diff --git a/docs/migration-example/my.release-0.3.jsonnet b/docs/migration-example/my.release-0.3.jsonnet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6de7c9906aa7f91b41750ed8de4eadb647a0af7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/migration-example/my.release-0.3.jsonnet
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+# Has the following customisations
+# 	Custom alert manager config
+# 	Ingresses for the alert manager, prometheus and grafana
+# 	Grafana admin user password
+# 	Custom prometheus rules
+# 	Custom grafana dashboards
+# 	Custom prometheus config - Data retention, memory, etc.
+#	Node exporter role and role binding so we can use a PSP for the node exporter
+# External variables
+# See https://jsonnet.org/learning/tutorial.html
+local cluster_identifier = std.extVar('cluster_identifier');
+local etcd_ip = std.extVar('etcd_ip');
+local etcd_tls_ca = std.extVar('etcd_tls_ca');
+local etcd_tls_cert = std.extVar('etcd_tls_cert');
+local etcd_tls_key = std.extVar('etcd_tls_key');
+local grafana_admin_password = std.extVar('grafana_admin_password');
+local prometheus_data_retention_period = std.extVar('prometheus_data_retention_period');
+local prometheus_request_memory = std.extVar('prometheus_request_memory');
+# Derived variables
+local alert_manager_host = 'alertmanager.' + cluster_identifier + '.myorg.local';
+local grafana_host = 'grafana.' + cluster_identifier + '.myorg.local';
+local prometheus_host = 'prometheus.' + cluster_identifier + '.myorg.local';
+# Imports
+local k = import 'ksonnet/ksonnet.beta.3/k.libsonnet';
+local ingress = k.extensions.v1beta1.ingress;
+local ingressRule = ingress.mixin.spec.rulesType;
+local ingressRuleHttpPath = ingressRule.mixin.http.pathsType;
+local ingressTls = ingress.mixin.spec.tlsType;
+local role = k.rbac.v1.role;
+local roleBinding = k.rbac.v1.roleBinding;
+local roleRulesType = k.rbac.v1.role.rulesType;
+local kp =
+  (import 'kube-prometheus/kube-prometheus.libsonnet') +
+  (import 'kube-prometheus/kube-prometheus-kubeadm.libsonnet') +
+  (import 'kube-prometheus/kube-prometheus-static-etcd.libsonnet') + 
+  {
+    _config+:: {
+      # Override namespace
+      namespace: 'monitoring',
+      # Override alert manager config
+      # See https://github.com/coreos/kube-prometheus/tree/master/examples/alertmanager-config-external.jsonnet
+      alertmanager+: {
+        config: importstr 'alertmanager.yaml',
+      },
+      # Override etcd config
+      # See https://github.com/coreos/kube-prometheus/blob/master/jsonnet/kube-prometheus/kube-prometheus-static-etcd.libsonnet
+      # See https://github.com/coreos/kube-prometheus/blob/master/examples/etcd-skip-verify.jsonnet
+      etcd+:: {
+        clientCA: etcd_tls_ca,
+        clientCert: etcd_tls_cert,
+        clientKey: etcd_tls_key,
+        ips: [ etcd_ip ],
+      },
+      # Override grafana config
+      # anonymous access
+      # 	See http://docs.grafana.org/installation/configuration/
+      # 	See http://docs.grafana.org/auth/overview/#anonymous-authentication
+      # admin_password
+      # 	See http://docs.grafana.org/installation/configuration/#admin-password
+      grafana+:: {
+        config: {
+          sections: {
+            'auth.anonymous': {
+              enabled: true
+            },
+            security: {
+              admin_password: grafana_admin_password
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    },
+    # Additional grafana dashboards
+    grafanaDashboards+:: {
+      'my-specific.json': (import 'my-grafana-dashboard-definitions.json'),
+    },
+    # Alert manager needs an externalUrl
+    alertmanager+:: {
+      alertmanager+: {
+        spec+: {
+          # See https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator/blob/master/Documentation/api.md
