From 2ffb7cffeab7a25176992b46bc982da17e772cec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthias Loibl <>
Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2018 16:20:23 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] *: Generate latest Documentation and manifest for Prom v2.5.0

 examples/minikube.jsonnet            | 12 +++++------
 examples/prometheus-pvc.jsonnet      | 31 ++++++++++++++--------------
 jsonnetfile.lock.json                |  2 +-
 manifests/prometheus-prometheus.yaml |  2 +-
 sync-to-internal-registry.jsonnet    | 20 +++++++++---------
 5 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/minikube.jsonnet b/examples/minikube.jsonnet
index 850514fd..3073612a 100644
--- a/examples/minikube.jsonnet
+++ b/examples/minikube.jsonnet
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ local kp =
         config: importstr 'alertmanager-config.yaml',
       grafana+:: {
-        config: { //
+        config: {  //
           sections: {
             // Do not require grafana users to login/authenticate
-            "auth.anonymous": {enabled: true},
+            'auth.anonymous': { enabled: true },
@@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ local kp =
         // Reference info:
         spec+: {
           // An e.g. of the purpose of this is so the "Source" links on http://<alert-manager>/#/alerts are valid.
-          externalUrl: "",
+          externalUrl: '',
           // Reference info: "external_labels" on
           externalLabels: {
             // This 'cluster' label will be included on every firing prometheus alert. (This is more useful
             // when running multiple clusters in a shared environment (e.g. AWS) with other users.)
-            cluster: "minikube-<INSERT YOUR USERNAME HERE>",
+            cluster: 'minikube-<INSERT YOUR USERNAME HERE>',
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ local kp =
       alertmanager+: {
         // Reference info:
         spec+: {
-          externalUrl: "",
+          externalUrl: '',
-          logLevel: "debug", // So firing alerts show up in log
+          logLevel: 'debug',  // So firing alerts show up in log
diff --git a/examples/prometheus-pvc.jsonnet b/examples/prometheus-pvc.jsonnet
index 75b250fe..82716e0f 100644
--- a/examples/prometheus-pvc.jsonnet
+++ b/examples/prometheus-pvc.jsonnet
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
 // Reference info: documentation for can be found at
-local k = import 'ksonnet/ksonnet.beta.3/k.libsonnet'; // - imports k8s.libsonnet
+local k = import 'ksonnet/ksonnet.beta.3/k.libsonnet';  // - imports k8s.libsonnet
 // * defines things such as "persistentVolumeClaim:: {"
-local pvc = k.core.v1.persistentVolumeClaim; // (defines variable named 'spec' of type 'PersistentVolumeClaimSpec')
+local pvc = k.core.v1.persistentVolumeClaim;  // (defines variable named 'spec' of type 'PersistentVolumeClaimSpec')
 local kp =
   (import 'kube-prometheus/kube-prometheus.libsonnet') +
@@ -16,20 +15,20 @@ local kp =
     prometheus+:: {
       prometheus+: {
-        spec+: { //
+        spec+: {  //
           // If a value isn't specified for 'retention', then by default the '--storage.tsdb.retention=24h' arg will be passed to prometheus by prometheus-operator.
           // The possible values for a prometheus <duration> are:
           //  * specifies "^([0-9]+)(y|w|d|h|m|s|ms)$" (years weeks days hours minutes seconds milliseconds)
-          retention: "30d",
+          retention: '30d',
           // Reference info:
           // By default (if the following 'storage.volumeClaimTemplate' isn't created), prometheus will be created with an EmptyDir for the 'prometheus-k8s-db' volume (for the prom tsdb).
           // This 'storage.volumeClaimTemplate' causes the following to be automatically created (via dynamic provisioning) for each prometheus pod:
           //  * PersistentVolumeClaim (and a corresponding PersistentVolume)
           //  * the actual volume (per the StorageClassName specified below)
-          storage: { //
-            volumeClaimTemplate: // (same link as above where the 'pvc' variable is defined)
-     + //
+          storage: {  //
+            volumeClaimTemplate:  // (same link as above where the 'pvc' variable is defined)
+     +  //
               pvc.mixin.spec.withAccessModes('ReadWriteOnce') +
@@ -40,14 +39,14 @@ local kp =
               // A StorageClass of the following name (which can be seen via `kubectl get storageclass` from a node in the given K8s cluster) must exist prior to kube-prometheus being deployed.
