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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v3.2.0
    ea337465 · v3.2.0 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to JS SDK 8.1.0
    * [Release] Fix corner rounding on images not always affecting right side
    * [Release] Message Action Bar watch for event send changes
    * Fix /op slash command to release
    * Fix action bar safe area regression
  • v3.2.0-rc.1
    8e8a2e60 · v3.2.0-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to JS SDK 8.1.0-rc.1
    * Update from Weblate
    * padding the timeline so that its scrollbar has its own space from the
    * Try to close notification on all platforms which support it, not just
    * Fix exception when stripping replies from an event with a non-string body
    * Quick win session 24/07/2020
    * Remove rebranding toast
    * Generate previews for rooms when the option changes
    * Fix Bridge Settings tab
    * get screen type from app prop
    * Update rageshake app name
    * Factor out Iconized Context menu for reusability
    * Decouple Audible notifications from Desktop notifications
    * Make the room sublist show more/less buttons treeitems
    * Share and debug master cross-signing key
    * Create Map comparison utilities and convert Hooks to Typescript
    * Fix room list scrolling in Safari
    * Replace Riot with Element in docs and comments
    * When the room view isn't active don't highlight it in room list
    * remove emoji icons in autocomplete/reply by designer request
    * Add title and icon to empty state of file and notification panel
    * Mass redact ignore room creation events
    * Replace all chevrons with a single icon
    * Replace i18n generation script with something matching our project
    * Handle tag changes in sticky room updates
    * Remove leftover bits of TSLint
    * Clean up documentation of Whenable + fix other code concerns
    * Center the jump down/up icon, looks misaligned
    * [WIP] Support a new settings structure
    * Convert SettingsStore to TypeScript
  • v3.1.0
    f8ed635f · v3.1.0 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade JS SDK to 8.0.1
    * Fix room list scrolling in Safari
    * Add null guard in InviteDialog
    * Add null guard in InviteDialog
    * Handle tag changes in sticky room updates
  • v3.1.0-rc.1
    d08a08da · v3.1.0-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade JS SDK to 8.0.1-rc.1
    * Update from Weblate
    * Add local echo for notifications in the new room list
    * Fix various small regressions in the room list's behaviour
    * Remove redundant lint dependencies
    * Fix key backup warning on soft logout page
    * Bump elliptic from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3
    * Fix crash on logging in again after soft logout
    * Convert right_panel to TS
    * Remove all unreferenced images
    * Provide nicer error for no known servers error when accepting an invite
    * add logging for keytar/pickle key
    * Don't speak the outgoing message if it is in the Sending state.
    * Remove poorly contrasted "dark style" heading in Room Preview Bar
    * Fix Query Matcher regression with certain unhomoglyph'd characters
    * Fix handlebar interaction
    * Minor improvements to filtering performance
    * Fix TextWithTooltip "leaking" tooltip wrappers
  • v3.0.0
    f7444a13 · v3.0.0 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * The room list components have been replaced as part of this release, so the list, tiles, and other associated components now use a different prop / state contract.
    All Changes
    * Update from Weblate
    * RoomList listen to notificationState updates for bolding
    * Ensure notification badges stop listening when they unmount
    * Improve RoomTile performance
    * Reward users for using stable ordering in their room list
    * Fix autocomplete suggesting a different thing mid-composition
    * Put low priority xor toggle back in the room list context menu
    * Fix autocompletion of Community IDs
    * Use OpenType tabular numbers in timestamps
    * Update packages to modern versions
    * Add dismiss button to rebrand toast
    * Fix Firefox composer regression exception
    * Fix BaseAvatar wrongly using Buttons when it needs not
    * Performance improvements round 2: Maps, freezing, dispatching, and flexbox
    * Mixed bag of performance improvements: ScrollPanel and notifications
    * Update message previews
    * Translate create room buttons
    * Escape single quotes in composer placeholder
    * Don't hammer on the layout engine with avatar updates for the background
    * Ensure incremental updates to the ImportanceAlgorithm trigger A-Z order
    * don't syntax highlight languages that begin with "_"
    * Convert Modal to TypeScript
    * Use new eslint dependency and remove tslint
    * Support custom tags in the room list again
    * Fix the tag panel context menu
    * Tag Watcher don't create new filter if not needed, confuses references
    * Convert editor to TypeScript
    * Query Matcher use unhomoglyph for a little bit more leniency
    * Fix Breadcrumbs2 ending up with 2 tabIndexes on Firefox
