diff --git a/lib/platform/azure/index.spec.ts b/lib/platform/azure/index.spec.ts
index b03401cdd0e80d1ea2aaef5142ed45631464f709..0860c238dc8f048e3a9d09a0c5507a0fde5c595e 100644
--- a/lib/platform/azure/index.spec.ts
+++ b/lib/platform/azure/index.spec.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 import is from '@sindresorhus/is';
 import { PullRequestStatus } from 'azure-devops-node-api/interfaces/GitInterfaces';
-import { REPOSITORY_DISABLED } from '../../constants/error-messages';
 import { BranchStatus, PrState } from '../../types';
 import * as _git from '../../util/git';
 import * as _hostRules from '../../util/host-rules';
@@ -162,14 +161,6 @@ describe('platform/azure', () => {
-    it('throws disabled', async () => {
-      expect.assertions(1);
-      azureHelper.getFile.mockResolvedValueOnce('{ "enabled": false }');
-      await expect(
-        initRepo({ repository: 'some-repo', optimizeForDisabled: true })
-      ).rejects.toThrow(REPOSITORY_DISABLED);
-    });
   describe('getRepoForceRebase', () => {
@@ -816,4 +807,23 @@ describe('platform/azure', () => {
+  describe('getJsonFile()', () => {
+    it('returns file content', async () => {
+      const data = { foo: 'bar' };
+      azureHelper.getFile.mockResolvedValueOnce(JSON.stringify(data));
+      await initRepo({
+        repository: 'some-repo',
+      });
+      const res = await azure.getJsonFile('file.json');
+      expect(res).toEqual(data);
+    });
+    it('returns null on errors', async () => {
+      azureHelper.getFile.mockRejectedValueOnce('some error');
+      await initRepo({
+        repository: 'some-repo',
+      });
+      const res = await azure.getJsonFile('file.json');
+      expect(res).toBeNull();
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/lib/platform/azure/index.ts b/lib/platform/azure/index.ts
index 6244e98871e024e25deaba14fb37788020d30eb5..55411c32f5b818f703b3d51ccaca4780514fdee7 100644
--- a/lib/platform/azure/index.ts
+++ b/lib/platform/azure/index.ts
@@ -5,10 +5,7 @@ import {
 } from 'azure-devops-node-api/interfaces/GitInterfaces';
-import {
-} from '../../constants/error-messages';
+import { REPOSITORY_EMPTY } from '../../constants/error-messages';
 import { PLATFORM_TYPE_AZURE } from '../../constants/platforms';
 import { logger } from '../../logger';
 import { BranchStatus, PrState } from '../../types';
@@ -109,7 +106,7 @@ export async function getJsonFile(fileName: string): Promise<any | null> {
     return JSON.parse(json);
-  } catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ {
+  } catch (err) {
     return null;
@@ -117,7 +114,6 @@ export async function getJsonFile(fileName: string): Promise<any | null> {
 export async function initRepo({
-  optimizeForDisabled,
 }: RepoParams): Promise<RepoResult> {
   config = { repository } as Config;
@@ -145,17 +141,6 @@ export async function initRepo({
   config.mergeMethod = await azureHelper.getMergeMethod(repo.id, names.project);
   config.repoForceRebase = false;
-  if (optimizeForDisabled) {
-    interface RenovateConfig {
-      enabled: boolean;
-    }
-    const renovateConfig: RenovateConfig = await getJsonFile('renovate.json');
-    if (renovateConfig && renovateConfig.enabled === false) {
-      throw new Error(REPOSITORY_DISABLED);
-    }
-  }
   const [projectName, repoName] = repository.split('/');
   const opts = hostRules.find({
     hostType: defaults.hostType,
diff --git a/lib/platform/bitbucket-server/__snapshots__/index.spec.ts.snap b/lib/platform/bitbucket-server/__snapshots__/index.spec.ts.snap
index 1b8061e8ce02bce39fc9fad73f646478829f85dd..4b75af9a009e02745a20aa4af9983b2b6d4fa0f7 100644
--- a/lib/platform/bitbucket-server/__snapshots__/index.spec.ts.snap
+++ b/lib/platform/bitbucket-server/__snapshots__/index.spec.ts.snap
@@ -1820,6 +1820,129 @@ Array [
+exports[`platform/bitbucket-server/index endpoint with no path getJsonFile() returns file content 1`] = `
+Array [
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
+      "host": "stash.renovatebot.com",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+      "x-atlassian-token": "no-check",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://stash.renovatebot.com/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo",
+  },
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
+      "host": "stash.renovatebot.com",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+      "x-atlassian-token": "no-check",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://stash.renovatebot.com/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/branches/default",
+  },
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
+      "host": "stash.renovatebot.com",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+      "x-atlassian-token": "no-check",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://stash.renovatebot.com/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/browse/file.json?limit=20000",
+  },
+exports[`platform/bitbucket-server/index endpoint with no path getJsonFile() returns null for long content 1`] = `
+Array [
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
+      "host": "stash.renovatebot.com",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+      "x-atlassian-token": "no-check",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://stash.renovatebot.com/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo",
+  },
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
+      "host": "stash.renovatebot.com",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+      "x-atlassian-token": "no-check",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://stash.renovatebot.com/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/branches/default",
+  },
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
+      "host": "stash.renovatebot.com",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+      "x-atlassian-token": "no-check",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://stash.renovatebot.com/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/browse/file.json?limit=20000",
+  },
+exports[`platform/bitbucket-server/index endpoint with no path getJsonFile() returns null on errors 1`] = `
+Array [
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
+      "host": "stash.renovatebot.com",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+      "x-atlassian-token": "no-check",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://stash.renovatebot.com/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo",
+  },
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
+      "host": "stash.renovatebot.com",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+      "x-atlassian-token": "no-check",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://stash.renovatebot.com/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/branches/default",
+  },
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
+      "host": "stash.renovatebot.com",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+      "x-atlassian-token": "no-check",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://stash.renovatebot.com/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/browse/file.json?limit=20000",
+  },
 exports[`platform/bitbucket-server/index endpoint with no path getPr() canRebase 1`] = `
 Object {
   "body": "* Line 1
@@ -2222,18 +2345,6 @@ Object {
 exports[`platform/bitbucket-server/index endpoint with no path initRepo() does not throw 2`] = `
 Array [
-  Object {
-    "headers": Object {
-      "accept": "application/json",
-      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
-      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
-      "host": "stash.renovatebot.com",
-      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
-      "x-atlassian-token": "no-check",
-    },
-    "method": "GET",
-    "url": "https://stash.renovatebot.com/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/browse/renovate.json?limit=20000",
-  },
   Object {
     "headers": Object {
       "accept": "application/json",
@@ -2261,23 +2372,6 @@ Array [
-exports[`platform/bitbucket-server/index endpoint with no path initRepo() throws disabled 1`] = `
-Array [
-  Object {
-    "headers": Object {
-      "accept": "application/json",