-              // The following 'selector' is only needed if you're using manual storage provisioning (
-              // And note that this is not supported/allowed by AWS - uncommenting the following 'selector' line (when deploying kube-prometheus to a K8s cluster in AWS) will cause the pvc to be stuck in the Pending status and have the following error:
-              //  * 'Failed to provision volume with StorageClass "ssd": claim.Spec.Selector is not supported for dynamic provisioning on AWS'
-              //pvc.mixin.spec.selector.withMatchLabels({}),
-          }, // storage
-        }, // spec
-      }, // prometheus
-    }, // prometheus
+            // The following 'selector' is only needed if you're using manual storage provisioning (
+            // And note that this is not supported/allowed by AWS - uncommenting the following 'selector' line (when deploying kube-prometheus to a K8s cluster in AWS) will cause the pvc to be stuck in the Pending status and have the following error:
+            //  * 'Failed to provision volume with StorageClass "ssd": claim.Spec.Selector is not supported for dynamic provisioning on AWS'
+            //pvc.mixin.spec.selector.withMatchLabels({}),
+          },  // storage
+        },  // spec
+      },  // prometheus
+    },  // prometheus
diff --git a/jsonnetfile.lock.json b/jsonnetfile.lock.json
index 74733929..195e58e0 100644
--- a/jsonnetfile.lock.json
+++ b/jsonnetfile.lock.json
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
                     "subdir": "contrib/kube-prometheus/jsonnet/kube-prometheus"
-            "version": "6e412f0b4727f3a7a6f097530294409baa6b520a"
+            "version": "fa0a0ae33a16a23845da8ab9973dd4eed50a20df"
             "name": "ksonnet",
diff --git a/manifests/prometheus-prometheus.yaml b/manifests/prometheus-prometheus.yaml
index ae18cd67..94fd64dc 100644
--- a/manifests/prometheus-prometheus.yaml
+++ b/manifests/prometheus-prometheus.yaml
@@ -25,4 +25,4 @@ spec:
   serviceAccountName: prometheus-k8s
   serviceMonitorNamespaceSelector: {}
   serviceMonitorSelector: {}
-  version: v2.4.3
+  version: v2.5.0
diff --git a/sync-to-internal-registry.jsonnet b/sync-to-internal-registry.jsonnet
index f0cf35ae..b7c85571 100644
--- a/sync-to-internal-registry.jsonnet
+++ b/sync-to-internal-registry.jsonnet
@@ -3,20 +3,20 @@ local l = import 'kube-prometheus/lib/lib.libsonnet';
 local config = kp._config;
 local makeImages(config) = [
-    {
-        name: config.imageRepos[image],
-        tag: config.versions[image],
-    }
-    for image in std.objectFields(config.imageRepos)
+  {
+    name: config.imageRepos[image],
+    tag: config.versions[image],
+  }
+  for image in std.objectFields(config.imageRepos)
 local upstreamImage(image) = '%s:%s' % [, image.tag];
 local downstreamImage(registry, image) = '%s/%s:%s' % [registry, l.imageName(, image.tag];
 local pullPush(image, newRegistry) = [
-    'docker pull %s' % upstreamImage(image),
-    'docker tag %s %s' % [upstreamImage(image), downstreamImage(newRegistry, image)],
-    'docker push %s' % downstreamImage(newRegistry, image),
+  'docker pull %s' % upstreamImage(image),
+  'docker tag %s %s' % [upstreamImage(image), downstreamImage(newRegistry, image)],
+  'docker push %s' % downstreamImage(newRegistry, image),
 local images = makeImages(config);
@@ -26,5 +26,5 @@ local output(repository) = std.flattenArrays([
   for image in images
-    std.join('\n', output(repository))
+  std.join('\n', output(repository))