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  • v1.73.0rc1
    99d18970 · Update changelog ·
    Synapse 1.73.0rc1 (2022-11-29)
    Please note that legacy Prometheus metric names have been removed in this release; see [the upgrade notes]( for more details.
    - Speed-up `/messages` with `filter_events_for_client` optimizations. ([\#14527](
    - Improve DB performance by reducing amount of data that gets read in `device_lists_changes_in_room`. ([\#14534](
    - Adds support for handling avatar in SSO login. Contributed by @ashfame. ([\#13917](
    - Move MSC3030 `/timestamp_to_event` endpoints to stable `v1` location (`/_matrix/client/v1/rooms/<roomID>/timestamp_to_event?ts=<timestamp>&dir=<direction>`, `/_matrix/federation/v1/timestamp_to_event/<roomID>?ts=<timestamp>&dir=<direction>`). ([\#14471](
    - Reduce database load of [Client-Server endpoints]( which return bundled aggregations. ([\#14491](, [\#14508](, [\#14510](
    - Add unstable support for an Extensible Events room version (`org.matrix.msc1767.10`) via [MSC1767](, [MSC3931](, [MSC3932](, and [MSC3933]( ([\#14520](, [\#14521](, [\#14524](
    - Prune user's old devices on login if they have too many. ([\#14038](, [\#14580](
    - Fix a long-standing bug where paginating from the start of a room did not work. Contributed by @gnunicorn. ([\#14149](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.58.0 where a user with presence state `org.matrix.msc3026.busy` would mistakenly be set to `online` when calling `/sync` or `/events` on a worker process. ([\#14393](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.70.0 where a receipt's thread ID was not sent over federation. ([\#14466](
    - Fix a long-standing bug where the [List media admin API]( would fail when processing an image with broken thumbnail information. ([\#14537](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.67.0 where two logging context warnings would be logged on startup. ([\#14574](
    - In application service transactions that include the experimental `org.matrix.msc3202.device_one_time_key_counts` key, include a duplicate key of `org.matrix.msc3202.device_one_time_keys_count` to match the name proposed by [MSC3202]( ([\#14565](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 0.9 where Synapse would fail to fetch server keys whose IDs contain a forward slash. ([\#14490](
    Improved Documentation
    - Fixed link to 'Synapse administration endpoints'. ([\#14499](
    Deprecations and Removals
    - Remove legacy Prometheus metrics names. They were deprecated in Synapse v1.69.0 and disabled by default in Synapse v1.71.0. ([\#14538](
    Internal Changes
    - Improve type hinting throughout Synapse. ([\#14055](, [\#14412](, [\#14529](, [\#14452](
    - Remove old stream ID tracking code. Contributed by Nick @Beeper (@fizzadar). ([\#14376](, [\#14468](
    - Remove the `worker_main_http_uri` configuration setting. This is now handled via internal replication. ([\#14400](, [\#14476](
    - Refactor `federation_sender` and `pusher` configuration loading. ([\#14496](
    ([\#14509](, [\#14573](
    - Faster joins: do not wait for full state when creating events to send. ([\#14403](
    - Faster joins: filter out non local events when a room doesn't have its full state. ([\#14404](
    - Faster joins: send events to initial list of servers if we don't have the full state yet. ([\#14408](
    - Faster joins: use servers list approximation received during `send_join` (potentially updated with received membership events) in `assert_host_in_room`. ([\#14515](
    - Fix type logic in TCP replication code that prevented correctly ignoring blank commands. ([\#14449](
    - Remove option to skip locking of tables when performing emulated upserts, to avoid a class of bugs in future. ([\#14469](
    - `scripts-dev/federation_client`: Fix routing on servers with `.well-known` files. ([\#14479](
    - Reduce default third party invite rate limit to 216 invites per day. ([\#14487](
    - Refactor conversion of device list changes in room to outbound pokes to track unconverted rows using a `(stream ID, room ID)` position instead of updating the `converted_to_destinations` flag on every row. ([\#14516](
    - Add more prompts to the bug report form. ([\#14522](
    - Extend editorconfig rules on indent and line length to `.pyi` files. ([\#14526](
    - Run Rust CI when `Cargo.lock` changes. This is particularly useful for dependabot updates. ([\#14571](
    - Fix a possible variable shadow in `create_new_client_event`. ([\#14575](
    - Bump various dependencies in the `poetry.lock` file and in CI scripts. ([\#14557](, [\#14559](, [\#14560](, [\#14500](, [\#14501](, [\#14502](, [\#14503](, [\#14504](, [\#14505](
  • v1.73.0rc2
    6a41e502 · 1.73.0rc2 ·
    Synapse 1.73.0rc2 (2022-12-01)
    Please note that legacy Prometheus metric names have been removed in this release; see [the upgrade notes]( for more details.
    - Fix a regression in Synapse 1.73.0rc1 where Synapse's main process would stop responding to HTTP requests when a user with a large number of devices logs in. ([\#14582](
  • v1.73.0
    5d7c35b4 · Tweak changelog ·
    Synapse 1.73.0 (2022-12-06)
    Please note that legacy Prometheus metric names have been removed in this release; see [the upgrade notes]( for more details.
    No significant changes since 1.73.0rc2.
    Synapse 1.73.0rc2 (2022-12-01)
    - Fix a regression in Synapse 1.73.0rc1 where Synapse's main process would stop responding to HTTP requests when a user with a large number of devices logs in. ([\#14582](
    Synapse 1.73.0rc1 (2022-11-29)
    - Speed-up `/messages` with `filter_events_for_client` optimizations. ([\#14527](
    - Improve DB performance by reducing amount of data that gets read in `device_lists_changes_in_room`. ([\#14534](
    - Adds support for handling avatar in SSO OIDC login. Contributed by @ashfame. ([\#13917](
    - Move MSC3030 `/timestamp_to_event` endpoints to stable `v1` location (`/_matrix/client/v1/rooms/<roomID>/timestamp_to_event?ts=<timestamp>&dir=<direction>`, `/_matrix/federation/v1/timestamp_to_event/<roomID>?ts=<timestamp>&dir=<direction>`). ([\#14471](
    - Reduce database load of [Client-Server endpoints]( which return bundled aggregations. ([\#14491](, [\#14508](, [\#14510](
    - Add unstable support for an Extensible Events room version (`org.matrix.msc1767.10`) via [MSC1767](, [MSC3931](, [MSC3932](, and [MSC3933]( ([\#14520](, [\#14521](, [\#14524](
    - Prune user's old devices on login if they have too many. ([\#14038](, [\#14580](
    - Fix a long-standing bug where paginating from the start of a room did not work. Contributed by @gnunicorn. ([\#14149](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.58.0 where a user with presence state `org.matrix.msc3026.busy` would mistakenly be set to `online` when calling `/sync` or `/events` on a worker process. ([\#14393](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.70.0 where a receipt's thread ID was not sent over federation. ([\#14466](
    - Fix a long-standing bug where the [List media admin API]( would fail when processing an image with broken thumbnail information. ([\#14537](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.67.0 where two logging context warnings would be logged on startup. ([\#14574](
    - In application service transactions that include the experimental `org.matrix.msc3202.device_one_time_key_counts` key, include a duplicate key of `org.matrix.msc3202.device_one_time_keys_count` to match the name proposed by [MSC3202]( ([\#14565](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 0.9 where Synapse would fail to fetch server keys whose IDs contain a forward slash. ([\#14490](
    Improved Documentation
    - Fixed link to 'Synapse administration endpoints'. ([\#14499](
    Deprecations and Removals
    - Remove legacy Prometheus metrics names. They were deprecated in Synapse v1.69.0 and disabled by default in Synapse v1.71.0. ([\#14538](
    Internal Changes
    - Improve type hinting throughout Synapse. ([\#14055](, [\#14412](, [\#14529](, [\#14452](
    - Remove old stream ID tracking code. Contributed by Nick @Beeper (@fizzadar). ([\#14376](, [\#14468](
    - Remove the `worker_main_http_uri` configuration setting. This is now handled via internal replication. ([\#14400](, [\#14476](
    - Refactor `federation_sender` and `pusher` configuration loading. ([\#14496](
    ([\#14509](, [\#14573](
    - Faster joins: do not wait for full state when creating events to send. ([\#14403](
