diff --git a/docs/development/issue-labeling.md b/docs/development/issue-labeling.md index 6f0c4875454b604f33d7ab517b9d0fbfa1590a61..227b907aa600645e0923527e7a1c91c34537a60c 100644 --- a/docs/development/issue-labeling.md +++ b/docs/development/issue-labeling.md @@ -88,6 +88,22 @@ At a high level: critical = needs immediate fix, important = to be prioritized a Use [this search](https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-desc+-label%3Apriority-1-critical+-label%3Apriority-2-high+-label%3Apriority-3-medium+-label%3Apriority-4-low++-label%3Apriority-5-triage) to find any issues which are missing a priority label. +### Impact + +<details> + <summary>Impact</summary> + + impact:small + impact:medium + impact:large + +</details> + +Use these to assign a impact level to an issue. +Impact means risk to the end users or their use cases. +It's used to identify which changes can be made relatively quickly versus those which require great care before merging, due to their chance of negatively impacting a wide number of users if there's a bug. +It does _not_ mean "amount of work for the maintainers". + ### Platform <details>