diff --git a/lib/versioning/api.ts b/lib/versioning/api.ts
index 3cc394bb71157e9dc93e88c712764d27b558e8a2..e4979283355d579aca9a74e6133a779fadb42124 100644
--- a/lib/versioning/api.ts
+++ b/lib/versioning/api.ts
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import * as nuget from './nuget';
 import * as pep440 from './pep440';
 import * as poetry from './poetry';
 import * as regex from './regex';
+import * as rez from './rez';
 import * as ruby from './ruby';
 import * as semver from './semver';
 import * as swift from './swift';
@@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ api.set('nuget', nuget.api);
 api.set('pep440', pep440.api);
 api.set('poetry', poetry.api);
 api.set('regex', regex.api);
+api.set('rez', rez.api);
 api.set('ruby', ruby.api);
 api.set('semver', semver.api);
 api.set('swift', swift.api);
diff --git a/lib/versioning/index.spec.ts b/lib/versioning/index.spec.ts
index aa23e0d78e35fa15bacadef874e57089861aa036..92097568612a070718263e6add0d148cb808df8f 100644
--- a/lib/versioning/index.spec.ts
+++ b/lib/versioning/index.spec.ts
@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ describe('versioning/index', () => {
     const vers = allVersioning.getVersionings();
     const loadedVers = loadModules(__dirname);
-    // TODO: revert rez in #10930
-    delete loadedVers.rez;
     for (const name of vers.keys()) {
diff --git a/lib/versioning/rez/index.spec.ts b/lib/versioning/rez/index.spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f7860ddc313aca41ecf16e7cd699e9319dfab52f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/versioning/rez/index.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+import semver from '../semver';
+import { api as versioning } from '.';
+describe('versioning/rez/index', () => {
+  test.each`
+    version       | equal    | expected
+    ${'1'}        | ${'1'}   | ${true}
+    ${'1.0'}      | ${'1'}   | ${true}
+    ${'1.0.0'}    | ${'1'}   | ${true}
+    ${'1.9.0'}    | ${'1.9'} | ${true}
+    ${'1'}        | ${'2'}   | ${false}
+    ${'1.9.1'}    | ${'1.9'} | ${false}
+    ${'1.9-beta'} | ${'1.9'} | ${false}
+  `(
+    'equals("$version", "$equal") === $expected',
+    ({ version, equal, expected }) => {
+      expect(versioning.equals(version, equal)).toBe(expected);
+    }
+  );
+  test.each`
+    version    | expected
+    ${'1'}     | ${1}
+    ${'1.9'}   | ${1}
+    ${'1.9.0'} | ${1}
+  `('getMajor("$version") === $expected', ({ version, expected }) => {
+    expect(versioning.getMajor(version)).toEqual(expected);
+  });
+  test.each`
+    version    | expected
+    ${'1'}     | ${0}
+    ${'1.9'}   | ${9}
+    ${'1.9.0'} | ${9}
+  `('getMinor("$version") === $expected', ({ version, expected }) => {
+    expect(versioning.getMinor(version)).toEqual(expected);
+  });
+  test.each`
+    version    | expected
+    ${'1'}     | ${0}
+    ${'1.9'}   | ${0}
+    ${'1.9.0'} | ${0}
+    ${'1.9.4'} | ${4}
+  `('getPatch("$version") === $expected', ({ version, expected }) => {
+    expect(versioning.getPatch(version)).toEqual(expected);
+  });
+  test.each`
+    version     | other         | expected
+    ${'2'}      | ${'1'}        | ${true}
+    ${'2.0'}    | ${'1'}        | ${true}
+    ${'2.0.0'}  | ${'1'}        | ${true}
+    ${'1.10.0'} | ${'1.9'}      | ${true}
+    ${'1.9'}    | ${'1.9-beta'} | ${true}
+    ${'1'}      | ${'1'}        | ${false}
+    ${'1.0'}    | ${'1'}        | ${false}
+    ${'1.0.0'}  | ${'1'}        | ${false}
+    ${'1.9.0'}  | ${'1.9'}      | ${false}
+  `(
+    'isGreaterThan("$version", "$other") === $expected',
+    ({ version, other, expected }) => {
+      expect(versioning.isGreaterThan(version, other)).toEqual(expected);
+    }
+  );
+  test.each`
+    version         | expected
+    ${'1'}          | ${true}
+    ${'1.9'}        | ${true}
+    ${'1.9.0'}      | ${true}
+    ${'1.9.4'}      | ${true}
+    ${'1.9.4-beta'} | ${false}
+  `('isStable("$version") === $expected', ({ version, expected }) => {
+    expect(versioning.isStable(version)).toEqual(expected);
+  });
+  test.each`
+    input               | expected
+    ${'1.2.3..1.2.4'}   | ${true}
+    ${'1.2..1.3'}       | ${true}
+    ${'1.2..2'}         | ${true}
+    ${'1..3'}           | ${true}
+    ${'17.04.0'}        | ${false}
+    ${'1.2.3'}          | ${true}
+    ${'v1.2.3'}         | ${true}
+    ${'1.2.3-foo'}      | ${true}
+    ${'1.2.3foo'}       | ${false}
+    ${'1.2.3+'}         | ${true}
+    ${'1.2.3+<2'}       | ${true}
+    ${'1.2.3..1.2.4'}   | ${true}
+    ${'<=1.2.3'}        | ${true}
+    ${'<=2.0.0,>1.0.0'} | ${true}
+    ${'==1.2.3'}        | ${true}
+  `('isValid("$input") === $expected', ({ input, expected }) => {
+    const res = !!versioning.isValid(input);
+    expect(res).toBe(expected);