    * Add min-width to floating Jitsi
    * Update crypto event icon to match rest of app styling
    * Fix Reactions Row Button vertical misalignment due to forced height
    * Use mouseleave instead of mouseout for hover events. Fix tooltip flicker
    * Fix slash commands null guard
    * Fix field tooltips
    * Fix community right panel button regression
    * [BREAKING] Remove the old room list
    * ellipse senders for images and videos
    * Sprinkle and consolidate some tooltips
    * Hopefully make cancel dialog a bit less weird
    * Fix emoji filterString
    * Fix size call for devtools state events
    * Fix `this` context in _setupHomeserverManagers for IntegrationManagers
    * Sync recently used reactions list across sessions
    * Null guard no e2ee for UserInfo
    * stop Inter from clobbering Twemoji
    * use a proper HTML sanitizer to strip <mx-reply>, rather than a regexp
    * Convert room list log setting to a real setting
    * Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 in /test/end-to-end-tests
    * Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19
    * Convert devtools dialog to use new room state format
    * Update checkbox
    * Increase width for country code dropdown
  • v2.10.1
    0c89b8d2 · v2.10.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Post-launch Element Web polish
    * Move e2e icon
    * Wire up new room list breadcrumbs as an ARIA Toolbar
    * Fix Room Tile Icon to not ignore DMs in other tags
    * Fix filtering by community not showing DM rooms with community members
    * Fix enter in new room list filter breaking things
    * Notify left panel of resizing when it is collapsed&expanded
    * When removing a filter condition, try recalculate in case it wasn't last
    * Create a generic ARIA toolbar component
    * Fix /op Slash Command
    * Fix copy button in share dialog
    * Add tooltip to Room Tile Icon
    * Fix names jumping on hover in irc layout
    * check that encryptionInfo.sender is set
    * Update help link
    * Update cover photo link
  • v2.10.0
    a842e093 · v2.10.0 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Incorporate new toasts into end-to-end tests
    * Fix TS lint errors
    * Fix js lint errors after rebrand merge
    * Fix style lint
    * Fix alignment of login/syncing spinner
    * De labs font-scaling
    * Remove debug logging from new room list
    * Tweak sticky header hiding to avoid pop
    * Fix show-all keyboard focus regression
    * Clean up TODOs, comments, and imports in the new room list
    * Make EffectiveMembership utils generic
    * Update sticky headers when breadcrumbs pop in or out
    * Fix show less button occluding the last tile
    * Ensure breadcrumbs don't keep turning themselves back on
    * Update top vs. bottom sticky styles separately
    * Ensure RoomListStore2 gets reset when the client becomes invalidated
    * Add fade to show more button on room list
    * Fix extra room tiles being rendered on smaller sublists
    * Ensure tag changes (leaving rooms) causes rooms to move between lists
    * Fix badges for font size 20
    * Fix default sorting mechanics for new room list
    * Fix room sub list header collapse/jump interactions on bottom-most sublist
    * Fix room tile context menu for Historical rooms
    * "ignore"/"unignore" commands: validate user ID
    * Stop classname from overwritting baseavatar's
    * Remove redundant scroll-margins and fix RoomTile wrongly scrolling
    * Fix RoomAvatar viewAvatarOnClick to work on actual avatars instead of
    default ones
    * Be consistent with the at-room pill avatar configurability
    * Room List v2 Enter in the filter field should select the first result
    * Enable the new room list by default
    * Convert ImportanceAlgorithm over to using NotificationColor instead
    * Internalize algorithm updates in the new room list store
    * Remove now-dead code from sublist resizing
    * Ensure triggered updates get fired for filters in the new room list
    * Handle off-cycle filtering updates in the new room list
    * Make the show more button do a clean cut on the room list while transparent
    * Stop safari from aggressively shrinking flex items
    * Fix search padding
    * Reduce event loop load caused by duplicate calculations in the new room list
    * Add an option to disable room list logging, and improve logging
    * Scroll fade for breadcrumbs
    * Auto expand room list on search
    * Fix rough badge alignment for community invite tiles again
    * Improve safety of new rooms in the room list
    * Don't destroy room notification states when replacing them
    * Move irc layout option to advanced
    * Potential solution to supporting transparent 'show more' buttons
    * Improve performance and stability in sticky headers for new room list
    * Move and improve notification state handling
    * Move list layout management to its own store
    * Noop first breadcrumb
    * Highlight "Jump to Bottom" badge when appropriate
    * Don't render the context menu within its trigger otherwise unhandled clicks
    * Protect rooms from getting lost due to complex transitions
    * Hide archive button
