diff --git a/docs/usage/configuration-options.md b/docs/usage/configuration-options.md
index 6b85afa5b1131f1a421a8c6188fc1a21c333ad2b..6c79553825d0283c1d0149d5ab18ee211b10402c 100644
--- a/docs/usage/configuration-options.md
+++ b/docs/usage/configuration-options.md
@@ -337,6 +337,10 @@ You can also use the special `"$default"` string to denote the repository's defa
     Do _not_ use the `baseBranches` config option when you've set a `forkToken`.
     You may need a `forkToken` when you're using the Forking Renovate app.
+## bbAutoResolvePrTasks
+Configuring this to `true` means that Renovate will mark all PR Tasks as complete.
 ## bbUseDefaultReviewers
 Configuring this to `true` means that Renovate will detect and apply the default reviewers rules to PRs (Bitbucket only).
diff --git a/lib/config/options/index.ts b/lib/config/options/index.ts
index fa6ccce4b974f468470a1d478ddc82229e427e38..da33196557f2534c77cdd07e25ee6ee23740fd43 100644
--- a/lib/config/options/index.ts
+++ b/lib/config/options/index.ts
@@ -1893,6 +1893,14 @@ const options: RenovateOptions[] = [
     cli: false,
     env: false,
+  {
+    name: 'bbAutoResolvePrTasks',
+    description:
+      'The PR tasks will be automatically completed after the PR is raised.',
+    type: 'boolean',
+    default: false,
+    supportedPlatforms: ['bitbucket'],
+  },
     name: 'bbUseDefaultReviewers',
     description: 'Use the default reviewers (Bitbucket only).',
diff --git a/lib/modules/platform/bitbucket/index.spec.ts b/lib/modules/platform/bitbucket/index.spec.ts
index 9de64419b236dcc71ed1ca24f34113f5dc31f16e..92ca09c7817f292c217ee2fb235bef0f35d00db9 100644
--- a/lib/modules/platform/bitbucket/index.spec.ts
+++ b/lib/modules/platform/bitbucket/index.spec.ts
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { reset as memCacheReset } from '../../../util/cache/memory';
 import type * as _git from '../../../util/git';
 import { setBaseUrl } from '../../../util/http/bitbucket';
 import type { Platform, PlatformResult, RepoParams } from '../types';
+import type { PrTask } from './schema';
@@ -1436,6 +1437,157 @@ describe('modules/platform/bitbucket/index', () => {
       ).rejects.toThrow(new Error('Response code 400 (Bad Request)'));
+    it('lists PR tasks and resolves the unresolved tasks', async () => {
+      const prTask1: PrTask = {
+        id: 1,
+        state: 'UNRESOLVED',
+        content: {
+          raw: 'task 1',
+        },
+      };
+      const resolvedPrTask1: Partial<PrTask> = {
+        state: 'RESOLVED',
+        content: {
+          raw: 'task 1',
+        },
+      };
+      const prTask2: PrTask = {
+        id: 2,
+        state: 'UNRESOLVED',
+        content: {
+          raw: 'task 2',
+        },
+      };
+      const resolvedPrTask2: Partial<PrTask> = {
+        state: 'RESOLVED',
+        content: {
+          raw: 'task 2',
+        },
+      };
+      const prTask3: PrTask = {
+        id: 3,
+        state: 'RESOLVED',
+        content: {
+          raw: 'task 3',
+        },
+      };
+      const scope = await initRepoMock();
+      scope
+        .post('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests')
+        .reply(200, { id: 5 })
+        .get(`/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests`)
+        .query(true)
+        .reply(200, {
+          values: [{ id: 5 }],
+        });
+      scope
+        .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5/tasks')
+        .query({
+          pagelen: 100,
+        })
+        .reply(200, { values: [prTask1, prTask2, prTask3] });
+      scope
+        .put(
+          '/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5/tasks/1',
+          resolvedPrTask1,
