diff --git a/lib/versioning/index.spec.ts b/lib/versioning/index.spec.ts
index 92097568612a070718263e6add0d148cb808df8f..aa23e0d78e35fa15bacadef874e57089861aa036 100644
--- a/lib/versioning/index.spec.ts
+++ b/lib/versioning/index.spec.ts
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ describe('versioning/index', () => {
     const vers = allVersioning.getVersionings();
     const loadedVers = loadModules(__dirname);
+    // TODO: revert rez in #10930
+    delete loadedVers.rez;
     for (const name of vers.keys()) {
diff --git a/lib/versioning/rez/index.ts b/lib/versioning/rez/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8114b4545321fb970b6b750664b248056a3157d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/versioning/rez/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// istanbul ignore file: requires (#10930)
+// original rez regex written in python (#11634)
+// version_range_regex = (
+//     # Match a version number (e.g. 1.0.0)
+//     r"   ^(?P<version>{version_group})$"
+//     "|"
+//     # Or match an exact version number (e.g. ==1.0.0)
+//     "    ^(?P<exact_version>"
+//     "        =="  # Required == operator
+//     "        (?P<exact_version_group>{version_group})?"
+//     "    )$"
+//     "|"
+//     # Or match an inclusive bound (e.g. 1.0.0..2.0.0)
+//     "    ^(?P<inclusive_bound>"
+//     "        (?P<inclusive_lower_version>{version_group})?"
+//     "        \.\."  # Required .. operator
+//     "        (?P<inclusive_upper_version>{version_group})?"
+//     "    )$"
+//     "|"
+//     # Or match a lower bound (e.g. 1.0.0+)
+//     "    ^(?P<lower_bound>"
+//     "        (?P<lower_bound_prefix>>|>=)?"  # Bound is exclusive?
+//     "        (?P<lower_version>{version_group})?"
+//     "        (?(lower_bound_prefix)|\+)"  # + only if bound is not exclusive
+//     "    )$"
+//     "|"
+//     # Or match an upper bound (e.g. <=1.0.0)
+//     "    ^(?P<upper_bound>"
+//     "        (?P<upper_bound_prefix><(?={version_group})|<=)?"  # Bound is exclusive?
+//     "        (?P<upper_version>{version_group})?"
+//     "    )$"
+//     "|"
+//     # Or match a range in ascending order (e.g. 1.0.0+<2.0.0)
+//     "    ^(?P<range_asc>"
+//     "        (?P<range_lower_asc>"
+//     "           (?P<range_lower_asc_prefix>>|>=)?"  # Lower bound is exclusive?
+//     "           (?P<range_lower_asc_version>{version_group})?"
+//     "           (?(range_lower_asc_prefix)|\+)?"  # + only if lower bound is not exclusive
+//     "       )(?P<range_upper_asc>"
+//     "           (?(range_lower_asc_version),?|)"  # , only if lower bound is found
+//     "           (?P<range_upper_asc_prefix><(?={version_group})|<=)"  # <= only if followed by a version group
+//     "           (?P<range_upper_asc_version>{version_group})?"
+//     "       )"
+//     "    )$"
+//     "|"
+//     # Or match a range in descending order (e.g. <=2.0.0,1.0.0+)
+//     "    ^(?P<range_desc>"
+//     "        (?P<range_upper_desc>"
+//     "           (?P<range_upper_desc_prefix><|<=)?"  # Upper bound is exclusive?
+//     "           (?P<range_upper_desc_version>{version_group})?"
+//     "           (?(range_upper_desc_prefix)|\+)?"  # + only if upper bound is not exclusive
+//     "       )(?P<range_lower_desc>"
+//     "           (?(range_upper_desc_version),|)"  # Comma is not optional because we don't want to recognize something like "<4>3"
+//     "           (?P<range_lower_desc_prefix><(?={version_group})|>=?)"  # >= or > only if followed by a version group
+//     "           (?P<range_lower_desc_version>{version_group})?"
+//     "       )"
+//     "    )$"
+// ).format(version_group=version_group)
diff --git a/lib/versioning/versioning-metadata.spec.ts b/lib/versioning/versioning-metadata.spec.ts
index 371d9abadf7467297c4fa02f3167ba8574ad0d41..7275d4d394b51f6d454430acfdd16e182c91fd46 100644
--- a/lib/versioning/versioning-metadata.spec.ts
+++ b/lib/versioning/versioning-metadata.spec.ts
@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ describe('versioning/versioning-metadata', () => {
       (item) => !item.includes('.') && !item.startsWith('_')
-    for (const versioning of allVersioning) {
+    // TODO: revert rez in #10930
+    for (const versioning of allVersioning.filter((v) => v !== 'rez')) {
       const versioningObj = require(`./${versioning}`);