diff --git a/lib/datasource/crate/index.spec.ts b/lib/datasource/crate/index.spec.ts
index e39e2612b82baf1e3a53399440d96a7f0efa805a..5b4c7f29538353141115f4b226eb825310985b09 100644
--- a/lib/datasource/crate/index.spec.ts
+++ b/lib/datasource/crate/index.spec.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import delay from 'delay';
 import fs from 'fs-extra';
 import _simpleGit from 'simple-git';
 import { DirectoryResult, dir } from 'tmp-promise';
@@ -28,15 +29,36 @@ const res3 = fs.readFileSync('lib/datasource/crate/__fixtures__/mypkg', 'utf8');
 const baseUrl =
-function setupGitMocks(): { mockClone: jest.Mock<any, any> } {
+function setupGitMocks(delayMs?: number): { mockClone: jest.Mock<any, any> } {
   const mockClone = jest
-    .mockImplementation((_registryUrl: string, clonePath: string, _opts) => {
-      const path = `${clonePath}/my/pk/mypkg`;
-      fs.mkdirSync(dirname(path), { recursive: true });
-      fs.writeFileSync(path, res3, { encoding: 'utf8' });
-    });
+    .mockImplementation(
+      async (_registryUrl: string, clonePath: string, _opts) => {
+        if (delayMs > 0) {
+          await delay(delayMs);
+        }
+        const path = `${clonePath}/my/pk/mypkg`;
+        fs.mkdirSync(dirname(path), { recursive: true });
+        fs.writeFileSync(path, res3, { encoding: 'utf8' });
+      }
+    );
+  simpleGit.mockReturnValue({
+    clone: mockClone,
+  });
+  return { mockClone };
+function setupErrorGitMock(): { mockClone: jest.Mock<any, any> } {
+  const mockClone = jest
+    .fn()
+    .mockName('clone')
+    .mockImplementation((_registryUrl: string, _clonePath: string, _opts) =>
+      Promise.reject(new Error('mocked error'))
+    );
     clone: mockClone,
@@ -259,6 +281,51 @@ describe('datasource/crate', () => {
+    it('guards against race conditions while cloning', async () => {
+      const { mockClone } = setupGitMocks(250);
+      setAdminConfig({ trustLevel: 'high' });
+      const url = 'https://github.com/mcorbin/othertestregistry';
+      await Promise.all([
+        getPkgReleases({
+          datasource,
+          depName: 'mypkg',
+          registryUrls: [url],
+        }),
+        getPkgReleases({
+          datasource,
+          depName: 'mypkg-2',
+          registryUrls: [url],
+        }),
+      ]);
+      await getPkgReleases({
+        datasource,
+        depName: 'mypkg-3',
+        registryUrls: [url],
+      });
+      expect(mockClone).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+    });
+    it('returns null when git clone fails', async () => {
+      setupErrorGitMock();
+      setAdminConfig({ trustLevel: 'high' });
+      const url = 'https://github.com/mcorbin/othertestregistry';
+      const result = await getPkgReleases({
+        datasource,
+        depName: 'mypkg',
+        registryUrls: [url],
+      });
+      const result2 = await getPkgReleases({
+        datasource,
+        depName: 'mypkg-2',
+        registryUrls: [url],
+      });
+      expect(result).toBeNull();
+      expect(result2).toBeNull();
+    });
   describe('fetchCrateRecordsPayload', () => {
diff --git a/lib/datasource/crate/index.ts b/lib/datasource/crate/index.ts
index 1655293c9d559f5edc4f7b631bba02723aba80c4..617c326565b8e33b770754995e6197fcacfa81f3 100644
--- a/lib/datasource/crate/index.ts
+++ b/lib/datasource/crate/index.ts
@@ -170,18 +170,53 @@ async function fetchRegistryInfo(
     const cacheKey = `crate-datasource/registry-clone-path/${registryUrl}`;
+    const cacheKeyForError = `crate-datasource/registry-clone-path/${registryUrl}/error`;
-    let clonePath: string = memCache.get(cacheKey);
-    if (!clonePath) {
+    // We need to ensure we don't run `git clone` in parallel. Therefore we store
+    // a promise of the running operation in the mem cache, which in the end resolves
+    // to the file path of the cloned repository.
+    const clonePathPromise: Promise<string> | null = memCache.get(cacheKey);
+    let clonePath: string;
+    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises
+    if (clonePathPromise) {
+      clonePath = await clonePathPromise;
+    } else {
       clonePath = join(privateCacheDir(), cacheDirFromUrl(url));
       logger.info({ clonePath, registryUrl }, `Cloning private cargo registry`);
-      {
-        const git = Git();
-        await git.clone(registryUrl, clonePath, {
-          '--depth': 1,
-        });
+      const git = Git();
+      const clonePromise = git.clone(registryUrl, clonePath, {
+        '--depth': 1,
+      });
+      memCache.set(
+        cacheKey,
+        clonePromise.then(() => clonePath).catch(() => null)
+      );
+      try {
+        await clonePromise;
+      } catch (err) {
+        logger.warn(
+          { err, lookupName: config.lookupName, registryUrl },
+          'failed cloning git registry'
+        );
+        memCache.set(cacheKeyForError, err);
+        return null;
-      memCache.set(cacheKey, clonePath);
+    }
+    if (!clonePath) {
+      const err = memCache.get(cacheKeyForError);
+      logger.warn(
+        { err, lookupName: config.lookupName, registryUrl },
+        'Previous git clone failed, bailing out.'
+      );
+      return null;
     registry.clonePath = clonePath;