+          # See https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator/blob/master/Documentation/user-guides/exposing-prometheus-and-alertmanager.md
+          externalUrl: 'https://' + alert_manager_host,
+        },
+      },
+    },
+    # Add additional ingresses
+    # See https://github.com/coreos/kube-prometheus/tree/master/examples/ingress.jsonnet
+    ingress+:: {
+      alertmanager:
+        ingress.new() +
+        ingress.mixin.metadata.withName('alertmanager') +
+        ingress.mixin.metadata.withNamespace($._config.namespace) +
+        ingress.mixin.metadata.withAnnotations({
+          'kubernetes.io/ingress.class': 'nginx-api',
+        }) +
+        ingress.mixin.spec.withRules(
+          ingressRule.new() +
+          ingressRule.withHost(alert_manager_host) +
+          ingressRule.mixin.http.withPaths(
+            ingressRuleHttpPath.new() +
+            ingressRuleHttpPath.mixin.backend.withServiceName('alertmanager-operated') +
+            ingressRuleHttpPath.mixin.backend.withServicePort(9093)
+          ),
+        ) +
+        # Note we do not need a TLS secretName here as we are going to use the nginx-ingress default secret which is a wildcard
+        # secretName would need to be in the same namespace at this time, see https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/issues/2371
+        ingress.mixin.spec.withTls(
+          ingressTls.new() +
+          ingressTls.withHosts(alert_manager_host)
+        ),
+      grafana:
+        ingress.new() +
+        ingress.mixin.metadata.withName('grafana') +
+        ingress.mixin.metadata.withNamespace($._config.namespace) +
+        ingress.mixin.metadata.withAnnotations({
+          'kubernetes.io/ingress.class': 'nginx-api',
+        }) +
+        ingress.mixin.spec.withRules(
+          ingressRule.new() +
+          ingressRule.withHost(grafana_host) +
+          ingressRule.mixin.http.withPaths(
+            ingressRuleHttpPath.new() +
+            ingressRuleHttpPath.mixin.backend.withServiceName('grafana') +
+            ingressRuleHttpPath.mixin.backend.withServicePort(3000)
+          ),
+        ) +
+        # Note we do not need a TLS secretName here as we are going to use the nginx-ingress default secret which is a wildcard
+        # secretName would need to be in the same namespace at this time, see https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/issues/2371
+        ingress.mixin.spec.withTls(
+          ingressTls.new() +
+          ingressTls.withHosts(grafana_host)
+        ),
+      prometheus:
+        ingress.new() +
+        ingress.mixin.metadata.withName('prometheus') +
+        ingress.mixin.metadata.withNamespace($._config.namespace) +
+        ingress.mixin.metadata.withAnnotations({
+          'kubernetes.io/ingress.class': 'nginx-api',
+        }) +
+        ingress.mixin.spec.withRules(
+          ingressRule.new() +
+          ingressRule.withHost(prometheus_host) +
+          ingressRule.mixin.http.withPaths(
+            ingressRuleHttpPath.new() +
+            ingressRuleHttpPath.mixin.backend.withServiceName('prometheus-operated') +
+            ingressRuleHttpPath.mixin.backend.withServicePort(9090)
+          ),
+        ) +
+        # Note we do not need a TLS secretName here as we are going to use the nginx-ingress default secret which is a wildcard
+        # secretName would need to be in the same namespace at this time, see https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/issues/2371
+        ingress.mixin.spec.withTls(
+          ingressTls.new() +
+          ingressTls.withHosts(prometheus_host)
+        ),
+    },
+    # Node exporter PSP role and role binding
+    # Add a new top level field for this, the "node-exporter" PSP already exists, so not defining here just referencing
+    # See https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator/issues/787
+    nodeExporterPSP: {
+      role:
+        role.new() +
