diff --git a/lib/modules/datasource/maven/index.ts b/lib/modules/datasource/maven/index.ts
index 62da4ee93750d84a470686763411dfeb93fdc8cd..3738414d501237e4d4d46ad45b8a1d8d95b0f563 100644
--- a/lib/modules/datasource/maven/index.ts
+++ b/lib/modules/datasource/maven/index.ts
@@ -145,19 +145,24 @@ export class MavenDatasource extends Datasource {
       try {
         const indexUrl = getMavenUrl(dependency, repoUrl, 'index.html');
         const res = await downloadHttpProtocol(this.http, indexUrl);
-        const { body = '' } = res;
-        for (const line of body.split(newlineRegex)) {
-          const match = line.trim().match(mavenCentralHtmlVersionRegex);
-          if (match) {
-            const { version, releaseTimestamp: timestamp } =
-              match?.groups ?? /* istanbul ignore next: hard to test */ {};
-            if (version && timestamp) {
-              const date = DateTime.fromFormat(timestamp, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm', {
-                zone: 'UTC',
-              });
-              if (date.isValid) {
-                const releaseTimestamp = date.toISO();
-                workingReleaseMap[version] = { version, releaseTimestamp };
+        if (res) {
+          for (const line of res.body.split(newlineRegex)) {
+            const match = line.trim().match(mavenCentralHtmlVersionRegex);
+            if (match) {
+              const { version, releaseTimestamp: timestamp } =
+                match?.groups ?? /* istanbul ignore next: hard to test */ {};
+              if (version && timestamp) {
+                const date = DateTime.fromFormat(
+                  timestamp,
+                  'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm',
+                  {
+                    zone: 'UTC',
+                  },
+                );
+                if (date.isValid) {
+                  const releaseTimestamp = date.toISO();
+                  workingReleaseMap[version] = { version, releaseTimestamp };
+                }
diff --git a/lib/modules/datasource/maven/util.spec.ts b/lib/modules/datasource/maven/util.spec.ts
index 0263c203762cc0be73e35347563f4357156d3483..fb94fa28ea7caea0cecf2c6d42919c91b72f45ef 100644
--- a/lib/modules/datasource/maven/util.spec.ts
+++ b/lib/modules/datasource/maven/util.spec.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
+import type Request from 'got/dist/source/core';
 import { partial } from '../../../../test/util';
 import { HOST_DISABLED } from '../../../constants/error-messages';
-import type { Http } from '../../../util/http';
+import { type Http, HttpError } from '../../../util/http';
 import { parseUrl } from '../../../util/url';
 import {
@@ -9,6 +10,38 @@ import {
 } from './util';
+function httpError({
+  name,
+  message = 'unknown error',
+  code,
+  request = {},
+  response,
+}: {
+  name?: string;
+  message?: string;
+  code?: HttpError['code'];
+  request?: Partial<Request>;
+  response?: Partial<Response>;
+}): HttpError {
+  type Writeable<T> = { -readonly [P in keyof T]: T[P] };
+  const err = new HttpError(
+    message,
+    { code },
+    request as never,
+  ) as Writeable<HttpError>;
+  if (name) {
+    err.name = name;
+  }
+  if (response) {
+    err.response = response as never;
+  }
+  return err;
 describe('modules/datasource/maven/util', () => {
   describe('downloadMavenXml', () => {
     it('returns empty object for unsupported protocols', async () => {
@@ -39,51 +72,43 @@ describe('modules/datasource/maven/util', () => {
   describe('downloadHttpProtocol', () => {
     it('returns empty for HOST_DISABLED error', async () => {
       const http = partial<Http>({
-        get: () =>
-          Promise.reject(
-            Object.assign(new Error(), { message: HOST_DISABLED }),
-          ),
+        get: () => Promise.reject(httpError({ message: HOST_DISABLED })),
       const res = await downloadHttpProtocol(http, 'some://');
-      expect(res).toStrictEqual({});
+      expect(res).toBeNull();
     it('returns empty for host error', async () => {
       const http = partial<Http>({
-        get: () =>
-          Promise.reject(Object.assign(new Error(), { code: 'ETIMEDOUT' })),
+        get: () => Promise.reject(httpError({ code: 'ETIMEDOUT' })),
       const res = await downloadHttpProtocol(http, 'some://');
-      expect(res).toStrictEqual({});
+      expect(res).toBeNull();
-    it('returns empty for temporal error', async () => {
