diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ac102bb8a6b7372285583d946b8b233b19a1a9ba..a47d8f4186d619d4d0094062359c81c71f81864e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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 # kube-prometheus
-This repository collects Kubernetes manifests, dashboards, and alerting rules
-combined with documentation and scripts to provide single-command deployments
-of end-to-end Kubernetes cluster monitoring.
+This repository collects Kubernetes manifests, [Grafana](http://grafana.com/) dashboards, and
+[Prometheus rules](https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/recording_rules/)
+combined with documentation and scripts to provide single-command deployments of end-to-end
+Kubernetes cluster monitoring with [Prometheus](https://prometheus.io/) (Operator).
 ## Prerequisites
-First, you need a running Kubernetes cluster. If you don't have one, follow the
-instructions of [bootkube](https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/bootkube) or
-[minikube](https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube). Some sample contents of this
+First, you need a running Kubernetes cluster. If you don't have one, we recommend you create one
+with [Tectonic Installer](https://coreos.com/tectonic/docs/latest/). Despite the name,
+Tectonic Installer gives you also the choice to create a barebones Kubernetes cluster, without
+CoreOS' Tectonic technology. Otherwise, you can simply make use of
+[bootkube](https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/bootkube) or
+[minikube](https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube) for local testing. Some sample contents of this
 repository are adapted to work with a [multi-node setup](https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/bootkube/tree/master/hack/multi-node)
 using [bootkube](https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/bootkube).
 ## Monitoring Kubernetes
-The manifests used here use the [Prometheus Operator](https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator),
-which manages Prometheus servers and their configuration in a cluster. With a single command we can install
+The manifests here use the [Prometheus Operator](https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator),
+which manages Prometheus servers and their configuration in a cluster. With a single command we can
 * The Operator itself
 * The Prometheus [node_exporter](https://github.com/prometheus/node_exporter)
 * [kube-state-metrics](https://github.com/kubernetes/kube-state-metrics)
 * The [Prometheus specification](https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator/blob/master/Documentation/api.md#prometheus) based on which the Operator deploys a Prometheus setup
 * A Prometheus configuration covering monitoring of all Kubernetes core components and exporters
-* A default set of alerting rules on the cluster component's health
+* A default set of alerting rules on the cluster components' health
 * A Grafana instance serving dashboards on cluster metrics
 * A three node highly available Alertmanager cluster
 Simply run:
-export KUBECONFIG=<path>          # defaults to "~/.kube/config"
+export KUBECONFIG=<path> # defaults to "~/.kube/config"
@@ -47,11 +52,11 @@ hack/cluster-monitoring/teardown
 ## Monitoring custom services
-The example manifests in [/manifests/examples/example-app](/contrib/kube-prometheus/manifests/examples/example-app)
+The example manifests in [manifests/examples/example-app](/contrib/kube-prometheus/manifests/examples/example-app)
 deploy a fake service exposing Prometheus metrics. They additionally define a new Prometheus
 server and a [`ServiceMonitor`](https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator/blob/master/Documentation/design.md#servicemonitor),
 which specifies how the example service should be monitored.
-The Prometheus Operator will deploy and configure the desired Prometheus instance and continiously
+The Prometheus Operator will deploy and configure the desired Prometheus instance and continuously
 manage its life cycle.
@@ -71,21 +76,32 @@ hack/example-service-monitoring/teardown
 ## Dashboarding
-The provided manifests deploy a Grafana instance serving dashboards provided via a ConfigMap.
-To modify, delete, or add dashboards, the `grafana-dashboards` ConfigMap must be modified.
+The provided manifests deploy a Grafana instance serving dashboards provided via ConfigMaps.
+Said ConfigMaps are generated from Python scripts in assets/grafana, that all have the extension
+.dashboard.py as they are loaded by the [grafanalib](https://github.com/aknuds1/grafanalib)
+Grafana dashboard generator. Bear in mind that we are for now using a fork of grafanalib as
+we needed to make extensive changes to it, in order to be able to generate our dashboards. We are
+hoping to be able to consolidate our version with the original.
+As such, in order to make changes to the dashboard bundle, you need to change the \*.dashboard.py 
+files in assets/grafana, eventually add your own, and then run `make generate` in the
+kube-prometheus root directory.
+To read more in depth about developing dashboards, read the [Developing alerts and dashboards](docs/developing-alerts-and-dashboards.md) documentation.
+### Reloading of dashboards
 Currently, Grafana does not support serving dashboards from static files. Instead, the `grafana-watcher`
 sidecar container aims to emulate the behavior, by keeping the Grafana database always in sync
 with the provided ConfigMap. Hence, the Grafana pod is effectively stateless.
 This allows managing dashboards via `git` etc. and easily deploying them via CD pipelines.
-For information about how to update/handle the dashboards check [Developing alerts and dashboards](docs/developing-alerts-and-dashboards.md) doc.
 In the future, a separate Grafana operator will support gathering dashboards from multiple
 ConfigMaps based on label selection.
 WARNING: If you deploy multiple Grafana instances for HA, you must use session affinity.
-Otherwise if pods restart the prometheus datasource ID can get out of sync between the pods, breaking the UI
+Otherwise if pods restart the prometheus datasource ID can get out of sync between the pods,
+breaking the UI
 ## Roadmap