+        role.mixin.metadata.withName('node-exporter-psp') +
+        role.mixin.metadata.withNamespace($._config.namespace) +
+        role.withRules([
+          roleRulesType.new() +
+          roleRulesType.withApiGroups(['policy']) +
+          roleRulesType.withResources(['podsecuritypolicies']) +
+          roleRulesType.withVerbs(['use']) +
+          roleRulesType.withResourceNames(['node-exporter'])
+        ]),
+      roleBinding:
+        roleBinding.new() +
+        roleBinding.mixin.roleRef.withApiGroup('rbac.authorization.k8s.io') +
+        roleBinding.mixin.metadata.withName('node-exporter-psp') +
+        roleBinding.mixin.metadata.withNamespace($._config.namespace) +
+        roleBinding.mixin.roleRef.withName('node-exporter-psp') +
+        roleBinding.mixin.roleRef.mixinInstance({ kind: 'Role' }) +
+        roleBinding.withSubjects([{ kind: 'ServiceAccount', name: 'node-exporter' }]),
+    },
+    # Prometheus needs some extra custom config
+    prometheus+:: {
+      prometheus+: {
+        spec+: {
+          # See https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator/blob/master/Documentation/api.md#prometheusspec
+          externalLabels: {
+            cluster: cluster_identifier,
+          },
+          # See https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator/blob/master/Documentation/api.md
+          # See https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator/blob/master/Documentation/user-guides/exposing-prometheus-and-alertmanager.md
+          externalUrl: 'https://' + prometheus_host,
+          # Override reuest memory
+          resources: {
+            requests: {
+              memory: prometheus_request_memory,
+            },
+          },
+          # Override data retention period
+          retention: prometheus_data_retention_period,
+        },
+      },
+    },
+    # Additional prometheus rules
+    # See https://github.com/coreos/kube-prometheus/docs/developing-prometheus-rules-and-grafana-dashboards.md
+    # cat my-prometheus-rules.yaml | gojsontoyaml -yamltojson | jq . > my-prometheus-rules.json
+    prometheusRules+:: {
+      groups+: import 'my-prometheus-rules.json',
+    },
+  };
+# Render
+{ ['00namespace-' + name]: kp.kubePrometheus[name] for name in std.objectFields(kp.kubePrometheus) } +
+{ ['0prometheus-operator-' + name]: kp.prometheusOperator[name] for name in std.objectFields(kp.prometheusOperator) } +
+{ ['alertmanager-' + name]: kp.alertmanager[name] for name in std.objectFields(kp.alertmanager) } +
+{ ['grafana-' + name]: kp.grafana[name] for name in std.objectFields(kp.grafana) } +
+{ ['kube-state-metrics-' + name]: kp.kubeStateMetrics[name] for name in std.objectFields(kp.kubeStateMetrics) } +
+{ [name + '-ingress']: kp.ingress[name] for name in std.objectFields(kp.ingress) } +
+{ ['node-exporter-' + name]: kp.nodeExporter[name] for name in std.objectFields(kp.nodeExporter) } +
+{ ['node-exporter-psp-' + name]: kp.nodeExporterPSP[name] for name in std.objectFields(kp.nodeExporterPSP) } +
+{ ['prometheus-' + name]: kp.prometheus[name] for name in std.objectFields(kp.prometheus) } +
+{ ['prometheus-adapter-' + name]: kp.prometheusAdapter[name] for name in std.objectFields(kp.prometheusAdapter) }
diff --git a/docs/migration-example/my.release-0.8.jsonnet b/docs/migration-example/my.release-0.8.jsonnet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2902590fa74ebe31fab28906b83b3d5652ca2e99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/migration-example/my.release-0.8.jsonnet
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+# Has the following customisations
+# 	Custom alert manager config
+# 	Ingresses for the alert manager, prometheus and grafana
+# 	Grafana admin user password
+# 	Custom prometheus rules
+# 	Custom grafana dashboards
+# 	Custom prometheus config - Data retention, memory, etc.
