handle only objects that refer to `HelmRepositories` with `type: Default`.
+For `type: OCI` we'll introduce a new reconciler `HelmChartOCIReconciler` that uses `oras` to download charts
+and their dependencies.
+### Enabling the feature
+The feature is enabled by default.