diff --git a/lib/workers/repository/update/pr/index.spec.ts b/lib/workers/repository/update/pr/index.spec.ts
index a0bbcb6c6522858723a13f2a4dec568f85766577..ba55693a69640d8b5f74003dec14e7343f4c9d7b 100644
--- a/lib/workers/repository/update/pr/index.spec.ts
+++ b/lib/workers/repository/update/pr/index.spec.ts
@@ -341,8 +341,6 @@ describe('workers/repository/update/pr/index', () => {
     describe('Automerge', () => {
       it('handles branch automerge', async () => {
-        platform.getBranchPr.mockResolvedValueOnce(pr);
         const res = await ensurePr({
           automerge: true,
diff --git a/lib/workers/repository/update/pr/index.ts b/lib/workers/repository/update/pr/index.ts
index dfdc6974891f6e85896ea3825e9dffc3a1e1477f..f63fff0a9cd3affc6287e4c8cc5c20723ba8515e 100644
--- a/lib/workers/repository/update/pr/index.ts
+++ b/lib/workers/repository/update/pr/index.ts
@@ -115,75 +115,74 @@ export async function ensurePr(
     config.forcePr = true;
-  // Only create a PR if a branch automerge has failed
-  if (
-    config.automerge === true &&
-    config.automergeType?.startsWith('branch') &&
-    !config.forcePr
-  ) {
-    logger.debug(`Branch automerge is enabled`);
+  if (!existingPr) {
+    // Only create a PR if a branch automerge has failed
     if (
-      config.stabilityStatus !== 'yellow' &&
-      (await getBranchStatus()) === 'yellow' &&
-      is.number(config.prNotPendingHours)
+      config.automerge === true &&
+      config.automergeType?.startsWith('branch') &&
+      !config.forcePr
     ) {
-      logger.debug('Checking how long this branch has been pending');
-      const lastCommitTime = await getBranchLastCommitTime(branchName);
-      if (getElapsedHours(lastCommitTime) >= config.prNotPendingHours) {
-        logger.debug('Branch exceeds prNotPending hours - forcing PR creation');
-        config.forcePr = true;
-      }
-    }
-    if (config.forcePr || (await getBranchStatus()) === 'red') {
-      logger.debug(`Branch tests failed, so will create PR`);
-    } else {
-      // Branch should be automerged, so we don't want to create a PR
-      return { type: 'without-pr', prBlockedBy: 'BranchAutomerge' };
-    }
-  }
-  if (config.prCreation === 'status-success') {
-    logger.debug('Checking branch combined status');
-    if ((await getBranchStatus()) !== 'green') {
-      logger.debug(`Branch status isn't green - not creating PR`);
-      return { type: 'without-pr', prBlockedBy: 'AwaitingTests' };
-    }
-    logger.debug('Branch status success');
-  } else if (
-    config.prCreation === 'approval' &&
-    !existingPr &&
-    dependencyDashboardCheck !== 'approvePr'
-  ) {
-    return { type: 'without-pr', prBlockedBy: 'NeedsApproval' };
-  } else if (
-    config.prCreation === 'not-pending' &&
-    !existingPr &&
-    !config.forcePr
-  ) {
-    logger.debug('Checking branch combined status');
-    if ((await getBranchStatus()) === 'yellow') {
-      logger.debug(`Branch status is yellow - checking timeout`);
-      const lastCommitTime = await getBranchLastCommitTime(branchName);
-      const elapsedHours = getElapsedHours(lastCommitTime);
+      logger.debug(`Branch automerge is enabled`);
       if (
-        !dependencyDashboardCheck &&
-        ((config.stabilityStatus && config.stabilityStatus !== 'yellow') ||
-          (is.number(config.prNotPendingHours) &&
-            elapsedHours < config.prNotPendingHours))
+        config.stabilityStatus !== 'yellow' &&
+        (await getBranchStatus()) === 'yellow' &&
+        is.number(config.prNotPendingHours)
       ) {
+        logger.debug('Checking how long this branch has been pending');
+        const lastCommitTime = await getBranchLastCommitTime(branchName);
+        if (getElapsedHours(lastCommitTime) >= config.prNotPendingHours) {
+          logger.debug(
+            'Branch exceeds prNotPending hours - forcing PR creation'
+          );
+          config.forcePr = true;
+        }
+      }
+      if (config.forcePr || (await getBranchStatus()) === 'red') {
+        logger.debug(`Branch tests failed, so will create PR`);
+      } else {
+        // Branch should be automerged, so we don't want to create a PR
+        return { type: 'without-pr', prBlockedBy: 'BranchAutomerge' };
+      }
+    }
+    if (!existingPr && config.prCreation === 'status-success') {
+      logger.debug('Checking branch combined status');
+      if ((await getBranchStatus()) !== 'green') {
+        logger.debug(`Branch status isn't green - not creating PR`);
+        return { type: 'without-pr', prBlockedBy: 'AwaitingTests' };
+      }
+      logger.debug('Branch status success');
+    } else if (
+      config.prCreation === 'approval' &&
+      dependencyDashboardCheck !== 'approvePr'
+    ) {
+      return { type: 'without-pr', prBlockedBy: 'NeedsApproval' };
+    } else if (config.prCreation === 'not-pending' && !config.forcePr) {
+      logger.debug('Checking branch combined status');
+      if ((await getBranchStatus()) === 'yellow') {
+        logger.debug(`Branch status is yellow - checking timeout`);
+        const lastCommitTime = await getBranchLastCommitTime(branchName);
+        const elapsedHours = getElapsedHours(lastCommitTime);
+        if (
+          !dependencyDashboardCheck &&
+          ((config.stabilityStatus && config.stabilityStatus !== 'yellow') ||
+            (is.number(config.prNotPendingHours) &&
+              elapsedHours < config.prNotPendingHours))
+        ) {
+          logger.debug(
+            `Branch is ${elapsedHours} hours old - skipping PR creation`
+          );
+          return {
+            type: 'without-pr',
+            prBlockedBy: 'AwaitingTests',
+          };
+        }
+        const prNotPendingHours = String(config.prNotPendingHours);
-          `Branch is ${elapsedHours} hours old - skipping PR creation`
+          `prNotPendingHours=${prNotPendingHours} threshold hit - creating PR`
-        return {
-          type: 'without-pr',
-          prBlockedBy: 'AwaitingTests',
-        };
-      const prNotPendingHours = String(config.prNotPendingHours);
-      logger.debug(
-        `prNotPendingHours=${prNotPendingHours} threshold hit - creating PR`
-      );
+      logger.debug('Branch status success');
-    logger.debug('Branch status success');
   const processedUpgrades: string[] = [];