diff --git a/lib/workers/repository/process/lookup/index.spec.ts b/lib/workers/repository/process/lookup/index.spec.ts
index a5efc47f5e06e067a9f5f3661f87c04c8ede48e2..58baa2986886ce24e5b8bd354f9701bc8ba0e15a 100644
--- a/lib/workers/repository/process/lookup/index.spec.ts
+++ b/lib/workers/repository/process/lookup/index.spec.ts
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import { id as gitVersioningId } from '../../../../modules/versioning/git';
 import { id as npmVersioningId } from '../../../../modules/versioning/npm';
 import { id as pep440VersioningId } from '../../../../modules/versioning/pep440';
 import { id as poetryVersioningId } from '../../../../modules/versioning/poetry';
+import * as githubGraphql from '../../../../util/github/graphql';
 import type { LookupUpdateConfig } from './types';
 import * as lookup from '.';
@@ -1180,6 +1181,61 @@ describe('workers/repository/process/lookup/index', () => {
+    it('should warn if no digest could be found but there is a current digest', async () => {
+      config.currentValue = 'v1.0.0';
+      config.currentDigest = 'bla';
+      config.digestOneAndOnly = true;
+      config.depName = 'angular/angular';
+      config.datasource = GithubTagsDatasource.id;
+      // Only mock calls once so that the second invocation results in
+      // no digest being computable.
+      jest.spyOn(githubGraphql, 'queryReleases').mockResolvedValueOnce([]);
+      jest.spyOn(githubGraphql, 'queryTags').mockResolvedValueOnce([
+        {
+          version: 'v2.0.0',
+          gitRef: 'v2.0.0',
+          releaseTimestamp: '2022-01-01',
+          hash: 'abc',
+        },
+      ]);
+      const res = await lookup.lookupUpdates(config);
+      expect(res.updates).toHaveLength(0);
+      expect(res.warnings).toHaveLength(1);
+      expect(res.warnings[0]).toEqual({
+        message:
+          'Could not determine new digest for update (datasource: github-tags)',
+        topic: 'angular/angular',
+      });
+    });
+    describe('pinning enabled but no existing digest', () => {
+      it('should not warn if no new digest could be found', async () => {
+        config.currentValue = 'v1.0.0';
+        config.digestOneAndOnly = true;
+        config.depName = 'angular/angular';
+        config.pinDigests = true;
+        config.datasource = GithubTagsDatasource.id;
+        // Only mock calls once so that the second invocation results in
+        // no digest being computable.
+        jest.spyOn(githubGraphql, 'queryReleases').mockResolvedValueOnce([]);
+        jest.spyOn(githubGraphql, 'queryTags').mockResolvedValueOnce([
+          {
+            version: 'v2.0.0',
+            gitRef: 'v2.0.0',
+            releaseTimestamp: '2022-01-01',
+            hash: 'abc',
+          },
+        ]);
+        const res = await lookup.lookupUpdates(config);
+        expect(res.updates).toHaveLength(0);
+        expect(res.warnings).toHaveLength(0);
+      });
+    });
     it('should treat zero zero tilde ranges as 0.0.x', async () => {
       config.rangeStrategy = 'replace';
       config.currentValue = '~0.0.34';
diff --git a/lib/workers/repository/process/lookup/index.ts b/lib/workers/repository/process/lookup/index.ts
index 49763a3336b82930ee420bd330e520345c6dc24c..f384524fbac3798818ae10dc1b307e80301823eb 100644
--- a/lib/workers/repository/process/lookup/index.ts
+++ b/lib/workers/repository/process/lookup/index.ts
@@ -384,6 +384,30 @@ export async function lookupUpdates(
           // TODO #7154
           update.newDigest =
             update.newDigest ?? (await getDigest(config, update.newValue))!;
+          // If the digest could not be determined, report this as otherwise the
+          // update will be omitted later on without notice.
+          if (update.newDigest === null) {
+            logger.debug(
+              {
+                depName,
+                currentValue,
+                datasource,
+                newValue: update.newValue,
+                bucket: update.bucket,
+              },
+              'Could not determine new digest for update.'
+            );
+            // Only report a warning if there is a current digest.
+            // Context: https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate/pull/20175#discussion_r1102615059.
+            if (currentDigest) {
+              res.warnings.push({
+                message: `Could not determine new digest for update (datasource: ${datasource})`,
+                topic: depName,
+              });
+            }
+          }
         if (update.newVersion) {
           const registryUrl = dependency?.releases?.find(