diff --git a/jsonnetfile.lock.json b/jsonnetfile.lock.json
index b15f6ecfcc1420793f8c8d9978c3a6c746765e09..9c45355572fd35ffaf47f766c34a20e79aaf8a78 100644
--- a/jsonnetfile.lock.json
+++ b/jsonnetfile.lock.json
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
           "subdir": "contrib/mixin"
-      "version": "8f17652c6096757feaf68973161508730ba2fa57",
+      "version": "7572a61a39d4eaad596ab8d9364f7df9a84ff4a3",
       "sum": "cdKL5kPYfpWSpTCu4qctmh+gWQqL+4YWom6rw9qLYJU="
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
           "subdir": "grafana-builder"
-      "version": "6639a82ac03f9f8e3f6672c5de48fd9e19578e82",
+      "version": "c4975f7c4a7ab4c21020c4afbf247aa49142174d",
       "sum": "y8uA/daOROErelzoo2p1rtqABhUPArg2alsfcb0PQBk="
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
           "subdir": ""
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-      "sum": "2mH6p/tB7MYvdT+wZP3t0oIp/wh58YxhiXUOQ2VmrGk="
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+      "sum": "YRRFew+XcoPGZYuINIrDWdTV7tKj8iaWs2eSnL+Exs0="
       "source": {
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
           "subdir": "lib/promgrafonnet"
-      "version": "0c1cd2882281028c47fb06310e919dc71565bf09",
+      "version": "3978f13fe6b4aff8e2875a744a2327911c6d048d",
       "sum": "zv7hXGui6BfHzE9wPatHI/AGZa4A2WKo6pq7ZdqBsps="
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
           "subdir": "jsonnet/kube-state-metrics"
-      "version": "0c33f919a18ba6e8fd5d18ea9ebe9ae1a8435dce",
+      "version": "0c9580d09c6ac8b35630813afbcc0fe217ce1874",
       "sum": "U1wzIpTAtOvC1yj43Y8PfvT0JfvnAcMfNH12Wi+ab0Y="
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
           "subdir": "jsonnet/kube-state-metrics-mixin"
-      "version": "0c33f919a18ba6e8fd5d18ea9ebe9ae1a8435dce",
+      "version": "0c9580d09c6ac8b35630813afbcc0fe217ce1874",
       "sum": "u8gaydJoxEjzizQ8jY8xSjYgWooPmxw+wIWdDxifMAk="
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
           "subdir": "jsonnet/mixin"
-      "version": "987d70d3f1332cdf5b7c62bbffacf680b01c29ef",
+      "version": "17caf39e45a5bff3b3c11aa7d11a03a2a964176e",
       "sum": "qZ4WgiweaE6eeKtFK60QUjLO8sf2L9Q8fgafWvDcyfY=",
       "name": "prometheus-operator-mixin"
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@
           "subdir": "jsonnet/prometheus-operator"
-      "version": "987d70d3f1332cdf5b7c62bbffacf680b01c29ef",
-      "sum": "Rfp48pJ3uRMK4/8keqzjZjlAa/Ztb1q/do44YYlHdSQ="
+      "version": "17caf39e45a5bff3b3c11aa7d11a03a2a964176e",
+      "sum": "AYICIHiqYYszo3HJQWBfoCotUh9BLyqrVuBkWP7+rlc="
       "source": {
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
           "subdir": "documentation/prometheus-mixin"
-      "version": "0eac720468cf1b4bfee5cf3a4587cb5a409c1607",
+      "version": "2a3d62ac845689f1cd949cd50b99f43ed090f442",
       "sum": "ZjQoYhvgKwJNkg+h+m9lW3SYjnjv5Yx5btEipLhru88=",
       "name": "prometheus"
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
           "subdir": "mixin"
-      "version": "243526d6a7108af41ce76586832358c1a467362d",
+      "version": "19dcc7902d2431265154cefff82426fbc91448a3",
       "sum": "2mA8HiOBtNle+J81PGsXmxkVXGuVSRExZv9+xhnCeUs=",
       "name": "thanos-mixin"
diff --git a/manifests/grafana-dashboardDefinitions.yaml b/manifests/grafana-dashboardDefinitions.yaml
index 7bb185fd3cf95a9dd86d6bef2844549ea462b6e2..ace2bab0e46bdf84b04413212599de9015902a61 100644
--- a/manifests/grafana-dashboardDefinitions.yaml
+++ b/manifests/grafana-dashboardDefinitions.yaml
@@ -18527,7 +18527,7 @@ items:
                       "options": [
-                      "query": "label_values(kube_pod_info{job=\"kube-state-metrics\"}, cluster=\"$cluster\"}, namespace)",
+                      "query": "label_values(kube_pod_info{job=\"kube-state-metrics\", cluster=\"$cluster\"}, namespace)",
                       "refresh": 2,
                       "regex": "",
                       "sort": 1,
diff --git a/manifests/kubernetes-prometheusRule.yaml b/manifests/kubernetes-prometheusRule.yaml
index 2e5461d5fd157cb1915323496947a3c9cc4f8e31..98f957e9f092139642eb615929ad474115e3028f 100644
--- a/manifests/kubernetes-prometheusRule.yaml
+++ b/manifests/kubernetes-prometheusRule.yaml
@@ -294,9 +294,9 @@ spec:
         runbook_url: https://runbooks.prometheus-operator.dev/runbooks/kubernetes/kubecpuquotaovercommit
         summary: Cluster has overcommitted CPU resource requests.
