try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from StringIO import StringIO import difflib import dulwich, dulwich.patch class RepoWrapper(dulwich.repo.Repo): def get_branch(self, name=None): if name is None: name = 'master' return self['refs/heads/'+name] def history(self, branch=None, max_commits=None): if max_commits is None: max_commits = float('inf') head = self.get_branch(branch) while max_commits and head.parents: yield head head = self[head.parents[0]] max_commits -= 1 def listdir(self, branch=None, root=None): branch = self.get_branch(branch) tree = self[branch.tree] if root is not None: for directory in root.split('/'): tree = self[tree[directory].sha] return tree.iteritems() def commit_diff(self, commit): parent = self[commit.parents[0]] stringio = StringIO() dulwich.patch.write_tree_diff(stringio, self.object_store, parent.tree, commit.tree) return stringio.getvalue() class ChangeWrapper(dulwich.diff_tree.TreeChange): def as_udiff(self): with open(self.old.path) as f1, open( as f2: return ''.join(difflib.unified_diff(f1, f2)) def Repo(name, path, _cache={}): repo = _cache.get(path) if repo is None: repo = _cache[path] = RepoWrapper(path) = name return repo