diff --git a/docs/usage/rust.md b/docs/usage/rust.md
index 53813f288d628f4b59c74380630f4b0039f3121f..8854b5c04a7a123734d879fb25353e8179e9d644 100644
--- a/docs/usage/rust.md
+++ b/docs/usage/rust.md
@@ -31,9 +31,26 @@ Read the [Rust environment variables docs](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/refer
 ## Private crate registries and private Git dependencies
-If any dependencies are hosted in private Git repositories, [Git Authentication for cargo](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/appendix/git-authentication.html) must be set up.
-If any dependencies are hosted on private crate registries (i.e., not on `crates.io`), then credentials should be set up in such a way that the Git command-line is able to clone the registry index.
-Third-party crate registries usually provide instructions to achieve this.
-Both of these are currently only possible when running Renovate self-hosted.
+You as user can set authentication for private crates by adding a `hostRules` configuration to your `renovate.json` file.
+All token `hostRules` with a `hostType` (e.g. `github`, `gitlab`, `bitbucket`, etc.) and host rules without a `hostType` will be automatically setup for authentication.
+You can also configure a `hostRules` that's only for Cargo authentication (e.g. `hostType: 'cargo'`).
+Here's an example of authentication for a private GitHub and Cargo registry:
+module.exports = {
+  hostRules: [
+    {
+      matchHost: 'github.enterprise.com',
+      token: process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN,
+      hostType: 'github',
+    },
+    {
+      matchHost: 'someGitHost.enterprise.com',
+      token: process.env.CARGO_GIT_TOKEN,
+      hostType: 'cargo',
+    },
+  ],
diff --git a/lib/modules/manager/cargo/__snapshots__/artifacts.spec.ts.snap b/lib/modules/manager/cargo/__snapshots__/artifacts.spec.ts.snap
index 5a5700f2dc85219eccff8ad255a0ee4e750775df..b751a1d0a7525e8f66e41b90792f4666e3c641b6 100644
--- a/lib/modules/manager/cargo/__snapshots__/artifacts.spec.ts.snap
+++ b/lib/modules/manager/cargo/__snapshots__/artifacts.spec.ts.snap
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 exports[`modules/manager/cargo/artifacts returns null if unchanged 1`] = `
-    "cmd": "cargo update --manifest-path Cargo.toml --workspace",
+    "cmd": "cargo update --config net.git-fetch-with-cli=true --manifest-path Cargo.toml --workspace",
     "options": {
       "cwd": "/tmp/github/some/repo",
       "encoding": "utf-8",
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ exports[`modules/manager/cargo/artifacts returns null if unchanged 1`] = `
 exports[`modules/manager/cargo/artifacts returns updated Cargo.lock 1`] = `
-    "cmd": "cargo update --manifest-path Cargo.toml --workspace",
+    "cmd": "cargo update --config net.git-fetch-with-cli=true --manifest-path Cargo.toml --workspace",
     "options": {
       "cwd": "/tmp/github/some/repo",
       "encoding": "utf-8",
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ exports[`modules/manager/cargo/artifacts returns updated Cargo.lock 1`] = `
 exports[`modules/manager/cargo/artifacts returns updated Cargo.lock for lockfile maintenance 1`] = `
-    "cmd": "cargo update --manifest-path Cargo.toml",
+    "cmd": "cargo update --config net.git-fetch-with-cli=true --manifest-path Cargo.toml",
     "options": {
       "cwd": "/tmp/github/some/repo",
       "encoding": "utf-8",
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ exports[`modules/manager/cargo/artifacts returns updated Cargo.lock for lockfile
 exports[`modules/manager/cargo/artifacts returns updated workspace Cargo.lock 1`] = `
-    "cmd": "cargo update --manifest-path crates/one/Cargo.toml --workspace",
+    "cmd": "cargo update --config net.git-fetch-with-cli=true --manifest-path crates/one/Cargo.toml --workspace",
     "options": {
       "cwd": "/tmp/github/some/repo",
       "encoding": "utf-8",
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ exports[`modules/manager/cargo/artifacts returns updated workspace Cargo.lock 1`
 exports[`modules/manager/cargo/artifacts updates Cargo.lock based on the packageName, when given 1`] = `
-    "cmd": "cargo update --manifest-path Cargo.toml --workspace",
+    "cmd": "cargo update --config net.git-fetch-with-cli=true --manifest-path Cargo.toml --workspace",
     "options": {
