diff --git a/lib/modules/manager/npm/post-update/rules.spec.ts b/lib/modules/manager/npm/post-update/rules.spec.ts
index 3d1ad4988ddef82d01824a92abd0a51ccc48e024..2b555996295fa22225e6c17d992a29d8349234c2 100644
--- a/lib/modules/manager/npm/post-update/rules.spec.ts
+++ b/lib/modules/manager/npm/post-update/rules.spec.ts
@@ -142,5 +142,50 @@ describe('modules/manager/npm/post-update/rules', () => {
+    it('uses rules without host type', () => {
+      hostRules.add({
+        matchHost: 'registry.company.com',
+        token: 'sometoken',
+      });
+      const res = processHostRules();
+      expect(res).toEqual({
+        additionalNpmrcContent: [
+          '//registry.company.com/:_authToken=sometoken',
+        ],
+        additionalYarnRcYml: {
+          npmRegistries: {
+            '//registry.company.com/': {
+              npmAuthToken: 'sometoken',
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      });
+    });
+    it('deduplicates host rules while prefering npm type ones', () => {
+      hostRules.add({
+        matchHost: 'registry.company.com',
+        token: 'donotuseme',
+      });
+      hostRules.add({
+        matchHost: 'registry.company.com',
+        token: 'useme',
+        hostType: 'npm',
+      });
+      const res = processHostRules();
+      expect(res).toEqual({
+        additionalNpmrcContent: ['//registry.company.com/:_authToken=useme'],
+        additionalYarnRcYml: {
+          npmRegistries: {
+            '//registry.company.com/': {
+              npmAuthToken: 'useme',
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      });
+    });
diff --git a/lib/modules/manager/npm/post-update/rules.ts b/lib/modules/manager/npm/post-update/rules.ts
index 0814bfa334f43150a987caae5a98a02223ffb24d..5dfdfd4feb842a77fbee3c217eb05e810e569323 100644
--- a/lib/modules/manager/npm/post-update/rules.ts
+++ b/lib/modules/manager/npm/post-update/rules.ts
@@ -20,7 +20,27 @@ export function processHostRules(): HostRulesResult {
     hostType: 'npm',
   logger.debug(`Found ${npmHostRules.length} npm host rule(s)`);
-  for (const hostRule of npmHostRules) {
+  // Include host rules without specific type to mimic the behavior used when determining dependencies with updates.
+  const noTypeHostRules = hostRules
+    .getAll()
+    .filter((rule) => rule.hostType === null || rule.hostType === undefined);
+  logger.debug(
+    `Found ${noTypeHostRules.length} host rule(s) without host type`,
+  );
+  // Drop duplicates for the same matchHost while prefering the more specific rules with hostType npm.
+  const noTypeHostRulesWithoutDuplicates = noTypeHostRules.filter(
+    (rule) => !npmHostRules.some((elem) => elem.matchHost === rule.matchHost),
+  );
+  logger.debug(
+    `Found ${noTypeHostRulesWithoutDuplicates.length} host rule(s) without host type after dropping duplicates`,
+  );
+  const effectiveHostRules = npmHostRules.concat(
+    noTypeHostRulesWithoutDuplicates,
+  );
+  logger.trace(
+    `Found ${effectiveHostRules.length} effective npm host rule(s) after deduplication`,
+  );
+  for (const hostRule of effectiveHostRules) {
     if (!hostRule.resolvedHost) {
       logger.debug('Skipping host rule without resolved host');