+  });
+  test.each`
+    input      | expected
+    ${'1.2.3'} | ${true}
+  `('isVersion("$input") === $expected', ({ input, expected }) => {
+    const res = !!versioning.isVersion(input);
+    expect(res).toBe(expected);
+  });
+  test.each`
+    input              | expected
+    ${'1.2.3'}         | ${true}
+    ${'1.2.3-alpha.1'} | ${true}
+    ${'==1.2.3'}       | ${true}
+    ${'1.*'}           | ${false}
+  `('isSingleVersion("$input") === $expected', ({ input, expected }) => {
+    const res = !!versioning.isSingleVersion(input);
+    expect(res).toBe(expected);
+  });
+  test.each`
+    versions                                | range             | expected
+    ${['1.2.3', '1.2.4', '1.2.5']}          | ${'1.2.3..1.2.4'} | ${'1.2.3'}
+    ${['0.4.0', '0.5.0', '4.2.0', '5.0.0']} | ${'4'}            | ${'4.2.0'}
+    ${['0.4.0', '0.5.0', '4.2.0', '5.0.0']} | ${'4..5'}         | ${'4.2.0'}
+    ${['0.4.0', '0.5.0', '4.2.0', '5.0.0']} | ${'4..5.0'}       | ${'4.2.0'}
+    ${['0.4.0', '0.5.0', '4.2.0', '5.0.0']} | ${'4.2..5.0'}     | ${'4.2.0'}
+    ${['0.4.0', '0.5.0', '4.2.0', '5.0.0']} | ${'4.2.0..5.0'}   | ${'4.2.0'}
+    ${['0.4.0', '0.5.0', '4.2.0', '5.0.0']} | ${'4.2.0..5.0.0'} | ${'4.2.0'}
+  `(
+    'minSatisfyingVersion($versions, "$range") === $expected',
+    ({ versions, range, expected }) => {
+      expect(versioning.minSatisfyingVersion(versions, range)).toBe(expected);
+    }
+  );
+  test.each`
+    versions                       | range             | expected
+    ${['1.2.3', '1.2.4', '1.2.5']} | ${'1.2.3..1.2.4'} | ${'1.2.3'}
+  `(
+    'getSatisfyingVersion($versions, "$range") === $expected',
+    ({ versions, range, expected }) => {
+      expect(versioning.getSatisfyingVersion(versions, range)).toBe(expected);
+    }
+  );
+  test.each`
+    version    | range             | expected
+    ${'1.2.3'} | ${'1.2.3..1.2.4'} | ${false}
+    ${'1.2.3'} | ${'1.2.4..1.2.5'} | ${true}
+    ${'0.9.0'} | ${'1.0.0..2.0.0'} | ${true}
+    ${'1.9.0'} | ${'1.0.0..2.0.0'} | ${false}
+  `(
+    'isLessThanRange($version, "$range") === $expected',
+    ({ version, range, expected }) => {
+      expect(versioning.isLessThanRange(version, range)).toBe(expected);
+    }
+  );
+  test.each`
+    version    | range             | expected
+    ${'1.2.3'} | ${'1.2.3..1.2.4'} | ${true}
+    ${'1.2.4'} | ${'1.2.2..1.2.3'} | ${false}
+    ${'4.2.0'} | ${'4.2.0..5.0.0'} | ${true}
+    ${'4.2'}   | ${'4.2.0..5.0.0'} | ${true}
+    ${'4.2'}   | ${'4.2..5'}       | ${true}
+    ${'4.2.0'} | ${'4.2..5'}       | ${true}
+    ${'4.2.0'} | ${'4.2..5.0'}     | ${true}
+    ${'4.2.0'} | ${'4.2..5.0.0'}   | ${true}
+    ${'4.2.0'} | ${'2.0..3.0'}     | ${false}
+    ${'4.2.2'} | ${'4.2.0..4.2.4'} | ${true}
+    ${'1.4'}   | ${'1.4'}          | ${true}
+  `(
+    'matches($version, "$range") === $expected',
+    ({ version, range, expected }) => {
+      expect(versioning.matches(version, range)).toBe(expected);
+    }
+  );
+  test.each`
+    a          | b
+    ${'1.1.1'} | ${'1.2.3'}
+    ${'1.2.3'} | ${'1.3.4'}
+    ${'2.0.1'} | ${'1.2.3'}
+    ${'1.2.3'} | ${'0.9.5'}
+  `(
+    'rez.sortVersions("$a", "$b") === semver.sortVersions("$a", "$b")',
+    ({ a, b }) => {
+      const dockerSorted = versioning.sortVersions(a, b);
+      const semverSorted = semver.sortVersions(a, b);
+      expect(dockerSorted).toBe(semverSorted);
+    }
+  );
+  test.each`
+    currentValue         | rangeStrategy | currentVersion | newVersion | expected
+    ${'==1.2.3'}         | ${'replace'}  | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'1.2.4'} | ${'==1.2.4'}
+    ${'1.2.3'}           | ${'auto'}     | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'1.2.4'} | ${'1.2.4'}
+    ${'1.2.3'}           | ${'bump'}     | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'1.2.4'} | ${'1.2.4'}
+    ${'1.2.3'}           | ${'replace'}  | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'1.2.4'} | ${'1.2.4'}
+    ${'1.2.3'}           | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'1.2.4'} | ${'1.2.4'}
+    ${'7..8'}            | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'7..9'}
+    ${'7.2..8'}          | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'7.2..9'}
+    ${'7.2.3..8'}        | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'7.2.3..9'}
+    ${'7..8.0'}          | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'7..8.3'}
+    ${'7.2..8.0'}        | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'7.2..8.3'}
+    ${'7.2.3..8.0'}      | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'7.2.3..8.3'}
+    ${'7..8.0.0'}        | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'7..8.3.0'}
+    ${'7.2..8.0.0'}      | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'7.2..8.3.0'}