-      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
-      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
-      "host": "stash.renovatebot.com",
-      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
-      "x-atlassian-token": "no-check",
-    },
-    "method": "GET",
-    "url": "https://stash.renovatebot.com/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/browse/renovate.json?limit=20000",
-  },
 exports[`platform/bitbucket-server/index endpoint with no path initRepo() throws empty 1`] = `
 Array [
   Object {
@@ -5567,6 +5661,129 @@ Array [
+exports[`platform/bitbucket-server/index endpoint with path getJsonFile() returns file content 1`] = `
+Array [
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
+      "host": "stash.renovatebot.com",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+      "x-atlassian-token": "no-check",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://stash.renovatebot.com/vcs/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo",
+  },
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
+      "host": "stash.renovatebot.com",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+      "x-atlassian-token": "no-check",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://stash.renovatebot.com/vcs/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/branches/default",
+  },
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
+      "host": "stash.renovatebot.com",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+      "x-atlassian-token": "no-check",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://stash.renovatebot.com/vcs/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/browse/file.json?limit=20000",
+  },
+exports[`platform/bitbucket-server/index endpoint with path getJsonFile() returns null for long content 1`] = `
+Array [
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
+      "host": "stash.renovatebot.com",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+      "x-atlassian-token": "no-check",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://stash.renovatebot.com/vcs/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo",
+  },
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
+      "host": "stash.renovatebot.com",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+      "x-atlassian-token": "no-check",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://stash.renovatebot.com/vcs/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/branches/default",
+  },
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
+      "host": "stash.renovatebot.com",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+      "x-atlassian-token": "no-check",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://stash.renovatebot.com/vcs/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/browse/file.json?limit=20000",
+  },
+exports[`platform/bitbucket-server/index endpoint with path getJsonFile() returns null on errors 1`] = `
+Array [
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
+      "host": "stash.renovatebot.com",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+      "x-atlassian-token": "no-check",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://stash.renovatebot.com/vcs/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo",
+  },
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
+      "host": "stash.renovatebot.com",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+      "x-atlassian-token": "no-check",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://stash.renovatebot.com/vcs/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/branches/default",
+  },
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
+      "host": "stash.renovatebot.com",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+      "x-atlassian-token": "no-check",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://stash.renovatebot.com/vcs/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/browse/file.json?limit=20000",
+  },
 exports[`platform/bitbucket-server/index endpoint with path getPr() canRebase 1`] = `
 Object {
   "body": "* Line 1
@@ -5969,18 +6186,6 @@ Object {
 exports[`platform/bitbucket-server/index endpoint with path initRepo() does not throw 2`] = `
 Array [
-  Object {
-    "headers": Object {
-      "accept": "application/json",
-      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
-      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
-      "host": "stash.renovatebot.com",
-      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
-      "x-atlassian-token": "no-check",
-    },
-    "method": "GET",
-    "url": "https://stash.renovatebot.com/vcs/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/browse/renovate.json?limit=20000",
-  },
   Object {
     "headers": Object {
       "accept": "application/json",
@@ -6008,23 +6213,6 @@ Array [
-exports[`platform/bitbucket-server/index endpoint with path initRepo() throws disabled 1`] = `
-Array [
-  Object {
-    "headers": Object {
-      "accept": "application/json",
-      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
-      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
-      "host": "stash.renovatebot.com",
-      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
-      "x-atlassian-token": "no-check",
-    },
-    "method": "GET",
-    "url": "https://stash.renovatebot.com/vcs/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/browse/renovate.json?limit=20000",
-  },
 exports[`platform/bitbucket-server/index endpoint with path initRepo() throws empty 1`] = `
 Array [
   Object {
diff --git a/lib/platform/bitbucket-server/index.spec.ts b/lib/platform/bitbucket-server/index.spec.ts
index ca2847e1fc6d4d58a2c1fed7469c561ac2b81170..6689a5b13240ff8a2fa2c05a45f6a5200183ec58 100644
--- a/lib/platform/bitbucket-server/index.spec.ts
+++ b/lib/platform/bitbucket-server/index.spec.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import * as httpMock from '../../../test/httpMock';
 import { getName } from '../../../test/util';
 import {
 } from '../../constants/error-messages';
@@ -167,7 +166,6 @@ describe(getName(__filename), () => {
           endpoint: 'https://stash.renovatebot.com/vcs/',
           repository: 'SOME/repo',
           localDir: '',
-          optimizeForDisabled: false,
         return scope;
@@ -264,7 +262,6 @@ describe(getName(__filename), () => {
               endpoint: 'https://stash.renovatebot.com/vcs/',
               repository: 'SOME/repo',
               localDir: '',
-              optimizeForDisabled: false,
@@ -280,20 +277,11 @@ describe(getName(__filename), () => {
             .reply(200, {
               displayId: 'master',
-            })
-            .get(
-              `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/browse/renovate.json?limit=20000`
-            )
-            .reply(200, {
-              isLastPage: false,
-              lines: [{ text: '{' }],
-              size: 50000,
           const res = await bitbucket.initRepo({
             endpoint: 'https://stash.renovatebot.com/vcs/',
             repository: 'SOME/repo',
             localDir: '',
-            optimizeForDisabled: true,
@@ -314,33 +302,10 @@ describe(getName(__filename), () => {
               endpoint: 'https://stash.renovatebot.com/vcs/',
               repository: 'SOME/repo',
               localDir: '',
-              optimizeForDisabled: false,
-        it('throws disabled', async () => {
-          expect.assertions(2);
-          httpMock
-            .scope(urlHost)
-            .get(
-              `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/browse/renovate.json?limit=20000`
-            )
-            .reply(200, {
-              isLastPage: true,
-              lines: [{ text: '{ "enabled": false' }, { text: '}' }],
-            });
-          await expect(
-            bitbucket.initRepo({
-              endpoint: 'https://stash.renovatebot.com/vcs/',
-              repository: 'SOME/repo',
-              localDir: '',
-              optimizeForDisabled: true,
-            })
-          ).rejects.toThrow(REPOSITORY_DISABLED);
-          expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot();
-        });
       describe('repoForceRebase()', () => {
@@ -1925,6 +1890,49 @@ Followed by some information.
