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  • v25.2.0-rc.5
    ff07cb64 · v25.2.0-rc.5 ·
    * Attempt a potential workaround for stuck notifs ([\#3384]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#25406. Contributed by @andybalaam.
  • v25.2.0-rc.4
    2ec1fa66 · v25.2.0-rc.4 ·
    * Deprecate device methods in MatrixClient ([\#3357](
    * Total summary count ([\#3351]( Contributed by @toger5.
    * Audio concealment ([\#3349]( Contributed by @toger5.
    * Correctly accumulate sync summaries. ([\#3366]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#23345.
    * Keep measuring a call feed's volume after a stream replacement ([\#3361]( Fixes vector-im/element-call#1051.
    * Element-R: Avoid uploading a new fallback key at every `/sync` ([\#3338]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#25215.
    * Accumulate receipts for the main thread and unthreaded separately ([\#3339]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#24629.
  • v25.2.0-rc.2
    4ca882fc · v25.2.0-rc.2 ·
    * Deprecate device methods in MatrixClient ([\#3357](
    * Total summary count ([\#3351]( Contributed by @toger5.
    * Audio concealment ([\#3349]( Contributed by @toger5.
    * Correctly accumulate sync summaries. ([\#3366]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#23345.
    * Keep measuring a call feed's volume after a stream replacement ([\#3361]( Fixes vector-im/element-call#1051.
    * Element-R: Avoid uploading a new fallback key at every `/sync` ([\#3338]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#25215.
    * Accumulate receipts for the main thread and unthreaded separately ([\#3339]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#24629.
  • v25.2.0-rc.1
    7574dacd · v25.2.0-rc.1 ·
    * Deprecate device methods in MatrixClient ([\#3357](
    * Total summary count ([\#3351]( Contributed by @toger5.
    * Audio concealment ([\#3349]( Contributed by @toger5.
    * Correctly accumulate sync summaries. ([\#3366]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#23345.
    * Keep measuring a call feed's volume after a stream replacement ([\#3361]( Fixes vector-im/element-call#1051.
    * Element-R: Avoid uploading a new fallback key at every `/sync` ([\#3338]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#25215.
    * Accumulate receipts for the main thread and unthreaded separately ([\#3339]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#24629.
  • v25.1.1
    077da23d · v25.1.1 ·
    * Rebuild to fix packaging glitch in 25.1.0. Fixes #3363
  • v25.1.0
    d4500da5 · v25.1.0 ·
    * Deprecate MatrixClient::resolveRoomAlias ([\#3316](
    * add client method to remove pusher ([\#3324]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Implement MSC 3981 ([\#3248]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#25021. Contributed by @justjanne.
    * Added `Room.getLastLiveEvent` and `Room.getLastThread`. Deprecated `Room.lastThread` in favour of `Room.getLastThread`. ([\#3321](
    * Element-R: wire up device lists ([\#3272]( Contributed by @florianduros.
    * Node 20 support ([\#3302](
    * Fix racing between one-time-keys processing and sync ([\#3327]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#25214. Contributed by @florianduros.
    * Fix lack of media when a user reconnects ([\#3318](
    * Fix TimelineWindow getEvents exploding if no neigbouring timeline ([\#3285]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#25104.
  • v25.1.0-rc.1
    7792254c · v25.1.0-rc.1 ·
    * Deprecate MatrixClient::resolveRoomAlias ([\#3316](
    * add client method to remove pusher ([\#3324]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Implement MSC 3981 ([\#3248]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#25021. Contributed by @justjanne.
    * Added `Room.getLastLiveEvent` and `Room.getLastThread`. Deprecated `Room.lastThread` in favour of `Room.getLastThread`. ([\#3321](
    * Element-R: wire up device lists ([\#3272]( Contributed by @florianduros.
    * Node 20 support ([\#3302](
    * Fix racing between one-time-keys processing and sync ([\#3327]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#25214. Contributed by @florianduros.
    * Fix lack of media when a user reconnects ([\#3318](
    * Fix TimelineWindow getEvents exploding if no neigbouring timeline ([\#3285]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#25104.
  • v25.0.0
    33bbd45f · v25.0.0 ·
    * Change `` to return a `Promise` ([\#3221]( Contributed by @texuf.
    * Add typedoc-plugin-mdn-links ([\#3292](
    * Annotate events with executed push rule ([\#3284]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Element-R: pass device list change notifications into rust crypto-sdk ([\#3254]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#24795. Contributed by @florianduros.
    * Support for MSC3882 revision 1 ([\#3228]( Contributed by @hughns.
    * Fix screen sharing on Firefox 113 ([\#3282]( Contributed by @tulir.
    * Retry processing potential poll events after decryption ([\#3246]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#24568.
    * Element-R: handle events which arrive before their keys ([\#3230]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#24489.
  • v25.0.0-rc.1
    c622e926 · v25.0.0-rc.1 ·
    * Change `` to return a `Promise` ([\#3221]( Contributed by @texuf.
    * Add typedoc-plugin-mdn-links ([\#3292](
    * Annotate events with executed push rule ([\#3284]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Element-R: pass device list change notifications into rust crypto-sdk ([\#3254]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#24795. Contributed by @florianduros.