+    ${'7.2.3..8.0.0'}    | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'7.2.3..8.3.0'}
+    ${'5..6'}            | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'5.2.5..6'}
+    ${'5.2..6'}          | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'5.2.5..6'}
+    ${'5.2.3..6'}        | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'5.2.5..6'}
+    ${'5..6.0'}          | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'6.2.5..6.3'}
+    ${'5.2..6.0'}        | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'6.2.5..6.3'}
+    ${'5.2.3..6.0'}      | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'5.2.5..6.0'}
+    ${'5..6.0.0'}        | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'5.2.5..6.0.0'}
+    ${'5.2..6.0.0'}      | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'5.2.5..6.0.0'}
+    ${'5.2.3..6.0.0'}    | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'5.2.5..6.0.0'}
+    ${'1..2'}            | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'1..3'}
+    ${'1.2..2'}          | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'1.2..3'}
+    ${'1.2..2.0'}        | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'1.2..2.3'}
+    ${'1.2.3..2.0'}      | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'1.2.3..2.3'}
+    ${'1.2.3..2.0.0'}    | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'1.2.3..2.3.0'}
+    ${'7+'}              | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'7+'}
+    ${'7.2+'}            | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'7.2+'}
+    ${'7.2.3+'}          | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'7.2.3+'}
+    ${'5+'}              | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'6.2.5+'}
+    ${'5.2+'}            | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'6.2.5+'}
+    ${'5.2.3+'}          | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'6.2.5+'}
+    ${'1+'}              | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'1+'}
+    ${'1.2+'}            | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'1.2+'}
+    ${'1.2.3+'}          | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'1.2.3+'}
+    ${'>=7'}             | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>=7'}
+    ${'>=7.2'}           | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>=7.2'}
+    ${'>=7.2.3'}         | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>=7.2.3'}
+    ${'>=5'}             | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'>=6.2.5'}
+    ${'>=5.2'}           | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'>=6.2.5'}
+    ${'>=5.2.3'}         | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'>=6.2.5'}
+    ${'>=1'}             | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'>=1'}
+    ${'>=1.2'}           | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'>=1.2'}
+    ${'>=1.2.3'}         | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'>=1.2.3'}
+    ${'>7'}              | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>7'}
+    ${'>7.2'}            | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>7.2'}
+    ${'>7.2.2'}          | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>7.2.2'}
+    ${'>5'}              | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'>5'}
+    ${'>5.2'}            | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'>5.2'}
+    ${'>5.2.3'}          | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'>5.2.3'}
+    ${'>1'}              | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'>1'}
+    ${'>1.2'}            | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'>1.2'}
+    ${'>1.2.3'}          | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'>1.2.3'}
+    ${'<=8'}             | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'<=8.2.5'}
+    ${'<=7.3'}           | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'<=8.2.5'}
+    ${'<=7.2.3'}         | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'<=8.2.5'}
+    ${'<=6'}             | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'<=6.2.5'}
+    ${'<=5.3'}           | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'<=6.2.5'}
+    ${'<=5.2.3'}         | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'<=6.2.5'}
+    ${'<=2'}             | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'<=2.2.5'}
+    ${'<=1.3'}           | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'<=2.2.5'}
+    ${'<=1.2.3'}         | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'<=2.2.5'}
+    ${'<8'}              | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'<9'}
+    ${'<7.3'}            | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'<9.0'}