+    it('returns empty for temporary error', async () => {
       const http = partial<Http>({
-        get: () =>
-          Promise.reject(Object.assign(new Error(), { code: 'ECONNRESET' })),
+        get: () => Promise.reject(httpError({ code: 'ECONNRESET' })),
       const res = await downloadHttpProtocol(http, 'some://');
-      expect(res).toStrictEqual({});
+      expect(res).toBeNull();
     it('returns empty for connection error', async () => {
       const http = partial<Http>({
-        get: () =>
-          Promise.reject(Object.assign(new Error(), { code: 'ECONNREFUSED' })),
+        get: () => Promise.reject(httpError({ code: 'ECONNREFUSED' })),
       const res = await downloadHttpProtocol(http, 'some://');
-      expect(res).toStrictEqual({});
+      expect(res).toBeNull();
     it('returns empty for unsupported error', async () => {
       const http = partial<Http>({
         get: () =>
-          Promise.reject(
-            Object.assign(new Error(), { name: 'UnsupportedProtocolError' }),
-          ),
+          Promise.reject(httpError({ name: 'UnsupportedProtocolError' })),
       const res = await downloadHttpProtocol(http, 'some://');
-      expect(res).toStrictEqual({});
+      expect(res).toBeNull();
diff --git a/lib/modules/datasource/maven/util.ts b/lib/modules/datasource/maven/util.ts
index 1ddc2eaf4abe36a5a22ab8722737e9b6202e5d87..b521b99d53ab1dcdd1ff8e826f56736cc0af4b33 100644
--- a/lib/modules/datasource/maven/util.ts
+++ b/lib/modules/datasource/maven/util.ts
@@ -5,9 +5,10 @@ import { XmlDocument } from 'xmldoc';
 import { HOST_DISABLED } from '../../../constants/error-messages';
 import { logger } from '../../../logger';
 import { ExternalHostError } from '../../../types/errors/external-host-error';
-import type { Http } from '../../../util/http';
+import { type Http, HttpError } from '../../../util/http';
 import type { HttpOptions, HttpResponse } from '../../../util/http/types';
 import { regEx } from '../../../util/regex';
+import { Result } from '../../../util/result';
 import type { S3UrlParts } from '../../../util/s3';
 import { getS3Client, parseS3Url } from '../../../util/s3';
 import { streamToString } from '../../../util/streams';
@@ -26,32 +27,33 @@ function getHost(url: string): string | null {
   return parseUrl(url)?.host ?? /* istanbul ignore next: not possible */ null;
-function isMavenCentral(pkgUrl: URL | string): boolean {
-  const host = typeof pkgUrl === 'string' ? pkgUrl : pkgUrl.host;
-  return getHost(MAVEN_REPO) === host;
+function isTemporaryError(err: HttpError): boolean {
+  if (err.code === 'ECONNRESET') {
+    return true;
+  }
-function isTemporalError(err: { code: string; statusCode: number }): boolean {
-  return (
-    err.code === 'ECONNRESET' ||
-    err.statusCode === 429 ||
-    (err.statusCode >= 500 && err.statusCode < 600)
-  );
+  if (err.response) {
+    const status = err.response.statusCode;
+    return status === 429 || (status >= 500 && status < 600);
+  }
+  return false;
-function isHostError(err: { code: string }): boolean {
+function isHostError(err: HttpError): boolean {
   return err.code === 'ETIMEDOUT';
-function isNotFoundError(err: { code: string; statusCode: number }): boolean {
-  return err.code === 'ENOTFOUND' || err.statusCode === 404;
+function isNotFoundError(err: HttpError): boolean {
+  return err.code === 'ENOTFOUND' || err.response?.statusCode === 404;
-function isPermissionsIssue(err: { statusCode: number }): boolean {
-  return err.statusCode === 401 || err.statusCode === 403;
+function isPermissionsIssue(err: HttpError): boolean {
+  const status = err.response?.statusCode;
+  return status === 401 || status === 403;
-function isConnectionError(err: { code: string }): boolean {
+function isConnectionError(err: HttpError): boolean {
   return (
     err.code === 'EAI_AGAIN' ||
     err.code === 'ERR_TLS_CERT_ALTNAME_INVALID' ||
@@ -59,7 +61,7 @@ function isConnectionError(err: { code: string }): boolean {
-function isUnsupportedHostError(err: { name: string }): boolean {
+function isUnsupportedHostError(err: HttpError): boolean {
   return err.name === 'UnsupportedProtocolError';
@@ -67,37 +69,73 @@ export async function downloadHttpProtocol(
   http: Http,
   pkgUrl: URL | string,
   opts: HttpOptions = {},
-): Promise<Partial<HttpResponse>> {
-  let raw: HttpResponse;
-  try {
-    raw = await http.get(pkgUrl.toString(), opts);
-    return raw;
-  } catch (err) {