+#	Node exporter role and role binding so we can use a PSP for the node exporter
+# for help with expected content, see https://github.com/thaum-xyz/ankhmorpork
+# External variables
+# See https://jsonnet.org/learning/tutorial.html
+local cluster_identifier = std.extVar('cluster_identifier');
+local etcd_ip = std.extVar('etcd_ip');
+local etcd_tls_ca = std.extVar('etcd_tls_ca');
+local etcd_tls_cert = std.extVar('etcd_tls_cert');
+local etcd_tls_key = std.extVar('etcd_tls_key');
+local grafana_admin_password = std.extVar('grafana_admin_password');
+local prometheus_data_retention_period = std.extVar('prometheus_data_retention_period');
+local prometheus_request_memory = std.extVar('prometheus_request_memory');
+# Derived variables
+local alert_manager_host = 'alertmanager.' + cluster_identifier + '.myorg.local';
+local grafana_host = 'grafana.' + cluster_identifier + '.myorg.local';
+local prometheus_host = 'prometheus.' + cluster_identifier + '.myorg.local';
+# ksonnet no longer required
+local kp =
+  (import 'kube-prometheus/main.libsonnet') +
+  # kubeadm now achieved by setting platform value - see 9 lines below
+  (import 'kube-prometheus/addons/static-etcd.libsonnet') +
+  (import 'kube-prometheus/addons/podsecuritypolicies.libsonnet') +
+  {
+    values+:: {
+      common+: {
+        namespace: 'monitoring',
+      },
+      # Add kubeadm platform-specific items, 
+      # including kube-contoller-manager and kube-scheduler discovery
+      kubePrometheus+: {
+        platform: 'kubeadm'
+      },
+      # Override alert manager config
+      # See https://github.com/prometheus-operator/kube-prometheus/blob/main/examples/alertmanager-config-external.jsonnet
+      alertmanager+: {
+        config: importstr 'alertmanager.yaml',
+      },
+      # Override etcd config
+      # See https://github.com/prometheus-operator/kube-prometheus/blob/main/jsonnet/kube-prometheus/addons/static-etcd.libsonnet
+      # See https://github.com/prometheus-operator/kube-prometheus/blob/main/examples/etcd-skip-verify.jsonnet
+      etcd+:: {
+        clientCA: etcd_tls_ca,
+        clientCert: etcd_tls_cert,
+        clientKey: etcd_tls_key,
+        ips: [ etcd_ip ],
+      },
+      # Override grafana config
+      # anonymous access
+      # 	See http://docs.grafana.org/installation/configuration/
+      # 	See http://docs.grafana.org/auth/overview/#anonymous-authentication
+      # admin_password
+      # 	See http://docs.grafana.org/installation/configuration/#admin-password
+      grafana+:: {
+        config: {
+          sections: {
+            'auth.anonymous': {
+              enabled: true
+            },
+            security: {
+              admin_password: grafana_admin_password
+            },
+          },
+        },
+        # Additional grafana dashboards
+        dashboards+:: {
+          'my-specific.json': (import 'my-grafana-dashboard-definitions.json'),
+        }
+      },
+    },
+    # Alert manager needs an externalUrl
+    alertmanager+:: {
+      alertmanager+: {
+        spec+: {
+          # See https://github.com/prometheus-operator/kube-prometheus/blob/main/docs/exposing-prometheus-alertmanager-grafana-ingress.md
+          externalUrl: 'https://' + alert_manager_host,
+        },
+      },
+    },
+    # Add additional ingresses
+    # See https://github.com/prometheus-operator/kube-prometheus/blob/main/examples/ingress.jsonnet
+    ingress+:: {
+      'alertmanager': {
+        apiVersion: 'networking.k8s.io/v1',
+        kind: 'Ingress',
+        metadata: {
+          name: 'alertmanager',
+          namespace: $.values.common.namespace,
+          annotations: {
+            'kubernetes.io/ingress.class': 'nginx-api',
+          },
+        },
+        spec: {
+          rules: [{
+            host: alert_manager_host,
+            http: {
+              paths: [{
+                path: '/',
+                pathType: 'Prefix',
+                backend: {
+                  service: {
+                    name: 'alertmanager-operated',
+                    port: {
+                      number: 9093,
+                    },
+                  },