    * Enable options to favourite and low priority rooms
    * Move voip previews to bottom right corner
    * Focus room filter on openSearch
    * Swap out the resizer lib for something more stable in the new room list
    * Add wrapper to room list so sticky headers don't need a background
    * New room list view_room show_room_tile support
    * Convert Context Menu to TypeScript
    * Use html innerText for org.matrix.custom.html room list
    * Fix MELS summary of 3pid invite revocations
    * Fix sticky headers being left on display:none if they change too quickly
    * Fix gaps under resize handle
    * Fix DM handling in new room list
    * Respect and fix understanding of legacy options in new room list
    * Ensure DMs are not lost in the new room list, and clean up tag logging
    * Mute "Unknown room caused setting update" spam
    * Remove comment claiming encrypted rooms are handled incorrectly in the new
    room list
    * Try using requestAnimationFrame if available for sticky headers
    * Show more/Show less keep focus in a relevant place
    * Change orange to our orange and do some lints
    * New Room List implement view_room_delta for keyboard shortcuts
    * New Room List accessibility
    * Improve room safety in the new room list
    * Fix a number of issues with the new room list's invites
    * Decrease default visible rooms down to 5
    * swap order of context menu buttons so it does not jump when muted
    * Fix some room list sticky header instabilities
    * null-guard against groups with a null name in new Room List
    * Allow vertical scrolling on the new room list breadcrumbs
    * Convert things to Typescript, including languageHandler
    * Fix minor issues with the badges in the new room list
    * Radio button outline fixes including for new room list context menu
    * First step towards a11y in the new room list
    * Fix theme selector clicks bubbling out and causing context menu to float
    * Revert "Remove a bunch of noisy logging from the room list"
    * Remove duplicate compact settings, handle device level updates
    * fix notifications icons some more
    * Remove a bunch of noisy logging from the room list
    * Fix bell icon mismatch on room tile between hover and context menu
    * Add a null guard for message event previews
    * Enable the new room list by default and trigger an initial render
    * Fix selection states of room tiles in the new room list
    * Update mute icon behaviour for new room list designs
    * Fix alignment of avatars on community invites
    * Don't include empty badge container in minimized view
    * Fix alignment of dot badges in new room list
    * Reorganize and match new room list badges to old list behaviour
    * Implement breadcrumb notifications and scrolling
    * Add click-to-jump on badge in the room sublist header
    * Room List v2 context menu interactions
    * Wedge community invites into the new room list
    * Check whether crypto is enabled in room recovery reminder
    * Fix room list 2's room tile wrapping wrongly
    * Hide scrollbar without pixel jumping
    * Room Tile context menu, notifications, indicator and placement
    * Improve resizing interactions in the new room list
    * Disable use of account-level ordering options in new room list
    * Remove context menu on invites in new room list
    * Fix reaction event crashes in message previews
  • v2.9.0
    21b7b88f · v2.9.0 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Remove duplicate compact settings, handle device level updates
  • v2.9.0-rc.1
    f9cb0b9c · v2.9.0-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to JS SDK 7.1.0-rc.1
    * Update from Weblate
    * Fix a number of proliferation issues in the new room list
    * Fix jumping to read marker for events without tiles
    * De-duplicate rooms from the room autocomplete provider
    * Add file upload button to recovery key input
    * Implement new design on security setup & login
    * Fix /join slash command via servers including room id as a via
    * Add Generic Expiring Toast and timing hooks
    * Fix Room Custom Sounds regression and make ProgressBar relevant again
    * Including start_sso and start_cas in redirect loop prevention
    * Clean up TODO comments for new room list
    * Show timestamp of redaction on hover
    * Remove the DM button from new room tiles
    * Hide room list show less button if it would do nothing
    * Improve message preview copy in new room list
    * Allow the tag panel to be disabled in the new room list
    * Make the whole user row clickable in the new room list
    * Add a new spinner design behind a labs flag
    * ts-ignore because something is made of fail
    * Fix Welcome.html CAS and SSO URLs not working
    * More small tweaks in preparation for Notifications rework
    * Iterate on the new room list resize handle
    * Update sublists for new hover states
    * Tweak parts of the new room list design
    * Implement new resize handle for dogfooding
    * Hide app badge count for hidden upgraded rooms (non-highlight)
    * Move compact modern layout checkbox to 'advanced'
    * Allow the user to resize the new sublists to 1 tile
    * Make LoggedInView a real component because it uses shouldComponentUpdate
    * Small tweaks in preparation for Notifications rework
    * Remove extraneous debug from the new left panel
    * Fix icons in the new user menu not showing up
    * Fix sticky room disappearing/jumping in search results
    * Show cross-signing / secret storage reset button in more cases
    * Use theme-capable icons in the user menu
    * Font support in custom themes
    * Decrease margin between new sublists
    * Update profile information in User Menu and truncate where needed
    * Fix MessageActionBar in irc layout
    * Mark messages with a black shield if the megolm session isn't trusted
    * Custom font selection
    * Use the correct timeline reference for message previews
    * Fix read receipt handling in the new room list
    * Improve unread/badge states in new room list (mk II)
    * Only fire setting changes for changed settings
    * Trigger room-specific watchers whenever a higher level change happens
    * Have the theme switcher set the device-level theme to match settings
    * Fix layout of minimized view for new room list
    * Fix sticky headers over/under extending themselves in the new room list
    * Update read receipt remainder for internal font size change
    * Fix some appearance tab crash and implement style nits
    * Add message preview for font slider
    * Add layout options to the appearance tab
    * Update from Weblate
    * Support accounts with cross signing but no SSSS
    * Look for existing verification requests after login
    * Add a checkpoint to index newly encrypted rooms.
    * Add support to paginate search results when using Seshat.
    * User versions in the event index.
    * Fix crash when filtering new room list too fast
    * hide search results from unknown rooms
    * Mark the new room list as ready for general testing
    * Extend QueryMatcher's sorting heuristic
    * Lint ts semicolons (aka. The great semicolon migration)
    * Revert "Use recovery keys over passphrases"
    * Clear `top` when not sticking headers to the top
    * Don't show a 'show less' button when it's impossible to collapse
    * Fix show less/more button occluding the list automatically
    * Improve room switching in the new room list
    * Remove labs option to cache 'passphrase'
    * Remove escape backslashes in non-Markdown messages
  • v2.8.1
    e43311c0 · v2.8.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Support accounts with cross signing but no SSSS
  • v2.8.0
    5256a865 · v2.8.0 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Update read receipt remainder for internal font size change
    * Revert "Use recovery keys over passphrases"
  • v2.8.0-rc.1
    b5aa6601 · v2.8.0-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to JS SDK 7.0.0-rc.1
    * Fix Styled Checkbox and Radio Button disabled state
    * clean up and fix the isMasterRuleEnabled logic
    * Fix case-sensitivity of /me to match rest of slash commands
    * Add a 'show less' button to the new room list
    * Update from Weblate
    * Sticky and collapsing headers for new room list
    * Make the room list labs setting reload on change
    * Handle/hide old rooms in the room list
    *  Add some media queries to improve UI on mobile (#3991)
    * Match fuzzy filtering a bit more reliably in the new room list
    * Improve Field ts definitions some more
    * Fix alignment of checkboxes in new room list's context menu
    * Fix Field ts def, fix LocalEchoWrapper and NotificationsEnabledController
    * Add presence indicators and globes to new room list
    * Include the sticky room when filtering in the new room list
    * Add a home button to the new room list menu when available
    * use group layout for search results
    * Fix spec compliance
    * User Info default power levels for ban/kick/redact to 50 as per spec
    * Match new room list's text search to old room list
    * Fix ordering of recent rooms in the new room list
    * Change theme selector to use new styled radio buttons
    * Use recovery keys over passphrases
    * Update from Weblate
    * Initial dark theme support for new room list
    * Support per-list options and algorithms on the new room list
    * Send read marker updates immediately after moving visually
    * Add a minimized view to the new room list
    * Fix e2e icon alignment in irc-layout
    * Add some resource leak protection to new room list badges
    * Fix read-receipt alignment
    * Show message previews on the new room list tiles
    * Fix various layout concerns with the new room list
    * Prioritize text on the clipboard over file
    * Move Settings flag to ts
    * Add a context menu to rooms in the new room list
    * Add hover states and basic context menu to new room list
    * Update resize handle for new designs in new room list
    * Improve general stability in the new room list
    * Reimplement breadcrumbs for new room list
    * Add styled radio buttons
    * Hide checkbox tick on dark backgrounds
    * Make checkboxes a11y friendly
    * EventIndex: Store and restore the encryption info for encrypted events.
    * Use IDestroyable instead of IDisposable
    * Add/improve badge counts in new room list
    * Convert FormattingUtils to TypeScript and add badge utility function
    * Add filtering and exploring to the new room list
    * Support prioritized room list filters
    * Clean up font scaling appearance
    * Add user menu to new room list
    * New room list basic styling and layout
    * Fix read receipt overlap
    * Load correct default font size
    * send state of lowBandwidth in rageshakes
    * Change internal font size from from 15 to 10
    * Upgrade deps
    * Ensure active Jitsi conference is closed on widget pop-out
    * Introduce sticky rooms to the new room list
    * Handle remaining cases for room updates in new room list
    * Allow searching the emoji picker using other emoji
    * New room list scrolling and resizing
    * Don't show FormatBar if composer is empty
    * Split the left panel into new and old for new room list designs
    * Fix compact layout regression
    * fix emoji in safari
    * Fix not being able to dismiss new login toasts
    * Fix exceptions from Tooltip
    * Stop removing variation selector from quick reactions
    * Tidy up continuation algorithm and make it work for hidden profile changes
    * Profile settings should never show a disambiguated display name
    * Prevent (double) 4S bootstrap from RestoreKeyBackupDialog
    * Stop checkbox styling bleeding through room address selector
    * Center HeaderButtons
    * Add .well-known option to control default e2ee behaviour
    * Add max-width to right and left panels
    * Fix login loop where the sso flow returns to `#/login`
    * Don't clear MAU toasts when a successful sync comes in
    * Add initial filtering support to new room list
    * Bubble up a decline-to-render of verification events to outside wrapper
    * upgrade to twemoji 13.0.0
    * Apply FocusLock to ImageView to capture Escape handling
    * Fix the 'complete security' screen
    * add null-guard for Autocomplete containerRef
    * Remove legacy codepaths for Unknown Device Error (UDE/UDD) handling
    * Remove feature_cross_signing
    * Autocomplete: use scrollIntoView for auto-scroll to fix it
  • v2.7.2
    0f6a0bb3 · v2.7.2 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to JS SDK 6.2.2
  • v2.7.1
    c8366b7a · v2.7.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to JS SDK 6.2.1
    * Fix exceptions from Tooltip
    * Fix not being able to dismiss new login toasts
    * Fix compact layout regression
  • v2.7.0
    65e59fd7 · v2.7.0 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Prevent (double) 4S bootstrap from RestoreKeyBackupDialog
    * Fix checkbox bleed
    * Fix login loop where the sso flow returns to `#/login` to release
  • v2.7.0-rc.2
    ec35445b · v2.7.0-rc.2 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Rewire the Sticker button to be an Emoji Picker
  • v2.7.0-rc.1
    039c42dc · v2.7.0-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to JS SDK 6.2.0-rc.1
    * Update from Weblate
    * Make auth argument in the register request compliant with r0.6.0
    * Revert "Prevent PersistedElements overflowing scrolled areas"
    * Remove unused TagPanelButtons
    * Pass roomId to IRCTimelineProfileResizer
    * Remove logging to console for irc name resize
    * Use arrow functions instead of binding `this`
    * Increase specificity of compact layout selectors
    * Create and use stylised checkboxes
    * useIRCLayout moved to props
    * Fix paste image to upload
    * Fix FilePanel and NotificationsPanel regression
    * Allow deferring of Update Toast until the next morning
    * Give contextual feedback for manual update check instead of banner
    * Dialog wrap title instead of taking same space as the close/cancel button
    * Update Modular hosting link
    * Fix field placeholder regression
    * Fix/document a number of UIA oddities
    * Stop copy icon repeating weirdly
    * Try and fix the Notifier race
    * set the client's pickle key if the platform can store one
    * Migrate Banners to Toasts
    * Move Appearance tab to ts
    * Fix room alias lookup vs peeking race condition
    * Fix encryption icon miss-alignment
    * Fix sublist sizing regression
    * Fix lines overflowing room list width
    * Remove the keyshare dialog
    * Update badge counts in new room list as needed
    * EventIndex: Handle invalid events correctly.