+      describe('getJsonFile()', () => {
+        it('returns file content', async () => {
+          const data = { foo: 'bar' };
+          const scope = await initRepo();
+          scope
+            .get(
+              `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/browse/file.json?limit=20000`
+            )
+            .reply(200, {
+              isLastPage: true,
+              lines: [{ text: JSON.stringify(data) }],
+            });
+          const res = await bitbucket.getJsonFile('file.json');
+          expect(res).toEqual(data);
+          expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot();
+        });
+        it('returns null for long content', async () => {
+          const scope = await initRepo();
+          scope
+            .get(
+              `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/browse/file.json?limit=20000`
+            )
+            .reply(200, {
+              isLastPage: false,
+              lines: [{ text: '{' }],
+            });
+          const res = await bitbucket.getJsonFile('file.json');
+          expect(res).toBeNull();
+          expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot();
+        });
+        it('returns null on errors', async () => {
+          const scope = await initRepo();
+          scope
+            .get(
+              `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/browse/file.json?limit=20000`
+            )
+            .replyWithError('some error');
+          const res = await bitbucket.getJsonFile('file.json');
+          expect(res).toBeNull();
+          expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot();
+        });
+      });
diff --git a/lib/platform/bitbucket-server/index.ts b/lib/platform/bitbucket-server/index.ts
index d048e4fcf2e534e9a1a6b305dbea62b910079888..4d709dab20ef96ee49fbe6ae897f3d72a6201c84 100644
--- a/lib/platform/bitbucket-server/index.ts
+++ b/lib/platform/bitbucket-server/index.ts
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import delay from 'delay';
 import type { PartialDeep } from 'type-fest';
 import {
 } from '../../constants/error-messages';
@@ -123,7 +122,7 @@ export async function getJsonFile(fileName: string): Promise<any | null> {
     } else {
       return JSON.parse(body.lines.map((l) => l.text).join(''));
-  } catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ {
+  } catch (err) {
     // no-op
   return null;
@@ -133,7 +132,6 @@ export async function getJsonFile(fileName: string): Promise<any | null> {
 export async function initRepo({
-  optimizeForDisabled,
 }: RepoParams): Promise<RepoResult> {
     `initRepo("${JSON.stringify({ repository, localDir }, null, 2)}")`
@@ -153,17 +151,6 @@ export async function initRepo({
     username: opts.username,
   } as any;
-  if (optimizeForDisabled) {
-    interface RenovateConfig {
-      enabled: boolean;
-    }
-    const renovateConfig: RenovateConfig = await getJsonFile('renovate.json');
-    if (renovateConfig && renovateConfig.enabled === false) {
-      throw new Error(REPOSITORY_DISABLED);
-    }
-  }
   const { host, pathname } = url.parse(defaults.endpoint);
   const gitUrl = git.getUrl({
     protocol: defaults.endpoint.split(':')[0] as GitProtocol,
diff --git a/lib/platform/bitbucket/__snapshots__/index.spec.ts.snap b/lib/platform/bitbucket/__snapshots__/index.spec.ts.snap
index 6127836ed450015001fad44cce1f544ec3619914..7a04b76efda8537e7e3c88c84a0847bc57474dcd 100644
--- a/lib/platform/bitbucket/__snapshots__/index.spec.ts.snap
+++ b/lib/platform/bitbucket/__snapshots__/index.spec.ts.snap
@@ -806,6 +806,60 @@ Array [
+exports[`platform/bitbucket getJsonFile() returns file content 1`] = `
+Array [
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
+      "host": "api.bitbucket.org",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/some/repo",
+  },
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
+      "host": "api.bitbucket.org",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/some/repo/src/master/file.json",
+  },
+exports[`platform/bitbucket getJsonFile() returns null on errors 1`] = `
+Array [
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
+      "host": "api.bitbucket.org",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/some/repo",
+  },
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
+      "host": "api.bitbucket.org",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/some/repo/src/master/file.json",
+  },
 exports[`platform/bitbucket getPr() canRebase 1`] = `
 Object {
   "body": "summary",
@@ -1062,33 +1116,6 @@ Object {
-exports[`platform/bitbucket initRepo() throws disabled 1`] = `
-Array [
-  Object {
-    "headers": Object {
-      "accept": "application/json",
-      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
-      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
-      "host": "api.bitbucket.org",
-      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
-    },
-    "method": "GET",
-    "url": "https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/some/empty",
-  },
-  Object {
-    "headers": Object {
-      "accept": "application/json",
-      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
-      "authorization": "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==",
-      "host": "api.bitbucket.org",
-      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
-    },
-    "method": "GET",
-    "url": "https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/some/empty/src/master/renovate.json",
-  },
 exports[`platform/bitbucket initRepo() works 1`] = `
 Object {
   "defaultBranch": "master",
diff --git a/lib/platform/bitbucket/index.spec.ts b/lib/platform/bitbucket/index.spec.ts
index 7ff31450521bf0e0eb76e80ccf8aa8200ec1a81a..13cdab170282f227fca2687ae30b1b61de61080a 100644
--- a/lib/platform/bitbucket/index.spec.ts
+++ b/lib/platform/bitbucket/index.spec.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 import nock from 'nock';
