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Synapse 1.17.0 (2020-07-13)

Synapse 1.17.0 is identical to 1.17.0rc1, with the addition of the fix that was included in 1.16.1.

Synapse 1.17.0rc1 (2020-07-09)


- Fix inconsistent handling of upper and lower case in email addresses when used as identifiers for login, etc. Contributed by @dklimpel. ([\#7021](
- Fix "Tried to close a non-active scope!" error messages when opentracing is enabled. ([\#7732](
- Fix incorrect error message when database CTYPE was set incorrectly. ([\#7760](
- Fix to not ignore `set_tweak` actions in Push Rules that have no `value`, as permitted by the specification. ([\#7766](
- Fix synctl to handle empty config files correctly. Contributed by @kotovalexarian. ([\#7779](
- Fixes a long standing bug in worker mode where worker information was saved in the devices table instead of the original IP address and user agent. ([\#7797](
- Fix 'stuck invites' which happen when we are unable to reject a room invite received over federation. ([\#7804](, [\#7809](, [\#7810](

Updates to the Docker image

- Include libwebp in the Docker file to properly handle webp image uploads. ([\#7791](

Improved Documentation

- Improve the documentation of the non-standard JSON web token login type. ([\#7776](
- Update doc links for caddy. Contributed by Nicolai Søborg. ([\#7789](

Internal Changes

- Refactor getting replication updates from database. ([\#7740](
- Send push notifications with a high or low priority depending upon whether they may generate user-observable effects. ([\#7765](
- Use symbolic names for replication stream names. ([\#7768](
- Add early returns to `_check_for_soft_fail`. ([\#7769](
- Fix up `synapse.handlers.federation` to pass mypy. ([\#7770](
- Convert the appserver handler to async/await. ([\#7775](
- Allow to use higher versions of prometheus_client <0.9.0 which are expected to introduce no breaking changes. Contributed by Oliver Kurz. ([\#7780](
- Update linting scripts and codebase to be compatible with `isort` v5. ([\#7786](
- Stop populating unused table `local_invites`. ([\#7793](
- Ensure that strings (not bytes) are passed into JSON serialization. ([\#7799](
- Switch from simplejson to the standard library json. ([\#7800](
- Add `signing_key` property to `HomeServer` to save code duplication. ([\#7805](
- Improve stacktraces from exceptions in background processes. ([\#7808](
- Fix various spelling errors in comments and log lines. ([\#7811](