-    const failedUrl = pkgUrl.toString();
-    if (err.message === HOST_DISABLED) {
-      logger.trace({ failedUrl }, 'Host disabled');
-    } else if (isNotFoundError(err)) {
-      logger.trace({ failedUrl }, `Url not found`);
-    } else if (isHostError(err)) {
-      logger.debug(`Cannot connect to host ${failedUrl}`);
-    } else if (isPermissionsIssue(err)) {
-      logger.debug(
-        `Dependency lookup unauthorized. Please add authentication with a hostRule for ${failedUrl}`,
-      );
-    } else if (isTemporalError(err)) {
-      logger.debug({ failedUrl, err }, 'Temporary error');
-      if (isMavenCentral(pkgUrl)) {
-        throw new ExternalHostError(err);
+): Promise<HttpResponse | null> {
+  const url = pkgUrl.toString();
+  const res = await Result.wrap(http.get(url, opts))
+    .onError((err) => {
+      // istanbul ignore next: never happens, needs for type narrowing
+      if (!(err instanceof HttpError)) {
+        return;
-    } else if (isConnectionError(err)) {
-      logger.debug(`Connection refused to maven registry ${failedUrl}`);
-    } else if (isUnsupportedHostError(err)) {
-      logger.debug(`Unsupported host ${failedUrl} `);
-    } else {
+      const failedUrl = url;
+      if (err.message === HOST_DISABLED) {
+        logger.trace({ failedUrl }, 'Host disabled');
+        return;
+      }
+      if (isNotFoundError(err)) {
+        logger.trace({ failedUrl }, `Url not found`);
+        return;
+      }
+      if (isHostError(err)) {
+        logger.debug(`Cannot connect to host ${failedUrl}`);
+        return;
+      }
+      if (isPermissionsIssue(err)) {
+        logger.debug(
+          `Dependency lookup unauthorized. Please add authentication with a hostRule for ${failedUrl}`,
+        );
+        return;
+      }
+      if (isTemporaryError(err)) {
+        logger.debug({ failedUrl, err }, 'Temporary error');
+        return;
+      }
+      if (isConnectionError(err)) {
+        logger.debug(`Connection refused to maven registry ${failedUrl}`);
+        return;
+      }
+      if (isUnsupportedHostError(err)) {
+        logger.debug(`Unsupported host ${failedUrl}`);
+        return;
+      }
       logger.info({ failedUrl, err }, 'Unknown HTTP download error');
-    }
-    return {};
+    })
+    .catch((err): Result<HttpResponse | 'silent-error', ExternalHostError> => {
+      if (
+        err instanceof HttpError &&
+        isTemporaryError(err) &&
+        getHost(url) === getHost(MAVEN_REPO)
+      ) {
+        return Result.err(new ExternalHostError(err));
+      }
+      return Result.ok('silent-error');
+    })
+    .unwrapOrThrow();
+  if (res === 'silent-error') {
+    return null;
+  return res;
 function isS3NotFound(err: Error): boolean {
@@ -145,7 +183,7 @@ export async function downloadS3Protocol(pkgUrl: URL): Promise<string | null> {
 export async function downloadArtifactRegistryProtocol(
   http: Http,
   pkgUrl: URL,
-): Promise<Partial<HttpResponse>> {
+): Promise<HttpResponse | null> {
   const opts: HttpOptions = {};
   const host = pkgUrl.host;
   const path = pkgUrl.pathname;
@@ -275,48 +313,42 @@ export async function downloadMavenXml(
     return {};
-  let isCacheable = false;
-  let rawContent: string | undefined;
-  let authorization: boolean | undefined;
-  let statusCode: number | undefined;
-  switch (pkgUrl.protocol) {
-    case 'http:':
-    case 'https:':
-      ({
-        authorization,
-        body: rawContent,
-        statusCode,
-      } = await downloadHttpProtocol(http, pkgUrl));
-      break;
-    case 's3:':
-      rawContent = (await downloadS3Protocol(pkgUrl)) ?? undefined;
-      break;
-    case 'artifactregistry:':
-      ({
-        authorization,
-        body: rawContent,
-        statusCode,
-      } = await downloadArtifactRegistryProtocol(http, pkgUrl));
-      break;
-    default:
-      logger.debug(`Unsupported Maven protocol url:${pkgUrl.toString()}`);
-      return {};
+  const protocol = pkgUrl.protocol;
+  if (protocol === 'http:' || protocol === 'https:') {
+    const res = await downloadHttpProtocol(http, pkgUrl);
+    const body = res?.body;
+    if (body) {
+      return {
+        xml: new XmlDocument(body),
+        isCacheable: !res.authorization,
+      };
+    }
-  if (!rawContent) {
-    logger.debug(
-      { url: pkgUrl.toString(), statusCode },
-      `Content is not found for Maven url`,
-    );
-    return {};
+  if (protocol === 'artifactregistry:') {
+    const res = await downloadArtifactRegistryProtocol(http, pkgUrl);
+    const body = res?.body;
+    if (body) {
+      return {
+        xml: new XmlDocument(body),
+        isCacheable: !res.authorization,
+      };
+    }
-  if (!authorization) {
-    isCacheable = true;
+  if (protocol === 's3:') {
+    const res = await downloadS3Protocol(pkgUrl);
+    if (res) {
+      return { xml: new XmlDocument(res) };
+    }
-  return { isCacheable, xml: new XmlDocument(rawContent) };
+  logger.debug(
+    { url: pkgUrl.toString() },
+    `Content is not found for Maven url`,
+  );
+  return {};
 export function getDependencyParts(packageName: string): MavenDependency {
diff --git a/lib/modules/datasource/sbt-package/index.ts b/lib/modules/datasource/sbt-package/index.ts
index afbb629cc5df840c71746b65e72030d3cc95ac3a..c0d5403b63055fdcf591debe30a92f31321b5d91 100644
--- a/lib/modules/datasource/sbt-package/index.ts
+++ b/lib/modules/datasource/sbt-package/index.ts
@@ -39,10 +39,8 @@ export class SbtPackageDatasource extends MavenDatasource {
     scalaVersion: string,
   ): Promise<string[] | null> {
     const pkgUrl = ensureTrailingSlash(searchRoot);
-    const { body: indexContent } = await downloadHttpProtocol(
-      this.http,
-      pkgUrl,
-    );
+    const res = await downloadHttpProtocol(this.http, pkgUrl);
+    const indexContent = res?.body;
     if (indexContent) {
       const rootPath = new URL(pkgUrl).pathname;
       let artifactSubdirs = extractPageLinks(indexContent, (href) => {
@@ -81,7 +79,8 @@ export class SbtPackageDatasource extends MavenDatasource {
       const releases: string[] = [];
       for (const searchSubdir of artifactSubdirs) {
         const pkgUrl = ensureTrailingSlash(`${searchRoot}/${searchSubdir}`);
-        const { body: content } = await downloadHttpProtocol(this.http, pkgUrl);
+        const res = await downloadHttpProtocol(this.http, pkgUrl);
+        const content = res?.body;
         if (content) {
           const rootPath = new URL(pkgUrl).pathname;
           const subdirReleases = extractPageLinks(content, (href) => {
@@ -128,8 +127,8 @@ export class SbtPackageDatasource extends MavenDatasource {
       for (const pomFileName of pomFileNames) {
         const pomUrl = `${searchRoot}/${artifactDir}/${version}/${pomFileName}`;
-        const { body: content } = await downloadHttpProtocol(this.http, pomUrl);
+        const res = await downloadHttpProtocol(this.http, pomUrl);
+        const content = res?.body;
         if (content) {
           const pomXml = new XmlDocument(content);
diff --git a/lib/modules/datasource/sbt-plugin/index.ts b/lib/modules/datasource/sbt-plugin/index.ts
index e316d1e22031c34292eefa0c82d946b1a3acd7f6..e053811936ec6858f6a7f2581392f1b77fd8c323 100644
--- a/lib/modules/datasource/sbt-plugin/index.ts
+++ b/lib/modules/datasource/sbt-plugin/index.ts
@@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ export class SbtPluginDatasource extends SbtPackageDatasource {
       return href;
-    const { body: indexContent } = await downloadHttpProtocol(
+    const res = await downloadHttpProtocol(
-    if (indexContent) {
+    if (res) {
       const releases: string[] = [];
-      const scalaVersionItems = extractPageLinks(indexContent, hrefFilterMap);
+      const scalaVersionItems = extractPageLinks(res.body, hrefFilterMap);
       const scalaVersions = scalaVersionItems.map((x) =>
         x.replace(regEx(/^scala_/), ''),
@@ -65,22 +65,24 @@ export class SbtPluginDatasource extends SbtPackageDatasource {
         : scalaVersions;
       for (const searchVersion of searchVersions) {
         const searchSubRoot = `${searchRoot}/scala_${searchVersion}`;
-        const { body: subRootContent } = await downloadHttpProtocol(
+        const subRootRes = await downloadHttpProtocol(
-        if (subRootContent) {
+        if (subRootRes) {
+          const { body: subRootContent } = subRootRes;
           const sbtVersionItems = extractPageLinks(
           for (const sbtItem of sbtVersionItems) {
             const releasesRoot = `${searchSubRoot}/${sbtItem}`;
-            const { body: releasesIndexContent } = await downloadHttpProtocol(
+            const releaseIndexRes = await downloadHttpProtocol(
-            if (releasesIndexContent) {
+            if (releaseIndexRes) {
+              const { body: releasesIndexContent } = releaseIndexRes;
               const releasesParsed = extractPageLinks(