 import * as httpMock from '../../../test/httpMock';
-import { REPOSITORY_DISABLED } from '../../constants/error-messages';
 import { logger as _logger } from '../../logger';
 import { BranchStatus, PrState } from '../../types';
 import * as _git from '../../util/git';
@@ -82,7 +81,6 @@ describe('platform/bitbucket', () => {
     await bitbucket.initRepo({
       repository: 'some/repo',
       localDir: '',
-      optimizeForDisabled: false,
@@ -148,34 +146,10 @@ describe('platform/bitbucket', () => {
         await bitbucket.initRepo({
           repository: 'some/repo',
           localDir: '',
-          optimizeForDisabled: false,
-    it('throws disabled', async () => {
-      expect.assertions(2);
-      httpMock
-        .scope(baseUrl)
-        .get('/2.0/repositories/some/empty')
-        .reply(200, { owner: {}, mainbranch: { name: 'master' } })
-        .get('/2.0/repositories/some/empty/src/master/renovate.json')
-        .reply(
-          200,
-          JSON.stringify({
-            enabled: false,
-          })
-        );
-      await expect(
-        bitbucket.initRepo({
-          repository: 'some/empty',
-          optimizeForDisabled: true,
-          localDir: '',
-        })
-      ).rejects.toThrow(REPOSITORY_DISABLED);
-      expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot();
-    });
   describe('getRepoForceRebase()', () => {
@@ -816,4 +790,26 @@ describe('platform/bitbucket', () => {
       expect(await bitbucket.getVulnerabilityAlerts()).toEqual([]);
+  describe('getJsonFile()', () => {
+    it('returns file content', async () => {
+      const data = { foo: 'bar' };
+      const scope = await initRepoMock();
+      scope
+        .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/src/master/file.json')
+        .reply(200, JSON.stringify(data));
+      const res = await bitbucket.getJsonFile('file.json');
+      expect(res).toEqual(data);
+      expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot();
+    });
+    it('returns null on errors', async () => {
+      const scope = await initRepoMock();
+      scope
+        .get('/2.0/repositories/some/repo/src/master/file.json')
+        .replyWithError('some error');
+      const res = await bitbucket.getJsonFile('file.json');
+      expect(res).toBeNull();
+      expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot();
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/lib/platform/bitbucket/index.ts b/lib/platform/bitbucket/index.ts
index 1739bdc6fe94b966cf9db07d05a5c5c5910801ae..651454a3d243034346914e95cbb3f0c69f459a9d 100644
--- a/lib/platform/bitbucket/index.ts
+++ b/lib/platform/bitbucket/index.ts
@@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
 import URL from 'url';
 import is from '@sindresorhus/is';
 import parseDiff from 'parse-diff';
-import {
-} from '../../constants/error-messages';
+import { REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND } from '../../constants/error-messages';
 import { PLATFORM_TYPE_BITBUCKET } from '../../constants/platforms';
 import { logger } from '../../logger';
 import { BranchStatus, PrState } from '../../types';
@@ -110,7 +107,7 @@ export async function getJsonFile(fileName: string): Promise<any | null> {
-  } catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ {
+  } catch (err) {
     return null;
@@ -119,7 +116,6 @@ export async function getJsonFile(fileName: string): Promise<any | null> {
 export async function initRepo({
-  optimizeForDisabled,
 }: RepoParams): Promise<RepoResult> {
   const opts = hostRules.find({
@@ -141,17 +137,6 @@ export async function initRepo({
     config.defaultBranch = info.mainbranch;
-    if (optimizeForDisabled) {
-      interface RenovateConfig {
-        enabled: boolean;
-      }
-      const renovateConfig: RenovateConfig = await getJsonFile('renovate.json');
-      if (renovateConfig && renovateConfig.enabled === false) {
-        throw new Error(REPOSITORY_DISABLED);
-      }
-    }
     Object.assign(config, {
       owner: info.owner,
       mergeMethod: info.mergeMethod,
diff --git a/lib/platform/common.ts b/lib/platform/common.ts
index 74cc54a0aace4ea1a170e424e1c0a0630f05164e..a858aa15ed656b3632eeb3c2e206d6ed2ec6e719 100644
--- a/lib/platform/common.ts
+++ b/lib/platform/common.ts
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ export interface RepoResult {
 export interface RepoParams {
   localDir: string;
-  optimizeForDisabled: boolean;
   repository: string;
   endpoint?: string;
   forkMode?: string;
diff --git a/lib/platform/gitea/index.spec.ts b/lib/platform/gitea/index.spec.ts
index 6741556f879fc0788e5e4410134466367508db0b..090bd901a753b3dac23cc7f91ba759a39b292f3d 100644
--- a/lib/platform/gitea/index.spec.ts
+++ b/lib/platform/gitea/index.spec.ts
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import {
 } from '../../constants/error-messages';
@@ -174,7 +173,6 @@ describe('platform/gitea', () => {
     return gitea.initRepo({
       repository: mockRepo.full_name,
       localDir: '',
-      optimizeForDisabled: false,
@@ -242,7 +240,6 @@ describe('platform/gitea', () => {
     const initRepoCfg: RepoParams = {
       repository: mockRepo.full_name,
       localDir: '',
-      optimizeForDisabled: false,
     it('should propagate API errors', async () => {
@@ -251,18 +248,6 @@ describe('platform/gitea', () => {
       await expect(gitea.initRepo(initRepoCfg)).rejects.toThrow('getRepo()');
-    it('should abort when disabled and optimizeForDisabled is enabled', async () => {
-      helper.getRepoContents.mockResolvedValueOnce(
-        partial<ght.RepoContents>({
-          contentString: JSON.stringify({ enabled: false }),
-        })
-      );
-      await expect(
-        initFakeRepo({}, { optimizeForDisabled: true })
-      ).rejects.toThrow(REPOSITORY_DISABLED);
-    });
     it('should abort when repo is archived', async () => {
