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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v1.3.0-rc.1
    a36c5203 · v1.3.0-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * MELS handle
    * Fix logic around MemberList invites section, specifically regarding 3pid
    * Update from Weblate
    * Track the user's own typing state external to the composer
    * Handle associated event send failures
    * Improve interactive tooltip hover behaviour
    * Fix login type selector border
    * Use the event sender instead of event ID for viaServers off a tombstone
    * Append keyshare request dialogs instead of replacing the current dialog
    * Add AccessibleTooltipButton and use it for RoomSubList buttons
    * MemberInfo wrap Device Name/ID
    * Correctly populate the dispatch for joining a room via servers
    * Clean up legacy breadcrumbs persistence fallback
    * Update from Weblate
    * Add ability to render null-rejoins in Timeline and MELS
    * Add /myavatar command
    * Update config.json docs location
    * If on trackpad, don't mess with horizontal scrolling.
    * Limit reactions row on initial display
    * Unpin highlight.js
    * Flexboxify generic error page
    * Fix weird scrollbar when devtools is in a narrow browser
    * Show a loading state for slow peeks
    * Don't show error dialog when user has no webcam
    * Make edit history work in encrypted rooms.
    * Change interactive tooltip to only flip when required
    * Edit history dialog
    * Fix the scrollbar in the community bar
    * Add focus border to edit composer
    * Supply oobData to RoomPreviewBar
    * Don't boost trackpad users in breadcrumbs
    * Fix room upgrade warning being chopped off and a spelling mistake
    * Add quick reaction buttons in tooltip
    * When joining from room directory, use auto_join
    * Improve API and interactivity of new tooltip
    * Use feature flag for displaying edits as well
    * Add interactive tooltip style
    * Remove redundant extra chevrons from ContextualMenu
    * Editor caret improvements
    * Disable left/right arrow navigating completions for now
    * Take list nesting into account for indenting
    * Add file size to UploadConfirmDialog
    * Consider cancelled verifications when mounting IncomingSasDialog
    * Make the verification cancelled dialog say OK instead of Cancel
    * Update from Weblate
    * Remove unused ContextualMenu features
    * Fix casing of TooltipButton
    * De-duplicate notif badge code
    * Fix favicon/title badge count
    * Switch ugly password boxes to Field or styled input
    * Restore warning for if you're already logged in
    * Provide default name if device label is missing
    * Support @room pills while editing
  • v1.2.2
    2d6317fd · v1.2.2 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    No changes since rc.2
  • v1.2.2-rc.2
    a835d916 · v1.2.2-rc.2 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Defer scalar API calls until they are needed
    * Blend pending redactions
    * Keep old arrow-up behaviour when editing is not enabled
    * Restore Composer History under shift-up & down
    * Allow changing server if validation has failed
    * Add Upload All button to UploadConfirmDialog
    * Re-enable register button
    * keep mx_Field stretching
    * Fix double-spinner
    * Fix display of canonicalAlias in group room info
    * Fix welcome user
    * Support editing emote messages
    * Use flex: 1 for mx_Field to replace all the calc(100% - 20px) and more
    * Use overflow on MemberInfo name/mxid so that the back button stays
    * Allow changing servers on nonfatal errors
    * Simplify email registration
    * Allow arrow keys navigation in autocomplete list
    * Edit unsent messages
    * Fix registration with email + non-default HS
    * Raise action bar above read marker
    * Console log more helpfully
  • v1.2.2-rc.1
    3f37fc0c · v1.2.2-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Align message context menu to right and vertically where space available
    * Allow registration to submit for non-fatal errors
    * Clear the login busy state after .well-known discovery
    * Update from Weblate
    * Fix registration after fail-fast
    * Use setBusy interface of js-sdk interactive auth
    * Don't handle identity server failure as fatal, and use the right message
    * Recheck message actions on decrypt
    * Fix exception on logout
    * Remember we were trying to accept an invite
    * Add funding details for GitHub sponsor button
    * Remove highlight from reactions
    * Clarify that only lowercase letters are allowed
    * Don't handle identity server liveliness errors as fatal
    * truncate long display names in timeline headings
    * Fail more softly on homeserver liveliness errors
    * Fix AddressPickerDialog adding wrong entry to selected list case
    * change profile keybind to backtick from i due to italics conflict
    * Look busy whilst requesting the email token
    * Fix email invites address-match checking
    * Add license info for Twemoji
    * Show read receipts on top of message
    * Be somewhat fuzzier when matching emojis to complete on space
    * Restrict reactions to a single emoji
    * Fix live updates to reaction row buttons
    * Don't refresh custom status on logout
    * Add a logged in class to EmbeddedPage and react to MatrixClient changes
    * Don't show "can't redact" dialog on network error, with redaction having
    local echo & queuing now.