+                },
+              }],
+            },
+          }],
+          tls: [{
+            hosts: [alert_manager_host],
+          }],
+        },
+      },
+      'grafana': {
+        apiVersion: 'networking.k8s.io/v1',
+        kind: 'Ingress',
+        metadata: {
+          name: 'grafana',
+          namespace: $.values.common.namespace,
+          annotations: {
+            'kubernetes.io/ingress.class': 'nginx-api',
+          },
+        },
+        spec: {
+          rules: [{
+            host: grafana_host,
+            http: {
+              paths: [{
+                path: '/',
+                pathType: 'Prefix',
+                backend: {
+                  service: {
+                    name: 'grafana',
+                    port: {
+                      number: 3000,
+                    },
+                  },
+                },
+              }],
+            },
+          }],
+          tls: [{
+            hosts: [grafana_host],
+          }],
+        },
+      },
+      'prometheus': {
+        apiVersion: 'networking.k8s.io/v1',
+        kind: 'Ingress',
+        metadata: {
+          name: 'prometheus',
+          namespace: $.values.common.namespace,
+          annotations: {
+            'kubernetes.io/ingress.class': 'nginx-api',
+          },
+        },
+        spec: {
+          rules: [{
+            host: prometheus_host,
+            http: {
+              paths: [{
+                path: '/',
+                pathType: 'Prefix',
+                backend: {
+                  service: {
+                    name: 'prometheus-operated',
+                    port: {
+                      number: 9090,
+                    },
+                  },
+                },
+              }],
+            },
+          }],
+          tls: [{
+            hosts: [prometheus_host],
+          }],
+        },
+      },
+    },
+    # Node exporter PSP role and role binding
+    nodeExporter+: {
+      'psp-role'+: {
+        apiVersion: 'rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1',
+        kind: 'Role',
+        metadata: {
+          name: 'node-exporter-psp',
+          namespace: $.values.common.namespace,
+        },
+        rules: [{
+          apiGroups: ['policy'],
+          resources: ['podsecuritypolicies'],
+          verbs: ['use']
+          resourceNames: ['node-exporter']
+        }],
+      },
+      'psp-rolebinding'+: {
+        apiVersion: 'rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1',
+        kind: 'RoleBinding',
+        metadata: {
+          name: 'node-exporter-psp',
+          namespace: $.values.common.namespace,
+        },
+        roleRef: {
+          apiGroup: 'rbac.authorization.k8s.io',
+          name: 'node-exporter-psp',
+          kind: 'Role',
+        },
+        subjects: [{
+          kind: 'ServiceAccount',
+          name: 'node-exporter'
+        }],
+      },
+    },
+    # Prometheus needs some extra custom config
+    prometheus+:: {
+      prometheus+: {
+        spec+: {
+          externalLabels: {
+            cluster: cluster_identifier,
+          },
+          # See https://github.com/prometheus-operator/kube-prometheus/blob/main/docs/exposing-prometheus-alertmanager-grafana-ingress.md
+          externalUrl: 'https://' + prometheus_host,
+          # Override reuest memory
+          resources: {
+            requests: {
+              memory: prometheus_request_memory,
+            },
+          },
+          # Override data retention period
+          retention: prometheus_data_retention_period,
+        },
+      },
+    },
+    # Additional prometheus rules
+    # See https://github.com/prometheus-operator/kube-prometheus/blob/main/docs/developing-prometheus-rules-and-grafana-dashboards.md#pre-rendered-rules
+    # cat my-prometheus-rules.yaml | gojsontoyaml -yamltojson | jq . > my-prometheus-rules.json
+    prometheusMe: {
+      rules: {
+        apiVersion: 'monitoring.coreos.com/v1',
+        kind: 'PrometheusRule',
+        metadata: {
+          name: 'my-prometheus-rule',
+          namespace: $.values.common.namespace,
+          labels: {