       await expect(initFakeRepo({ archived: true })).rejects.toThrow(
@@ -1330,4 +1315,22 @@ describe('platform/gitea', () => {
       expect(await gitea.getVulnerabilityAlerts()).toEqual([]);
+  describe('getJsonFile()', () => {
+    it('returns file content', async () => {
+      const data = { foo: 'bar' };
+      helper.getRepoContents.mockResolvedValueOnce({
+        contentString: JSON.stringify(data),
+      } as never);
+      await initFakeRepo({ full_name: 'some/repo' });
+      const res = await gitea.getJsonFile('file.json');
+      expect(res).toEqual(data);
+    });
+    it('returns null on errors', async () => {
+      helper.getRepoContents.mockRejectedValueOnce('some error');
+      await initFakeRepo({ full_name: 'some/repo' });
+      const res = await gitea.getJsonFile('file.json');
+      expect(res).toBeNull();
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/lib/platform/gitea/index.ts b/lib/platform/gitea/index.ts
index 48cccf31e696a04e018ce5d241f461b957182c10..7271c41cc5cf9dec3e4c46410d890112ce3a4805 100644
--- a/lib/platform/gitea/index.ts
+++ b/lib/platform/gitea/index.ts
@@ -1,13 +1,10 @@
 import URL from 'url';
 import is from '@sindresorhus/is';
-import { configFileNames } from '../../config/app-strings';
-import { RenovateConfig } from '../../config/common';
 import {
 } from '../../constants/error-messages';
@@ -54,7 +51,6 @@ const defaults = {
   endpoint: 'https://gitea.com/api/v1/',
-const defaultConfigFile = configFileNames[0];
 let config: GiteaRepoConfig = {} as any;
 let botUserID: number;
@@ -221,12 +217,7 @@ const platform: Platform = {
-  async initRepo({
-    repository,
-    localDir,
-    optimizeForDisabled,
-  }: RepoParams): Promise<RepoResult> {
-    let renovateConfig: RenovateConfig;
+  async initRepo({ repository, localDir }: RepoParams): Promise<RepoResult> {
     let repo: helper.Repo;
     config = {} as any;
@@ -284,14 +275,6 @@ const platform: Platform = {
     config.defaultBranch = repo.default_branch;
     logger.debug(`${repository} default branch = ${config.defaultBranch}`);
-    // Optionally check if Renovate is disabled by attempting to fetch default configuration file
-    if (optimizeForDisabled) {
-      renovateConfig = await platform.getJsonFile(defaultConfigFile);
-      if (renovateConfig && renovateConfig.enabled === false) {
-        throw new Error(REPOSITORY_DISABLED);
-      }
-    }
     // Find options for current host and determine Git endpoint
     const opts = hostRules.find({
       hostType: PLATFORM_TYPE_GITEA,
diff --git a/lib/platform/github/__snapshots__/index.spec.ts.snap b/lib/platform/github/__snapshots__/index.spec.ts.snap
index 6ad946476d21eadc0884b5a083832c8f443ef1a7..faba36141056d6bde17d460fc42d0ea2275d66b5 100644
--- a/lib/platform/github/__snapshots__/index.spec.ts.snap
+++ b/lib/platform/github/__snapshots__/index.spec.ts.snap
@@ -2914,6 +2914,108 @@ Array [
+exports[`platform/github getJsonFile() returns file content 1`] = `
+Array [
+  Object {
+    "graphql": Object {
+      "query": Object {
+        "repository": Object {
+          "__args": Object {
+            "name": "repo",
+            "owner": "some",
+          },
+          "defaultBranchRef": Object {
+            "name": null,
+            "target": Object {
+              "oid": null,
+            },
+          },
+          "isArchived": null,
+          "isFork": null,
+          "mergeCommitAllowed": null,
+          "nameWithOwner": null,
+          "rebaseMergeAllowed": null,
+          "squashMergeAllowed": null,
+        },
+      },
+    },
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "token abc123",
+      "content-length": "330",
+      "content-type": "application/json",
+      "host": "api.github.com",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+    },
+    "method": "POST",
+    "url": "https://api.github.com/graphql",
+  },
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "token abc123",
+      "host": "api.github.com",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/some/repo/contents/file.json",
+  },
+exports[`platform/github getJsonFile() returns null on errors 1`] = `
+Array [
+  Object {
+    "graphql": Object {
+      "query": Object {
+        "repository": Object {
+          "__args": Object {
+            "name": "repo",
+            "owner": "some",
+          },
+          "defaultBranchRef": Object {
+            "name": null,
+            "target": Object {
+              "oid": null,
+            },
+          },
+          "isArchived": null,
+          "isFork": null,
+          "mergeCommitAllowed": null,
+          "nameWithOwner": null,
+          "rebaseMergeAllowed": null,
+          "squashMergeAllowed": null,
+        },
+      },
+    },
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "token abc123",
+      "content-length": "330",
+      "content-type": "application/json",
+      "host": "api.github.com",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+    },
+    "method": "POST",
+    "url": "https://api.github.com/graphql",
+  },
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "token abc123",
+      "host": "api.github.com",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/some/repo/contents/file.json",
+  },
 exports[`platform/github getPr(prNo) should return PR from closed graphql result 1`] = `
 Object {
   "body": "dummy body",
@@ -4831,57 +4933,6 @@ Array [
-exports[`platform/github initRepo should throw err if disabled in renovate.json 1`] = `
-Array [
-  Object {
-    "graphql": Object {
-      "query": Object {
-        "repository": Object {
-          "__args": Object {
-            "name": "repo",
-            "owner": "some",
-          },
-          "defaultBranchRef": Object {
-            "name": null,
-            "target": Object {
-              "oid": null,
-            },
-          },
-          "isArchived": null,
-          "isFork": null,
-          "mergeCommitAllowed": null,