       "cwd": "/tmp/github/some/repo",
       "encoding": "utf-8",
diff --git a/lib/modules/manager/cargo/artifacts.spec.ts b/lib/modules/manager/cargo/artifacts.spec.ts
index f035d46a6e3821412080631e9cac729bf6bc39fd..44b53dc198bc83d12d3850a4ce2e0ebe5c07e55f 100644
--- a/lib/modules/manager/cargo/artifacts.spec.ts
+++ b/lib/modules/manager/cargo/artifacts.spec.ts
@@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
+import { mockDeep } from 'jest-mock-extended';
 import { join } from 'upath';
 import { envMock, mockExecAll } from '../../../../test/exec-util';
-import { env, fs, git } from '../../../../test/util';
+import { env, fs, git, mocked } from '../../../../test/util';
 import { GlobalConfig } from '../../../config/global';
 import type { RepoGlobalConfig } from '../../../config/types';
 import * as docker from '../../../util/exec/docker';
+import * as _hostRules from '../../../util/host-rules';
 import type { UpdateArtifactsConfig } from '../types';
 import * as cargo from '.';
+jest.mock('../../../util/host-rules', () => mockDeep());
 process.env.CONTAINERBASE = 'true';
+const hostRules = mocked(_hostRules);
 const config: UpdateArtifactsConfig = {};
 const adminConfig: RepoGlobalConfig = {
@@ -29,6 +32,7 @@ describe('modules/manager/cargo/artifacts', () => {
+    hostRules.getAll.mockReturnValue([]);
   afterEach(() => {
@@ -221,18 +225,327 @@ describe('modules/manager/cargo/artifacts', () => {
           'bash -l -c "' +
           'install-tool rust 1.65.0' +
           ' && ' +
-          'cargo update --manifest-path Cargo.toml --workspace' +
+          'cargo update --config net.git-fetch-with-cli=true --manifest-path Cargo.toml --workspace' +
+          '"',
+        options: {
+          cwd: '/tmp/github/some/repo',
+          env: {
+            CONTAINERBASE_CACHE_DIR: '/tmp/cache/containerbase',
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ]);
+  });
+  it('supports docker mode with credentials', async () => {
+    fs.statLocalFile.mockResolvedValueOnce({ name: 'Cargo.lock' } as any);
+    GlobalConfig.set({ ...adminConfig, binarySource: 'docker' });
+    hostRules.find.mockReturnValueOnce({
+      token: 'some-token',
+    });
+    hostRules.getAll.mockReturnValueOnce([
+      {
+        token: 'some-token',
+        hostType: 'github',
+        matchHost: 'api.github.com',
+      },
+      { token: 'some-other-token', matchHost: 'https://gitea.com' },
+    ]);
+    git.getFile.mockResolvedValueOnce('Old Cargo.lock');
+    const execSnapshots = mockExecAll();
+    fs.findLocalSiblingOrParent.mockResolvedValueOnce('Cargo.lock');
+    fs.readLocalFile.mockResolvedValueOnce('New Cargo.lock');
+    const updatedDeps = [
+      {
+        depName: 'dep1',
+      },
+    ];
+    expect(
+      await cargo.updateArtifacts({
+        packageFileName: 'Cargo.toml',
+        updatedDeps,
+        newPackageFileContent: '{}',
+        config: { ...config, constraints: { rust: '1.65.0' } },
+      })
+    ).toEqual([
+      {
+        file: {
+          contents: undefined,
+          path: 'Cargo.lock',
+          type: 'addition',
+        },
+      },
+    ]);
+    expect(execSnapshots).toMatchObject([
+      { cmd: 'docker pull ghcr.io/containerbase/sidecar' },
+      {},
+      {
+        cmd:
+          'docker run --rm --name=renovate_sidecar --label=renovate_child ' +
+          '-v "/tmp/github/some/repo":"/tmp/github/some/repo" ' +
+          '-v "/tmp/cache":"/tmp/cache" ' +
+          '-e GIT_CONFIG_KEY_0 ' +
+          '-e GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_0 ' +
+          '-e GIT_CONFIG_KEY_1 ' +
+          '-e GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_1 ' +
+          '-e GIT_CONFIG_KEY_2 ' +
+          '-e GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_2 ' +
+          '-e GIT_CONFIG_COUNT ' +
+          '-e GIT_CONFIG_KEY_3 ' +
+          '-e GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_3 ' +
+          '-e GIT_CONFIG_KEY_4 ' +
+          '-e GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_4 ' +
+          '-e GIT_CONFIG_KEY_5 ' +
+          '-e GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_5 ' +
+          '-e CONTAINERBASE_CACHE_DIR ' +
+          '-w "/tmp/github/some/repo" ' +
+          'ghcr.io/containerbase/sidecar ' +
+          'bash -l -c "' +
+          'install-tool rust 1.65.0' +
+          ' && ' +