    - Faster joins: filter out non local events when a room doesn't have its full state. ([\#14404](
    - Faster joins: send events to initial list of servers if we don't have the full state yet. ([\#14408](
    - Faster joins: use servers list approximation received during `send_join` (potentially updated with received membership events) in `assert_host_in_room`. ([\#14515](
    - Fix type logic in TCP replication code that prevented correctly ignoring blank commands. ([\#14449](
    - Remove option to skip locking of tables when performing emulated upserts, to avoid a class of bugs in future. ([\#14469](
    - `scripts-dev/federation_client`: Fix routing on servers with `.well-known` files. ([\#14479](
    - Reduce default third party invite rate limit to 216 invites per day. ([\#14487](
    - Refactor conversion of device list changes in room to outbound pokes to track unconverted rows using a `(stream ID, room ID)` position instead of updating the `converted_to_destinations` flag on every row. ([\#14516](
    - Add more prompts to the bug report form. ([\#14522](
    - Extend editorconfig rules on indent and line length to `.pyi` files. ([\#14526](
    - Run Rust CI when `Cargo.lock` changes. This is particularly useful for dependabot updates. ([\#14571](
    - Fix a possible variable shadow in `create_new_client_event`. ([\#14575](
    - Bump various dependencies in the `poetry.lock` file and in CI scripts. ([\#14557](, [\#14559](, [\#14560](, [\#14500](, [\#14501](, [\#14502](, [\#14503](, [\#14504](, [\#14505](
  • v1.74.0rc1
    e70f398f · Tidy up ·
    Synapse 1.74.0rc1 (2022-12-13)
    - Improve user search for international display names. ([\#14464](
    - Stop using deprecated `keyIds` parameter when calling `/_matrix/key/v2/server`. ([\#14490](, [\#14525](
    - Add new `push.enabled` config option to allow opting out of push notification calculation. ([\#14551](, [\#14619](
    - Advertise support for Matrix 1.5 on `/_matrix/client/versions`. ([\#14576](
    - Improve opentracing and logging for to-device message handling. ([\#14598](
    - Allow selecting "prejoin" events by state keys in addition to event types. ([\#14642](
    - Fix a long-standing bug where a device list update might not be sent to clients in certain circumstances. ([\#14435](, [\#14592](, [\#14604](
    - Suppress a spurious warning when `POST /rooms/<room_id>/<membership>/`, `POST /join/<room_id_or_alias`, or the unspecced `PUT /join/<room_id_or_alias>/<txn_id>` receive an empty HTTP request body. ([\#14600](
    - Return spec-compliant JSON errors when unknown endpoints are requested. ([\#14620](, [\#14621](
    - Update html templates to load images over HTTPS. Contributed by @ashfame. ([\#14625](
    - Fix a long-standing bug where the user directory would return 1 more row than requested. ([\#14631](
    - Reject invalid read receipt requests with empty room or event IDs. Contributed by Nick @ Beeper (@fizzadar). ([\#14632](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.67.0 where not specifying a config file or a server URL would lead to the `register_new_matrix_user` script failing. ([\#14637](
    - Fix a long-standing bug where the user directory and room/user stats might be out of sync. ([\#14639](, [\#14643](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.72.0 where the background updates to add non-thread unique indexes on receipts would fail if they were previously interrupted. ([\#14650](
    - Improve validation of field size limits in events. ([\#14664](
    - Fix bugs introduced in Synapse 1.55.0 and 1.69.0 where application services would not be notified of events in the correct rooms, due to stale caches. ([\#14670](
    Improved Documentation
    - Update worker settings for `pusher` and `federation_sender` functionality. ([\#14493](
    - Add links to third party package repositories, and point to the bug which highlights Ubuntu's out-of-date packages. ([\#14517](
    - Remove old, incorrect minimum postgres version note and replace with a link to the [Dependency Deprecation Policy]( ([\#14590](
    - Add Single-Sign On setup instructions for Mastodon-based instances. ([\#14594](
    - Change `turn_allow_guests` example value to lowercase `true`. ([\#14634](
    Internal Changes
    - Optimise push badge count calculations. Contributed by Nick @ Beeper (@fizzadar). ([\#14255](
    - Faster remote room joins: stream the un-partial-stating of rooms over replication. ([\#14473](, [\#14474](
    - Share the `ClientRestResource` for both workers and the main process. ([\#14528](
    - Add `--editable` flag to `` which uses an editable install of Synapse for faster turn-around times whilst developing iteratively. ([\#14548](
    - Faster joins: use servers list approximation to send read receipts when in partial state instead of waiting for the full state of the room. ([\#14549](
    - Modernize unit tests configuration related to workers. ([\#14568](
    - Bump jsonschema from 4.17.0 to 4.17.3. ([\#14591](
    - Fix Rust lint CI. ([\#14602](
    - Bump JasonEtco/create-an-issue from 2.5.0 to 2.8.1. ([\#14607](
    - Alter some unit test environment parameters to decrease time spent running tests. ([\#14610](
    - Switch to Go recommended installation method for `gotestfmt` template in CI. ([\#14611](
    - Bump phonenumbers from 8.13.0 to 8.13.1. ([\#14612](
    - Bump types-setuptools from to ([\#14613](
    - Bump twine from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2. ([\#14614](
    - Bump types-requests from to ([\#14615](
    - Bump cryptography from 38.0.3 to 38.0.4. ([\#14616](
    - Remove useless cargo install with apt from Dockerfile. ([\#14636](
    - Bump certifi from 2021.10.8 to 2022.12.7. ([\#14645](
    - Bump flake8-bugbear from 22.10.27 to 22.12.6. ([\#14656](
    - Bump packaging from 21.3 to 22.0. ([\#14657](
    - Bump types-pillow from to ([\#14658](
    - Bump serde from 1.0.148 to 1.0.150. ([\#14659](
    - Bump phonenumbers from 8.13.1 to 8.13.2. ([\#14660](
    - Bump authlib from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0. ([\#14661](
    - Move `StateFilter` to `synapse.types`. ([\#14668](
    - Improve type hints. ([\#14597](, [\#14646](, [\#14671](
  • v1.74.0
    774e20b5 · 1.74.0 ·
    Synapse 1.74.0 (2022-12-20)
    Improved Documentation
    - Add release note and update documentation regarding optional ICU support in user search. ([\#14712](
    Synapse 1.74.0rc1 (2022-12-13)
    - Improve user search for international display names. ([\#14464](
    - Stop using deprecated `keyIds` parameter when calling `/_matrix/key/v2/server`. ([\#14490](, [\#14525](
    - Add new `push.enabled` config option to allow opting out of push notification calculation. ([\#14551](, [\#14619](
    - Advertise support for Matrix 1.5 on `/_matrix/client/versions`. ([\#14576](
    - Improve opentracing and logging for to-device message handling. ([\#14598](
    - Allow selecting "prejoin" events by state keys in addition to event types. ([\#14642](
    - Fix a long-standing bug where a device list update might not be sent to clients in certain circumstances. ([\#14435](, [\#14592](, [\#14604](
    - Suppress a spurious warning when `POST /rooms/<room_id>/<membership>/`, `POST /join/<room_id_or_alias`, or the unspecced `PUT /join/<room_id_or_alias>/<txn_id>` receive an empty HTTP request body. ([\#14600](
    - Return spec-compliant JSON errors when unknown endpoints are requested. ([\#14620](, [\#14621](
    - Update html templates to load images over HTTPS. Contributed by @ashfame. ([\#14625](
    - Fix a long-standing bug where the user directory would return 1 more row than requested. ([\#14631](
    - Reject invalid read receipt requests with empty room or event IDs. Contributed by Nick @ Beeper (@fizzadar). ([\#14632](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.67.0 where not specifying a config file or a server URL would lead to the `register_new_matrix_user` script failing. ([\#14637](
    - Fix a long-standing bug where the user directory and room/user stats might be out of sync. ([\#14639](, [\#14643](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.72.0 where the background updates to add non-thread unique indexes on receipts would fail if they were previously interrupted. ([\#14650](
    - Improve validation of field size limits in events. ([\#14664](
    - Fix bugs introduced in Synapse 1.55.0 and 1.69.0 where application services would not be notified of events in the correct rooms, due to stale caches. ([\#14670](