-          "nameWithOwner": null,
-          "rebaseMergeAllowed": null,
-          "squashMergeAllowed": null,
-        },
-      },
-    },
-    "headers": Object {
-      "accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json",
-      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
-      "authorization": "token abc123",
-      "content-length": "330",
-      "content-type": "application/json",
-      "host": "api.github.com",
-      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
-    },
-    "method": "POST",
-    "url": "https://api.github.com/graphql",
-  },
-  Object {
-    "headers": Object {
-      "accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json",
-      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
-      "authorization": "token abc123",
-      "host": "api.github.com",
-      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
-    },
-    "method": "GET",
-    "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/some/repo/contents/renovate.json",
-  },
 exports[`platform/github initRepo should throw error if archived 1`] = `
 Array [
   Object {
diff --git a/lib/platform/github/index.spec.ts b/lib/platform/github/index.spec.ts
index 14193e6c1457a565aef3a6f50d1e9194949a9e3a..d4aa2084c052b00bac56ffd0cb791065f41332b1 100644
--- a/lib/platform/github/index.spec.ts
+++ b/lib/platform/github/index.spec.ts
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import fs from 'fs-extra';
 import * as httpMock from '../../../test/httpMock';
 import { mocked } from '../../../test/util';
 import {
 } from '../../constants/error-messages';
@@ -217,21 +216,6 @@ describe('platform/github', () => {
   describe('initRepo', () => {
-    it('should throw err if disabled in renovate.json', async () => {
-      const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost);
-      initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo');
-      scope.get('/repos/some/repo/contents/renovate.json').reply(200, {
-        content: Buffer.from('{"enabled": false}').toString('base64'),
-      });
-      await expect(
-        github.initRepo({
-          repository: 'some/repo',
-          optimizeForDisabled: true,
-        } as any)
-      ).rejects.toThrow(REPOSITORY_DISABLED);
-      expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot();
-    });
     it('should rebase', async () => {
       const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost);
       initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo');
@@ -393,7 +377,6 @@ describe('platform/github', () => {
       await expect(
-          includeForks: true,
           repository: 'some/repo',
         } as any)
@@ -1993,4 +1976,31 @@ describe('platform/github', () => {
+  describe('getJsonFile()', () => {
+    it('returns file content', async () => {
+      const data = { foo: 'bar' };
+      const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost);
+      initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo');
+      await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token' } as any);
+      scope.get('/repos/some/repo/contents/file.json').reply(200, {
+        content: Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(data)).toString('base64'),
+      });
+      const res = await github.getJsonFile('file.json');
+      expect(res).toEqual(data);
+      expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot();
+    });
+    it('returns null on errors', async () => {
+      const scope = httpMock.scope(githubApiHost);
+      initRepoMock(scope, 'some/repo');
+      await github.initRepo({ repository: 'some/repo', token: 'token' } as any);
+      scope
+        .get('/repos/some/repo/contents/file.json')
+        .replyWithError('some error');
+      const res = await github.getJsonFile('file.json');
+      expect(res).toBeNull();
+      expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot();
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/lib/platform/github/index.ts b/lib/platform/github/index.ts
index 86a461f69de470d27a525026840345db3a646d04..9fb2ac8dcf9c67fb9eba9733fe6d56a80a8e1999 100644
--- a/lib/platform/github/index.ts
+++ b/lib/platform/github/index.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 import URL from 'url';
 import is from '@sindresorhus/is';
 import delay from 'delay';
-import { configFileNames } from '../../config/app-strings';
 import {
@@ -58,8 +57,6 @@ import { UserDetails, getUserDetails, getUserEmail } from './user';
 const githubApi = new githubHttp.GithubHttp();
-const defaultConfigFile = configFileNames[0];
 let config: LocalRepoConfig = {} as any;
 const defaults = {
@@ -156,7 +153,7 @@ export async function getJsonFile(fileName: string): Promise<any | null> {
-  } catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ {
+  } catch (err) {
     return null;
@@ -170,9 +167,7 @@ export async function initRepo({
-  includeForks,
-  optimizeForDisabled,
 }: RepoParams): Promise<RepoResult> {
   // config is used by the platform api itself, not necessary for the app layer to know
@@ -219,13 +214,6 @@ export async function initRepo({
     if (!repo.defaultBranchRef?.name) {
       throw new Error(REPOSITORY_EMPTY);
-    // istanbul ignore if
-    if (repo.isFork && !includeForks) {
-      const renovateConfig = await getJsonFile(defaultConfigFile);
-      if (!renovateConfig?.includeForks) {
-        throw new Error(REPOSITORY_FORKED);
-      }
-    }
     if (repo.nameWithOwner && repo.nameWithOwner !== repository) {
         { repository, this_repository: repo.nameWithOwner },
@@ -239,12 +227,6 @@ export async function initRepo({
       throw new Error(REPOSITORY_ARCHIVED);
-    if (optimizeForDisabled) {
-      const renovateConfig = await getJsonFile(defaultConfigFile);
-      if (renovateConfig?.enabled === false) {
-        throw new Error(REPOSITORY_DISABLED);
-      }
-    }
     // Use default branch as PR target unless later overridden.
