From 908777cdcc5c0886987ab5970a890dd559705679 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Uli <>
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 20:09:43 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] docs(datasource): Add additional examples for custom
 datasource (#23558)

Co-authored-by: HonkingGoose <>
Co-authored-by: Sebastian Poxhofer <>
 lib/modules/datasource/custom/ | 142 +++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 116 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/modules/datasource/custom/ b/lib/modules/datasource/custom/
index f77236561b..20d35d0246 100644
--- a/lib/modules/datasource/custom/
+++ b/lib/modules/datasource/custom/
@@ -18,27 +18,25 @@ Available template variables:
 - `packageName`
-  regexManagers: [
+  "regexManagers": [
-      fileMatch: ['k3s.version'],
-      matchStrings: ['(?<currentValue>\\S+)'],
-      // used for display and templating purposes, if combined with customDatasources
-      depNameTemplate: 'k3s',
-      versioningTemplate: 'semver-coerced',
-      // if the datasource is prefixed with `custom.`, Renovate will try to find customDatasource with a fitting name
-      datasourceTemplate: 'custom.k3s',
-    },
+      "fileMatch": ["k3s.version"],
+      "matchStrings": ["(?<currentValue>\\S+)"],
+      "depNameTemplate": "k3s",
+      "versioningTemplate": "semver-coerced",
+      "datasourceTemplate": "custom.k3s"
+    }
-  customDatasources: {
-    k3s: {
-      defaultRegistryUrlTemplate: '',
-      transformTemplates: [
-        '{"releases":[{"version": $$.(data[id = \'stable\'].latest),"sourceUrl":"","changelogUrl":$join(["",data[id = \'stable\'].latest])}],"sourceUrl": "","homepage": ""}',
-      ],
-    },
-  },
+  "customDatasources": {
+    "k3s": {
+      "defaultRegistryUrlTemplate": "",
+      "transformTemplates": [
+        "{\"releases\":[{\"version\": $$.(data[id = 'stable'].latest),\"sourceUrl\":\"\",\"changelogUrl\":$join([\"\",data[id = 'stable'].latest])}],\"sourceUrl\": \"\",\"homepage\": \"\"}"
+      ]
+    }
+  }
@@ -82,19 +80,111 @@ All available options:
 ## Examples
-# K3s
+### K3s
 You can use this configuration to request the newest version available to [K3s](
-  customDatasources: {
-    k3s: {
-      defaultRegistryUrlTemplate: '',
-      transformTemplates: [
-        '{"releases":[{"version": $$.(data[id = \'stable\'].latest),"sourceUrl":"","changelogUrl":$join(["",data[id = \'stable\'].latest])}],"sourceUrl": "","homepage": ""}',
+  "customDatasources": {
+    "k3s": {
+      "defaultRegistryUrlTemplate": "",
+      "transformTemplates": [
+        "{\"releases\":[{\"version\": $$.(data[id = 'stable'].latest),\"sourceUrl\":\"\",\"changelogUrl\":$join([\"\",data[id = 'stable'].latest])}],\"sourceUrl\": \"\",\"homepage\": \"\"}"
+      ]
+    }
+  }
+### Hashicorp
+You can use this configuration to request the newest versions of the Hashicorp products:
+  "regexManagers": [
+    {
+      "fileMatch": ["\\.yml$"],
+      "datasourceTemplate": "custom.hashicorp",
+      "matchStrings": [
+        "#\\s*renovate:\\s*(datasource=(?<datasource>.*?) )?depName=(?<depName>.*?)( versioning=(?<versioning>.*?))?\\s*\\w*:\\s*(?<currentValue>.*)\\s"
-    },
+      "versioningTemplate": "{{#if versioning}}{{{versioning}}}{{else}}semver{{/if}}"
+    }
+  ],
+  "customDatasources": {
+    "hashicorp": {
+      "defaultRegistryUrlTemplate": "{{packageName}}?license_class=oss",
+      "transformTemplates": [
+        "{ \"releases\": $map($, function($v) { { \"version\": $v.version, \"releaseTimestamp\": $v.timestamp_created, \"changelogUrl\": $v.url_changelog, \"sourceUrl\": $v.url_source_repository } }), \"homepage\": $[0].url_project_website, \"sourceUrl\": $[0].url_source_repository }"
+      ]
+    }
+  }
+To have the latest Nomad version in your Ansible variables, use this snippet _after_ adding the above configuration:
+# renovate: depName=nomad
+nomad_version: 1.6.0
+### Custom offline dependencies
+Sometimes the "dependency version source" is _not_ available via an API.
+To work around a missing API, you can create dependency "files". These files are served via HTTP(S), so that Renovate can access them.
+For example, imagine the following file `versiontracker.json` for the software `something``:
+  {
+    "version": "77"
+  {
+    "version": "76"
+  }
+By writing a custom datasource, Renovate can process the `versiontracker.json` file, see below.
+This example uses Nexus as the webserver.
+  "customDatasources": {
+    "nexus_generic": {
+      "defaultRegistryUrlTemplate": "{{packageName}}/versiontracker.json",
+      "transformTemplates": [
+        "{ \"releases\": $map($, function($v) { { \"version\": $v.version, \"sourceUrl\": $v.filelink } }) }"
+      ]
+    }
+  }
+This could be used to update Ansible YAML files with the latest version through a regex manager.
+For example, with the following Ansible content:
+# renovate: datasource=custom.nexus_generic depName=something versioning=loose
+something_version: '77'
+And the following regex manager:
+  "regexManagers": [
+    {
+      "fileMatch": ["\\.yml$"],
+      "datasourceTemplate": "custom.nexus_generic",
+      "matchStrings": [
+        "#\\s*renovate:\\s*(datasource=(?<datasource>.*?)\\s*)?depName=(?<depName>.*?)(\\s*versioning=(?<versioning>.*?))?\\s*\\w*:\\s*[\"']?(?<currentValue>.+?)[\"']?\\s"
+      ],
+      "versioningTemplate": "{{#if versioning}}{{{versioning}}}{{else}}semver{{/if}}"
+    }
+  ]