+    ${'<7.2.4'}          | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'<9.0.0'}
+    ${'<6'}              | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'<7'}
+    ${'<5.3'}            | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'<7.0'}
+    ${'<5.2.4'}          | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'<7.0.0'}
+    ${'<2'}              | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'<3'}
+    ${'<1.3'}            | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'<3.0'}
+    ${'<1.2.4'}          | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'<3.0.0'}
+    ${'7+<8'}            | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'7+<9'}
+    ${'7.2+<8'}          | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'7.2+<9'}
+    ${'7.2.3+<8'}        | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'7.2.3+<9'}
+    ${'7+<8.0'}          | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'7+<8.3'}
+    ${'7.2+<8.0'}        | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'7.2+<8.3'}
+    ${'7.2.3+<8.0'}      | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'7.2.3+<8.3'}
+    ${'7+<8.0.0'}        | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'7+<8.3.0'}
+    ${'7.2+<8.0.0'}      | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'7.2+<8.3.0'}
+    ${'7.2.3+<8.0.0'}    | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'7.2.3+<8.3.0'}
+    ${'5+<6'}            | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'5.2.5+<6'}
+    ${'5.2+<6'}          | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'5.2.5+<6'}
+    ${'5.2.3+<6'}        | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'5.2.5+<6'}
+    ${'5+<6.0'}          | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'6.2.5+<6.3'}
+    ${'5.2+<6.0'}        | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'6.2.5+<6.3'}
+    ${'5.2.3+<6.0'}      | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'5.2.5+<6.0'}
+    ${'5+<6.0.0'}        | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'5.2.5+<6.0.0'}
+    ${'5.2+<6.0.0'}      | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'5.2.5+<6.0.0'}
+    ${'5.2.3+<6.0.0'}    | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'5.2.5+<6.0.0'}
+    ${'1+<2'}            | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'1+<3'}
+    ${'1.2+<2'}          | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'1.2+<3'}
+    ${'1.2+<2.0'}        | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'1.2+<2.3'}
+    ${'1.2.3+<2.0'}      | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'1.2.3+<2.3'}
+    ${'1.2.3+<2.0.0'}    | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'1.2.3+<2.3.0'}
+    ${'>=7,<8'}          | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>=7,<9'}
+    ${'>=7.2,<8'}        | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>=7.2,<9'}
+    ${'>=7.2.3,<8'}      | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>=7.2.3,<9'}
+    ${'>=7,<8.0'}        | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>=7,<8.3'}
+    ${'>=7.2,<8.0'}      | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>=7.2,<8.3'}
+    ${'>=7.2.3,<8.0'}    | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>=7.2.3,<8.3'}
+    ${'>=7,<8.0.0'}      | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>=7,<8.3.0'}
+    ${'>=7.2,<8.0.0'}    | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>=7.2,<8.3.0'}
+    ${'>=7.2.3,<8.0.0'}  | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>=7.2.3,<8.3.0'}
+    ${'>=5,<6'}          | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>=5.2.5,<6'}
+    ${'>=5.2,<6'}        | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>=5.2.5,<6'}
+    ${'>=5.2.3,<6'}      | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>=5.2.5,<6'}
+    ${'>=5,<6.0'}        | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'>=6.2.5,<6.3'}
+    ${'>=5.2,<6.0'}      | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'>=6.2.5,<6.3'}
+    ${'>=5.2.3,<6.0'}    | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>=5.2.5,<6.0'}
+    ${'>=5,<6.0.0'}      | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>=5.2.5,<6.0.0'}
+    ${'>=5.2,<6.0.0'}    | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>=5.2.5,<6.0.0'}
+    ${'>=5.2.3,<6.0.0'}  | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>=5.2.5,<6.0.0'}
+    ${'>=1,<2'}          | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'>=1,<3'}
+    ${'>=1.2,<2'}        | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'>=1.2,<3'}
+    ${'>=1.2,<2.0'}      | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'>=1.2,<2.3'}