+            'app.kubernetes.io/name': 'kube-prometheus',
+            'app.kubernetes.io/part-of': 'kube-prometheus',
+            'prometheus': 'k8s',
+            'role': 'alert-rules'
+          },
+        },
+        spec: {
+          groups: import 'my-prometheus-rules.json',
+        },
+      },
+    },
+  };
+# Render
+{ 'setup/0namespace-namespace': kp.kubePrometheus.namespace } +
+  ['setup/prometheus-operator-' + name]: kp.prometheusOperator[name]
+  for name in std.filter((function(name) name != 'serviceMonitor' && name != 'prometheusRule'), std.objectFields(kp.prometheusOperator))
+} +
+// serviceMonitor and prometheusRule are separated so that they can be created after the CRDs are ready
+{ 'prometheus-operator-serviceMonitor': kp.prometheusOperator.serviceMonitor } +
+{ 'prometheus-operator-prometheusRule': kp.prometheusOperator.prometheusRule } +
+{ 'kube-prometheus-prometheusRule': kp.kubePrometheus.prometheusRule } +
+{ ['alertmanager-' + name]: kp.alertmanager[name] for name in std.objectFields(kp.alertmanager) } +
+{ ['blackbox-exporter-' + name]: kp.blackboxExporter[name] for name in std.objectFields(kp.blackboxExporter) } +
+{ ['grafana-' + name]: kp.grafana[name] for name in std.objectFields(kp.grafana) } +
+{ ['kube-state-metrics-' + name]: kp.kubeStateMetrics[name] for name in std.objectFields(kp.kubeStateMetrics) } +
+{ ['kubernetes-' + name]: kp.kubernetesControlPlane[name] for name in std.objectFields(kp.kubernetesControlPlane) }
+{ [name + '-ingress']: kp.ingress[name] for name in std.objectFields(kp.ingress) } +
+{ ['node-exporter-' + name]: kp.nodeExporter[name] for name in std.objectFields(kp.nodeExporter) } +
+{ ['prometheus-' + name]: kp.prometheus[name] for name in std.objectFields(kp.prometheus) } +
+{ ['prometheus-adapter-' + name]: kp.prometheusAdapter[name] for name in std.objectFields(kp.prometheusAdapter) }
++ { ['prometheus-my-' + name]: kp.prometheusMe[name] for name in std.objectFields(kp.prometheusMe) }
diff --git a/docs/migration-example/readme.md b/docs/migration-example/readme.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0db29d74e97ec29a2ece2ba9bb7d77af3ce68f4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/migration-example/readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+## Example of conversion of a legacy my.jsonnet file
+An example conversion of a legacy custom jsonnet file to release-0.8
+format can be seen by viewing and comparing this
+[release-0.3 jsonnet file](./my.release-0.3.jsonnet) (when the github
+repo was under `https://github.com/coreos/kube-prometheus...`)
+and the corresponding [release-0.8 jsonnet file](./my.release-0.8.jsonnet).
+These two files have had necessary blank lines added so that they
+can be compared side-by-side and line-by-line on screen.
+The conversion covers both the change of stopping using ksonnet after
+release-0.3 and also the major migration after release-0.7 as described in
+The sample files are intended as an example of format conversion and
+not necessarily best practice for the files in release-0.3 or release-0.8.
+Below are three sample extracts of the conversion as an indication of the 
+changes required.
+<th> release-0.3 </th>
+<th> release-0.8 </th>
+local kp =
+  (import 'kube-prometheus/kube-prometheus.libsonnet') +
+  (import 'kube-prometheus/kube-prometheus-kubeadm.libsonnet') +
+  (import 'kube-prometheus/kube-prometheus-static-etcd.libsonnet') + 
+  {
+    _config+:: {
+      # Override namespace
+      namespace: 'monitoring',
+local kp =
+  (import 'kube-prometheus/main.libsonnet') +
+  # kubeadm now achieved by setting platform value - see 9 lines below
+  (import 'kube-prometheus/addons/static-etcd.libsonnet') +
+  (import 'kube-prometheus/addons/podsecuritypolicies.libsonnet') +
+  {
+    values+:: {
+      common+: {
+        namespace: 'monitoring',
+      },
+      # Add kubeadm platform-specific items, 
+      # including kube-contoller-manager and kube-scheduler discovery
+      kubePrometheus+: {
+        platform: 'kubeadm'
+      },
+<th> release-0.3 </th>
+<th> release-0.8 </th>
+    # Add additional ingresses
+    # See https://github.com/coreos/kube-prometheus/...