    * Support for MSC3882 revision 1 ([\#3228]( Contributed by @hughns.
    * Fix screen sharing on Firefox 113 ([\#3282]( Contributed by @tulir.
    * Retry processing potential poll events after decryption ([\#3246]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#24568.
    * Element-R: handle events which arrive before their keys ([\#3230]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#24489.
  • v24.1.0
    7d45947f · v24.1.0 ·
    * Allow via_servers property in findPredecessor (update to MSC3946) ([\#3240]( Contributed by @andybalaam.
    * Fire `closed` event when IndexedDB closes unexpectedly ([\#3218](
    * Implement MSC3952: intentional mentions ([\#3092]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#24376.
    * Send one time key count and unused fallback keys for rust-crypto ([\#3215]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#24795. Contributed by @florianduros.
    * Improve `processBeaconEvents` hotpath ([\#3200](
    * Implement MSC3966: a push rule condition to check if an array contains a value ([\#3180](
    * indexddb-local-backend - return the current sync to database promise … ([\#3222]( Contributed by @texuf.
    * Revert "Add the call object to Call events" ([\#3236](
    * Handle group call redaction ([\#3231]( Fixes vector-im/voip-internal#128.
    * Stop doing O(n^2) work to find event's home (`eventShouldLiveIn`) ([\#3227]( Contributed by @jryans.
    * Fix bug where video would not unmute if it started muted ([\#3213]( Fixes vector-im/element-call#925.
    * Fixes to event encryption in the Rust Crypto implementation ([\#3202](
  • v24.1.0-rc.1
    3f978530 · v24.1.0-rc.1 ·
    * Allow via_servers property in findPredecessor (update to MSC3946) ([\#3240]( Contributed by @andybalaam.
    * Fire `closed` event when IndexedDB closes unexpectedly ([\#3218](
    * Implement MSC3952: intentional mentions ([\#3092]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#24376.
    * Send one time key count and unused fallback keys for rust-crypto ([\#3215]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#24795. Contributed by @florianduros.
    * Improve `processBeaconEvents` hotpath ([\#3200](
    * Implement MSC3966: a push rule condition to check if an array contains a value ([\#3180](
    * indexddb-local-backend - return the current sync to database promise … ([\#3222]( Contributed by @texuf.
    * Revert "Add the call object to Call events" ([\#3236](
    * Handle group call redaction ([\#3231]( Fixes vector-im/voip-internal#128.
    * Stop doing O(n^2) work to find event's home (`eventShouldLiveIn`) ([\#3227]( Contributed by @jryans.
    * Fix bug where video would not unmute if it started muted ([\#3213]( Fixes vector-im/element-call#925.
    * Fixes to event encryption in the Rust Crypto implementation ([\#3202](
  • v24.0.0
    c87048bd · v24.0.0 ·
    * Changes for matrix-js-sdk v24.0.0
  • v23.5.0
    26663e67 · v23.5.0 ·
    * Implement MSC3758: a push rule condition to match event properties exactly ([\#3179](
    * Enable group calls without video and audio track by configuration of MatrixClient ([\#3162]( Contributed by @EnricoSchw.
    * Updates to protocol used for Sign in with QR code ([\#3155]( Contributed by @hughns.
    * Implement MSC3873 to handle escaped dots in push rule keys ([\#3134]( Fixes undefined/matrix-js-sdk#1454.
    * Fix spec compliance issue around encrypted `m.relates_to` ([\#3178](
    * Fix reactions in threads sometimes causing stuck notifications ([\#3146]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#24000. Contributed by @justjanne.
  • v23.5.0-rc.1
    13d95c82 · v23.5.0-rc.1 ·
    * Implement MSC3758: a push rule condition to match event properties exactly ([\#3179](
    * Enable group calls without video and audio track by configuration of MatrixClient ([\#3162]( Contributed by @EnricoSchw.
    * Updates to protocol used for Sign in with QR code ([\#3155]( Contributed by @hughns.
    * Implement MSC3873 to handle escaped dots in push rule keys ([\#3134]( Fixes undefined/matrix-js-sdk#1454.
    * Fix spec compliance issue around encrypted `m.relates_to` ([\#3178](
    * Fix reactions in threads sometimes causing stuck notifications ([\#3146]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#24000. Contributed by @justjanne.
  • v23.4.0
    2a5e5e6a · v23.4.0 ·
    * Add easy way to determine if the decryption failure is due to "DecryptionError: The sender has disabled encrypting to unverified devices." ([\#3167]( Contributed by @florianduros.
    * Polls: expose end event id on poll model ([\#3160]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Polls: count undecryptable poll relations ([\#3163]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Fix spec compliance issue around encrypted `m.relates_to` ([\#3178](
    * Fix reactions in threads sometimes causing stuck notifications ([\#3146]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#24000. Contributed by @justjanne.
    * Better type guard parseTopicContent ([\#3165]( Fixes matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#20177 and matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#20178.