       expr: |
-        sum(kube_resourcequota{job="kube-state-metrics", type="hard", resource="cpu"})
+        sum(min without(resource) (kube_resourcequota{job="kube-state-metrics", type="hard", resource=~"(cpu|requests.cpu)"}))
-        sum(kube_node_status_allocatable{resource="cpu"})
+        sum(kube_node_status_allocatable{resource="cpu", job="kube-state-metrics"})
           > 1.5
       for: 5m
@@ -307,9 +307,9 @@ spec:
         runbook_url: https://runbooks.prometheus-operator.dev/runbooks/kubernetes/kubememoryquotaovercommit
         summary: Cluster has overcommitted memory resource requests.
       expr: |
-        sum(kube_resourcequota{job="kube-state-metrics", type="hard", resource="memory"})
+        sum(min without(resource) (kube_resourcequota{job="kube-state-metrics", type="hard", resource=~"(memory|requests.memory)"}))
-        sum(kube_node_status_allocatable{resource="memory",job="kube-state-metrics"})
+        sum(kube_node_status_allocatable{resource="memory", job="kube-state-metrics"})
           > 1.5
       for: 5m
@@ -390,6 +390,8 @@ spec:
         kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes{job="kubelet", metrics_path="/metrics"} > 0
         unless on(namespace, persistentvolumeclaim)
         kube_persistentvolumeclaim_access_mode{ access_mode="ReadOnlyMany"} == 1
+        unless on(namespace, persistentvolumeclaim)
+        kube_persistentvolumeclaim_labels{label_excluded_from_alerts="true"} == 1
       for: 1m
         severity: critical
@@ -413,6 +415,8 @@ spec:
         predict_linear(kubelet_volume_stats_available_bytes{job="kubelet", metrics_path="/metrics"}[6h], 4 * 24 * 3600) < 0
         unless on(namespace, persistentvolumeclaim)
         kube_persistentvolumeclaim_access_mode{ access_mode="ReadOnlyMany"} == 1
+        unless on(namespace, persistentvolumeclaim)
+        kube_persistentvolumeclaim_labels{label_excluded_from_alerts="true"} == 1
       for: 1h
         severity: warning
@@ -516,8 +520,8 @@ spec:
     - alert: KubeClientCertificateExpiration
-        description: A client certificate used to authenticate to the apiserver is
-          expiring in less than 7.0 days.
+        description: A client certificate used to authenticate to kubernetes apiserver
+          is expiring in less than 7.0 days.
         runbook_url: https://runbooks.prometheus-operator.dev/runbooks/kubernetes/kubeclientcertificateexpiration
         summary: Client certificate is about to expire.
       expr: |
@@ -526,31 +530,31 @@ spec:
         severity: warning
     - alert: KubeClientCertificateExpiration
-        description: A client certificate used to authenticate to the apiserver is
-          expiring in less than 24.0 hours.