+    #           tree/master/examples/ingress.jsonnet
+    ingress+:: {
+      alertmanager:
+        ingress.new() +
+        ingress.mixin.metadata.withName('alertmanager') +
+        ingress.mixin.metadata.withNamespace($._config.namespace) +
+        ingress.mixin.metadata.withAnnotations({
+          'kubernetes.io/ingress.class': 'nginx-api',
+        }) +
+        ingress.mixin.spec.withRules(
+          ingressRule.new() +
+          ingressRule.withHost(alert_manager_host) +
+          ingressRule.mixin.http.withPaths(
+            ingressRuleHttpPath.new() +
+            ingressRuleHttpPath.mixin.backend
+                               .withServiceName('alertmanager-operated') +
+            ingressRuleHttpPath.mixin.backend.withServicePort(9093)
+          ),
+        ) +
+        # Note we do not need a TLS secretName here as we are going to use the
+        # nginx-ingress default secret which is a wildcard
+        # secretName would need to be in the same namespace at this time,
+        # see https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/issues/2371
+        ingress.mixin.spec.withTls(
+          ingressTls.new() +
+          ingressTls.withHosts(alert_manager_host)
+        ),
+    # Add additional ingresses
+    # See https://github.com/prometheus-operator/kube-prometheus/...
+    #           blob/main/examples/ingress.jsonnet
+    ingress+:: {
+      'alertmanager': {
+        apiVersion: 'networking.k8s.io/v1',
+        kind: 'Ingress',
+        metadata: {
+          name: 'alertmanager',
+          namespace: $.values.common.namespace,
+          annotations: {
+            'kubernetes.io/ingress.class': 'nginx-api',
+          },
+        },
+        spec: {
+          rules: [{
+            host: alert_manager_host,
+            http: {
+              paths: [{
+                path: '/',
+                pathType: 'Prefix',
+                backend: {
+                  service: {
+                    name: 'alertmanager-operated',
+                    port: {
+                      number: 9093,
+                    },
+                  },
+                },
+              }],
+            },
+          }],
+          tls: [{
+            hosts: [alert_manager_host],
+          }],
+        },
+      },
+<th> release-0.3 </th>
+<th> release-0.8 </th>
+    # Additional prometheus rules
+    # See https://github.com/coreos/kube-prometheus/docs/...
+    #           developing-prometheus-rules-and-grafana-dashboards.md
+    #
+    # cat my-prometheus-rules.yaml | \
+    #   gojsontoyaml -yamltojson | \
+    #   jq . > my-prometheus-rules.json
+    prometheusRules+:: {
+      groups+: import 'my-prometheus-rules.json',
+    },
+  };
+    # Additional prometheus rules
+    # See https://github.com/prometheus-operator/kube-prometheus/blob/main/...
+    #           docs/developing-prometheus-rules-and-grafana-dashboards.md...
+    #           #pre-rendered-rules
+    # cat my-prometheus-rules.yaml | \
+    #   gojsontoyaml -yamltojson | \
+    #   jq . > my-prometheus-rules.json
+    prometheusMe: {
+      rules: {
+        apiVersion: 'monitoring.coreos.com/v1',
+        kind: 'PrometheusRule',
+        metadata: {
+          name: 'my-prometheus-rule',
+          namespace: $.values.common.namespace,
+          labels: {
+            'app.kubernetes.io/name': 'kube-prometheus',
+            'app.kubernetes.io/part-of': 'kube-prometheus',
+            'prometheus': 'k8s',
+            'role': 'alert-rules'
+          },
+        },
+        spec: {
+          groups: import 'my-prometheus-rules.json',
+        },
+      },
+    },
+  };
++ { ['prometheus-my-' + name]: kp.prometheusMe[name] for name in std.objectFields(kp.prometheusMe) }
diff --git a/docs/migration-guide.md b/docs/migration-guide.md
index f01434cfb8dc709c1b1f7de6a394afb5b0bfc376..a33a8b6186fe0785b73b2f0476feac21209730dd 100644
--- a/docs/migration-guide.md
+++ b/docs/migration-guide.md
@@ -61,6 +61,10 @@ This results in creating multiple `PrometheusRule` objects instead of having one
 All examples from `examples/` directory were adapted to the new codebase. [Please take a look at them for guideance](https://github.com/prometheus-operator/kube-prometheus/tree/main/examples)
+## Legacy migration
+An example of conversion of a legacy release-0.3 my.jsonnet file to release-0.8 can be found in [migration-example](./migration-example)
 ## Advanced usage examples
 For more advanced usage examples you can take a look at those two, open to public, implementations: