diff --git a/docs/usage/configuration-options.md b/docs/usage/configuration-options.md
index a55d0fa601e80e2d0abd90f3507be64dfb74297b..fa7e36e0107e0daa51939a387ca3957462b6b495 100644
--- a/docs/usage/configuration-options.md
+++ b/docs/usage/configuration-options.md
@@ -2426,6 +2426,7 @@ Renovate only queries the OSV database for dependencies that use one of these da
 - [`crate`](./modules/datasource/crate/index.md)
 - [`go`](./modules/datasource/go/index.md)
+- [`hackage`](./modules/datasource/hackage/index.md)
 - [`hex`](./modules/datasource/hex/index.md)
 - [`maven`](./modules/datasource/maven/index.md)
 - [`npm`](./modules/datasource/npm/index.md)
diff --git a/lib/workers/repository/init/vulnerability.ts b/lib/workers/repository/init/vulnerability.ts
index 1d90436a9e42b44ce5c08416ed32bedf7bb07951..dd93c1bee860f92ad29a781778db9ef095ab0694 100644
--- a/lib/workers/repository/init/vulnerability.ts
+++ b/lib/workers/repository/init/vulnerability.ts
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ export function getFixedVersionByDatasource(
     return `[${fixedVersion},)`;
-  // crates.io, Go, Hex, npm, RubyGems, PyPI
+  // crates.io, Go, Hackage, Hex, npm, RubyGems, PyPI
   return `>= ${fixedVersion}`;
diff --git a/lib/workers/repository/process/vulnerabilities.spec.ts b/lib/workers/repository/process/vulnerabilities.spec.ts
index e5599201820eaa03754a73ca51f7b6311e5837ab..db30414b2edfa90d78fd87a88285d691e263e0ed 100644
--- a/lib/workers/repository/process/vulnerabilities.spec.ts
+++ b/lib/workers/repository/process/vulnerabilities.spec.ts
@@ -840,6 +840,63 @@ describe('workers/repository/process/vulnerabilities', () => {
+    it('returns packageRules for Hackage', async () => {
+      const packageFiles: Record<string, PackageFile[]> = {
+        hackage: [
+          {
+            deps: [
+              {
+                depName: 'aeson',
+                currentValue: '',
+                datasource: 'hackage',
+              },
+            ],
+            packageFile: 'some-file',
+          },
+        ],
+      };
+      getVulnerabilitiesMock.mockResolvedValueOnce([
+        {
+          id: 'HSEC-2023-0001',
+          summary: 'Hash flooding vulnerability in aeson',
+          details:
+            '# Hash flooding vulnerability in aeson\n\n*aeson* was vulnerable to hash flooding (a.k.a. hash DoS).  The\nissue is a consequence of the HashMap implementation from\n*unordered-containers*.  It results in a denial of service through\nCPU consumption.  This technique has been used in real-world attacks\nagainst a variety of languages, libraries and frameworks over the\nyears.\n',
+          aliases: ['CVE-2022-3433'],
+          modified: '2023-06-13T09:03:52Z',
+          affected: [
+            {
+              package: {
+                ecosystem: 'Hackage',
+                name: 'aeson',
+              },
+              ranges: [
+                {
+                  type: 'ECOSYSTEM',
+                  events: [{ introduced: '' }, { fixed: '' }],
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          ],
+        },
+      ]);
+      await vulnerabilities.appendVulnerabilityPackageRules(
+        config,
+        packageFiles,
+      );
+      expect(config.packageRules).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(config.packageRules).toMatchObject([
+        {
+          matchDatasources: ['hackage'],
+          matchPackageNames: ['aeson'],
+          matchCurrentVersion: '',
+          allowedVersions: '>=',
+          isVulnerabilityAlert: true,
+        },
+      ]);
+    });
     it('filters not applicable vulnerability based on last_affected version', async () => {
       const packageFiles: Record<string, PackageFile[]> = {
         poetry: [
diff --git a/lib/workers/repository/process/vulnerabilities.ts b/lib/workers/repository/process/vulnerabilities.ts
index b3ed9b565632c1dd041e6ec4d10b84946506bc72..48991ea669bbcfc600f4c64cfba8edccc0c41d6f 100644
--- a/lib/workers/repository/process/vulnerabilities.ts
+++ b/lib/workers/repository/process/vulnerabilities.ts
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ export class Vulnerabilities {
   > = {
     crate: 'crates.io',
     go: 'Go',
+    hackage: 'Hackage',
     hex: 'Hex',
     maven: 'Maven',
     npm: 'npm',