+        )
+        .reply(200);
+      scope
+        .put(
+          '/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5/tasks/2',
+          resolvedPrTask2,
+        )
+        .reply(200);
+      const pr = await bitbucket.createPr({
+        sourceBranch: 'branch',
+        targetBranch: 'master',
+        prTitle: 'title',
+        prBody: 'body',
+        platformPrOptions: {
+          bbUseDefaultReviewers: false,
+          bbAutoResolvePrTasks: true,
+        },
+      });
+      expect(pr?.number).toBe(5);
+    });
+    it('swallows list PR error and PR creation succeeds', async () => {
+      const scope = await initRepoMock();
+      scope
+        .post('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests')
+        .reply(200, { id: 5 })
+        .get(`/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests`)
+        .query(true)
+        .reply(200, {
+          values: [{ id: 5 }],
+        });
+      scope
+        .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5/tasks')
+        .query({
+          pagelen: 100,
+        })
+        .reply(500);
+      const pr = await bitbucket.createPr({
+        sourceBranch: 'branch',
+        targetBranch: 'master',
+        prTitle: 'title',
+        prBody: 'body',
+        platformPrOptions: {
+          bbUseDefaultReviewers: false,
+          bbAutoResolvePrTasks: true,
+        },
+      });
+      expect(pr?.number).toBe(5);
+    });
+    it('swallows resolve PR task error and PR creation succeeds', async () => {
+      const prTask1: PrTask = {
+        id: 1,
+        state: 'UNRESOLVED',
+        content: {
+          raw: 'task 1',
+        },
+      };
+      const resolvedPrTask1: Partial<PrTask> = {
+        state: 'RESOLVED',
+        content: {
+          raw: 'task 1',
+        },
+      };
+      const scope = await initRepoMock();
+      scope
+        .post('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests')
+        .reply(200, { id: 5 })
+        .get(`/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests`)
+        .query(true)
+        .reply(200, {
+          values: [{ id: 5 }],
+        });
+      scope
+        .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5/tasks')
+        .query({
+          pagelen: 100,
+        })
+        .reply(200, { values: [prTask1] });
+      scope
+        .put(
+          '/2.0/repositories/some/repo/pullrequests/5/tasks/1',
+          resolvedPrTask1,
+        )
+        .reply(500);
+      const pr = await bitbucket.createPr({
+        sourceBranch: 'branch',
+        targetBranch: 'master',
+        prTitle: 'title',
+        prBody: 'body',
+        platformPrOptions: {
+          bbUseDefaultReviewers: false,
+          bbAutoResolvePrTasks: true,
+        },
+      });
+      expect(pr?.number).toBe(5);
+    });
   describe('getPr()', () => {
diff --git a/lib/modules/platform/bitbucket/index.ts b/lib/modules/platform/bitbucket/index.ts
index 4ebd23684d60310a352e531d7934df5ce99e52e6..195f4a65b4a2c1bf7a40dc2f26c2bf0d94d78c97 100644
--- a/lib/modules/platform/bitbucket/index.ts
+++ b/lib/modules/platform/bitbucket/index.ts
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import { smartTruncate } from '../utils/pr-body';
 import { readOnlyIssueBody } from '../utils/read-only-issue-body';
 import * as comments from './comments';
 import { BitbucketPrCache } from './pr-cache';
-import { RepoInfo, Repositories } from './schema';
+import { RepoInfo, Repositories, UnresolvedPrTasks } from './schema';
 import type {
@@ -925,6 +925,9 @@ export async function createPr({
+    if (platformPrOptions?.bbAutoResolvePrTasks) {
+      await autoResolvePrTasks(pr);
+    }