    Improved Documentation
    - Update worker settings for `pusher` and `federation_sender` functionality. ([\#14493](
    - Add links to third party package repositories, and point to the bug which highlights Ubuntu's out-of-date packages. ([\#14517](
    - Remove old, incorrect minimum postgres version note and replace with a link to the [Dependency Deprecation Policy]( ([\#14590](
    - Add Single-Sign On setup instructions for Mastodon-based instances. ([\#14594](
    - Change `turn_allow_guests` example value to lowercase `true`. ([\#14634](
    Internal Changes
    - Optimise push badge count calculations. Contributed by Nick @ Beeper (@fizzadar). ([\#14255](
    - Faster remote room joins: stream the un-partial-stating of rooms over replication. ([\#14473](, [\#14474](
    - Share the `ClientRestResource` for both workers and the main process. ([\#14528](
    - Add `--editable` flag to `` which uses an editable install of Synapse for faster turn-around times whilst developing iteratively. ([\#14548](
    - Faster joins: use servers list approximation to send read receipts when in partial state instead of waiting for the full state of the room. ([\#14549](
    - Modernize unit tests configuration related to workers. ([\#14568](
    - Bump jsonschema from 4.17.0 to 4.17.3. ([\#14591](
    - Fix Rust lint CI. ([\#14602](
    - Bump JasonEtco/create-an-issue from 2.5.0 to 2.8.1. ([\#14607](
    - Alter some unit test environment parameters to decrease time spent running tests. ([\#14610](
    - Switch to Go recommended installation method for `gotestfmt` template in CI. ([\#14611](
    - Bump phonenumbers from 8.13.0 to 8.13.1. ([\#14612](
    - Bump types-setuptools from to ([\#14613](
    - Bump twine from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2. ([\#14614](
    - Bump types-requests from to ([\#14615](
    - Bump cryptography from 38.0.3 to 38.0.4. ([\#14616](
    - Remove useless cargo install with apt from Dockerfile. ([\#14636](
    - Bump certifi from 2021.10.8 to 2022.12.7. ([\#14645](
    - Bump flake8-bugbear from 22.10.27 to 22.12.6. ([\#14656](
    - Bump packaging from 21.3 to 22.0. ([\#14657](
    - Bump types-pillow from to ([\#14658](
    - Bump serde from 1.0.148 to 1.0.150. ([\#14659](
    - Bump phonenumbers from 8.13.1 to 8.13.2. ([\#14660](
    - Bump authlib from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0. ([\#14661](
    - Move `StateFilter` to `synapse.types`. ([\#14668](
    - Improve type hints. ([\#14597](, [\#14646](, [\#14671](
  • v1.75.0rc1
    f417fb84 · Update changelog 2 ·
    Synapse 1.75.0rc1 (2023-01-10)
    - Add a `cached` function to `synapse.module_api` that returns a decorator to cache return values of functions. ([\#14663](
    - Add experimental support for [MSC3391]( (removing account data). ([\#14714](
    - Support [RFC7636]( Proof Key for Code Exchange for OAuth single sign-on. ([\#14750](
    - Support non-OpenID compliant userinfo claims for subject and picture. ([\#14753](
    - Improve performance of `/sync` when filtering all rooms, message types, or senders. ([\#14786](
    - Improve performance of the `/hierarchy` endpoint. ([\#14263](
    - Fix the *MAU Limits* section of the Grafana dashboard relying on a specific `job` name for the workers of a Synapse deployment. ([\#14644](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.70.0 which could cause spurious `UNIQUE constraint failed` errors in the `rotate_notifs` background job. ([\#14669](
    - Ensure stream IDs are always updated after caches get invalidated with workers. Contributed by Nick @ Beeper (@fizzadar). ([\#14723](
    - Remove the unspecced `device` field from `/pushrules` responses. ([\#14727](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.73.0 where the `picture_claim` configured under `oidc_providers` was unused (the default value of `"picture"` was used instead). ([\#14751](
    - Unescape HTML entities in URL preview titles making use of oEmbed responses. ([\#14781](
    - Disable sending confirmation email when 3pid is disabled. ([\#14725](
    Improved Documentation
    - Declare support for Python 3.11. ([\#14673](
    - Fix `target_memory_usage` being used in the description for the actual `cache_autotune` sub-option `target_cache_memory_usage`. ([\#14674](
    - Move `email` to Server section in config file documentation. ([\#14730](
    - Fix broken links in the Synapse documentation. ([\#14744](
    - Add missing worker settings to shared configuration documentation. ([\#14748](
    - Document using Twitter as a OAuth 2.0 authentication provider. ([\#14778](
    - Fix Synapse 1.74 upgrade notes to correctly explain how to install pyICU when installing Synapse from PyPI. ([\#14797](
    - Update link to towncrier in contribution guide. ([\#14801](
    - Use `htmltest` to check links in the Synapse documentation. ([\#14743](
    Internal Changes
    - Faster remote room joins: stream the un-partial-stating of events over replication. ([\#14545](, [\#14546](
    - Use [ruff]( instead of flake8. ([\#14633](, [\#14741](
    - Change `handle_new_client_event` signature so that a 429 does not reach clients on `PartialStateConflictError`, and internally retry when needed instead. ([\#14665](
    - Remove dependency on jQuery on reCAPTCHA page. ([\#14672](
    - Faster joins: make `compute_state_after_events` consistent with other state-fetching functions that take a `StateFilter`. ([\#14676](
    - Add missing type hints. ([\#14680](, [\#14681](, [\#14687](
    - Improve type annotations for the helper methods on a `CachedFunction`. ([\#14685](
    - Check that the SQLite database file exists before porting to PostgreSQL. ([\#14692](
    - Add `.direnv/` directory to .gitignore to prevent local state generated by the [direnv]( development tool from being committed. ([\#14707](
    - Batch up replication requests to request the resyncing of remote users's devices. ([\#14716](
    - If debug logging is enabled, log the `msgid`s of any to-device messages that are returned over `/sync`. ([\#14724](
    - Change GHA CI job to follow best practices. ([\#14772](
    - Switch to our fork of `dh-virtualenv` to work around an upstream Python 3.11 incompatibility. ([\#14774](
    - Skip testing built wheels for PyPy 3.7 on Linux x86_64 as we lack new required dependencies in the build environment. ([\#14802](
    - Bump JasonEtco/create-an-issue from 2.8.1 to 2.8.2. ([\#14693](
    - Bump anyhow from 1.0.66 to 1.0.68. ([\#14694](
    - Bump blake2 from 0.10.5 to 0.10.6. ([\#14695](
    - Bump serde_json from 1.0.89 to 1.0.91. ([\#14696](
    - Bump serde from 1.0.150 to 1.0.151. ([\#14697](
    - Bump lxml from 4.9.1 to 4.9.2. ([\#14698](
    - Bump types-jsonschema from to ([\#14700](
    - Bump sentry-sdk from 1.11.1 to 1.12.0. ([\#14701](
    - Bump types-setuptools from to ([\#14702](
    - Bump minimum PyYAML to 3.13. ([\#14720](
    - Bump JasonEtco/create-an-issue from 2.8.2 to 2.9.1. ([\#14731](
    - Bump towncrier from 22.8.0 to 22.12.0. ([\#14732](
    - Bump isort from 5.10.1 to 5.11.4. ([\#14733](
    - Bump attrs from 22.1.0 to 22.2.0. ([\#14734](
    - Bump black from 22.10.0 to 22.12.0. ([\#14735](
    - Bump sentry-sdk from 1.12.0 to 1.12.1. ([\#14736](
    - Bump setuptools from 65.3.0 to 65.5.1. ([\#14738](
    - Bump serde from 1.0.151 to 1.0.152. ([\#14758](
    - Bump ruff from 0.0.189 to 0.0.206. ([\#14759](
    - Bump pydantic from 1.10.2 to 1.10.4. ([\#14760](
    - Bump gitpython from 3.1.29 to 3.1.30. ([\#14761](
    - Bump pillow from 9.3.0 to 9.4.0. ([\#14762](
    - Bump types-requests from to ([\#14763](
    - Bump dawidd6/action-download-artifact from 2.24.2 to 2.24.3. ([\#14779](
    - Bump peaceiris/actions-gh-pages from 3.9.0 to 3.9.1. ([\#14791](
    - Bump types-pillow from to ([\#14792](
    - Bump pyopenssl from 22.1.0 to 23.0.0. ([\#14793](
    - Bump types-setuptools from to ([\#14794](
    - Bump importlib-metadata from 4.2.0 to 6.0.0. ([\#14795](
    - Bump ruff from 0.0.206 to 0.0.215. ([\#14796](
  • v1.75.0rc2
    ea452571 · 1.75.0rc2 ·
    Synapse 1.75.0rc2 (2023-01-12)
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.75.0rc1 where device lists could be miscalculated with some sync filters. ([\#14810](
    - Fix race where calling `/members` or `/state` with an `at` parameter could fail for newly created rooms, when using multiple workers. ([\#14817](
  • v1.75.0
    b6955673 · 1.75.0 ·
    Synapse 1.75.0 (2023-01-17)
    No significant changes since 1.75.0rc2.
    Synapse 1.75.0rc2 (2023-01-12)
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.75.0rc1 where device lists could be miscalculated with some sync filters. ([\#14810](
    - Fix race where calling `/members` or `/state` with an `at` parameter could fail for newly created rooms, when using multiple workers. ([\#14817](
    Synapse 1.75.0rc1 (2023-01-10)
    - Add a `cached` function to `synapse.module_api` that returns a decorator to cache return values of functions. ([\#14663](
    - Add experimental support for [MSC3391]( (removing account data). ([\#14714](
    - Support [RFC7636]( Proof Key for Code Exchange for OAuth single sign-on. ([\#14750](
    - Support non-OpenID compliant userinfo claims for subject and picture. ([\#14753](
    - Improve performance of `/sync` when filtering all rooms, message types, or senders. ([\#14786](
    - Improve performance of the `/hierarchy` endpoint. ([\#14263](
    - Fix the *MAU Limits* section of the Grafana dashboard relying on a specific `job` name for the workers of a Synapse deployment. ([\#14644](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.70.0 which could cause spurious `UNIQUE constraint failed` errors in the `rotate_notifs` background job. ([\#14669](
    - Ensure stream IDs are always updated after caches get invalidated with workers. Contributed by Nick @ Beeper (@fizzadar). ([\#14723](
    - Remove the unspecced `device` field from `/pushrules` responses. ([\#14727](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.73.0 where the `picture_claim` configured under `oidc_providers` was unused (the default value of `"picture"` was used instead). ([\#14751](
    - Unescape HTML entities in URL preview titles making use of oEmbed responses. ([\#14781](
    - Disable sending confirmation email when 3pid is disabled. ([\#14725](
    Improved Documentation
    - Declare support for Python 3.11. ([\#14673](
    - Fix `target_memory_usage` being used in the description for the actual `cache_autotune` sub-option `target_cache_memory_usage`. ([\#14674](
    - Move `email` to Server section in config file documentation. ([\#14730](
    - Fix broken links in the Synapse documentation. ([\#14744](
    - Add missing worker settings to shared configuration documentation. ([\#14748](
    - Document using Twitter as a OAuth 2.0 authentication provider. ([\#14778](
    - Fix Synapse 1.74 upgrade notes to correctly explain how to install pyICU when installing Synapse from PyPI. ([\#14797](
    - Update link to towncrier in contribution guide. ([\#14801](
    - Use `htmltest` to check links in the Synapse documentation. ([\#14743](
    Internal Changes
    - Faster remote room joins: stream the un-partial-stating of events over replication. ([\#14545](, [\#14546](
    - Use [ruff]( instead of flake8. ([\#14633](, [\#14741](
    - Change `handle_new_client_event` signature so that a 429 does not reach clients on `PartialStateConflictError`, and internally retry when needed instead. ([\#14665](
    - Remove dependency on jQuery on reCAPTCHA page. ([\#14672](
    - Faster joins: make `compute_state_after_events` consistent with other state-fetching functions that take a `StateFilter`. ([\#14676](
    - Add missing type hints. ([\#14680](, [\#14681](, [\#14687](
    - Improve type annotations for the helper methods on a `CachedFunction`. ([\#14685](
    - Check that the SQLite database file exists before porting to PostgreSQL. ([\#14692](
    - Add `.direnv/` directory to .gitignore to prevent local state generated by the [direnv]( development tool from being committed. ([\#14707](
    - Batch up replication requests to request the resyncing of remote users's devices. ([\#14716](
    - If debug logging is enabled, log the `msgid`s of any to-device messages that are returned over `/sync`. ([\#14724](
    - Change GHA CI job to follow best practices. ([\#14772](
    - Switch to our fork of `dh-virtualenv` to work around an upstream Python 3.11 incompatibility. ([\#14774](
    - Skip testing built wheels for PyPy 3.7 on Linux x86_64 as we lack new required dependencies in the build environment. ([\#14802](
    - Bump JasonEtco/create-an-issue from 2.8.1 to 2.8.2. ([\#14693](
    - Bump anyhow from 1.0.66 to 1.0.68. ([\#14694](
    - Bump blake2 from 0.10.5 to 0.10.6. ([\#14695](
    - Bump serde_json from 1.0.89 to 1.0.91. ([\#14696](
    - Bump serde from 1.0.150 to 1.0.151. ([\#14697](
    - Bump lxml from 4.9.1 to 4.9.2. ([\#14698](
    - Bump types-jsonschema from to ([\#14700](
    - Bump sentry-sdk from 1.11.1 to 1.12.0. ([\#14701](
    - Bump types-setuptools from to ([\#14702](
    - Bump minimum PyYAML to 3.13. ([\#14720](
    - Bump JasonEtco/create-an-issue from 2.8.2 to 2.9.1. ([\#14731](
    - Bump towncrier from 22.8.0 to 22.12.0. ([\#14732](
    - Bump isort from 5.10.1 to 5.11.4. ([\#14733](
    - Bump attrs from 22.1.0 to 22.2.0. ([\#14734](
    - Bump black from 22.10.0 to 22.12.0. ([\#14735](
    - Bump sentry-sdk from 1.12.0 to 1.12.1. ([\#14736](
    - Bump setuptools from 65.3.0 to 65.5.1. ([\#14738](
    - Bump serde from 1.0.151 to 1.0.152. ([\#14758](
    - Bump ruff from 0.0.189 to 0.0.206. ([\#14759](
    - Bump pydantic from 1.10.2 to 1.10.4. ([\#14760](
    - Bump gitpython from 3.1.29 to 3.1.30. ([\#14761](
    - Bump pillow from 9.3.0 to 9.4.0. ([\#14762](
    - Bump types-requests from to ([\#14763](
    - Bump dawidd6/action-download-artifact from 2.24.2 to 2.24.3. ([\#14779](
    - Bump peaceiris/actions-gh-pages from 3.9.0 to 3.9.1. ([\#14791](
    - Bump types-pillow from to ([\#14792](
    - Bump pyopenssl from 22.1.0 to 23.0.0. ([\#14793](
    - Bump types-setuptools from to ([\#14794](
    - Bump importlib-metadata from 4.2.0 to 6.0.0. ([\#14795](
    - Bump ruff from 0.0.206 to 0.0.215. ([\#14796](
  • v1.76.0rc1
    8a7d2de5 · 1.76.0rc1 ·
    Synapse 1.76.0rc1 (2023-01-25)
    - Update the default room version to [v10]( ([MSC 3904]( Contributed by @FSG-Cat. ([\#14111](
    - Adds a `set_displayname()` method to the module API for setting a user's display name. ([\#14629](
    - Add a dedicated listener configuration for `health` endpoint. ([\#14747](
    - Implement support for MSC3890: Remotely silence local notifications. ([\#14775](
    - Implement experimental support for MSC3930: Push rules for (MSC3381) Polls. ([\#14787](
    - Per [MSC3925](, bundle the whole of the replacement with any edited events, and optionally inhibit server-side replacement. ([\#14811](
    - Faster joins: always serve a partial join response to servers that request it with the stable query param. ([\#14839](
    - Faster joins: allow non-lazy-loading ("eager") syncs to complete after a partial join by omitting partial state rooms until they become fully stated. ([\#14870](
    - Faster joins: request partial joins by default. Admins can opt-out of this for the time being---see the upgrade notes. ([\#14905](
    - Add index to improve performance of the `/timestamp_to_event` endpoint used for jumping to a specific date in the timeline of a room. ([\#14799](
    - Fix a long-standing bug where Synapse would exhaust the stack when processing many federation requests where the remote homeserver has disconencted early. ([\#14812](, [\#14842](
    - Fix rare races when using workers. ([\#14820](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.64.0 when using room version 10 with frozen events enabled. ([\#14864](
    - Fix a long-standing bug where the `populate_room_stats` background job could fail on broken rooms. ([\#14873](
    - Faster joins: Fix a bug in worker deployments where the room stats and user directory would not get updated when finishing a fast join until another event is sent or received. ([\#14874](
    - Faster joins: Fix incompatibility with joins into restricted rooms where no local users have the ability to invite. ([\#14882](
    - Fix a regression introduced in Synapse 1.69.0 which can result in database corruption when database migrations are interrupted on sqlite. ([\#14910](
    Updates to the Docker image
    - Bump default Python version in the Dockerfile from 3.9 to 3.11. ([\#14875](
    Improved Documentation
    - Include `x_forwarded` entry in the HTTP listener example configs and remove the remaining `worker_main_http_uri` entries. ([\#14667](
    - Remove duplicate commands from the Code Style documentation page; point to the Contributing Guide instead. ([\#14773](
    - Add missing documentation for `tag` to `listeners` section. ([\#14803](
    - Updated documentation in configuration manual for `user_directory.search_all_users`. ([\#14818](
    - Add `worker_manhole` to configuration manual. ([\#14824](
    - Fix the example config missing the `id` field in [application service documentation]( ([\#14845](
    - Minor corrections to the logging configuration documentation. ([\#14868](
    - Document the export user data command. Contributed by @thezaidbintariq. ([\#14883](
    Deprecations and Removals
    - Poetry 1.3.2 or higher is now required when `poetry install`ing from source. ([\#14860](
    Internal Changes
    - Faster remote room joins (worker mode): do not populate external hosts-in-room cache when sending events as this requires blocking for full state. ([\#14749](
    - Enable Complement tests for Faster Remote Room Joins against worker-mode Synapse. ([\#14752](
    - Add some clarifying comments and refactor a portion of the `Keyring` class for readability. ([\#14804](
    - Add local poetry config files (`poetry.toml`) to `.gitignore`. ([\#14807](
    - Add missing type hints. ([\#14816](, [\#14885](, [\#14889](
    - Refactor push tests. ([\#14819](
    - Re-enable some linting that was disabled when we switched to ruff. ([\#14821](
    - Add `cargo fmt` and `cargo clippy` to the lint script. ([\#14822](
    - Drop unused table `presence`. ([\#14825](
    - Merge the two account data and the two device list replication streams. ([\#14826](, [\#14833](
    - Faster joins: use stable identifiers from [MSC3706]( ([\#14832](, [\#14841](
    - Add a parameter to control whether the federation client performs a partial state join. ([\#14843](
    - Add check to avoid starting duplicate partial state syncs. ([\#14844](
    - Bump regex from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1. ([\#14848](
    - Add an early return when handling no-op presence updates. ([\#14855](
    - Fix `wait_for_stream_position` to correctly wait for the right instance to advance its token. ([\#14856](, [\#14872](
    - Bump peaceiris/actions-gh-pages from 3.9.1 to 3.9.2. ([\#14861](
    - Bump ruff from 0.0.215 to 0.0.224. ([\#14862](
    - Bump types-pillow from to ([\#14863](
    - Always notify replication when a stream advances automatically. ([\#14877](
    - Reduce max time we wait for stream positions. ([\#14881](
    - Bump types-opentracing from 2.4.10 to ([\#14896](
    - Bump ruff from 0.0.224 to 0.0.230. ([\#14897](
    - Bump types-requests from to ([\#14899](
    - Bump types-psycopg2 from to ([\#14900](
    - Bump types-commonmark from 0.9.2 to ([\#14901](
    - Faster joins: allow the resync process more time to fetch `/state` ids. ([\#14912](
  • v1.76.0rc2
    5ef9ff54 · 1.76.0rc2 ·
    Synapse 1.76.0rc2 (2023-01-27)
    The 1.76 release is the first to enable faster joins ([MSC3706]( and [MSC3902]( by default. Admins can opt-out: see [the upgrade notes]( for more details.
    The upgrade from 1.75 to 1.76 changes the account data replication streams in a backwards-incompatible manner. Server operators running a multi-worker deployment should consult [the upgrade notes](
    Those who are `poetry install`ing from source using our lockfile should ensure their poetry version is 1.3.2 or higher; [see upgrade notes](
    - Faster joins: Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.69 where device list EDUs could fail to be handled after a restart when a faster join sync is in progress. ([\#14914](
    Internal Changes
    - Faster joins: Improve performance of looking up partial-state status of rooms. ([\#14917](
  • v1.76.0
    Synapse 1.76.0 (2023-01-31)
    The 1.76 release is the first to enable faster joins ([MSC3706]( and [MSC3902]( by default. Admins can opt-out: see [the upgrade notes]( for more details.
    The upgrade from 1.75 to 1.76 changes the account data replication streams in a backwards-incompatible manner. Server operators running a multi-worker deployment should consult [the upgrade notes](
    Those who are `poetry install`ing from source using our lockfile should ensure their poetry version is 1.3.2 or higher; [see upgrade notes](
    Notes on faster joins
    The faster joins project sees the most benefit when joining a room with a large number of members (joined or historical). We expect it to be particularly useful for joining large public rooms like the [Matrix HQ]( or [Synapse Admins]( rooms.
    After a faster join, Synapse considers that room "partially joined". In this state, you should be able to
    - read incoming messages;
    - see incoming state changes, e.g. room topic changes; and
    - send messages, if the room is unencrypted.
    Synapse has to spend more effort to complete the join in the background. Once this finishes, you will be able to
    - send messages, if the room is in encrypted;
    - retrieve room history from before your join, if permitted by the room settings; and
    - access the full list of room members.
    Improved Documentation
    - Describe the ideas and the internal machinery behind faster joins. ([\#14677](
    Synapse 1.76.0rc2 (2023-01-27)
    - Faster joins: Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.69 where device list EDUs could fail to be handled after a restart when a faster join sync is in progress. ([\#14914](
    Internal Changes
    - Faster joins: Improve performance of looking up partial-state status of rooms. ([\#14917](
    Synapse 1.76.0rc1 (2023-01-25)
    - Update the default room version to [v10]( ([MSC 3904]( Contributed by @FSG-Cat. ([\#14111](
    - Add a `set_displayname()` method to the module API for setting a user's display name. ([\#14629](
    - Add a dedicated listener configuration for `health` endpoint. ([\#14747](
    - Implement support for [MSC3890]( Remotely silence local notifications. ([\#14775](
    - Implement experimental support for [MSC3930]( Push rules for ([MSC3381]( Polls. ([\#14787](
    - Per [MSC3925](, bundle the whole of the replacement with any edited events, and optionally inhibit server-side replacement. ([\#14811](
    - Faster joins: always serve a partial join response to servers that request it with the stable query param. ([\#14839](
    - Faster joins: allow non-lazy-loading ("eager") syncs to complete after a partial join by omitting partial state rooms until they become fully stated. ([\#14870](
    - Faster joins: request partial joins by default. Admins can opt-out of this for the time being---see the upgrade notes. ([\#14905](
    - Add index to improve performance of the `/timestamp_to_event` endpoint used for jumping to a specific date in the timeline of a room. ([\#14799](
    - Fix a long-standing bug where Synapse would exhaust the stack when processing many federation requests where the remote homeserver has disconencted early. ([\#14812](, [\#14842](
    - Fix rare races when using workers. ([\#14820](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.64.0 when using room version 10 with frozen events enabled. ([\#14864](
    - Fix a long-standing bug where the `populate_room_stats` background job could fail on broken rooms. ([\#14873](
    - Faster joins: Fix a bug in worker deployments where the room stats and user directory would not get updated when finishing a fast join until another event is sent or received. ([\#14874](
    - Faster joins: Fix incompatibility with joins into restricted rooms where no local users have the ability to invite. ([\#14882](
    - Fix a regression introduced in Synapse 1.69.0 which can result in database corruption when database migrations are interrupted on sqlite. ([\#14910](
    Updates to the Docker image
    - Bump default Python version in the Dockerfile from 3.9 to 3.11. ([\#14875](
    Improved Documentation
    - Include `x_forwarded` entry in the HTTP listener example configs and remove the remaining `worker_main_http_uri` entries. ([\#14667](
    - Remove duplicate commands from the Code Style documentation page; point to the Contributing Guide instead. ([\#14773](
    - Add missing documentation for `tag` to `listeners` section. ([\#14803](
    - Updated documentation in configuration manual for `user_directory.search_all_users`. ([\#14818](
    - Add `worker_manhole` to configuration manual. ([\#14824](
    - Fix the example config missing the `id` field in [application service documentation]( ([\#14845](
    - Minor corrections to the logging configuration documentation. ([\#14868](
    - Document the export user data command. Contributed by @thezaidbintariq. ([\#14883](
    Deprecations and Removals
    - Poetry 1.3.2 or higher is now required when `poetry install`ing from source. ([\#14860](
    Internal Changes
    - Faster remote room joins (worker mode): do not populate external hosts-in-room cache when sending events as this requires blocking for full state. ([\#14749](
    - Enable Complement tests for Faster Remote Room Joins against worker-mode Synapse. ([\#14752](
    - Add some clarifying comments and refactor a portion of the `Keyring` class for readability. ([\#14804](
    - Add local poetry config files (`poetry.toml`) to `.gitignore`. ([\#14807](
    - Add missing type hints. ([\#14816](, [\#14885](, [\#14889](
    - Refactor push tests. ([\#14819](
    - Re-enable some linting that was disabled when we switched to ruff. ([\#14821](
    - Add `cargo fmt` and `cargo clippy` to the lint script. ([\#14822](
    - Drop unused table `presence`. ([\#14825](
    - Merge the two account data and the two device list replication streams. ([\#14826](, [\#14833](
    - Faster joins: use stable identifiers from [MSC3706]( ([\#14832](, [\#14841](
    - Add a parameter to control whether the federation client performs a partial state join. ([\#14843](
    - Add check to avoid starting duplicate partial state syncs. ([\#14844](
    - Add an early return when handling no-op presence updates. ([\#14855](
    - Fix `wait_for_stream_position` to correctly wait for the right instance to advance its token. ([\#14856](, [\#14872](
    - Always notify replication when a stream advances automatically. ([\#14877](
    - Reduce max time we wait for stream positions. ([\#14881](
    - Faster joins: allow the resync process more time to fetch `/state` ids. ([\#14912](
    - Bump regex from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1. ([\#14848](
    - Bump peaceiris/actions-gh-pages from 3.9.1 to 3.9.2. ([\#14861](
    - Bump ruff from 0.0.215 to 0.0.224. ([\#14862](
    - Bump types-pillow from to ([\#14863](
    - Bump types-opentracing from 2.4.10 to ([\#14896](
    - Bump ruff from 0.0.224 to 0.0.230. ([\#14897](
    - Bump types-requests from to ([\#14899](
    - Bump types-psycopg2 from to ([\#14900](
    - Bump types-commonmark from 0.9.2 to ([\#14901](
  • v1.77.0rc1
    d83178a3 · Permalink to the docs ·
    Synapse 1.77.0rc1 (2023-02-07)
    - Experimental support for [MSC3952]( intentional mentions. ([\#14823](, [\#14943](, [\#14957](, [\#14958](
    - Experimental support to suppress notifications from message edits ([MSC3958]( ([\#14960](, [\#15016](
    - Add profile information, devices and connections to the command line [user data export tool]( ([\#14894](
    - Improve performance when joining or sending an event in large rooms. ([\#14962](
    - Improve performance of joining and leaving large rooms with many local users. ([\#14971](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.53.0 where `next_batch` tokens from `/sync` could not be used with the `/relations` endpoint. ([\#14866](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.35.0 where the module API's `send_local_online_presence_to` would fail to send presence updates over federation. ([\#14880](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.70.0 where the background updates to add non-thread unique indexes on receipts could fail when upgrading from 1.67.0 or earlier. ([\#14915](
    - Fix a regression introduced in Synapse 1.69.0 which can result in database corruption when database migrations are interrupted on sqlite. ([\#14926](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.68.0 where we were unable to service remote joins in rooms with `@room` notification levels set to `null` in their (malformed) power levels. ([\#14942](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.64.0 where boolean power levels were erroneously permitted in [v10 rooms]( ([\#14944](
    - Fix a long-standing bug where sending messages on servers with presence enabled would spam "Re-starting finished log context" log lines. ([\#14947](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.68.0 where logging from the Rust module was not properly logged. ([\#14976](
    - Fix various long-standing bugs in Synapse's config, event and request handling where booleans were unintentionally accepted where an integer was expected. ([\#14945](
    Internal Changes
    - Add missing type hints. ([\#14879](, [\#14886](, [\#14887](, [\#14904](, [\#14927](, [\#14956](, [\#14983](, [\#14984](, [\#14985](, [\#14987](, [\#14988](, [\#14990](, [\#14991](, [\#14992](, [\#15007](
    - Use `StrCollection` to avoid potential bugs with `Collection[str]`. ([\#14922](
    - Allow running the complement tests suites with the asyncio reactor enabled. ([\#14858](
    - Improve performance of `/sync` in a few situations. ([\#14908](, [\#14970](
    - Document how to handle Dependabot pull requests. ([\#14916](
    - Fix typo in release script. ([\#14920](
    - Update build system requirements to allow building with poetry-core 1.5.0. ([\#14949](, [\#15019](
    - Add an [lnav]( config file for Synapse logs to `/contrib/lnav`. ([\#14953](
    - Faster joins: Refactor internal handling of servers in room to never store an empty list. ([\#14954](
    - Faster joins: tag `v2/send_join/` requests to indicate if they served a partial join response. ([\#14950](
    - Allow running `cargo` without the `extension-module` option. ([\#14965](
    - Preparatory work for adding a denormalised event stream ordering column in the future. Contributed by Nick @ Beeper (@fizzadar). ([\#14979](, [9cd7610](, [f10caa7](; see [\#15014](
    - Add tests for `_flatten_dict`. ([\#14981](, [\#15002](
    <details><summary>Dependabot updates</summary>
    - Bump dtolnay/rust-toolchain from e645b0cf01249a964ec099494d38d2da0f0b349f to 9cd00a88a73addc8617065438eff914dd08d0955. ([\#14968](
    - Bump docker/build-push-action from 3 to 4. ([\#14952](
    - Bump ijson from 3.1.4 to 3.2.0.post0. ([\#14935](
    - Bump types-pyyaml from to ([\#14936](
    - Bump types-jsonschema from to ([\#14937](
    - Bump types-pillow from to ([\#14938](
    - Bump hiredis from 2.0.0 to 2.1.1. ([\#14939](
    - Bump hiredis from 2.1.1 to 2.2.1. ([\#14993](
    - Bump types-setuptools from to ([\#14994](
    - Bump prometheus-client from 0.15.0 to 0.16.0. ([\#14995](
    - Bump anyhow from 1.0.68 to 1.0.69. ([\#14996](
    - Bump serde_json from 1.0.91 to 1.0.92. ([\#14997](
    - Bump isort from 5.11.4 to 5.11.5. ([\#14998](
    - Bump phonenumbers from 8.13.4 to 8.13.5. ([\#14999](
  • v1.77.0rc2
    73b8068c · 1.77.0rc2 ·
    Synapse 1.77.0rc2 (2023-02-10)
    - Fix bug where retried replication requests would return a failure. Introduced in v1.76.0. ([\#15024](
    Internal Changes
    - Prepare for future database schema changes. ([\#15036](
  • v1.77.0
    3e90dfdd · 1.77.0 ·
    Synapse 1.77.0 (2023-02-14)
    No significant changes since 1.77.0rc2.
    Synapse 1.77.0rc2 (2023-02-10)
    - Fix bug where retried replication requests would return a failure. Introduced in v1.76.0. ([\#15024](
    Internal Changes
    - Prepare for future database schema changes. ([\#15036](
    Synapse 1.77.0rc1 (2023-02-07)
    - Experimental support for [MSC3952]( intentional mentions. ([\#14823](, [\#14943](, [\#14957](, [\#14958](
    - Experimental support to suppress notifications from message edits ([MSC3958]( ([\#14960](, [\#15016](
    - Add profile information, devices and connections to the command line [user data export tool]( ([\#14894](
    - Improve performance when joining or sending an event in large rooms. ([\#14962](
    - Improve performance of joining and leaving large rooms with many local users. ([\#14971](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.53.0 where `next_batch` tokens from `/sync` could not be used with the `/relations` endpoint. ([\#14866](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.35.0 where the module API's `send_local_online_presence_to` would fail to send presence updates over federation. ([\#14880](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.70.0 where the background updates to add non-thread unique indexes on receipts could fail when upgrading from 1.67.0 or earlier. ([\#14915](
    - Fix a regression introduced in Synapse 1.69.0 which can result in database corruption when database migrations are interrupted on sqlite. ([\#14926](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.68.0 where we were unable to service remote joins in rooms with `@room` notification levels set to `null` in their (malformed) power levels. ([\#14942](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.64.0 where boolean power levels were erroneously permitted in [v10 rooms]( ([\#14944](
    - Fix a long-standing bug where sending messages on servers with presence enabled would spam "Re-starting finished log context" log lines. ([\#14947](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.68.0 where logging from the Rust module was not properly logged. ([\#14976](
    - Fix various long-standing bugs in Synapse's config, event and request handling where booleans were unintentionally accepted where an integer was expected. ([\#14945](
    Internal Changes
    - Add missing type hints. ([\#14879](, [\#14886](, [\#14887](, [\#14904](, [\#14927](, [\#14956](, [\#14983](, [\#14984](, [\#14985](, [\#14987](, [\#14988](, [\#14990](, [\#14991](, [\#14992](, [\#15007](
    - Use `StrCollection` to avoid potential bugs with `Collection[str]`. ([\#14922](
    - Allow running the complement tests suites with the asyncio reactor enabled. ([\#14858](
    - Improve performance of `/sync` in a few situations. ([\#14908](, [\#14970](
    - Document how to handle Dependabot pull requests. ([\#14916](
    - Fix typo in release script. ([\#14920](
    - Update build system requirements to allow building with poetry-core 1.5.0. ([\#14949](, [\#15019](
    - Add an [lnav]( config file for Synapse logs to `/contrib/lnav`. ([\#14953](
    - Faster joins: Refactor internal handling of servers in room to never store an empty list. ([\#14954](
    - Faster joins: tag `v2/send_join/` requests to indicate if they served a partial join response. ([\#14950](
    - Allow running `cargo` without the `extension-module` option. ([\#14965](
    - Preparatory work for adding a denormalised event stream ordering column in the future. Contributed by Nick @ Beeper (@fizzadar). ([\#14979](, [9cd7610](, [f10caa7](; see [\#15014](
    - Add tests for `_flatten_dict`. ([\#14981](, [\#15002](
    <details><summary>Dependabot updates</summary>
    - Bump dtolnay/rust-toolchain from e645b0cf01249a964ec099494d38d2da0f0b349f to 9cd00a88a73addc8617065438eff914dd08d0955. ([\#14968](
    - Bump docker/build-push-action from 3 to 4. ([\#14952](
    - Bump ijson from 3.1.4 to 3.2.0.post0. ([\#14935](
    - Bump types-pyyaml from to ([\#14936](
    - Bump types-jsonschema from to ([\#14937](
    - Bump types-pillow from to ([\#14938](
    - Bump hiredis from 2.0.0 to 2.1.1. ([\#14939](
    - Bump hiredis from 2.1.1 to 2.2.1. ([\#14993](
    - Bump types-setuptools from to ([\#14994](
    - Bump prometheus-client from 0.15.0 to 0.16.0. ([\#14995](
    - Bump anyhow from 1.0.68 to 1.0.69. ([\#14996](
    - Bump serde_json from 1.0.91 to 1.0.92. ([\#14997](
    - Bump isort from 5.11.4 to 5.11.5. ([\#14998](
    - Bump phonenumbers from 8.13.4 to 8.13.5. ([\#14999](
  • v1.78.0rc1
    8219525b · Tweak changelog ·
    Synapse 1.78.0rc1 (2023-02-21)
    - Implement the experimental `exact_event_match` push rule condition from [MSC3758]( ([\#14964](
    - Add account data to the command line [user data export tool]( ([\#14969](
    - Implement [MSC3873]( to disambiguate push rule keys with dots in them. ([\#15004](
    - Allow Synapse to use a specific Redis [logical database]( in worker-mode deployments. ([\#15034](
    - Tag opentracing spans for federation requests with the name of the worker serving the request. ([\#15042](
    - Implement the experimental `exact_event_property_contains` push rule condition from [MSC3966]( ([\#15045](
    - Remove spurious `dont_notify` action from the defaults for the `.m.rule.reaction` pushrule. ([\#15073](
    - Update the error code returned when user sends a duplicate annotation. ([\#15075](
    - Prevent clients from reporting nonexistent events. ([\#13779](
    - Return spec-compliant JSON errors when unknown endpoints are requested. ([\#14605](
    - Fix a long-standing bug where the room aliases returned could be corrupted. ([\#15038](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.76.0 where partially-joined rooms could not be deleted using the [purge room API]( ([\#15068](
    - Fix a long-standing bug where federated joins would fail if the first server in the list of servers to try is not in the room. ([\#15074](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse v1.74.0 where searching with colons when using ICU for search term tokenisation would fail with an error. ([\#15079](
    - Reduce the likelihood of a rare race condition where rejoining a restricted room over federation would fail. ([\#15080](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.76 where workers would fail to start if the `health` listener was configured. ([\#15096](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.75 where the [portdb script]( would fail to run after a room had been faster-joined. ([\#15108](
    Improved Documentation
    - Document how to start Synapse with Poetry. Contributed by @thezaidbintariq. ([\#14892](, [\#15022](
    - Update delegation documentation to clarify that SRV DNS delegation does not eliminate all needs to serve files from .well-known locations. Contributed by @williamkray. ([\#14959](
    - Fix a mistake in registration_shared_secret_path docs. ([\#15078](
    - Refer to a more recent blog post on the [Database Maintenance Tools]( page. Contributed by @jahway603. ([\#15083](
    Internal Changes
    - Re-type hint some collections as read-only. ([\#13755](
    - Faster joins: don't stall when another user joins during a partial-state room resync. ([\#14606](
    - Add a class `UnpersistedEventContext` to allow for the batching up of storing state groups. ([\#14675](
    - Add a check to ensure that locked dependencies have source distributions available. ([\#14742](
    - Tweak comment on `_is_local_room_accessible` as part of room visibility in `/hierarchy` to clarify the condition for a room being visible. ([\#14834](
    - Prevent `WARNING: there is already a transaction in progress` lines appearing in PostgreSQL's logs on some occasions. ([\#14840](
    - Use `StrCollection` to avoid potential bugs with `Collection[str]`. ([\#14929](
    - Improve performance of `/sync` in a few situations. ([\#14973](
    - Limit concurrent event creation for a room to avoid state resolution when sending bursts of events to a local room. ([\#14977](
    - Skip calculating unread push actions in /sync when enable_push is false. ([\#14980](
    - Add a schema dump symlinks inside `contrib`, to make it easier for IDEs to interrogate Synapse's database schema. ([\#14982](
    - Improve type hints. ([\#15008](, [\#15026](, [\#15027](, [\#15028](, [\#15031](, [\#15035](, [\#15052](, [\#15072](, [\#15084](
    - Update [MSC3952]( support based on changes to the MSC. ([\#15037](
    - Avoid mutating a cached value in `get_user_devices_from_cache`. ([\#15040](
    - Fix a rare exception in logs on start up. ([\#15041](