+        description: A client certificate used to authenticate to kubernetes apiserver
+          is expiring in less than 24.0 hours.
         runbook_url: https://runbooks.prometheus-operator.dev/runbooks/kubernetes/kubeclientcertificateexpiration
         summary: Client certificate is about to expire.
       expr: |
         apiserver_client_certificate_expiration_seconds_count{job="apiserver"} > 0 and on(job) histogram_quantile(0.01, sum by (job, le) (rate(apiserver_client_certificate_expiration_seconds_bucket{job="apiserver"}[5m]))) < 86400
         severity: critical
-    - alert: AggregatedAPIErrors
+    - alert: KubeAggregatedAPIErrors
-        description: An aggregated API {{ $labels.name }}/{{ $labels.namespace }}
-          has reported errors. It has appeared unavailable {{ $value | humanize }}
-          times averaged over the past 10m.
-        runbook_url: https://runbooks.prometheus-operator.dev/runbooks/kubernetes/aggregatedapierrors
-        summary: An aggregated API has reported errors.
+        description: Kubernetes aggregated API {{ $labels.name }}/{{ $labels.namespace
+          }} has reported errors. It has appeared unavailable {{ $value | humanize
+          }} times averaged over the past 10m.
+        runbook_url: https://runbooks.prometheus-operator.dev/runbooks/kubernetes/kubeaggregatedapierrors
+        summary: Kubernetes aggregated API has reported errors.
       expr: |
         sum by(name, namespace)(increase(aggregator_unavailable_apiservice_total[10m])) > 4
         severity: warning
-    - alert: AggregatedAPIDown
+    - alert: KubeAggregatedAPIDown
-        description: An aggregated API {{ $labels.name }}/{{ $labels.namespace }}
-          has been only {{ $value | humanize }}% available over the last 10m.
-        runbook_url: https://runbooks.prometheus-operator.dev/runbooks/kubernetes/aggregatedapidown
-        summary: An aggregated API is down.
+        description: Kubernetes aggregated API {{ $labels.name }}/{{ $labels.namespace
+          }} has been only {{ $value | humanize }}% available over the last 10m.
+        runbook_url: https://runbooks.prometheus-operator.dev/runbooks/kubernetes/kubeaggregatedapidown
+        summary: Kubernetes aggregated API is down.
       expr: |
         (1 - max by(name, namespace)(avg_over_time(aggregator_unavailable_apiservice[10m]))) * 100 < 85
       for: 5m
@@ -568,11 +572,11 @@ spec:
         severity: critical
     - alert: KubeAPITerminatedRequests
-        description: The apiserver has terminated {{ $value | humanizePercentage }}
-          of its incoming requests.
+        description: The kubernetes apiserver has terminated {{ $value | humanizePercentage
+          }} of its incoming requests.
         runbook_url: https://runbooks.prometheus-operator.dev/runbooks/kubernetes/kubeapiterminatedrequests
-        summary: The apiserver has terminated {{ $value | humanizePercentage }} of
-          its incoming requests.
+        summary: The kubernetes apiserver has terminated {{ $value | humanizePercentage
+          }} of its incoming requests.
       expr: |
         sum(rate(apiserver_request_terminations_total{job="apiserver"}[10m]))  / (  sum(rate(apiserver_request_total{job="apiserver"}[10m])) + sum(rate(apiserver_request_terminations_total{job="apiserver"}[10m])) ) > 0.20
       for: 5m
diff --git a/manifests/setup/prometheus-operator-0alertmanagerConfigCustomResourceDefinition.yaml b/manifests/setup/prometheus-operator-0alertmanagerConfigCustomResourceDefinition.yaml
index 1e751385411a589633dc98f9eb737ba96266c42d..3ce52e501f4c643a32c0df162c92687bc3ae1034 100644
--- a/manifests/setup/prometheus-operator-0alertmanagerConfigCustomResourceDefinition.yaml
+++ b/manifests/setup/prometheus-operator-0alertmanagerConfigCustomResourceDefinition.yaml
@@ -121,6 +121,88 @@ spec:
                       type: array
                   type: object
                 type: array
+              muteTimeIntervals:
+                description: List of MuteTimeInterval specifying when the routes should
+                  be muted.