+    ${'>=1.2.3,<2.0'}    | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'>=1.2.3,<2.3'}
+    ${'>=1.2.3,<2.0.0'}  | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'>=1.2.3,<2.3.0'}
+    ${'>=7<8'}           | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>=7<9'}
+    ${'>=7.2<8'}         | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>=7.2<9'}
+    ${'>=7.2.3<8'}       | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>=7.2.3<9'}
+    ${'>=7<8.0'}         | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>=7<8.3'}
+    ${'>=7.2<8.0'}       | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>=7.2<8.3'}
+    ${'>=7.2.3<8.0'}     | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>=7.2.3<8.3'}
+    ${'>=7<8.0.0'}       | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>=7<8.3.0'}
+    ${'>=7.2<8.0.0'}     | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>=7.2<8.3.0'}
+    ${'>=7.2.3<8.0.0'}   | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>=7.2.3<8.3.0'}
+    ${'>=5<6'}           | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>=5.2.5<6'}
+    ${'>=5.2<6'}         | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>=5.2.5<6'}
+    ${'>=5.2.3<6'}       | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>=5.2.5<6'}
+    ${'>=5<6.0'}         | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'>=6.2.5<6.3'}
+    ${'>=5.2<6.0'}       | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'>=6.2.5<6.3'}
+    ${'>=5.2.3<6.0'}     | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>=5.2.5<6.0'}
+    ${'>=5<6.0.0'}       | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>=5.2.5<6.0.0'}
+    ${'>=5.2<6.0.0'}     | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>=5.2.5<6.0.0'}
+    ${'>=5.2.3<6.0.0'}   | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>=5.2.5<6.0.0'}
+    ${'>=1<2'}           | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'>=1<3'}
+    ${'>=1.2<2'}         | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'>=1.2<3'}
+    ${'>=1.2<2.0'}       | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'>=1.2<2.3'}
+    ${'>=1.2.3<2.0'}     | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'>=1.2.3<2.3'}
+    ${'>=1.2.3<2.0.0'}   | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'>=1.2.3<2.3.0'}
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+    ${'>7.1,<8'}         | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>7.1,<9'}
+    ${'>7.2.0,<8'}       | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>7.2.0,<9'}
+    ${'>6,<8.0'}         | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>6,<8.3'}
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+    ${'>7.2.0,<8.0'}     | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>7.2.0,<8.3'}
+    ${'>6,<8.0.0'}       | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>6,<8.3.0'}
+    ${'>7.1,<8.0.0'}     | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>7.1,<8.3.0'}
+    ${'>7.2.0,<8.0.0'}   | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>7.2.0,<8.3.0'}
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+    ${'>5.1,<6'}         | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>5.1,<6'}
+    ${'>5.2.0,<6'}       | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>5.2.0,<6'}
+    ${'>5,<6.0'}         | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'>5,<6.3'}
+    ${'>5.1,<6.0'}       | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'>5.1,<6.3'}
+    ${'>5.2.0,<6.0'}     | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>5.2.0,<6.0'}
+    ${'>5,<6.0.0'}       | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>5,<6.0.0'}
+    ${'>5.1,<6.0.0'}     | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>5.1,<6.0.0'}
+    ${'>5.2.0,<6.0.0'}   | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>5.2.0,<6.0.0'}
+    ${'>1,<2'}           | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'>1,<3'}
+    ${'>1.1,<2'}         | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'>1.1,<3'}
+    ${'>1.1,<2.0'}       | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'>1.1,<2.3'}
+    ${'>1.2.0,<2.0'}     | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'>1.2.0,<2.3'}
+    ${'>1.2.0,<2.0.0'}   | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'>1.2.0,<2.3.0'}
+    ${'>6<8'}            | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>6<9'}
+    ${'>7.1<8'}          | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>7.1<9'}
+    ${'>7.2.0<8'}        | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>7.2.0<9'}
+    ${'>6<8.0'}          | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>6<8.3'}
+    ${'>7.1<8.0'}        | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>7.1<8.3'}
