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Synapse 1.18.0 (2020-07-30)

Deprecation Warnings

From 10th August 2020, we will no longer publish Docker images with the `-py3` tag suffix. The images tagged with the `-py3` suffix have been identical to the non-suffixed tags since release 0.99.0, and the suffix is obsolete.

On 10th August, we will remove the `latest-py3` tag. Existing per-release tags (such as `v1.18.0-py3`) will not be removed, but no new `-py3` tags will be added.

Scripts relying on the `-py3` suffix will need to be updated.

When setting up worker processes, we now recommend the use of a Redis server for replication. The old direct TCP connection method is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. See [docs/]( for more details.

Improved Documentation

- Update worker docs with latest enhancements. ([\#7969](

Synapse 1.18.0rc2 (2020-07-28)


- Fix an `AssertionError` exception introduced in v1.18.0rc1. ([\#7876](
- Fix experimental support for moving typing off master when worker is restarted, which is broken in v1.18.0rc1. ([\#7967](

Internal Changes

- Further optimise queueing of inbound replication commands. ([\#7876](

Synapse 1.18.0rc1 (2020-07-27)


- Include room states on invite events that are sent to application services. Contributed by @Sorunome. ([\#6455](
- Add delete room admin endpoint (`POST /_synapse/admin/v1/rooms/<room_id>/delete`). Contributed by @dklimpel. ([\#7613](, [\#7953](
- Add experimental support for running multiple federation sender processes. ([\#7798](
- Add the option to validate the `iss` and `aud` claims for JWT logins. ([\#7827](
- Add support for handling registration requests across multiple client reader workers. ([\#7830](
- Add an admin API to list the users in a room. Contributed by Awesome Technologies Innovationslabor GmbH. ([\#7842](
- Allow email subjects to be customised through Synapse's configuration. ([\#7846](
- Add the ability to re-activate an account from the admin API. ([\#7847](, [\#7908](
- Add experimental support for running multiple pusher workers. ([\#7855](
- Add experimental support for moving typing off master. ([\#7869](, [\#7959](
- Report CPU metrics to prometheus for time spent processing replication commands. ([\#7879](
- Support oEmbed for media previews. ([\#7920](
- Abort federation requests where the client disconnects before the ratelimiter expires. ([\#7930](
- Cache responses to `/_matrix/federation/v1/state_ids` to reduce duplicated work. ([\#7931](


- Fix detection of out of sync remote device lists when receiving events from remote users. ([\#7815](
- Fix bug where Synapse fails to process an incoming event over federation if the server is missing too much of the event's auth chain. ([\#7817](
- Fix a bug causing Synapse to misinterpret the value `off` for `encryption_enabled_by_default_for_room_type` in its configuration file(s) if that value isn't surrounded by quotes. This bug was introduced in v1.16.0. ([\#7822](
- Fix bug where we did not always pass in `app_name` or `server_name` to email templates, including e.g. for registration emails. ([\#7829](
- Errors which occur while using the non-standard JWT login now return the proper error: `403 Forbidden` with an error code of `M_FORBIDDEN`. ([\#7844](
- Fix "AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'get'" error message when applying per-room message retention policies. The bug was introduced in Synapse 1.7.0. ([\#7850](
- Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.10.0 which could cause a "no create event in auth events" error during room creation. ([\#7854](
- Fix a bug which allowed empty rooms to be rejoined over federation. ([\#7859](
- Fix 'Unable to find a suitable guest user ID' error when using multiple client_reader workers. ([\#7866](
- Fix a long standing bug where the tracing of async functions with opentracing was broken. ([\#7872](, [\#7961](
- Fix "TypeError in `synapse.notifier`" exceptions. ([\#7880](
- Fix deprecation warning due to invalid escape sequences. ([\#7895](

Updates to the Docker image

- Base docker image on Debian Buster rather than Alpine Linux. Contributed by @maquis196. ([\#7839](

Improved Documentation

- Provide instructions on using `register_new_matrix_user` via docker. ([\#7885](
- Change the sample config postgres user section to use `synapse_user` instead of `synapse` to align with the documentation. ([\#7889](
- Reorder database paragraphs to promote postgres over sqlite. ([\#7933](
- Update the dates of ACME v1's end of life in [``]( ([\#7934](

Deprecations and Removals

- Remove unused `synapse_replication_tcp_resource_invalidate_cache` prometheus metric. ([\#7878](
- Remove Ubuntu Eoan from the list of `.deb` packages that we build as it is now end-of-life. Contributed by @gary-kim. ([\#7888](

Internal Changes

- Switch parts of the codebase from `simplejson` to the standard library `json`. ([\#7802](
- Add type hints to the http server code and remove an unused parameter. ([\#7813](
- Add type hints to synapse.api.errors module. ([\#7820](
- Ensure that calls to `json.dumps` are compatible with the standard library json. ([\#7836](
- Remove redundant `retry_on_integrity_error` wrapper for event persistence code. ([\#7848](
- Consistently use `db_to_json` to convert from database values to JSON objects. ([\#7849](
- Convert various parts of the codebase to async/await. ([\#7851](, [\#7860](, [\#7868](, [\#7871](, [\#7873](, [\#7874](, [\#7884](, [\#7912](, [\#7935](, [\#7939](, [\#7942](, [\#7944](
- Add support for handling registration requests across multiple client reader workers. ([\#7853](
- Small performance improvement in typing processing. ([\#7856](
- The default value of `filter_timeline_limit` was changed from -1 (no limit) to 100. ([\#7858](
- Optimise queueing of inbound replication commands. ([\#7861](
- Add some type annotations to `HomeServer` and `BaseHandler`. ([\#7870](
- Clean up `PreserveLoggingContext`. ([\#7877](
- Change "unknown room version" logging from 'error' to 'warning'. ([\#7881](
- Stop using `device_max_stream_id` table and just use `device_inbox.stream_id`. ([\#7882](
- Return an empty body for OPTIONS requests. ([\#7886](
- Fix typo in generated config file. Contributed by @ThiefMaster. ([\#7890](
- Import ABC from `` for Python 3.10 compatibility. ([\#7892](
- Remove unused functions `time_function`, `trace_function`, `get_previous_frames`
  and `get_previous_frame` from `synapse.logging.utils` module. ([\#7897](
- Lint the `contrib/` directory in CI and linting scripts, add `synctl` to the linting script for consistency with CI. ([\#7914](
- Use Element CSS and logo in notification emails when app name is Element. ([\#7919](
- Optimisation to /sync handling: skip serializing the response if the client has already disconnected. ([\#7927](
- When a client disconnects, don't log it as 'Error processing request'. ([\#7928](
- Add debugging to `/sync` response generation (disabled by default). ([\#7929](
- Update comments that refer to Deferreds for async functions. ([\#7945](
- Simplify error handling in federation handler. ([\#7950](