+                items:
+                  description: MuteTimeInterval specifies the periods in time when
+                    notifications will be muted
+                  properties:
+                    name:
+                      description: Name of the time interval
+                      type: string
+                    timeIntervals:
+                      description: TimeIntervals is a list of TimeInterval
+                      items:
+                        description: TimeInterval describes intervals of time
+                        properties:
+                          daysOfMonth:
+                            description: DaysOfMonth is a list of DayOfMonthRange
+                            items:
+                              description: DayOfMonthRange is an inclusive range of
+                                days of the month beginning at 1
+                              properties:
+                                end:
+                                  description: End of the inclusive range
+                                  maximum: 31
+                                  minimum: -31
+                                  type: integer
+                                start:
+                                  description: Start of the inclusive range
+                                  maximum: 31
+                                  minimum: -31
+                                  type: integer
+                              type: object
+                            type: array
+                          months:
+                            description: Months is a list of MonthRange
+                            items:
+                              description: MonthRange is an inclusive range of months
+                                of the year beginning in January Months can be specified
+                                by name (e.g 'January') by numerical month (e.g '1')
+                                or as an inclusive range (e.g 'January:March', '1:3',
+                                '1:March')
+                              pattern: ^((?i)january|febuary|march|april|may|june|july|august|september|october|november|december|[1-12])(?:((:((?i)january|febuary|march|april|may|june|july|august|september|october|november|december|[1-12]))$)|$)
+                              type: string
+                            type: array
+                          times:
+                            description: Times is a list of TimeRange
+                            items:
+                              description: TimeRange defines a start and end time
+                                in 24hr format
+                              properties:
+                                endTime:
+                                  description: EndTime is the end time in 24hr format.
+                                  pattern: ^((([01][0-9])|(2[0-3])):[0-5][0-9])$|(^24:00$)
+                                  type: string
+                                startTime:
+                                  description: StartTime is the start time in 24hr
+                                    format.
+                                  pattern: ^((([01][0-9])|(2[0-3])):[0-5][0-9])$|(^24:00$)
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            type: array
+                          weekdays:
+                            description: Weekdays is a list of WeekdayRange
+                            items:
+                              description: WeekdayRange is an inclusive range of days
+                                of the week beginning on Sunday Days can be specified
+                                by name (e.g 'Sunday') or as an inclusive range (e.g
+                                'Monday:Friday')
+                              pattern: ^((?i)sun|mon|tues|wednes|thurs|fri|satur)day(?:((:(sun|mon|tues|wednes|thurs|fri|satur)day)$)|$)
+                              type: string
+                            type: array
+                          years:
+                            description: Years is a list of YearRange
+                            items:
+                              description: YearRange is an inclusive range of years
+                              pattern: ^2\d{3}(?::2\d{3}|$)
+                              type: string
+                            type: array
+                        type: object
+                      type: array
+                  type: object
+                type: array
                 description: List of receivers.
@@ -2683,6 +2765,19 @@ spec:
                       - name
                       type: object
                     type: array
+                  muteTimeIntervals:
+                    description: 'Note: this comment applies to the field definition
+                      above but appears below otherwise it gets included in the generated
+                      manifest. CRD schema doesn''t support self referential types
+                      for now (see https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/62872).
+                      We have to use an alternative type to circumvent the limitation.
+                      The downside is that the Kube API can''t validate the data beyond
+                      the fact that it is a valid JSON representation. MuteTimeIntervals
+                      is a list of MuteTimeInterval names that will mute this route
+                      when matched,'
+                    items:
+                      type: string
+                    type: array
                     description: Name of the receiver for this route. If not empty,
                       it should be listed in the `receivers` field.
diff --git a/manifests/setup/prometheus-operator-0prometheusCustomResourceDefinition.yaml b/manifests/setup/prometheus-operator-0prometheusCustomResourceDefinition.yaml
index d71d09157f4bec39df4a5add1c66eb4ff1a50d41..f1dca49c697167cfaf93ee664289479140cdc46a 100644
--- a/manifests/setup/prometheus-operator-0prometheusCustomResourceDefinition.yaml
+++ b/manifests/setup/prometheus-operator-0prometheusCustomResourceDefinition.yaml
@@ -4740,6 +4740,11 @@ spec:
                           description: MinShards is the minimum number of shards,
                             i.e. amount of concurrency.
                           type: integer
+                        retryOnRateLimit:
+                          description: Retry upon receiving a 429 status code from
+                            the remote-write storage. This is experimental feature
+                            and might change in the future.
+                          type: boolean
                       type: object
                       description: Timeout for requests to the remote write endpoint.