From 6415833a4b9cfdb78a7e4f603d36a829193d1ffe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rhys Arkins <>
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2018 13:59:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] refactor: ->

 lib/config/definitions.js                            |  2 +-
 lib/config/templates/docker-digest-group/pr-body.hbs |  2 +-
 lib/config/templates/docker-digest/pr-body.hbs       |  2 +-
 lib/config/templates/docker-pin-group/pr-body.hbs    |  2 +-
 lib/config/templates/docker-pin/pr-body.hbs          |  2 +-
 lib/config/templates/docker/pr-body.hbs              |  2 +-
 lib/platform/github/index.js                         |  2 +-
 lib/workers/branch/index.js                          |  2 +-
 lib/workers/branch/status-checks.js                  |  2 +-
 lib/workers/repository/onboarding/pr/index.js        |  6 +++---
 test/config/__snapshots__/index.spec.js.snap         | 12 ++++++------
 .../platform/github/__snapshots__/index.spec.js.snap |  2 +-
 12 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/config/definitions.js b/lib/config/definitions.js
index df81d07752..22564f7dce 100644
--- a/lib/config/definitions.js
+++ b/lib/config/definitions.js
@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ const options = [
     description: 'Pull Request footer template',
     type: 'string',
-      'This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot](',
+      'This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot](',
     stage: 'global',
   // Yarn Lock Maintenance
diff --git a/lib/config/templates/docker-digest-group/pr-body.hbs b/lib/config/templates/docker-digest-group/pr-body.hbs
index 7e2c8cdf68..b813f55fed 100644
--- a/lib/config/templates/docker-digest-group/pr-body.hbs
+++ b/lib/config/templates/docker-digest-group/pr-body.hbs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-This Pull Request updates Dockerfiles to the latest image digests. For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit
+This Pull Request updates Dockerfiles to the latest image digests. For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit
 {{#if schedule}}
 **Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule ("{{{schedule}}}"{{#if timezone}} in timezone `{{{timezone}}}`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.
diff --git a/lib/config/templates/docker-digest/pr-body.hbs b/lib/config/templates/docker-digest/pr-body.hbs
index 97e06b1d98..bf3be7aa0e 100644
--- a/lib/config/templates/docker-digest/pr-body.hbs
+++ b/lib/config/templates/docker-digest/pr-body.hbs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-This Pull Request updates Docker base image `{{{depName}}}:{{{currentTag}}}` to the latest digest (`{{{newDigest}}}`). For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit
+This Pull Request updates Docker base image `{{{depName}}}:{{{currentTag}}}` to the latest digest (`{{{newDigest}}}`). For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit
 {{#if schedule}}
 **Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule ("{{{schedule}}}"{{#if timezone}} in timezone `{{{timezone}}}`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.
diff --git a/lib/config/templates/docker-pin-group/pr-body.hbs b/lib/config/templates/docker-pin-group/pr-body.hbs
index 77f360c419..34f2d1a01c 100644
--- a/lib/config/templates/docker-pin-group/pr-body.hbs
+++ b/lib/config/templates/docker-pin-group/pr-body.hbs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-This Pull Request pins Dockerfiles to use image digests. For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit
+This Pull Request pins Dockerfiles to use image digests. For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit
 {{#if schedule}}
 **Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule ("{{{schedule}}}"{{#if timezone}} in timezone `{{{timezone}}}`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.
diff --git a/lib/config/templates/docker-pin/pr-body.hbs b/lib/config/templates/docker-pin/pr-body.hbs
index 65b635dd11..42a52eee85 100644
--- a/lib/config/templates/docker-pin/pr-body.hbs
+++ b/lib/config/templates/docker-pin/pr-body.hbs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 This Pull Request pins Docker base image `{{{depName}}}:{{{currentTag}}}` to use a digest (`{{{newDigest}}}`).
-This digest will then be kept updated via Pull Requests whenever the image is updated on the Docker registry. For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit
+This digest will then be kept updated via Pull Requests whenever the image is updated on the Docker registry. For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit
 {{#if schedule}}
 **Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule ("{{{schedule}}}"{{#if timezone}} in timezone `{{{timezone}}}`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.
diff --git a/lib/config/templates/docker/pr-body.hbs b/lib/config/templates/docker/pr-body.hbs
index 97dd5a82d3..5b197133b4 100644
--- a/lib/config/templates/docker/pr-body.hbs
+++ b/lib/config/templates/docker/pr-body.hbs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-This Pull Request updates Docker base image `{{{depName}}}` from tag `{{{currentTag}}}` to new tag `{{{newTag}}}`. For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit
+This Pull Request updates Docker base image `{{{depName}}}` from tag `{{{currentTag}}}` to new tag `{{{newTag}}}`. For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit
 {{#if schedule}}
 **Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule ("{{{schedule}}}"{{#if timezone}} in timezone `{{{timezone}}}`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.
diff --git a/lib/platform/github/index.js b/lib/platform/github/index.js
index a2479f849a..9e9bb9779b 100644
--- a/lib/platform/github/index.js
+++ b/lib/platform/github/index.js
@@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ async function createPr(
       'Renovate verified pull request',
-      ''
+      ''
   return pr;
diff --git a/lib/workers/branch/index.js b/lib/workers/branch/index.js
index 42f4979d66..329be5a6ec 100644
--- a/lib/workers/branch/index.js
+++ b/lib/workers/branch/index.js
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ async function processBranch(branchConfig) {
         content +=
           config.lockFileErrors.length > 1 ? 'lock files' : 'a lock file';
         content +=
-          '. This is usually happens when you have private modules but have not added configuration for [private module support]( It is strongly recommended that you do not merge this PR as-is.';
+          '. This is usually happens when you have private modules but have not added configuration for [private module support]( It is strongly recommended that you do not merge this PR as-is.';
         content +=
           '\n\nRenovate **will not retry** generating a lockfile for this PR unless either (a) the `package.json` in this branch needs updating, or (b) ';
         if (config.recreateClosed) {
diff --git a/lib/workers/branch/status-checks.js b/lib/workers/branch/status-checks.js
index 8329f1eb5d..4b50921c6c 100644
--- a/lib/workers/branch/status-checks.js
+++ b/lib/workers/branch/status-checks.js
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ async function setUnpublishable(config) {
-        ''
+        ''
diff --git a/lib/workers/repository/onboarding/pr/index.js b/lib/workers/repository/onboarding/pr/index.js
index 50b1f3436f..2ccfffa1c8 100644
--- a/lib/workers/repository/onboarding/pr/index.js
+++ b/lib/workers/repository/onboarding/pr/index.js
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ async function ensureOnboardingPr(config) {
   const onboardingBranch = `renovate/configure`;
   const onboardingPrTitle = 'Configure Renovate';
   logger.debug('Filling in onboarding PR template');
-  let prTemplate = `Welcome to [Renovate](! This is an onboarding PR to help you understand and configure settings before regular Pull Requests begin.\n\n`;
+  let prTemplate = `Welcome to [Renovate](! This is an onboarding PR to help you understand and configure settings before regular Pull Requests begin.\n\n`;
   prTemplate += config.requireConfig
     ? `Renovate will begin keeping your dependencies up-to-date only once you merge this Pull Request.\nIf you close this Pull Request unmerged, then Renovate will be disabled.\n\n`
     : `Renovate will begin keeping your dependencies up-to-date only once you merge or close this Pull Request.\n\n`;
-  prTemplate += `If you have any questions, try reading our [Docs](, particularly the Getting Started section.
-You can post questions in [our Config Help repository]( or @ the app author @rarkins in this PR and he'll probably see it.
+  prTemplate += `If you have any questions, try reading our [Docs](, particularly the Getting Started section.
+You can post questions in [our Config Help repository]( or @ the app author @rarkins in this PR and he'll probably see it.
diff --git a/test/config/__snapshots__/index.spec.js.snap b/test/config/__snapshots__/index.spec.js.snap
index 90a1712669..99616eb51a 100644
--- a/test/config/__snapshots__/index.spec.js.snap
+++ b/test/config/__snapshots__/index.spec.js.snap
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ Object {
       "commitMessageTopic": "{{{depName}}}:{{{currentTag}}} Docker digest",
       "group": Object {
         "commitMessageTopic": "{{{groupName}}}",
-        "prBody": "This Pull Request updates Dockerfiles to the latest image digests. For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit\\n\\n{{#if schedule}}\\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\\"{{{schedule}}}\\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone \`{{{timezone}}}\`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#each upgrades as |upgrade|}}\\n-   {{#if repositoryUrl}}[{{upgrade.depName}}]({{upgrade.repositoryUrl}}){{else}}\`{{{depName}}}\`{{/if}}: \`{{upgrade.newDigest}}\`\\n{{/each}}\\n\\n**Important**: Renovate will wait until you have merged this Pin request before creating PRs for any *upgrades*. If you do not wish to pin anything, please update your config accordingly instead of leaving this PR open.\\n\\n{{#if hasErrors}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Errors\\n\\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\\n\\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\\n-   \`{{error.depName}}\`: {{error.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Warnings\\n\\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\\n\\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\\n-   \`{{warning.depName}}\`: {{warning.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}",
+        "prBody": "This Pull Request updates Dockerfiles to the latest image digests. For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit\\n\\n{{#if schedule}}\\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\\"{{{schedule}}}\\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone \`{{{timezone}}}\`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#each upgrades as |upgrade|}}\\n-   {{#if repositoryUrl}}[{{upgrade.depName}}]({{upgrade.repositoryUrl}}){{else}}\`{{{depName}}}\`{{/if}}: \`{{upgrade.newDigest}}\`\\n{{/each}}\\n\\n**Important**: Renovate will wait until you have merged this Pin request before creating PRs for any *upgrades*. If you do not wish to pin anything, please update your config accordingly instead of leaving this PR open.\\n\\n{{#if hasErrors}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Errors\\n\\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\\n\\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\\n-   \`{{error.depName}}\`: {{error.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Warnings\\n\\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\\n\\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\\n-   \`{{warning.depName}}\`: {{warning.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}",
-      "prBody": "This Pull Request updates Docker base image \`{{{depName}}}:{{{currentTag}}}\` to the latest digest (\`{{{newDigest}}}\`). For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit\\n\\n{{#if schedule}}\\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\\"{{{schedule}}}\\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone \`{{{timezone}}}\`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasErrors}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Errors\\n\\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\\n\\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\\n-   \`{{error.depName}}\`: {{error.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Warnings\\n\\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\\n\\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\\n-   \`{{warning.depName}}\`: {{warning.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}",
+      "prBody": "This Pull Request updates Docker base image \`{{{depName}}}:{{{currentTag}}}\` to the latest digest (\`{{{newDigest}}}\`). For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit\\n\\n{{#if schedule}}\\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\\"{{{schedule}}}\\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone \`{{{timezone}}}\`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasErrors}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Errors\\n\\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\\n\\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\\n-   \`{{error.depName}}\`: {{error.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Warnings\\n\\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\\n\\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\\n-   \`{{warning.depName}}\`: {{warning.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}",
     "group": Object {
       "commitMessageTopic": "{{{groupName}}} Docker tags",
@@ -62,12 +62,12 @@ Object {
       "group": Object {
         "branchTopic": "digests-pin",
         "commitMessageTopic": "{{{groupName}}}",
-        "prBody": "This Pull Request pins Dockerfiles to use image digests. For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit\\n\\n{{#if schedule}}\\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\\"{{{schedule}}}\\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone \`{{{timezone}}}\`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#each upgrades as |upgrade|}}\\n-   {{#if repositoryUrl}}[{{upgrade.depName}}]({{upgrade.repositoryUrl}}){{else}}\`{{{depName}}}\`{{/if}}: \`{{upgrade.newDigest}}\`\\n{{/each}}\\n\\n**Important**: Renovate will wait until you have merged this Pin request before creating PRs for any *upgrades*. If you do not wish to pin anything, please update your config accordingly instead of leaving this PR open.\\n\\n{{#if hasErrors}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Errors\\n\\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\\n\\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\\n-   \`{{error.depName}}\`: {{error.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Warnings\\n\\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\\n\\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\\n-   \`{{warning.depName}}\`: {{warning.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}",
+        "prBody": "This Pull Request pins Dockerfiles to use image digests. For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit\\n\\n{{#if schedule}}\\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\\"{{{schedule}}}\\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone \`{{{timezone}}}\`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#each upgrades as |upgrade|}}\\n-   {{#if repositoryUrl}}[{{upgrade.depName}}]({{upgrade.repositoryUrl}}){{else}}\`{{{depName}}}\`{{/if}}: \`{{upgrade.newDigest}}\`\\n{{/each}}\\n\\n**Important**: Renovate will wait until you have merged this Pin request before creating PRs for any *upgrades*. If you do not wish to pin anything, please update your config accordingly instead of leaving this PR open.\\n\\n{{#if hasErrors}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Errors\\n\\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\\n\\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\\n-   \`{{error.depName}}\`: {{error.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Warnings\\n\\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\\n\\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\\n-   \`{{warning.depName}}\`: {{warning.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}",
       "groupName": "Docker digests",
-      "prBody": "This Pull Request pins Docker base image \`{{{depName}}}:{{{currentTag}}}\` to use a digest (\`{{{newDigest}}}\`).\\nThis digest will then be kept updated via Pull Requests whenever the image is updated on the Docker registry. For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit\\n\\n{{#if schedule}}\\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\\"{{{schedule}}}\\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone \`{{{timezone}}}\`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n**Important**: Renovate will wait until you have merged this Pin request before creating PRs for any *upgrades*. If you do not wish to pin anything, please update your config accordingly instead of leaving this PR open.\\n\\n{{#if hasErrors}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Errors\\n\\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\\n\\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\\n-   \`{{error.depName}}\`: {{error.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Warnings\\n\\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\\n\\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\\n-   \`{{warning.depName}}\`: {{warning.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}",
+      "prBody": "This Pull Request pins Docker base image \`{{{depName}}}:{{{currentTag}}}\` to use a digest (\`{{{newDigest}}}\`).\\nThis digest will then be kept updated via Pull Requests whenever the image is updated on the Docker registry. For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit\\n\\n{{#if schedule}}\\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\\"{{{schedule}}}\\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone \`{{{timezone}}}\`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n**Important**: Renovate will wait until you have merged this Pin request before creating PRs for any *upgrades*. If you do not wish to pin anything, please update your config accordingly instead of leaving this PR open.\\n\\n{{#if hasErrors}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Errors\\n\\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\\n\\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\\n-   \`{{error.depName}}\`: {{error.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Warnings\\n\\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\\n\\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\\n-   \`{{warning.depName}}\`: {{warning.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}",
-    "prBody": "This Pull Request updates Docker base image \`{{{depName}}}\` from tag \`{{{currentTag}}}\` to new tag \`{{{newTag}}}\`. For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit\\n\\n{{#if schedule}}\\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\\"{{{schedule}}}\\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone \`{{{timezone}}}\`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasErrors}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Errors\\n\\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\\n\\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\\n-   \`{{error.depName}}\`: {{error.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Warnings\\n\\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\\n\\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\\n-   \`{{warning.depName}}\`: {{warning.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}",
+    "prBody": "This Pull Request updates Docker base image \`{{{depName}}}\` from tag \`{{{currentTag}}}\` to new tag \`{{{newTag}}}\`. For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit\\n\\n{{#if schedule}}\\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\\"{{{schedule}}}\\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone \`{{{timezone}}}\`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasErrors}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Errors\\n\\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\\n\\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\\n-   \`{{error.depName}}\`: {{error.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Warnings\\n\\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\\n\\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\\n-   \`{{warning.depName}}\`: {{warning.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}",
   "docker-compose": Object {},
   "enabled": true,
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ Object {
   "prBody": "This Pull Request {{#if isRollback}}rolls back{{else}}updates{{/if}} dependency {{#if repositoryUrl}}[{{{depName}}}]({{{repositoryUrl}}}){{else}}\`{{{depName}}}\`{{/if}} from \`{{#unless isRange}}{{#unless isPin}}v{{/unless}}{{/unless}}{{{currentVersion}}}\` to \`{{#unless isRange}}v{{/unless}}{{{newVersion}}}\`{{#if isRollback}}. This is necessary and important because \`v{{{currentVersion}}}\` cannot be found in the npm registry - probably because of it being unpublished.{{/if}}\\n{{#if hasTypes}}\\n\\nThis PR also includes an upgrade to the corresponding [@types/{{{depName}}}]({{{depName}}}) package.\\n{{/if}}\\n{{#if releases.length}}\\n\\n{{#if schedule}}\\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\\"{{{schedule}}}\\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone \`{{{timezone}}}\`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if isPin}}\\n**Important**: Renovate will wait until you have merged this Pin request before creating PRs for any *upgrades*. If you do not wish to pin anything, please update your config accordingly instead of leaving this PR open.\\n{{/if}}\\n{{#if hasReleaseNotes}}\\n\\n<details>\\n<summary>Release Notes</summary>\\n\\n{{#each releases as |release|}}\\n{{#if release.releaseNotes}}\\n### [\`v{{{release.version}}}\`]({{{release.releaseNotes.url}}})\\n\\n{{{release.releaseNotes.body}}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n{{/if}}\\n{{/each}}\\n</details>\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasCommits}}\\n\\n<details>\\n<summary>Commits</summary>\\n\\n{{#each releases as |release|}}\\n{{#if release.hasCommits}}\\n#### v{{{release.version}}}\\n{{#each release.commits as |commit|}}\\n-   [\`{{commit.shortSha}}\`]({{commit.url}}) {{commit.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n{{/each}}\\n\\n</details>\\n{{/if}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasErrors}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Errors\\n\\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\\n\\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\\n-   \`{{error.depName}}\`: {{error.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Warnings\\n\\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\\n\\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\\n-   \`{{warning.depName}}\`: {{warning.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}",
   "prConcurrentLimit": 0,
   "prCreation": "immediate",
-  "prFooter": "This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot](",
+  "prFooter": "This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot](",
   "prHourlyLimit": 10,
   "prNotPendingHours": 25,
   "prTitle": null,
diff --git a/test/platform/github/__snapshots__/index.spec.js.snap b/test/platform/github/__snapshots__/index.spec.js.snap
index 9d99beafe3..c50ef7cca3 100644
--- a/test/platform/github/__snapshots__/index.spec.js.snap
+++ b/test/platform/github/__snapshots__/index.spec.js.snap
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ Array [
         "context": "renovate/verify",
         "description": "Renovate verified pull request",
         "state": "success",
-        "target_url": "",
+        "target_url": "",