    - Update pyo3-log to v0.8.1. ([\#15043](
    - Avoid mutating cached values in `_generate_sync_entry_for_account_data`. ([\#15047](
    - Refactor arguments of `try_unbind_threepid` and `_try_unbind_threepid_with_id_server` to not use dictionaries. ([\#15053](
    - Merge debug logging from the hotfixes branch. ([\#15054](
    - Faster joins: omit device list updates originating from partial state rooms in /sync responses without lazy loading of members enabled. ([\#15069](
    - Fix clashing database transaction name. ([\#15070](
    - Upper-bound frozendict dependency. This works around us being unable to test installing our wheels against Python 3.11 in CI. ([\#15114](
    - Tweak logging for when a worker waits for its view of a replication stream to catch up. ([\#15120](
    <details><summary>Locked dependency updates</summary>
    - Bump bleach from 5.0.1 to 6.0.0. ([\#15059](
    - Bump cryptography from 38.0.4 to 39.0.1. ([\#15020](
    - Bump ruff version from 0.0.230 to 0.0.237. ([\#15033](
    - Bump dtolnay/rust-toolchain from 9cd00a88a73addc8617065438eff914dd08d0955 to 25dc93b901a87e864900a8aec6c12e9aa794c0c3. ([\#15060](
    - Bump systemd-python from 234 to 235. ([\#15061](
    - Bump serde_json from 1.0.92 to 1.0.93. ([\#15062](
    - Bump types-requests from to ([\#15063](
    - Bump types-pillow from to ([\#15064](
    - Bump sentry-sdk from 1.13.0 to 1.15.0. ([\#15065](
    - Bump types-jsonschema from to ([\#15099](
    - Bump types-bleach from to ([\#15100](
    - Bump dtolnay/rust-toolchain from 25dc93b901a87e864900a8aec6c12e9aa794c0c3 to e12eda571dc9a5ee5d58eecf4738ec291c66f295. ([\#15101](
    - Bump dawidd6/action-download-artifact from 2.24.3 to 2.25.0. ([\#15102](
    - Bump types-pillow from to ([\#15104](
    - Bump types-setuptools from to ([\#15105](
  • v1.78.0
    8c3fa748 · 1.78.0 ·
    Synapse 1.78.0 (2023-02-28)
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.76 where 5s delays would occasionally occur in deployments using workers. ([\#15150](
    Synapse 1.78.0rc1 (2023-02-21)
    - Implement the experimental `exact_event_match` push rule condition from [MSC3758]( ([\#14964](
    - Add account data to the command line [user data export tool]( ([\#14969](
    - Implement [MSC3873]( to disambiguate push rule keys with dots in them. ([\#15004](
    - Allow Synapse to use a specific Redis [logical database]( in worker-mode deployments. ([\#15034](
    - Tag opentracing spans for federation requests with the name of the worker serving the request. ([\#15042](
    - Implement the experimental `exact_event_property_contains` push rule condition from [MSC3966]( ([\#15045](
    - Remove spurious `dont_notify` action from the defaults for the `.m.rule.reaction` pushrule. ([\#15073](
    - Update the error code returned when user sends a duplicate annotation. ([\#15075](
    - Prevent clients from reporting nonexistent events. ([\#13779](
    - Return spec-compliant JSON errors when unknown endpoints are requested. ([\#14605](
    - Fix a long-standing bug where the room aliases returned could be corrupted. ([\#15038](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.76.0 where partially-joined rooms could not be deleted using the [purge room API]( ([\#15068](
    - Fix a long-standing bug where federated joins would fail if the first server in the list of servers to try is not in the room. ([\#15074](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse v1.74.0 where searching with colons when using ICU for search term tokenisation would fail with an error. ([\#15079](
    - Reduce the likelihood of a rare race condition where rejoining a restricted room over federation would fail. ([\#15080](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.76 where workers would fail to start if the `health` listener was configured. ([\#15096](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.75 where the [portdb script]( would fail to run after a room had been faster-joined. ([\#15108](
    Improved Documentation
    - Document how to start Synapse with Poetry. Contributed by @thezaidbintariq. ([\#14892](, [\#15022](
    - Update delegation documentation to clarify that SRV DNS delegation does not eliminate all needs to serve files from .well-known locations. Contributed by @williamkray. ([\#14959](
    - Fix a mistake in registration_shared_secret_path docs. ([\#15078](
    - Refer to a more recent blog post on the [Database Maintenance Tools]( page. Contributed by @jahway603. ([\#15083](
    Internal Changes
    - Re-type hint some collections as read-only. ([\#13755](
    - Faster joins: don't stall when another user joins during a partial-state room resync. ([\#14606](
    - Add a class `UnpersistedEventContext` to allow for the batching up of storing state groups. ([\#14675](
    - Add a check to ensure that locked dependencies have source distributions available. ([\#14742](
    - Tweak comment on `_is_local_room_accessible` as part of room visibility in `/hierarchy` to clarify the condition for a room being visible. ([\#14834](
    - Prevent `WARNING: there is already a transaction in progress` lines appearing in PostgreSQL's logs on some occasions. ([\#14840](
    - Use `StrCollection` to avoid potential bugs with `Collection[str]`. ([\#14929](
    - Improve performance of `/sync` in a few situations. ([\#14973](
    - Limit concurrent event creation for a room to avoid state resolution when sending bursts of events to a local room. ([\#14977](
    - Skip calculating unread push actions in /sync when enable_push is false. ([\#14980](
    - Add a schema dump symlinks inside `contrib`, to make it easier for IDEs to interrogate Synapse's database schema. ([\#14982](
    - Improve type hints. ([\#15008](, [\#15026](, [\#15027](, [\#15028](, [\#15031](, [\#15035](, [\#15052](, [\#15072](, [\#15084](
    - Update [MSC3952]( support based on changes to the MSC. ([\#15037](
    - Avoid mutating a cached value in `get_user_devices_from_cache`. ([\#15040](
    - Fix a rare exception in logs on start up. ([\#15041](
    - Update pyo3-log to v0.8.1. ([\#15043](
    - Avoid mutating cached values in `_generate_sync_entry_for_account_data`. ([\#15047](
    - Refactor arguments of `try_unbind_threepid` and `_try_unbind_threepid_with_id_server` to not use dictionaries. ([\#15053](
    - Merge debug logging from the hotfixes branch. ([\#15054](
    - Faster joins: omit device list updates originating from partial state rooms in /sync responses without lazy loading of members enabled. ([\#15069](
    - Fix clashing database transaction name. ([\#15070](
    - Upper-bound frozendict dependency. This works around us being unable to test installing our wheels against Python 3.11 in CI. ([\#15114](
    - Tweak logging for when a worker waits for its view of a replication stream to catch up. ([\#15120](
    <details><summary>Locked dependency updates</summary>
    - Bump bleach from 5.0.1 to 6.0.0. ([\#15059](
    - Bump cryptography from 38.0.4 to 39.0.1. ([\#15020](
    - Bump ruff version from 0.0.230 to 0.0.237. ([\#15033](
    - Bump dtolnay/rust-toolchain from 9cd00a88a73addc8617065438eff914dd08d0955 to 25dc93b901a87e864900a8aec6c12e9aa794c0c3. ([\#15060](
    - Bump systemd-python from 234 to 235. ([\#15061](
    - Bump serde_json from 1.0.92 to 1.0.93. ([\#15062](
    - Bump types-requests from to ([\#15063](
    - Bump types-pillow from to ([\#15064](
    - Bump sentry-sdk from 1.13.0 to 1.15.0. ([\#15065](
    - Bump types-jsonschema from to ([\#15099](
    - Bump types-bleach from to ([\#15100](
    - Bump dtolnay/rust-toolchain from 25dc93b901a87e864900a8aec6c12e9aa794c0c3 to e12eda571dc9a5ee5d58eecf4738ec291c66f295. ([\#15101](
    - Bump dawidd6/action-download-artifact from 2.24.3 to 2.25.0. ([\#15102](
    - Bump types-pillow from to ([\#15104](
    - Bump types-setuptools from to ([\#15105](
  • v1.79.0rc1
    Synapse 1.79.0rc1 (2023-03-07)
    - Add two new Third Party Rules module API callbacks: [`on_add_user_third_party_identifier`]( and [`on_remove_user_third_party_identifier`]( ([\#15044](
    - Experimental support for [MSC3967]( to not require UIA for setting up cross-signing on first use. ([\#15077](
    - Add media information to the command line [user data export tool]( ([\#15107](
    - Add an [admin API]( to delete a [specific event report]( ([\#15116](
    - Add support for knocking to workers. ([\#15133](
    - Allow use of the `/filter` Client-Server APIs on workers. ([\#15134](
    - Update support for [MSC2677]( remove support for server-side aggregation of reactions. ([\#15172](
    - Stabilise support for [MSC3758]( `event_property_is` push condition. ([\#15185](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.75 that caused experimental support for deleting account data to raise an internal server error while using an account data writer worker. ([\#14869](
    - Fix a long-standing bug where Synapse handled an unspecced field on push rules. ([\#15088](
    - Fix a long-standing bug where a URL preview would break if the discovered oEmbed failed to download. ([\#15092](
    - Fix a long-standing bug where an initial sync would not respond to changes to the list of ignored users if there was an initial sync cached. ([\#15163](
    - Add the `transaction_id` in the events included in many endpoints' responses. ([\#15174](
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.78.0 where requests to claim dehydrated devices would fail with a `405` error. ([\#15180](
    - Stop applying edits when bundling aggregations, per [MSC3925]( ([\#15193](
    - Fix a long-standing bug where the user directory search was not case-insensitive for accented characters. ([\#15143](
    Updates to the Docker image
    - Improve startup logging in the with-workers Docker image. ([\#15186](
    Improved Documentation
    - Document how to use caches in a module. ([\#14026](
    - Clarify which worker processes the ThirdPartyRules' [`on_new_event`]( module API callback runs on. ([\#15071](
    - Document using [Shibboleth]( as an OpenID Provider. ([\#15112](
    - Correct reference to `federation_verify_certificates` in configuration documentation. ([\#15139](
    - Correct small documentation errors in some `MatrixFederationHttpClient` methods. ([\#15148](
    - Correct the description of the behavior of `registration_shared_secret_path` on startup. ([\#15168](
    Deprecations and Removals
    - Deprecate the `on_threepid_bind` module callback, to be replaced by [`on_add_user_third_party_identifier`]( See [upgrade notes]( ([\#15044]
    - Remove the unspecced `room_alias` field from the [`/createRoom`]( response. ([\#15093](
    - Remove the unspecced `PUT` on the `/knock/{roomIdOrAlias}` endpoint. ([\#15189](
    - Remove the undocumented and unspecced `type` parameter to the `/thumbnail` endpoint. ([\#15137](
    - Remove unspecced and buggy `PUT` method on the unstable `/rooms/<room_id>/batch_send` endpoint. ([\#15199](
    Internal Changes
    - Run the integration test suites with the asyncio reactor enabled in CI. ([\#14101](
    - Batch up storing state groups when creating a new room. ([\#14918](
    - Update [MSC3952]( support based on changes to the MSC. ([\#15051](
    - Refactor writing json data in `FileExfiltrationWriter`. ([\#15095](
    - Tighten the login ratelimit defaults. ([\#15135](
    - Fix a typo in an experimental config setting. ([\#15138](
    - Refactor the media modules. ([\#15146](, [\#15175](
    - Improve type hints. ([\#15164](
    - Move `get_event_report` and `get_event_reports_paginate` from `RoomStore` to `RoomWorkerStore`. ([\#15165](
    - Remove dangling reference to being a reference implementation in docstring. ([\#15167](
    - Add an option to force a rebuild of the "editable" complement image. ([\#15184](
    - Use nightly rustfmt in CI. ([\#15188](
    - Add a `get_next_txn` method to `StreamIdGenerator` to match `MultiWriterIdGenerator`. ([\#15191](
    - Combine `AbstractStreamIdTracker` and `AbstractStreamIdGenerator`. ([\#15192](
    - Automatically fix errors with `ruff`. ([\#15194](
    - Refactor database transaction for query users' devices to reduce database pool contention. ([\#15215](
    - Correct `test_icu_word_boundary_punctuation` so that it passes with the ICU versions available in Alpine and macOS. ([\#15177](
    <details><summary>Locked dependency updates</summary>
      - Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3. ([\#15155](
      - Bump black from 22.12.0 to 23.1.0. ([\#15103](
      - Bump dawidd6/action-download-artifact from 2.25.0 to 2.26.0. ([\#15152](
      - Bump docker/login-action from 1 to 2. ([\#15154](
      - Bump matrix-org/backend-meta from 1 to 2. ([\#15156](
      - Bump ruff from 0.0.237 to 0.0.252. ([\#15159](
      - Bump serde_json from 1.0.93 to 1.0.94. ([\#15214](
      - Bump types-commonmark from to ([\#15209](
      - Bump types-opentracing from to ([\#15158](
      - Bump types-pillow from to ([\#15211](
      - Bump types-psycopg2 from to ([\#15210](
      - Bump types-pyopenssl from to ([\#15213](
      - Bump types-setuptools from to ([\#15160](
      - Bump types-setuptools from to ([\#15212](
      - Bump typing-extensions from 4.4.0 to 4.5.0. ([\#15157](
  • v1.79.0rc2
    edcf9381 · 1.79.0rc2 ·
    Synapse 1.79.0rc2 (2023-03-13)
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.79.0rc1 where attempting to register a `on_remove_user_third_party_identifier` module API callback would be a no-op. ([\#15227](
    - Fix a rare bug introduced in Synapse 1.73 where events could remain unsent to other homeservers after a faster-join to a room. ([\#15248](
    Internal Changes
    - Refactor `filter_events_for_server`. ([\#15240](
  • v1.79.0
    8b1af08c · 1.79.0 ·
    Synapse 1.79.0 (2023-03-14)
  • v1.80.0rc1
    Synapse 1.80.0rc1 (2023-03-21)
    - Stabilise support for [MSC3966]( `event_property_contains` push condition. ([\#15187](
    - Implement [MSC2659]( application service ping endpoint. Contributed by Tulir @ Beeper. ([\#15249](
    - Allow loading `/register/available` endpoint on workers. ([\#15268](
    - Improve performance of creating and authenticating events. ([\#15195](
    - Add topic and name events to group of events that are batch persisted when creating a room. ([\#15229](
    - Fix a long-standing bug in which the user directory would assume any remote membership state events represent a profile change. ([\#14755](, [\#14756](
    - Implement [MSC3873]( to fix a long-standing bug where properties with dots were handled ambiguously in push rules. ([\#15190](
    - Faster joins: Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.66 where spurious "Failed to find memberships ..." errors would be logged. ([\#15232](
    - Fix a long-standing error when sending message into deleted room. ([\#15235](
    Updates to the Docker image
    - Ensure the Dockerfile builds on platforms that don't have a `cryptography` wheel. ([\#15239](
    - Mirror images to the GitHub Container Registry (``). ([\#15281](, [\#15282](
    Improved Documentation
    - Add a missing endpoint to the workers documentation. ([\#15223](
    Internal Changes
    - Add additional functionality to declaring worker types when starting Complement in worker mode. ([\#14921](
    - Add `Synapse-Trace-Id` to `access-control-expose-headers` header. ([\#14974](
    - Make the `HttpTransactionCache` use the `Requester` in addition of the just the `Request` to build the transaction key. ([\#15200](
    - Improve log lines when purging rooms. ([\#15222](
    - Improve type hints. ([\#15230](, [\#15231](, [\#15238](
    - Move various module API callback registration methods to a dedicated class. ([\#15237](
    - Configure GitHub Actions for merge queues. ([\#15244](
    - Add schema comments about the `destinations` and `destination_rooms` tables. ([\#15247](
    - Skip processing of auto-join room behaviour if there are no auto-join rooms configured. ([\#15262](
    - Remove unused store method `_set_destination_retry_timings_emulated`. ([\#15266](
    - Reorganize URL preview code. ([\#15269](
    - Clean-up direct TCP replication code. ([\#15272](, [\#15274](
    - Make `configure_workers_and_start` script used in Complement tests compatible with older versions of Python. ([\#15275](
    - Add a `/versions` flag for [MSC3952]( ([\#15293](
    - Bump hiredis from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2. ([\#15252](
    - Bump serde from 1.0.152 to 1.0.155. ([\#15253](
    - Bump pysaml2 from 7.2.1 to 7.3.1. ([\#15254](
    - Bump msgpack from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5. ([\#15255](
    - Bump gitpython from 3.1.30 to 3.1.31. ([\#15256](
    - Bump cryptography from 39.0.1 to 39.0.2. ([\#15257](
    - Bump pydantic from 1.10.4 to 1.10.6. ([\#15286](
    - Bump serde from 1.0.155 to 1.0.157. ([\#15287](
    - Bump anyhow from 1.0.69 to 1.0.70. ([\#15288](
    - Bump txredisapi from 1.4.7 to 1.4.9. ([\#15289](
    - Bump pygithub from 1.57 to 1.58.1. ([\#15290](
    - Bump types-requests from to ([\#15291](