    * Fix a bug where events in encrypted rooms would sometimes erroneously increment the total unread counter after being processed locally. ([\#3130]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#24448. Contributed by @Half-Shot.
    * Stop the ICE disconnected timer on call terminate ([\#3147](
    * Clear notifications when we can infer read status from receipts ([\#3139]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#23991.
    * Messages sent out of order after one message fails ([\#3131]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#22885 and vector-im/element-web#18942. Contributed by @justjanne.
  • v23.4.0-rc.2
    0f1f1db3 · v23.4.0-rc.2 ·
    * Add easy way to determine if the decryption failure is due to "DecryptionError: The sender has disabled encrypting to unverified devices." ([\#3167]( Contributed by @florianduros.
  • v23.4.0-rc.1
    c9b502fb · v23.4.0-rc.1 ·
    * Polls: expose end event id on poll model ([\#3160]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Polls: count undecryptable poll relations ([\#3163]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Better type guard parseTopicContent ([\#3165]( Fixes matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#20177 and matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#20178.
    * Fix a bug where events in encrypted rooms would sometimes erroneously increment the total unread counter after being processed locally. ([\#3130]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#24448. Contributed by @Half-Shot.
    * Stop the ICE disconnected timer on call terminate ([\#3147](
    * Clear notifications when we can infer read status from receipts ([\#3139]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#23991.
    * Messages sent out of order after one message fails ([\#3131]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#22885 and vector-im/element-web#18942. Contributed by @justjanne.
  • v23.3.0
    18253428 · v23.3.0 ·
    * Element-R: implement encryption of outgoing events ([\#3122](
    * Poll model - page /relations results ([\#3073]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Poll model - validate end events ([\#3072]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Handle optional last_known_event_id property in m.predecessor ([\#3119]( Contributed by @andybalaam.
    * Add support for stable identifier for fixed MAC in SAS verification ([\#3101](
    * Provide eventId as well as roomId from Room.findPredecessor ([\#3095]( Contributed by @andybalaam.
    * MSC3946 Dynamic room predecessors ([\#3042]( Contributed by @andybalaam.
    * Poll model ([\#3036]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Remove video tracks on video mute without renegotiating ([\#3091](
    * Introduces a backwards-compatible API change. `MegolmEncrypter#prepareToEncrypt`'s return type has changed from `void` to `() => void`. ([\#3035]( Contributed by @clarkf.
    * Stop the ICE disconnected timer on call terminate ([\#3147](
    * Clear notifications when we can infer read status from receipts ([\#3139]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#23991.
    * Messages sent out of order after one message fails ([\#3131]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#22885 and vector-im/element-web#18942. Contributed by @justjanne.
    * Element-R: fix a bug which prevented encryption working after a reload ([\#3126](
    * Element-R: Fix invite processing ([\#3121](
    * Don't throw with no `opponentDeviceInfo` ([\#3107](
    * Remove flaky megolm test ([\#3098]( Contributed by @clarkf.
    * Fix "verifyLinks" functionality of getRoomUpgradeHistory ([\#3089]( Contributed by @andybalaam.
  • v23.3.0-rc.1
    f61db819 · v23.3.0-rc.1 ·
    * Element-R: implement encryption of outgoing events ([\#3122](
    * Poll model - page /relations results ([\#3073]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Poll model - validate end events ([\#3072]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Handle optional last_known_event_id property in m.predecessor ([\#3119]( Contributed by @andybalaam.
    * Add support for stable identifier for fixed MAC in SAS verification ([\#3101](
    * Provide eventId as well as roomId from Room.findPredecessor ([\#3095]( Contributed by @andybalaam.
    * MSC3946 Dynamic room predecessors ([\#3042]( Contributed by @andybalaam.
    * Poll model ([\#3036]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Remove video tracks on video mute without renegotiating ([\#3091](
    * Introduces a backwards-compatible API change. `MegolmEncrypter#prepareToEncrypt`'s return type has changed from `void` to `() => void`. ([\#3035]( Contributed by @clarkf.
    * Element-R: fix a bug which prevented encryption working after a reload ([\#3126](
    * Element-R: Fix invite processing ([\#3121](
    * Don't throw with no `opponentDeviceInfo` ([\#3107](
    * Remove flaky megolm test ([\#3098]( Contributed by @clarkf.
    * Fix "verifyLinks" functionality of getRoomUpgradeHistory ([\#3089]( Contributed by @andybalaam.
  • v23.2.0
    e15cf997 · v23.2.0 ·
    * Implement decryption via the rust sdk ([\#3074](
    * Handle edits which are bundled with an event, per MSC3925 ([\#3045](
    * Add null check for our own member event ([\#3082](
    * Handle group call getting initialised twice in quick succession ([\#3078]( Fixes vector-im/element-call#847.
    * Correctly handle limited sync responses by resetting the thread timeline ([\#3056]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#23952. Contributed by @justjanne.
    * Fix failure to start in firefox private browser ([\#3058]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#24216.
    * Fix spurious "Decryption key withheld" messages ([\#3061]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#23803.
    * Fix browser entrypoint ([\#3051]( Fixes #3013.