     return pr;
   } catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ {
     // Try sanitizing reviewers
@@ -952,11 +955,58 @@ export async function createPr({
+      if (platformPrOptions?.bbAutoResolvePrTasks) {
+        await autoResolvePrTasks(pr);
+      }
       return pr;
+async function autoResolvePrTasks(pr: Pr): Promise<void> {
+  logger.debug(`Auto resolve PR tasks in #${pr.number}`);
+  try {
+    const unResolvedTasks = (
+      await bitbucketHttp.getJson(
+        `/2.0/repositories/${config.repository}/pullrequests/${pr.number}/tasks`,
+        { paginate: true, pagelen: 100 },
+        UnresolvedPrTasks,
+      )
+    ).body;
+    logger.trace(
+      {
+        prId: pr.number,
+        listTaskRes: unResolvedTasks,
+      },
+      'List PR tasks',
+    );
+    for (const task of unResolvedTasks) {
+      const res = await bitbucketHttp.putJson(
+        `/2.0/repositories/${config.repository}/pullrequests/${pr.number}/tasks/${task.id}`,
+        {
+          body: {
+            state: 'RESOLVED',
+            content: {
+              raw: task.content.raw,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      );
+      logger.trace(
+        {
+          prId: pr.number,
+          updateTaskResponse: res,
+        },
+        'Put PR tasks - mark resolved',
+      );
+    }
+  } catch (err) {
+    logger.warn({ prId: pr.number, err }, 'Error resolving PR tasks');
+  }
 export async function updatePr({
   number: prNo,
   prTitle: title,
diff --git a/lib/modules/platform/bitbucket/schema.ts b/lib/modules/platform/bitbucket/schema.ts
index 679073591b6f25c0c62cef4bf3582a56f2b98244..a4f7e336d7d969a138043875c2a537b1d434c3f3 100644
--- a/lib/modules/platform/bitbucket/schema.ts
+++ b/lib/modules/platform/bitbucket/schema.ts
@@ -74,3 +74,23 @@ export const Repositories = z
     values: LooseArray(RepoInfo),
   .transform((body) => body.values);
+const TaskState = z.union([z.literal('RESOLVED'), z.literal('UNRESOLVED')]);
+const PrTask = z.object({
+  id: z.number(),
+  state: TaskState,
+  content: z.object({
+    raw: z.string(),
+  }),
+export type PrTask = z.infer<typeof PrTask>;
+export const UnresolvedPrTasks = z
+  .object({
+    values: z.array(PrTask),
+  })
+  .transform((data) =>
+    data.values.filter((task) => task.state === 'UNRESOLVED'),
+  );
diff --git a/lib/modules/platform/types.ts b/lib/modules/platform/types.ts
index 8a98fe9b4b2cc0ed4dc3b4fd127e624a23e7fb69..752d98d779b2740ac681fd51d503501d93d610a2 100644
--- a/lib/modules/platform/types.ts
+++ b/lib/modules/platform/types.ts
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ export type PlatformPrOptions = {
   automergeStrategy?: MergeStrategy;
   azureWorkItemId?: number;
   bbUseDefaultReviewers?: boolean;
+  bbAutoResolvePrTasks?: boolean;
   gitLabIgnoreApprovals?: boolean;
   usePlatformAutomerge?: boolean;
   forkModeDisallowMaintainerEdits?: boolean;
diff --git a/lib/workers/repository/update/pr/index.ts b/lib/workers/repository/update/pr/index.ts
index f57b619c02acb1d1298245062306c0b8552a0756..94e341790e080c2d8af0fc05a55a847c276a612d 100644
--- a/lib/workers/repository/update/pr/index.ts
+++ b/lib/workers/repository/update/pr/index.ts
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ export function getPlatformPrOptions(
     autoApprove: !!config.autoApprove,
     automergeStrategy: config.automergeStrategy,
     azureWorkItemId: config.azureWorkItemId ?? 0,
+    bbAutoResolvePrTasks: !!config.bbAutoResolvePrTasks,
     bbUseDefaultReviewers: !!config.bbUseDefaultReviewers,
     gitLabIgnoreApprovals: !!config.gitLabIgnoreApprovals,
     forkModeDisallowMaintainerEdits: !!config.forkModeDisallowMaintainerEdits,