    * Fix login page breaking on wrong password
    * Update from Weblate
    * Install latest JS SDK when linting
    * Ensure we always show read receipts even with hidden events
    * Advance read receipts into trailing events without tiles
    * Remove unused errorText prop
    * Remove SettingsStore reference in RoomSettingsDialog
    * Custom notification sounds for rooms
    * Fix comments in unread room tracking
    * Allow source tile handler for replacements
    * Fix linting in MessagePanel
    * Convert breadcrumbs from labs to real setting
    * Add local echo on badges in breadcrumbs
    * Counteract smooth scrolling on breadcrumbs
    * add sbix fallback twemoji font (and bump to emoji 12)
    * Add option to change the default country code
    * Accept JSX into the GenericErrorPage and expose local session vars
    * Don't try and low encryption info when signing out in low bandwidth mode
    * only capture enter if something was selected in completions
    * Fix: better HTML > MD conversion for editing, including lists and quotes
    * Native emoji require extra line-height
    * port over low_bandwidth mode to develop
    * Fix: maintain caret at current line when position is on newline part
    * Remove username on HS input label
    * Exclude chrome in ua from safari version check for colr support
    * fix COLR font check being racy
    * Override font for usercontent download link
    * Revert "Make the timeline less noisy for screen readers (mk II) #3019"
    * Hide autocomplete on Enter key press instead of sending message
    * Message editing: arrow key (up/down) navigation between editable events
    * Message editing: fix reply text appearing in edit
    * Do not try to request thumbnails with non-integer widths
    * Message editing: preserve strikethrough as well
    * Add some logging for COLR checks
    * Fixup for tab completion: take part length into account as well
    * Message editing: tab completion
    * Message editing: dont jump to next part when inserting at *start* of
    uneditable part
    * Message editing: preserve and re-apply formatting
    * Fix relationship between guests, .well-known, and auth
    * Restore use of full mxid login
    * Only expose the fallback_hs_url if the homeserver is the default homeserver
    * Refactor "Next" button into ServerConfig components
    * Render underlines and tooltips on custom server names in auth pages
    * Use validated server config for login, registration, and password reset
  • v1.2.1
    21c8a64c · v1.2.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to JS SDK 2.0.0 which fixes an error during key backup
    * Native emoji require extra line-height for release
  • v1.2.0
    6d383bea · v1.2.0 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * COLR font check fixes for release
    * Revert "Make the timeline less noisy for screen readers (mk II) #3019" for
    * Override font for usercontent download link for release
  • v1.2.0-rc.1
    6cab9dd1 · v1.2.0-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Update from Weblate
    * Use the correct line-height for bold emoji
    * Make the timeline less noisy for screen readers (mk II)
    * Label message edit field as such for screen readers
    * Move checkmark to the front of key backup message
    * Revert "Make the timeline less noisy for screen readers"
    * Translate scroll movement if the deltaX is the same as the threshold
    * Make the timeline less noisy for screen readers
    * Windows emoji tweaks
    * Message editing: update link previews after editing
    * js-sdk interactive auth now sends email token
    * remove SBIX font and fallback to native emoji
    * Update from Weblate
    * load twemoji dynamically as colr or sbix; fix monospace
    * Guard against null rooms in `onEventDecrypted`
    * Only show reactions in main message timeline
    * Add voice labels for quick add room buttons
    * Update TopLeftMenu for accessibility: Keyboard shortcut, reduced screen
    reader noise
    * Remove reacted with text when shortcode missing
    * Fixup: also change editor margin when last event and buttons are not
    * Message editing: render avatars for pills in the editor
    * Replace emojione with twemoji + emojibase
