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[Full Changelog](
* Store key backup key in cache as Uint8Array
* Use the correct request body for the /keys/query endpoint.
* Avoid creating two devices on registration
* Lower max-warnings to 81
* Move key backup key creation before caching
* Expose function to force-reset outgoing room key requests
* Add isSelfVerification property to VerificationRequest
* QR code reciprocation
* Add ability to check symmetric SSSS key before we try to use it
* Add some debug logging for events stuck to bottom of timeline
* Fix: spontanous verification request cancellation under some circumstances
* Receive private key for caching from the app layer
* Track whether we have verified a user before
* Fix: error during tests
* Send .done event for to_device verification
* Request the key backup key & restore backup
* Make screen sharing works on Chrome using getDisplayMedia()
* Fix isVerified returning false
* Fix: verification gets cancelled when event gets duplicated
* Use requestSecret on the client to request secrets
* Allow guests to fetch TURN servers