diff --git a/docs/blackbox-exporter.md b/docs/blackbox-exporter.md
index 60321e577a2b01dfe097f607d0be5b73f57b0209..e277f4bec86551546380959dbcb5b99fb9774fa0 100644
--- a/docs/blackbox-exporter.md
+++ b/docs/blackbox-exporter.md
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
-weight: 630
+weight: 304
 toc: true
 title: Blackbox Exporter
         parent: kube
-lead: This Document documents the types introduced by the Prometheus Operator to be consumed by users.
-lastmod: "2021-03-08T08:49:31+00:00"
+lead: This guide will help you deploying the blackbox-exporter with the Probe custom resource definition.
 images: []
 draft: false
-description: Generated API docs for the Prometheus Operator
+description: This guide will help you deploying the blackbox-exporter with the Probe custom resource definition.
 date: "2021-03-08T08:49:31+00:00"
diff --git a/docs/customizations/developing-prometheus-rules-and-grafana-dashboards.md b/docs/customizations/developing-prometheus-rules-and-grafana-dashboards.md
index 5d472508a142cdc4f517db566c17471f226d1bc6..08672df8db491ccbee79317469e98e3abf0fa828 100644
--- a/docs/customizations/developing-prometheus-rules-and-grafana-dashboards.md
+++ b/docs/customizations/developing-prometheus-rules-and-grafana-dashboards.md
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
-weight: 650
+weight: 307
 toc: true
 title: Prometheus Rules and Grafana Dashboards
         parent: kube
-lead: Create Prometheus Rules and Grafana Dashboards on top of kube-prometheus
+lead: This guide will help you adding Prometheus Rules and Grafana Dashboards on top of kube-prometheus
 images: []
 draft: false
-description: Create Prometheus Rules and Grafana Dashboards on top of kube-prometheus
-date: "2021-03-08T23:04:32+01:00"
+description: This guide will help you adding Prometheus Rules and Grafana Dashboards on top of kube-prometheus
 `kube-prometheus` ships with a set of default [Prometheus rules](https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/recording_rules/) and [Grafana](http://grafana.com/) dashboards. At some point one might like to extend them, the purpose of this document is to explain how to do this.
diff --git a/docs/customizations/exposing-prometheus-alertmanager-grafana-ingress.md b/docs/customizations/exposing-prometheus-alertmanager-grafana-ingress.md
index ada5e22d4d40398f08f2fc4d0c1ada4a33892d9e..b74baf350faa38f915b8cb9a439a292a4b8615bd 100644
--- a/docs/customizations/exposing-prometheus-alertmanager-grafana-ingress.md
+++ b/docs/customizations/exposing-prometheus-alertmanager-grafana-ingress.md
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
-weight: 500
+weight: 303
 toc: true
 title: Expose via Ingress
         parent: kube
-lead: How to setup a Kubernetes Ingress to expose the Prometheus, Alertmanager and Grafana.
+lead: This guide will help you deploying a Kubernetes Ingress to expose Prometheus, Alertmanager and Grafana.
 images: []
 draft: false
-description: How to setup a Kubernetes Ingress to expose the Prometheus, Alertmanager and Grafana.
-date: "2021-03-08T23:04:32+01:00"
+description: This guide will help you deploying a Kubernetes Ingress to expose Prometheus, Alertmanager and Grafana.
 In order to access the web interfaces via the Internet [Kubernetes Ingress](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/) is a popular option. This guide explains, how Kubernetes Ingress can be setup, in order to expose the Prometheus, Alertmanager and Grafana UIs, that are included in the [kube-prometheus](https://github.com/prometheus-operator/kube-prometheus) project.
diff --git a/docs/deploy-kind.md b/docs/deploy-kind.md
index 5d85d23a1c497be864e6ba400f5d235d793eef44..fcb9de0c96c7b11f3065e4de1de148deda4d7077 100644
--- a/docs/deploy-kind.md
+++ b/docs/deploy-kind.md
@@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
-weight: 500
+weight: 301
 toc: true
 title: Deploy to kind
         parent: kube
-lead: Deploy kube-prometheus to Kubernets kind.