+          'cargo update --config net.git-fetch-with-cli=true --manifest-path Cargo.toml --workspace' +
         options: {
           cwd: '/tmp/github/some/repo',
           env: {
             CONTAINERBASE_CACHE_DIR: '/tmp/cache/containerbase',
+            GIT_CONFIG_COUNT: '6',
+            GIT_CONFIG_KEY_0:
+              'url.https://ssh:some-token@github.com/.insteadOf',
+            GIT_CONFIG_KEY_1:
+              'url.https://git:some-token@github.com/.insteadOf',
+            GIT_CONFIG_KEY_2: 'url.https://some-token@github.com/.insteadOf',
+            GIT_CONFIG_KEY_3:
+              'url.https://ssh:some-other-token@gitea.com/.insteadOf',
+            GIT_CONFIG_KEY_4:
+              'url.https://git:some-other-token@gitea.com/.insteadOf',
+            GIT_CONFIG_KEY_5:
+              'url.https://some-other-token@gitea.com/.insteadOf',
+            GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_0: 'ssh://git@github.com/',
+            GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_1: 'git@github.com:',
+            GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_2: 'https://github.com/',
+            GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_3: 'ssh://git@gitea.com/',
+            GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_4: 'git@gitea.com:',
+            GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_5: 'https://gitea.com/',
+  it('supports docker mode with many credentials', async () => {
+    fs.statLocalFile.mockResolvedValueOnce({ name: 'Cargo.lock' } as any);
+    GlobalConfig.set({ ...adminConfig, binarySource: 'docker' });
+    hostRules.find.mockReturnValueOnce({
+      token: 'some-token',
+    });
+    hostRules.getAll.mockReturnValueOnce([
+      {
+        token: 'some-token',
+        matchHost: 'api.github.com',
+        hostType: 'github',
+      },
+      {
+        token: 'some-enterprise-token',
+        matchHost: 'github.enterprise.com',
+        hostType: 'github',
+      },
+      {
+        token: 'some-gitlab-token',
+        matchHost: 'gitlab.enterprise.com',
+        hostType: 'gitlab',
+      },
+    ]);
+    git.getFile.mockResolvedValueOnce('Old Cargo.lock');
+    const execSnapshots = mockExecAll();
+    fs.findLocalSiblingOrParent.mockResolvedValueOnce('Cargo.lock');
+    fs.readLocalFile.mockResolvedValueOnce('New Cargo.lock');
+    const updatedDeps = [
+      {
+        depName: 'dep1',
+      },
+    ];
+    expect(
+      await cargo.updateArtifacts({
+        packageFileName: 'Cargo.toml',
+        updatedDeps,
+        newPackageFileContent: '{}',
+        config: { ...config, constraints: { rust: '1.65.0' } },
+      })
+    ).toEqual([
+      {
+        file: {
+          contents: undefined,
+          path: 'Cargo.lock',
+          type: 'addition',
+        },
+      },
+    ]);
+    expect(execSnapshots).toEqual(
+      expect.arrayContaining([
+        expect.objectContaining({
+          options: expect.objectContaining({
+            env: expect.objectContaining({
+              GIT_CONFIG_COUNT: '9',
+              GIT_CONFIG_KEY_0:
+                'url.https://ssh:some-token@github.com/.insteadOf',
+              GIT_CONFIG_KEY_1:
+                'url.https://git:some-token@github.com/.insteadOf',
+              GIT_CONFIG_KEY_2: 'url.https://some-token@github.com/.insteadOf',
+              GIT_CONFIG_KEY_3:
+                'url.https://ssh:some-enterprise-token@github.enterprise.com/.insteadOf',
+              GIT_CONFIG_KEY_4:
+                'url.https://git:some-enterprise-token@github.enterprise.com/.insteadOf',
+              GIT_CONFIG_KEY_5:
+                'url.https://some-enterprise-token@github.enterprise.com/.insteadOf',
+              GIT_CONFIG_KEY_6:
+                'url.https://gitlab-ci-token:some-gitlab-token@gitlab.enterprise.com/.insteadOf',
+              GIT_CONFIG_KEY_7:
+                'url.https://gitlab-ci-token:some-gitlab-token@gitlab.enterprise.com/.insteadOf',
+              GIT_CONFIG_KEY_8:
+                'url.https://gitlab-ci-token:some-gitlab-token@gitlab.enterprise.com/.insteadOf',
+              GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_0: 'ssh://git@github.com/',
+              GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_1: 'git@github.com:',