    * Hide WhoIsTyping component if the MessagePanel is shaped e.g file grid
    * Close copy tooltip in edge cases correctly
    * Limit reaction sender tooltip to 6 people
    * Message editing: apply design
    * Add debug feature to show hidden events in timeline
    * Mute screen readers over reactions
    * Fix not being able to edit already edited messages
    * Add a basic tooltip showing who reacted
    * Message editing: show (edited) marker on edited messages, with tooltip
    * Update from Weblate
    * Message editing: only allow editing of text messages
    * Message editing: shift+enter for newline, enter to send
    * Apply Flex voodoo for devtools send event dialog
    * Fix some source strings noticed as incorrect by translators
    * Message editing: fix some bugs in cursor behaviour
    * Message editing: local echo & back-pagination
    * Listen for removed relations
    * Update from Weblate
    * Use `getRelation` helper
    * Add tooltips to rotate and close buttons in ImageView (#9686)
    * Message editing: smaller fixes
    * Message editing: adjust to js-sdk changes of marking original event as
    * Fix Single Sign-on
    * Initial support for editing messages
    * Check permission to invite before showing invite buttons/disable them
    * Support a backup room ID in PermalinkCreator
    * Always thumbnail for GIFs
    * Fix registration with email
    * Add configuration flag to disable minimum password requirements
    * Send and undo reaction events
    * Fix bug where email was not required where it shouldn't have been
    * add /rainbow and /rainbowme Slash Commands
    * Fix invite via MemberInfo
    * Close Room Settings upon Leave Room
    * Command to change avatar for a single room, including upload of mxc res
    * Add View Servers in Room to Devtools
    * Update 'Rooms' import RoomView.js file
    * Extract `ReactionDimension` out of `MessageActionBar`
    * Always default to the registration form
    * Check for `room` in all `Room.timeline*` handlers
    * Remove the karma junit reporter
    * yarn upgrade
    * Support changing options for .m.rule.tombstone push rule
    * Remove timeline explosion rageshake prompt
    * Add existing reactions below message
    * Fix lint errors in TimelinePanel
    * Add primary reactions to action bar
  • v1.1.2
    4e3c39cd · v1.1.2 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Always thumbnail for GIFs
    * Fix Single Sign-on
  • v1.1.1
    851d2076 · v1.1.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Fix registration with email
    * Fix bug where email was not required where it shouldn't have been
  • v1.1.0
    3b03e23a · v1.1.0 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Relax password requirements to score of 3 out of 4
    * Restore access to message quote option on first click
    * Check for `room` in all `Room.timeline*` handlers
  • v1.1.0-rc.1
    57322f82 · v1.1.0-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Add important info to new preview bar
    * Add a message action bar
    * Trigger riot-web build
    * Input validation tooltips for registration
    * Also say "Connect ..." on remaining key backup buttons
    * Mark a few CSS classes as not selectable
    * Cleanup message composer render() method
    * Redesigned room preview bar
    * Prevent user pills containing only emoji from embiggening
    * Make alt-enter insert new line on macOS
    * Test `defaultServerName` before showing it on forgot password
    * Add a function to append/overwrite objects in the config on the fly
    * use SdkConfig brand name instead of static "Riot"
    * Use dedicated permalink creators in search results with multiple rooms
    * Clarify that use backup means restore
    * Fix key backup status when missing device
    * Ensure `<b>` tags appear bold for all browsers
    * Add a link in room settings to get at the tombstoned room if it exists
    * Add a generic error page element for startup errors
    * Add strings for js-sdk autodiscovery errors
    * Focus the composer view on file upload
    * use medium agent for e2e tests
    * adjust prop in HeaderButton
    * Remove breadcrumb scroll tolerances and use sensible defaults
    * Fix having to click the member list button twice to show it after having
    changed room.
    * Add period to the end of upgrade notice
    * Remove duplicate space in credits
    * Handle M_UNSUPPORTED_ROOM_VERSION in invites and room creation
    * Re-enable E2E tests
    * Remove BottomLeftMenu and supporting bits
    * Fix for retina thumbnails being massive
    * Send breadcrumb updates only when they change
    * Add some tolerances to breadcrumb scrolling
    * Fix validation to avoid `undefined` class on fields
    * Always return a client from onRegistered
    * Fix room upgrade warnings popping up in upgraded rooms
    * Fix style lint errors & enable on CI
    * Add stylelint
    * Key backup: Handle case where your onw sig is invalid
    * Simplify settings dialog CSS
    * Fix upload cancel in e2e rooms
    * Set E2E room status to warning when crypto is disabled
    * Move SettingsDialog width override to fixedWidth
    * Prevent the permalink creator from causing cascading failure
    * Don't include all networks by default in the room directory
    * Fix fixed width dialogs
    * Fix settings dialog layout
    * Update from Weblate
    * Design tweaks to dialogs
    * Remove 'try the app' link from login
    * Track store failures after startup
    * Translate vertical scrolling to horizontal movement in breadcrumbs
    * Add telemetry for breadcrumbs and have the setting apply without refresh
    * Fix a few bugs introduced in file upload rework
    * Sync breadcrumb rooms through account data
    * Scroll breadcrumbs to the left when they change
    * Add an indicator to show a room is a direct chat in breadcrumbs
    * Use the most recent version of the room in breadcrumbs
    * Autohide the scrollbar on breadcrumbs
    * Ensure the page URL is redacted before tracking analytics events
    * fix NPE for rooms with redacted tombstones
    * Don't re-init the stickerpicker unless something actually changes
    * Add option to rotate images
    * Add badges to breadcrumb rooms
    * Include the current power level in the selector
    * Apply 50% opacity to left breadcrumbs
    * Small scroll fixes
    * Put the stickerpicker below dialogs
    * Logging tweaks
    * Implement redesigned upload confirmation screens
    * Use Field component in bug report dialog
    * Notify user when crypto data is missing
    * Update from Weblate
    * Download PDFs as blobs to avoid empty grey screens
    * Set title attribute on images in lightbox
    * Add MemberInfo for 3pid invites and support revoking those invites
    * round scrollTop upwards to prevent never detecting bottom
    * Notifier is how singleton is known outside of this module
    * Delay `Notifier` check until we have push rules
    * BACAT Scrolling
    * Handle storage fallback cases in consistency check
    * Handle all the segments of a v3 event ID
    * Add custom tooltips and scrolling to breadcrumbs
    * Check if the message panel is at the end of the timeline on init
    * Persist breadcrumb state between sessions
    * Always append the current room to the breadcrumbs
    * Alert the user to unread notifications in prior versions of rooms
    * Filter out upgraded rooms from autocomplete results
  • v1.0.7
    21de0235 · v1.0.7 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Hotfix: bump js-sdk to 1.0.4, see
  • v1.0.6
    33f2401e · v1.0.6 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Handle storage fallback cases in consistency check
    * Set title attribute on images in lightbox
    * Download PDFs as blobs to avoid empty grey screens
    * Add MemberInfo for 3pid invites and support revoking those invites
  • v1.0.6-rc.1
    45e4948d · v1.0.6-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Catch errors when checking IndexedDB
    * Remove noreferrer on widget pop-out
    * Rework room directory so that new room is always available
    * Send telemetry about storage consistency
    * Widget OpenID reauth implementation
    * Log results of basic storage consistency check
    * Clarify devices affected by notification settings
    * Add a command for creating custom widgets without an integration manager
    * Minimize stickerpicker when the title is clicked
    * Add <code> blocks around homeserver and identity server urls
    * Fixed drop shadow for tooltip.
