diff --git a/lib/modules/platform/gitea/index.md b/lib/modules/platform/gitea/index.md
index 696be73664b06caadba0255a3ce495eaaeaf99f5..e16253aefcaac2dab49795559aed543be36914ff 100644
--- a/lib/modules/platform/gitea/index.md
+++ b/lib/modules/platform/gitea/index.md
@@ -17,13 +17,14 @@ You must set `platform=gitea` in your Renovate config file.
 The PAT should have these permissions:
-| Permission   | Valid for Gitea versions       |
-| ------------ | ------------------------------ |
-| `repo`       | all                            |
-| `read:user`  | all                            |
-| `issue`      | `>= 1.20.0`                    |
-| `read:email` | `<= 1.19.3`                    |
-| `read:misc`  | Only for `1.20.0` and `1.20.1` |
+| Scope          | Permission       | Valid for Gitea versions       | Notes                         |
+| -------------- | ---------------- | ------------------------------ | ----------------------------- |
+| `repo`         | `Read and Write` | all                            |                               |
+| `user`         | `Read`           | all                            |                               |
+| `issue`        | `Read and Write` | `>= 1.20.0`                    |                               |
+| `organization` | `Read`           | `>= 1.20.0`                    | Required to read group labels |
+| `email`        | `Read`           | `<= 1.19.3`                    |                               |
+| `misc`         | `Read`           | Only for `1.20.0` and `1.20.1` |                               |
 If you use Gitea packages, add the `read:packages` scope.