    * EventIndex: Print out the checkpoint if there was an error during a crawl
    * Move Field to Typescript
    * Use connection error to detect network problem
    * Revert default font size to 15px
    * Add logging when room join fails
    * Remove EncryptedEventDialog
    * Migrate Toasts to Typescript and to granular priority system
    * Update Crypto Store Too New copy
    * MemberAvatar should not have its own letter fallback, it should use
    * Fix media upload issues with abort and status bar
    * fix viewGroup to actually show the group if possible
    * Update confirm passphrase copy
    * Improve accessibility of the emoji picker
    * Fix Emoji Picker footer being too small if text overflows
    * Improve style of toasts to match Figma
    * Iterate toast count indicator more logically
    * Fix reacting to redactions
    * Fix sentMessageAndIsAlone by dispatching `message_sent` more consistently
    * Update from Weblate
    * Replace `alias` with `address` in copy for consistency
    * Convert MatrixClientPeg to TypeScript
    * Fix BaseAvatar wrongly retrying urls
    * Fix event highlights not being updated to reflect edits
    * Calculate badges in the new room list more reliably
    * Transition BaseAvatar to hooks
    * Convert BasePlatform and BaseEventIndexManager to Typescript
    * Fix: Tag_DM is not defined
    * Fix visibility of message timestamps
    * Rewrite the room list store
    * Update code style to mention switch statements
    * Fix key backup restore with SSSS
    * Handle null tokens in the crawler loop.
    * Font scaling settings and slider
    * Prevent PersistedElements overflowing scrolled areas
    * IRC ui layout
    * Remove SSSS key upgrade check from rageshake
    * Label the create room button better than "Add room"
    * Convert the dispatcher to TypeScript
    * Consolidate password/passphrase fields into a component & add dynamic colour
    to progress
    * UserView, show Welcome page in the mid panel instead of empty space
    * Update from Weblate
    * Make email auth component fail better if server claims email isn't validated
    * Add new keyboard shortcuts for jump to unread and upload file
    * accept and linkify local domains like those from mDNS
    * Revert "ImageView make clicking off it easier"
    * wrap node-qrcode in a React FC and use it for ShareDialog
    * Pass screenAfterLogin through SSO in the callback url
    * Remove debugging that causes email addresses to load forever
  • v2.6.1
    5a4da13e · v2.6.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Fix key backup restore with SSSS
    * Remove SSSS key upgrade check from rageshake
  • v2.6.0
    26e6447b · v2.6.0 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to JS SDK 6.1.0
    * Revert "ImageView make clicking off it easier"
    * Remove debugging that causes email addresses to load forever (to release)
  • v2.6.0-rc.1
    81174b5f · v2.6.0-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to JS SDK 6.1.0-rc.1
    * Update from Weblate
    * Fix message edits dialog being wrong and sometimes crashing
    * Acquire a new session before enacting deactivation
    * Remove UI for upgrading 4S to symmetric encryption
    * Add copy to SSO prompts during cross-signing setup
    * Re-fix OpenID requests from widgets
    * Fix persistent widgets on desktop / http
    * Updated link and added:Yarn two is not yet used.
    * Fix topic dialog not supporting escape as it didn't have a "Close"
    * Default to public room when creating room from room directory
    * Replace png flags and add Kosovo to country code dropdown
    * Rename `trash (custom).svg` as electron doesn't like paths with spaces
    * Fix sign in / up links on previewed rooms
    * Avoid soft crash if unknown device in verification
    * Add slash commands /query and /msg to match IRC
    * Send cross-signing debug booleans over rageshake
    * Prompt user to specify an alternate server if theirs has registration off
    * Don't try and redact redactions for "Remove recent messages"
    * View Source should target the replacing event rather than the root one
    * Fix passphrase reset in key backup restore dialog
    * Ensure key backup gets dealt with correctly during secret storage reset
    * Fix crash for broken invites
    * Fix rageshake with no matrix client
    * Update from Weblate
    * Bring back UnknownBody for UISIs
    * clear tag panel selection if the community selected is left
    * Close ImageView when redacting
    * Redesign redactions
    * Don't try to reload profile information when closing the user panel
    * Fix right panel hiding when viewing room member
    * Don't erase password confirm on registration error
    * Add a loading state for email addresses/phone numbers in settings
    * set the meta tag for theme-color to the same theme css background
    * Update Invite Dialog copy to include email addresses
    * Fix slider toggle regression.