+    ${'>7.2.0<8.0'}      | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>7.2.0<8.3'}
+    ${'>6<8.0.0'}        | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>6<8.3.0'}
+    ${'>7.1<8.0.0'}      | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>7.1<8.3.0'}
+    ${'>7.2.0<8.0.0'}    | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'>7.2.0<8.3.0'}
+    ${'>4<6'}            | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>4<6'}
+    ${'>5.1<6'}          | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>5.1<6'}
+    ${'>5.2.0<6'}        | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>5.2.0<6'}
+    ${'>5<6.0'}          | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'>5<6.3'}
+    ${'>5.1<6.0'}        | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'>5.1<6.3'}
+    ${'>5.2.0<6.0'}      | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>5.2.0<6.0'}
+    ${'>4<6.0.0'}        | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>4<6.0.0'}
+    ${'>5.1<6.0.0'}      | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>5.1<6.0.0'}
+    ${'>5.2.0<6.0.0'}    | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'>5.2.0<6.0.0'}
+    ${'>1<2'}            | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'>1<3'}
+    ${'>1.1<2'}          | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'>1.1<3'}
+    ${'>1.1<2.0'}        | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'>1.1<2.3'}
+    ${'>1.2.0<2.0'}      | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'>1.2.0<2.3'}
+    ${'>1.2.0<2.0.0'}    | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'>1.2.0<2.3.0'}
+    ${'<8,>=7'}          | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'<9,>=7'}
+    ${'<8,>=7.2'}        | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'<9,>=7.2'}
+    ${'<8,>=7.2.3'}      | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'<9,>=7.2.3'}
+    ${'<8.0,>=7'}        | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'<8.3,>=7'}
+    ${'<8.0,>=7.2'}      | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'<8.3,>=7.2'}
+    ${'<8.0,>=7.2.3'}    | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'<8.3,>=7.2.3'}
+    ${'<8.0.0,>=7'}      | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'<8.3.0,>=7'}
+    ${'<8.0.0,>=7.2'}    | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'<8.3.0,>=7.2'}
+    ${'<8.0.0,>=7.2.3'}  | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'<8.3.0,>=7.2.3'}
+    ${'<6,>=5'}          | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'<6,>=5.2.5'}
+    ${'<6,>=5.2'}        | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'<6,>=5.2.5'}
+    ${'<6,>=5.2.3'}      | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'<6,>=5.2.5'}
+    ${'<6.0,>=5'}        | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'<6.3,>=6.2.5'}
+    ${'<6.0,>=5.2'}      | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'<6.3,>=6.2.5'}
+    ${'<6.0,>=5.2.3'}    | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'<6.0,>=5.2.5'}
+    ${'<6.0.0,>=5'}      | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'<6.0.0,>=5.2.5'}
+    ${'<6.0.0,>=5.2'}    | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'<6.0.0,>=5.2.5'}
+    ${'<6.0.0,>=5.2.3'}  | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'<6.0.0,>=5.2.5'}
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+    ${'<2,>=1.2'}        | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'<3,>=1.2'}
+    ${'<2.0,>=1.2'}      | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'<2.3,>=1.2'}
+    ${'<2.0,>=1.2.3'}    | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'<2.3,>=1.2.3'}
+    ${'<2.0.0,>=1.2.3'}  | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'<2.3.0,>=1.2.3'}
+    ${'<8,>6'}           | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'<9,>6'}
+    ${'<8,>7.1'}         | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'<9,>7.1'}
+    ${'<8,>7.2.0'}       | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'<9,>7.2.0'}
+    ${'<8.0,>6'}         | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'<8.3,>6'}
+    ${'<8.0,>7.1'}       | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'<8.3,>7.1'}
+    ${'<8.0,>7.2.0'}     | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'<8.3,>7.2.0'}
+    ${'<8.0.0,>6'}       | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'<8.3.0,>6'}
+    ${'<8.0.0,>7.1'}     | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'<8.3.0,>7.1'}
+    ${'<8.0.0,>7.2.0'}   | ${'replace'}  | ${'7.2.3'}     | ${'8.2.5'} | ${'<8.3.0,>7.2.0'}
+    ${'<6,>4'}           | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'<6,>4'}