    * Ask the user for debug logs when the timeline explodes
    * Fix typo preventing users from adding more widgets easily
    * Attach an onChange listener to the room's blacklist devices option
    * Use leaveRoomChain when leaving a room
    * Fix bug with NetworkList dropdown
    * Trim the logging for URL previews
    * Explicitly create `cryptoStore` in React SDK
    * Change to new consistent name for `MemoryStore`
    * Use medium agents for the more resource intensive builds
    * Add log grouping to buildkite
    * Switch to `git` protocol for CI dependencies
    * Go back to using mainine velocity
    * Warn that members won't be autojoined to upgraded rooms
    * Support CI for matching branches on forks
    * Discard old sticker picker when the URL changes
    * Reload widget messaging when widgets reload
    * Don't show calculated room name in room settings name input field
    * Disable big emoji for m.emote messages as it looks weird
    * Remove Edge from browser support statements
    * Update from Weblate
    * Really fix tag panel
    * Update CompatibilityPage to match officially supported browsers
    * Use Buildkite for CI
    * Fix CSS syntax errors preventing offline member opacity from working
    * Make the EntityTile chevron a masked SVG for theming
    * Remove refs from `RegistrationForm`
    * Fix initial letter avatar vertical offset in Firefox
    * Fix the custom tag panel
    * Ensure freshly invited members don't count towards the alone warning
    * Fix 'forgot password' warning to represent the reality of e2ee
    * Restore `Field` value getter for `RegistrationForm`
    * Initial portions of support for Field validation
  • v1.0.5
    a4833527 · v1.0.5 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Hotfix: disable typing notifs jumping prevention for now
  • v1.0.4
    fc7db555 · v1.0.4 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * No changes since rc.1
  • v1.0.4-rc.1
    77b0dc61 · v1.0.4-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Update from Weblate
    * Remove padlock click handler to show unknown devices
    * Use modern Yarn version on Travis CI
    * Add versioning to integration manager API /register and /account calls
    * Ensure scalar_token is valid before opening integrations manager
    * Switch to `yarn` for dependency management
    * Use a distinct color for selected autocomplete items
    * Provide an escape from the registration process
    * Fix instantly sending RRs
    * Fix simple header counters to correctly handle zero, take two
    * Fix sticky hover state by listening for hover on the document
    * Fix header counters to correctly handle zero
    * Pass correct args when creating event permalink in context menu
    * Update from Weblate
    * Scroll investigation changes
    * Ability to bulk accept all invites (and fix rejecting all invites)
    * Don't trample over existing sessions when verifying email addresses
    * Misc fixes to StatusMessageContextMenu
    * Fix erroneously sending RRs, pt1.
    * Tweak country dropdown for redesign
    * Prevent space characters from stopping big emoji messages
    * Tweak auth components when dark theme is default
    * Move country dropdown inside field in Settings
    * npm audit fix --force
    * Use Field component in auth flows
    * Add /shrug command
    * Support linking to hosting providers
    * Get confirmation before enabling encryption
    * clear min-height for typing notifs when the timeline viewport changes size
    * Prevent flair pushing timeline downwards
    * Include tag name when warning about rooms running off lists
    * Reorganise props handling in Field
    * Limit Field label to size of input
    * Don't loop forever if you demote yourself via Enter on a PowerSelector
    * Check if users are already in the room before inviting them
    * Don't duplicate direct chats from other tags
    * Fix media device selectors not updating
    * Fix Room Directory custom homeserver entry not showing properly
    * Add missing permalinkCreator prop
    * Patch users not existing when opening settings
    * Use a mask for the continuation icon
    * Always insert rooms into lists when they get lost
    * Convert objects and such to usable strings in rageshake
    * Support stacking dialogs to prevent unmounting
    * Convert PowerSelector to use mxField instead
    * Don't re-enable the save button after saving profiles
    * Support multiple email pushers and remove the legacy UserSettingsStore
    * Bring back #528 fix as it still seems broken on OSX
    * Fix margin on e2e icon in member panel
    * Improved scrolling & pagination
    * Nudge karma to 3.1.2
    * Stop listening to account data when the stickerpicker is unmounted
  • v1.0.3
    d46b9dab · v1.0.3 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Don't duplicate direct chats from other tags
    * Include tag name when warning about rooms running off lists
    * Always insert rooms into lists when they get lost
    * Fix the ctrl+k shortcut
  • v1.0.2
    ce1a9852 · v1.0.2 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Only show hosting link if group admin
    * Only show hosting link if domain ==
  • v1.0.2-rc.4
    a9402beb · v1.0.2-rc.4 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Patch users not existing when opening settings
    * Fix media device selectors not updating
    * Support linking to hosting providers