    * Fix a crash where a name could unexpectedly be an empty list
    * Solves communities can be dragged from context menu
    * Remove prefixes for composer avatar urls
    * Fix reply RR spacing getting doubled
    * Differentiate copy for own untrusted device dialog
    * EventIndex: Reduce the logging the event index is producing.
    * Increase rageshake size limit to 5mb
    * Update from Weblate
    * Guard against race when waiting for cross-signing to be ready
    * Wait for user to be verified in e2e setup
    * Convert MatrixChat to a TypeScript class
    * Mark room as read when escape is pressed
    * Only show key backup reminder when confirmed by server to be missing
    * Add device name to unverified session toast
    * Show progress when loading keys
    * Fix device verification toasts not disappearing
    * Update toast copy again
    * Re-apply theme after login
    * Reduce maximum width of toasts & allow multiple lines
    * Treat sessions that are there when we log in as old
    * Allow resetting storage from the access dialog
    * Update (bulk) unverified device toast copy
    * Make new device toasts appear above review toasts
    * Separate toasts for existing & new device verification
    * Slightly darker toggle off bg color
    * Fix pill vertical align
    * Fix set up encryption toast to use "set up" as action
    * Don't enable e2ee when inviting a 3pid
    * Fix internal link styling in Security Settings
    * Small custom theming fixes
    * Fix scaling issues
    * Aggregate device verify toasts
    * Support setting username and avatar colors in custom themes
    * only clear on continuations where the clear isn't done by SenderProfile
    * cap width of editable item list item to leave space for its X button
    * Add a link from settings / devices to your user profile
    * Update from Weblate
    * Make icon change in SetupEncryptionDialog
    * Remove invite only padlocks feature flag
    * Fix incorrect toast if security setup skipped
    * Revert "Update emojibase for fixed emoji codepoints and Emoji 13 support"
    * Fix widget URL templating (again)
    * Fix recovery link on login verification flow
    * Make avatars in pills occupy the entire space using cropping
    * Use WidgetType more often to avoid breaking new sticker pickers
    * Update logging for unmanaged widgets, and add TODO comments for other areas
    * Fix OpenID requests from widgets
    * Take encrypted message search out of labs
    * Fix BigEmoji for replies
    * Update login security copy and design to match Figma
    * Fix i18n of SSO UIA copy in Deactivate Account Dialog
    * Assert type of domNode as HTMLElement to fix build
    * Unignored in settings
    * Skip auth flow test for signing upload when password present
    * If user cannot set email during registration don't tell them to
    * Fix post-ts autocomplete, it is not null
    * Convert autocomplete stuff to TypeScript
    * Add a back button to the devtools verifications panel
    * Fix: wait until cross-signing keys are fetched to show verify button
    * Handle load error in create secret storage dialog
    * Allow iframes and Jitsi URLs in /addwidget
    * Support m.jitsi-typed widgets as Jitsi widgets
    * Don't recheck DeviceListener until after initial sync is finished
    * Fix CSS class in ButtonPlaceholder
    * Password Login make sure tab takes user to password field
    * Network Dropdown fix things not scrolling properly
    * ImageView make clicking off it easier
    * Add slash command to send a rageshake
    * EventIndex: Filter out events that don't have a propper content value.
    * Revert "Fix Filepanel scroll position state lost when room is changed"
    * Update seshat copy to remove trailing full stop
    * Fix Filepanel scroll position state lost when room is changed
    * Fix end-to-end tests for end-to-end encryption verification
    * Don't explode if the e2e test directory exists when crashing
    * Bump https-proxy-agent from 2.2.1 to 2.2.4 in /test/end-to-end-tests
    * Minor updates to e2e test instructions on Windows
    * Fix typo
    * Catch errors sooner so users can recover more easily
    * Rageshake: remind user of unsupported browser and send modernizr report
    * Design tweaks for DM Room Tiles
    * Don't break spills over multiple lines, ellipsis them at max-1-line
    * Turn the end-to-end tests back on and fix the lazy-loading tests
    * Fix key backup debug panel
    * Convert cross-signing feature flag to setting
    * Make RoomPublishSetting import-skinnable
    * Iterate cross-signing copy
    * Fix: ensure twemoji font is loaded when showing SAS emojis
    * Revert "Fix: load Twemoji before login so complete security gets the right
    emojis during SAS"
    * Fix: load Twemoji before login so complete security gets the right emojis
    during SAS
    * consolidate and fix copy to clipboard
    * Fix Message Context Menu options not displaying: block
    * Fix pills being broken by unescaped characters