     config.defaultBranch = repo.defaultBranchRef.name;
     // Base branch may be configured but defaultBranch is always fixed
diff --git a/lib/platform/gitlab/__snapshots__/index.spec.ts.snap b/lib/platform/gitlab/__snapshots__/index.spec.ts.snap
index 0b7fe1bd31844ff4469c1c577f6dc19d482e2f90..22c492414088b6fff78195e3608ef218ba67c67a 100644
--- a/lib/platform/gitlab/__snapshots__/index.spec.ts.snap
+++ b/lib/platform/gitlab/__snapshots__/index.spec.ts.snap
@@ -1090,6 +1090,60 @@ Array [
+exports[`platform/gitlab getJsonFile() returns file content 1`] = `
+Array [
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "Bearer abc123",
+      "host": "gitlab.com",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/some%2Frepo",
+  },
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "Bearer abc123",
+      "host": "gitlab.com",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/some%2Frepo/repository/files/file.json?ref=master",
+  },
+exports[`platform/gitlab getJsonFile() returns null on errors 1`] = `
+Array [
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "Bearer abc123",
+      "host": "gitlab.com",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/some%2Frepo",
+  },
+  Object {
+    "headers": Object {
+      "accept": "application/json",
+      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
+      "authorization": "Bearer abc123",
+      "host": "gitlab.com",
+      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
+    },
+    "method": "GET",
+    "url": "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/some%2Frepo/repository/files/file.json?ref=master",
+  },
 exports[`platform/gitlab getPr(prNo) returns the PR 1`] = `
 Object {
   "body": "a merge request",
@@ -1514,33 +1568,6 @@ Array [
-exports[`platform/gitlab initRepo should throw error if disabled in renovate.json 1`] = `
-Array [
-  Object {
-    "headers": Object {
-      "accept": "application/json",
-      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
-      "authorization": "Bearer abc123",
-      "host": "gitlab.com",
-      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
-    },
-    "method": "GET",
-    "url": "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/some%2Frepo",
-  },
-  Object {
-    "headers": Object {
-      "accept": "application/json",
-      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
-      "authorization": "Bearer abc123",
-      "host": "gitlab.com",
-      "user-agent": "https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate",
-    },
-    "method": "GET",
-    "url": "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/some%2Frepo/repository/files/renovate.json?ref=master",
-  },
 exports[`platform/gitlab mergePr(pr) merges the PR 1`] = `
 Array [
   Object {
diff --git a/lib/platform/gitlab/index.spec.ts b/lib/platform/gitlab/index.spec.ts
index 0ceea9a67ceb348756d7afd1fde378ef263d44b4..bb85f841e427ac1f01a5714440238936067aa958 100644
--- a/lib/platform/gitlab/index.spec.ts
+++ b/lib/platform/gitlab/index.spec.ts
@@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ describe('platform/gitlab', () => {
     repoParams: RepoParams = {
       repository: 'some/repo',
       localDir: '',
-      optimizeForDisabled: false,
     repoResp = null,
     scope = httpMock.scope(gitlabApiHost)
@@ -145,29 +144,6 @@ describe('platform/gitlab', () => {
   describe('initRepo', () => {
-    it(`should throw error if disabled in renovate.json`, async () => {
-      httpMock
-        .scope(gitlabApiHost)
-        .get('/api/v4/projects/some%2Frepo')
-        .reply(200, {
-          default_branch: 'master',
-          http_url_to_repo: 'https://gitlab.com/some/repo.git',
-        })
-        .get(
-          '/api/v4/projects/some%2Frepo/repository/files/renovate.json?ref=master'
-        )
-        .reply(200, {
-          content: Buffer.from('{"enabled": false}').toString('base64'),
-        });
-      await expect(
-        gitlab.initRepo({
-          repository: 'some/repo',
-          localDir: '',
-          optimizeForDisabled: true,
-        })
-      ).rejects.toThrow(REPOSITORY_DISABLED);
-      expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot();
-    });
     it(`should escape all forward slashes in project names`, async () => {
@@ -176,7 +152,6 @@ describe('platform/gitlab', () => {
       await gitlab.initRepo({
         repository: 'some/repo/project',
         localDir: '',
-        optimizeForDisabled: false,
@@ -189,7 +164,6 @@ describe('platform/gitlab', () => {
           repository: 'some/repo',
           localDir: '',
-          optimizeForDisabled: false,
       ).rejects.toThrow('always error');
@@ -203,7 +177,6 @@ describe('platform/gitlab', () => {
           repository: 'some/repo',
           localDir: '',
-          optimizeForDisabled: false,
@@ -217,7 +190,6 @@ describe('platform/gitlab', () => {
           repository: 'some/repo',
           localDir: '',
-          optimizeForDisabled: false,
@@ -231,7 +203,6 @@ describe('platform/gitlab', () => {
           repository: 'some/repo',
           localDir: '',
-          optimizeForDisabled: false,
@@ -245,7 +216,6 @@ describe('platform/gitlab', () => {
           repository: 'some/repo',
           localDir: '',
-          optimizeForDisabled: false,
@@ -259,7 +229,6 @@ describe('platform/gitlab', () => {
           repository: 'some/repo',
           localDir: '',
-          optimizeForDisabled: false,
@@ -273,7 +242,6 @@ describe('platform/gitlab', () => {
           repository: 'some/repo',
           localDir: '',
-          optimizeForDisabled: false,
@@ -289,7 +257,6 @@ describe('platform/gitlab', () => {
       await gitlab.initRepo({
         repository: 'some/repo/project',
         localDir: '',
-        optimizeForDisabled: false,
@@ -300,7 +267,6 @@ describe('platform/gitlab', () => {
           repository: 'some/repo/project',
           localDir: '',
-          optimizeForDisabled: false,
           default_branch: 'master',
@@ -317,7 +283,6 @@ describe('platform/gitlab', () => {
           repository: 'some/repo/project',
           localDir: '',
-          optimizeForDisabled: false,
           default_branch: 'master',
@@ -1146,4 +1111,31 @@ These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a r
+  describe('getJsonFile()', () => {
+    it('returns file content', async () => {
+      const data = { foo: 'bar' };
+      const scope = await initRepo();