+              GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_2: 'https://github.com/',
+              GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_3: 'ssh://git@github.enterprise.com/',
+              GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_4: 'git@github.enterprise.com:',
+              GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_5: 'https://github.enterprise.com/',
+              GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_6: 'ssh://git@gitlab.enterprise.com/',
+              GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_7: 'git@gitlab.enterprise.com:',
+            }),
+          }),
+        }),
+      ])
+    );
+  });
+  it('supports docker mode and ignores non git credentials', async () => {
+    fs.statLocalFile.mockResolvedValueOnce({ name: 'Cargo.lock' } as any);
+    GlobalConfig.set({ ...adminConfig, binarySource: 'docker' });
+    hostRules.find.mockReturnValueOnce({
+      token: 'some-token',
+    });
+    hostRules.getAll.mockReturnValueOnce([
+      {
+        token: 'some-enterprise-token',
+        matchHost: 'github.enterprise.com',
+        hostType: 'npm',
+      },
+    ]);
+    git.getFile.mockResolvedValueOnce('Old Cargo.lock');
+    const execSnapshots = mockExecAll();
+    fs.findLocalSiblingOrParent.mockResolvedValueOnce('Cargo.lock');
+    fs.readLocalFile.mockResolvedValueOnce('New Cargo.lock');
+    const updatedDeps = [
+      {
+        depName: 'dep1',
+      },
+    ];
+    expect(
+      await cargo.updateArtifacts({
+        packageFileName: 'Cargo.toml',
+        updatedDeps,
+        newPackageFileContent: '{}',
+        config: { ...config, constraints: { rust: '1.65.0' } },
+      })
+    ).toEqual([
+      {
+        file: {
+          contents: undefined,
+          path: 'Cargo.lock',
+          type: 'addition',
+        },
+      },
+    ]);
+    expect(execSnapshots).toEqual(
+      expect.arrayContaining([
+        expect.objectContaining({
+          options: expect.objectContaining({
+            env: expect.objectContaining({
+              GIT_CONFIG_COUNT: '3',
+              GIT_CONFIG_KEY_0:
+                'url.https://ssh:some-token@github.com/.insteadOf',
+              GIT_CONFIG_KEY_1:
+                'url.https://git:some-token@github.com/.insteadOf',
+              GIT_CONFIG_KEY_2: 'url.https://some-token@github.com/.insteadOf',
+              GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_0: 'ssh://git@github.com/',
+              GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_1: 'git@github.com:',
+              GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_2: 'https://github.com/',
+            }),
+          }),
+        }),
+      ])
+    );
+  });
+  it('supports docker mode with Cargo specific credential', async () => {
+    fs.statLocalFile.mockResolvedValueOnce({ name: 'Cargo.lock' } as any);
+    GlobalConfig.set({ ...adminConfig, binarySource: 'docker' });
+    hostRules.find.mockReturnValueOnce({
+      token: 'some-token',
+    });
+    hostRules.getAll.mockReturnValueOnce([
+      {
+        token: 'some-enterprise-token-cargo',
+        matchHost: 'github.enterprise.com',
+        hostType: 'cargo',
+      },
+    ]);
+    git.getFile.mockResolvedValueOnce('Old Cargo.lock');
+    const execSnapshots = mockExecAll();
+    fs.findLocalSiblingOrParent.mockResolvedValueOnce('Cargo.lock');
+    fs.readLocalFile.mockResolvedValueOnce('New Cargo.lock');
+    const updatedDeps = [
+      {
+        depName: 'dep1',
+      },
+    ];
+    expect(
+      await cargo.updateArtifacts({
+        packageFileName: 'Cargo.toml',
+        updatedDeps,
+        newPackageFileContent: '{}',
+        config: { ...config, constraints: { rust: '1.65.0' } },
+      })
+    ).toEqual([
+      {
+        file: {
+          contents: undefined,
+          path: 'Cargo.lock',
+          type: 'addition',
+        },
+      },
+    ]);
+    expect(execSnapshots).toEqual(
+      expect.arrayContaining([
+        expect.objectContaining({
+          options: expect.objectContaining({
+            env: expect.objectContaining({
+              GIT_CONFIG_COUNT: '6',
+              GIT_CONFIG_KEY_0:
+                'url.https://ssh:some-token@github.com/.insteadOf',
+              GIT_CONFIG_KEY_1:
+                'url.https://git:some-token@github.com/.insteadOf',