+    ${'<6,>5.1'}         | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'<6,>5.1'}
+    ${'<6,>5.2.0'}       | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'<6,>5.2.0'}
+    ${'<6.0,>5'}         | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'<6.3,>5'}
+    ${'<6.0,>5.1'}       | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'6.2.5'} | ${'<6.3,>5.1'}
+    ${'<6.0,>5.2.0'}     | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'<6.0,>5.2.0'}
+    ${'<6.0.0,>5'}       | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'<6.0.0,>5'}
+    ${'<6.0.0,>5.1'}     | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'<6.0.0,>5.1'}
+    ${'<6.0.0,>5.2.0'}   | ${'bump'}     | ${'5.2.3'}     | ${'5.2.5'} | ${'<6.0.0,>5.2.0'}
+    ${'<2,>1'}           | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'<3,>1'}
+    ${'<2,>1.1'}         | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'<3,>1.1'}
+    ${'<2.0,>1.1'}       | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'<2.3,>1.1'}
+    ${'<2.0,>1.2.0'}     | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'<2.3,>1.2.0'}
+    ${'<2.0.0,>1.2.0'}   | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'2.2.5'} | ${'<2.3.0,>1.2.0'}
+    ${'<=1.2.5, >1.2.0'} | ${'widen'}    | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'1.2.4'} | ${null}
+  `(
+    'getNewValue($currentValue, $rangeStrategy, $currentVersion, $newVersion, $expected) === $expected',
+    ({ currentValue, rangeStrategy, currentVersion, newVersion, expected }) => {
+      const res = versioning.getNewValue({
+        currentValue,
+        rangeStrategy,
+        currentVersion,
+        newVersion,
+      });
+      expect(res).toBe(expected);
+    }
+  );
diff --git a/lib/versioning/rez/index.ts b/lib/versioning/rez/index.ts
index 8114b4545321fb970b6b750664b248056a3157d8..6b848afcfbe64525b546e2d910cdff188386c046 100644
--- a/lib/versioning/rez/index.ts
+++ b/lib/versioning/rez/index.ts
@@ -1,59 +1,218 @@
-// istanbul ignore file: requires (#10930)
-// original rez regex written in python (#11634)
-// version_range_regex = (
-//     # Match a version number (e.g. 1.0.0)
-//     r"   ^(?P<version>{version_group})$"
-//     "|"
-//     # Or match an exact version number (e.g. ==1.0.0)
-//     "    ^(?P<exact_version>"
-//     "        =="  # Required == operator
-//     "        (?P<exact_version_group>{version_group})?"
-//     "    )$"
-//     "|"
-//     # Or match an inclusive bound (e.g. 1.0.0..2.0.0)
-//     "    ^(?P<inclusive_bound>"
-//     "        (?P<inclusive_lower_version>{version_group})?"
-//     "        \.\."  # Required .. operator
-//     "        (?P<inclusive_upper_version>{version_group})?"
-//     "    )$"
-//     "|"
-//     # Or match a lower bound (e.g. 1.0.0+)
-//     "    ^(?P<lower_bound>"
-//     "        (?P<lower_bound_prefix>>|>=)?"  # Bound is exclusive?
-//     "        (?P<lower_version>{version_group})?"
-//     "        (?(lower_bound_prefix)|\+)"  # + only if bound is not exclusive
-//     "    )$"
-//     "|"
-//     # Or match an upper bound (e.g. <=1.0.0)
-//     "    ^(?P<upper_bound>"
-//     "        (?P<upper_bound_prefix><(?={version_group})|<=)?"  # Bound is exclusive?
-//     "        (?P<upper_version>{version_group})?"
-//     "    )$"
-//     "|"
-//     # Or match a range in ascending order (e.g. 1.0.0+<2.0.0)
-//     "    ^(?P<range_asc>"
-//     "        (?P<range_lower_asc>"
-//     "           (?P<range_lower_asc_prefix>>|>=)?"  # Lower bound is exclusive?
-//     "           (?P<range_lower_asc_version>{version_group})?"
-//     "           (?(range_lower_asc_prefix)|\+)?"  # + only if lower bound is not exclusive
-//     "       )(?P<range_upper_asc>"
-//     "           (?(range_lower_asc_version),?|)"  # , only if lower bound is found
-//     "           (?P<range_upper_asc_prefix><(?={version_group})|<=)"  # <= only if followed by a version group
-//     "           (?P<range_upper_asc_version>{version_group})?"
-//     "       )"
-//     "    )$"
-//     "|"
-//     # Or match a range in descending order (e.g. <=2.0.0,1.0.0+)
-//     "    ^(?P<range_desc>"
-//     "        (?P<range_upper_desc>"
-//     "           (?P<range_upper_desc_prefix><|<=)?"  # Upper bound is exclusive?
-//     "           (?P<range_upper_desc_version>{version_group})?"
-//     "           (?(range_upper_desc_prefix)|\+)?"  # + only if upper bound is not exclusive
-//     "       )(?P<range_lower_desc>"
-//     "           (?(range_upper_desc_version),|)"  # Comma is not optional because we don't want to recognize something like "<4>3"
-//     "           (?P<range_lower_desc_prefix><(?={version_group})|>=?)"  # >= or > only if followed by a version group
-//     "           (?P<range_lower_desc_version>{version_group})?"