+lead: This guide will help you deploying kube-prometheus on Kubernetes kind.
 images: []
 draft: false
-description: Deploy kube-prometheus to Kubernets kind.
-date: "2021-03-08T23:04:32+01:00"
+description: This guide will help you deploying kube-prometheus on Kubernetes kind.
 Time to explain how!
diff --git a/docs/kube-prometheus-on-kubeadm.md b/docs/kube-prometheus-on-kubeadm.md
index c3d7fe13d6fbd191119aec3fe1c599bda9284e0b..7e050a2658f901e70ae9c4b3dac1c8366af1273c 100644
--- a/docs/kube-prometheus-on-kubeadm.md
+++ b/docs/kube-prometheus-on-kubeadm.md
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
-weight: 500
+weight: 302
 toc: true
 title: Deploy to kubeadm
         parent: kube
-lead: Deploy kube-prometheus to Kubernets kubeadm.
+lead: This guide will help you deploying kube-prometheus on Kubernetes kubeadm.
 images: []
 draft: false
-description: Deploy kube-prometheus to Kubernets kubeadm.
-date: "2021-03-08T23:04:32+01:00"
+description: This guide will help you deploying kube-prometheus on Kubernetes kubeadm.
 The [kubeadm](https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/independent/create-cluster-kubeadm/) tool is linked by Kubernetes as the offical way to deploy and manage self-hosted clusters. kubeadm does a lot of heavy lifting by automatically configuring your Kubernetes cluster with some common options. This guide is intended to show you how to deploy Prometheus, Prometheus Operator and Kube Prometheus to get you started monitoring your cluster that was deployed with kubeadm.
diff --git a/docs/monitoring-external-etcd.md b/docs/monitoring-external-etcd.md
index ac3c58138ecd4a2629c8a8c68db813d9a74628f9..83dd58f88c5de04c9bd7ff49f067010dc21f6439 100644
--- a/docs/monitoring-external-etcd.md
+++ b/docs/monitoring-external-etcd.md
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
-weight: 640
+weight: 305
 toc: true
 title: Monitoring external etcd
         parent: kube
-lead: This guide will help you monitor an external etcd cluster.
+lead: This guide will help you monitoring an external etcd cluster.
 images: []
 draft: false
-description: This guide will help you monitor an external etcd cluster.
-date: "2021-03-08T23:04:32+01:00"
+description: This guide will help you monitoring an external etcd cluster.
 When the etcd cluster is not hosted inside Kubernetes.
diff --git a/docs/monitoring-other-namespaces.md b/docs/monitoring-other-namespaces.md
index f46705dc7e558b365e93a8231f0bb04c7399563c..be2d1da6da16da18dfe4dcd1d40094f8d6b51e56 100644
--- a/docs/monitoring-other-namespaces.md
+++ b/docs/monitoring-other-namespaces.md
@@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
-weight: 640
+weight: 306
 toc: true
 title: Monitoring other Namespaces
         parent: kube
-lead: This guide will help you monitor applications in other Namespaces.
+lead: This guide will help you monitoring applications in other namespaces.
 images: []
 draft: false
-description: This guide will help you monitor applications in other Namespaces.
-date: "2021-03-08T23:04:32+01:00"
+description: This guide will help you monitoring applications in other namespaces.
-This guide will help you monitor applications in other Namespaces. By default the RBAC rules are only enabled for the `Default` and `kube-system` Namespace during Install.
+By default the RBAC rules are only enabled for the `Default` and `kube-system` namespaces.
 # Setup
-You have to give the list of the Namespaces that you want to be able to monitor.
+You have to give the list of the namespaces that you want to be able to monitor.
 This is done in the variable `prometheus.roleSpecificNamespaces`. You usually set this in your `.jsonnet` file when building the manifests.
 Example to create the needed `Role` and `RoleBinding` for the Namespace `foo` :