+              GIT_CONFIG_KEY_2: 'url.https://some-token@github.com/.insteadOf',
+              GIT_CONFIG_KEY_3:
+                'url.https://ssh:some-enterprise-token-cargo@github.enterprise.com/.insteadOf',
+              GIT_CONFIG_KEY_4:
+                'url.https://git:some-enterprise-token-cargo@github.enterprise.com/.insteadOf',
+              GIT_CONFIG_KEY_5:
+                'url.https://some-enterprise-token-cargo@github.enterprise.com/.insteadOf',
+              GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_0: 'ssh://git@github.com/',
+              GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_1: 'git@github.com:',
+              GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_2: 'https://github.com/',
+              GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_3: 'ssh://git@github.enterprise.com/',
+              GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_4: 'git@github.enterprise.com:',
+              GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_5: 'https://github.enterprise.com/',
+            }),
+          }),
+        }),
+      ])
+    );
+  });
   it('supports install mode', async () => {
     fs.statLocalFile.mockResolvedValueOnce({ name: 'Cargo.lock' } as any);
     GlobalConfig.set({ ...adminConfig, binarySource: 'install' });
@@ -273,7 +586,7 @@ describe('modules/manager/cargo/artifacts', () => {
-        cmd: 'cargo update --manifest-path Cargo.toml --workspace',
+        cmd: 'cargo update --config net.git-fetch-with-cli=true --manifest-path Cargo.toml --workspace',
         options: {
           cwd: '/tmp/github/some/repo',
           env: {
diff --git a/lib/modules/manager/cargo/artifacts.ts b/lib/modules/manager/cargo/artifacts.ts
index 666219493068bf6cb208d88c30777708d41f1ed6..3c9b4222e35e6393f64fe891f0673913c7e09e55 100644
--- a/lib/modules/manager/cargo/artifacts.ts
+++ b/lib/modules/manager/cargo/artifacts.ts
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import {
 } from '../../../util/fs';
+import { getGitEnvironmentVariables } from '../../../util/git/auth';
 import type { UpdateArtifact, UpdateArtifactsResult } from '../types';
 async function cargoUpdate(
@@ -15,7 +16,9 @@ async function cargoUpdate(
   isLockFileMaintenance: boolean,
   constraint: string | undefined
 ): Promise<void> {
-  let cmd = `cargo update --manifest-path ${quote(manifestPath)}`;
+  let cmd = `cargo update --config net.git-fetch-with-cli=true --manifest-path ${quote(
+    manifestPath
+  )}`;
   // If we're updating a specific crate, `cargo-update` requires `--workspace`
   // for more information, see: https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate/issues/12332
   if (!isLockFileMaintenance) {
@@ -23,6 +26,7 @@ async function cargoUpdate(
   const execOptions: ExecOptions = {
+    extraEnv: { ...getGitEnvironmentVariables(['cargo']) },
     docker: {},
     toolConstraints: [{ toolName: 'rust', constraint }],
diff --git a/lib/modules/manager/cargo/readme.md b/lib/modules/manager/cargo/readme.md
index 5e05f6a22839485de2225f25ece164a816f9fcb4..46195044aebb2a2e3e8e779d9b88540c89855441 100644
--- a/lib/modules/manager/cargo/readme.md
+++ b/lib/modules/manager/cargo/readme.md
@@ -4,3 +4,20 @@ When using the default rangeStrategy=auto:
 - If a "less than" instruction is found (e.g. `<2`) then `rangeStrategy=widen` will be selected,
 - Otherwise, `rangeStrategy=bump` will be selected.
+### Private Modules Authentication
+Before running the `cargo` commands to update the `cargo.lock`, Renovate exports `git` [`insteadOf`](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-config#Documentation/git-config.txt-urlltbasegtinsteadOf) directives in environment variables.
+Renovate uses this logic before it updates any "artifacts":
+The token from the `hostRules` entry matching `hostType=github` and `matchHost=api.github.com` is added as the default authentication for `github.com`.
+For those running against `github.com`, this token will be the default platform token.
+Next, all `hostRules` with both a token or username/password and `matchHost` will be fetched, except for any `github.com` one from above.
+Rules from this list are converted to environment variable directives if they match _any_ of these characteristics:
+- No `hostType` is defined, or
+- `hostType` is `cargo`, or
+- `hostType` is a platform (`github`, `gitlab`, `azure`, etc.)