+      scope
+        .get(
+          '/api/v4/projects/some%2Frepo/repository/files/file.json?ref=master'
+        )
+        .reply(200, {
+          content: Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(data)).toString('base64'),
+        });
+      const res = await gitlab.getJsonFile('file.json');
+      expect(res).toEqual(data);
+      expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot();
+    });
+    it('returns null on errors', async () => {
+      const scope = await initRepo();
+      scope
+        .get(
+          '/api/v4/projects/some%2Frepo/repository/files/file.json?ref=master'
+        )
+        .replyWithError('some error');
+      const res = await gitlab.getJsonFile('file.json');
+      expect(res).toBeNull();
+      expect(httpMock.getTrace()).toMatchSnapshot();
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/lib/platform/gitlab/index.ts b/lib/platform/gitlab/index.ts
index 662cf95a52cc6062ed0319162fb99d7319233c31..e98621ef1e3864fb463d0b700a9374f062e198f2 100644
--- a/lib/platform/gitlab/index.ts
+++ b/lib/platform/gitlab/index.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 import URL, { URLSearchParams } from 'url';
 import is from '@sindresorhus/is';
 import delay from 'delay';
-import { configFileNames } from '../../config/app-strings';
 import {
@@ -42,14 +41,12 @@ import { GitlabComment, GitlabIssue, MergeMethod, RepoResponse } from './types';
 const gitlabApi = new GitlabHttp();
-const defaultConfigFile = configFileNames[0];
 let config: {
   repository: string;
   localDir: string;
   email: string;
   prList: any[];
   issueList: GitlabIssue[];
-  optimizeForDisabled: boolean;
   mergeMethod: MergeMethod;
   defaultBranch: string;
 } = {} as any;
@@ -132,7 +129,7 @@ export async function getJsonFile(fileName: string): Promise<any | null> {
-  } catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ {
+  } catch (err) {
     return null;
@@ -141,7 +138,6 @@ export async function getJsonFile(fileName: string): Promise<any | null> {
 export async function initRepo({
-  optimizeForDisabled,
 }: RepoParams): Promise<RepoResult> {
   config = {} as any;
   config.repository = urlEscape(repository);
@@ -180,12 +176,6 @@ export async function initRepo({
       throw new Error(REPOSITORY_EMPTY);
     config.defaultBranch = res.body.default_branch;
-    if (optimizeForDisabled) {
-      const renovateConfig = await getJsonFile(defaultConfigFile);
-      if (renovateConfig && renovateConfig.enabled === false) {
-        throw new Error(REPOSITORY_DISABLED);
-      }
-    }
     config.mergeMethod = res.body.merge_method || 'merge';
     logger.debug(`${repository} default branch = ${config.defaultBranch}`);
     delete config.prList;
diff --git a/lib/workers/repository/init/apis.spec.ts b/lib/workers/repository/init/apis.spec.ts
index e20917a7bde961e03cbed6deb35b3315961c7e2e..b373d18549769f38845f561def05ce3b65c63177 100644
--- a/lib/workers/repository/init/apis.spec.ts
+++ b/lib/workers/repository/init/apis.spec.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
-import { RenovateConfig, getConfig } from '../../../../test/util';
+import { RenovateConfig, getConfig, platform } from '../../../../test/util';
+import {
+} from '../../../constants/error-messages';
 import { initApis } from './apis';
 describe('workers/repository/init/apis', () => {
   describe('initApis', () => {
     let config: RenovateConfig;
@@ -11,10 +13,42 @@ describe('workers/repository/init/apis', () => {
       config.errors = [];
       config.warnings = [];
       config.token = 'some-token';
+      delete config.optimizeForDisabled;
+      delete config.includeForks;
     it('runs', async () => {
+      platform.initRepo.mockResolvedValueOnce({
+        defaultBranch: 'master',
+        isFork: false,
+      });
       const workerPlatformConfig = await initApis(config);
+    it('throws for disabled', async () => {
+      platform.initRepo.mockResolvedValueOnce({
+        defaultBranch: 'master',
+        isFork: false,
+      });
+      platform.getJsonFile.mockResolvedValueOnce({ enabled: false });
+      await expect(
+        initApis({
+          ...config,
+          optimizeForDisabled: true,
+        })
+      ).rejects.toThrow(REPOSITORY_DISABLED);
+    });
+    it('throws for forked', async () => {
+      platform.initRepo.mockResolvedValueOnce({
+        defaultBranch: 'master',
+        isFork: true,
+      });
+      platform.getJsonFile.mockResolvedValueOnce({ includeForks: false });
+      await expect(
+        initApis({
+          ...config,
+          includeForks: false,
+        })
+      ).rejects.toThrow(REPOSITORY_FORKED);
+    });
diff --git a/lib/workers/repository/init/apis.ts b/lib/workers/repository/init/apis.ts
index 5eb423e511c867783cd4dc7f7c834a85bc6f6d64..22d948fa163ae613bbc85c09906c5c96241c54b0 100644
--- a/lib/workers/repository/init/apis.ts
+++ b/lib/workers/repository/init/apis.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
 import { RenovateConfig } from '../../../config';
+import { configFileNames } from '../../../config/app-strings';
+import {
+} from '../../../constants/error-messages';
 import * as npmApi from '../../../datasource/npm';
 import { RepoParams, RepoResult, platform } from '../../../platform';
@@ -7,6 +12,28 @@ export type WorkerPlatformConfig = RepoResult &
   RenovateConfig &
   Record<string, any>;
+const defaultConfigFile = configFileNames[0];
+async function validateOptimizeForDisabled(
+  config: RenovateConfig
+): Promise<void> {
+  if (config.optimizeForDisabled) {
+    const renovateConfig = await platform.getJsonFile(defaultConfigFile);
+    if (renovateConfig?.enabled === false) {
+      throw new Error(REPOSITORY_DISABLED);
+    }
+  }
+async function validateIncludeForks(config: RenovateConfig): Promise<void> {
+  if (!config.includeForks && config.isFork) {
+    const renovateConfig = await platform.getJsonFile(defaultConfigFile);
+    if (!renovateConfig?.includeForks) {
+      throw new Error(REPOSITORY_FORKED);
+    }
+  }
 // TODO: fix types
 async function getPlatformConfig(
   config: RepoParams
@@ -24,6 +51,8 @@ export async function initApis(
 ): Promise<WorkerPlatformConfig> {
   let config: WorkerPlatformConfig = { ...input } as never;
   config = await getPlatformConfig(config as never);
+  await validateOptimizeForDisabled(config);
+  await validateIncludeForks(config);
   return config;