-//     "       )"
-//     "    )$"
-// ).format(version_group=version_group)
+import { api as npm } from '../npm';
+import { api as pep440 } from '../pep440';
+import type { NewValueConfig, VersioningApi } from '../types';
+import {
+  ascendingRange,
+  descendingRange,
+  exactVersion,
+  inclusiveBound,
+  lowerBound,
+  upperBound,
+  versionGroup,
+} from './pattern';
+import {
+  npm2rezplus,
+  padZeroes,
+  pep4402rezInclusiveBound,
+  rez2npm,
+  rez2pep440,
+} from './transform';
+export const id = 'rez';
+export const displayName = 'rez';
+export const urls = ['https://github.com/nerdvegas/rez'];
+export const supportsRanges = true;
+export const supportedRangeStrategies = ['bump', 'extend', 'pin', 'replace'];
+function equals(a: string, b: string): boolean {
+  try {
+    return npm.equals(padZeroes(a), padZeroes(b));
+  } catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ {
+    return pep440.equals(a, b);
+  }
+function getMajor(version: string): number {
+  try {
+    return npm.getMajor(padZeroes(version));
+  } catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ {
+    return pep440.getMajor(version);
+  }
+function getMinor(version: string): number {
+  try {
+    return npm.getMinor(padZeroes(version));
+  } catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ {
+    return pep440.getMinor(version);
+  }
+function getPatch(version: string): number {
+  try {
+    return npm.getPatch(padZeroes(version));
+  } catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ {
+    return pep440.getPatch(version);
+  }
+function isGreaterThan(a: string, b: string): boolean {
+  try {
+    return npm.isGreaterThan(padZeroes(a), padZeroes(b));
+  } catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ {
+    return pep440.isGreaterThan(a, b);
+  }
+function isLessThanRange(version: string, range: string): boolean {
+  return (
+    npm.isVersion(padZeroes(version)) &&
+    npm.isLessThanRange(padZeroes(version), rez2npm(range))
+  );
+export function isValid(input: string): string | boolean {
+  return npm.isValid(rez2npm(input));
+function isStable(version: string): boolean {
+  return npm.isStable(padZeroes(version));
+function isVersion(input: string): string | boolean {
+  return npm.isVersion(padZeroes(rez2npm(input)));
+function matches(version: string, range: string): boolean {
+  return (
+    npm.isVersion(padZeroes(version)) &&
+    npm.matches(padZeroes(version), rez2npm(range))
+  );
+function getSatisfyingVersion(versions: string[], range: string): string {
+  return npm.getSatisfyingVersion(versions, rez2npm(range));
+function minSatisfyingVersion(versions: string[], range: string): string {
+  return npm.minSatisfyingVersion(versions, rez2npm(range));
+function isSingleVersion(constraint: string): string | boolean {
+  return (
+    (constraint.trim().startsWith('==') &&
+      isVersion(constraint.trim().substring(2).trim())) ||
+    isVersion(constraint.trim())
+  );
+function sortVersions(a: string, b: string): number {
+  return npm.sortVersions(padZeroes(a), padZeroes(b));
+function getNewValue({
+  currentValue,
+  rangeStrategy,
+  currentVersion,
+  newVersion,
+}: NewValueConfig): string {
+  const pep440Value = pep440.getNewValue({
+    currentValue: rez2pep440(currentValue),
+    rangeStrategy,
+    currentVersion,
+    newVersion,
+  });
+  if (exactVersion.test(currentValue)) {
+    return pep440Value;
+  }
+  if (inclusiveBound.test(currentValue)) {
+    return pep4402rezInclusiveBound(pep440Value);
+  }
+  if (lowerBound.test(currentValue)) {
+    if (currentValue.includes('+')) {
+      return npm2rezplus(pep440Value);
+    }
+    return pep440Value;
+  }
+  if (upperBound.test(currentValue)) {
+    return pep440Value;
+  }
+  if (ascendingRange.test(currentValue)) {
+    // Replace version numbers but keep rez format, otherwise we just end up trying
+    // to convert every single case separately.
+    const match = ascendingRange.exec(currentValue);
+    const lowerBoundAscCurrent = match.groups.range_lower_asc;
+    const upperBoundAscCurrent = match.groups.range_upper_asc;
+    const lowerAscVersionCurrent = match.groups.range_lower_asc_version;
+    const upperAscVersionCurrent = match.groups.range_upper_asc_version;
+    const [lowerBoundAscPep440, upperBoundAscPep440] = pep440Value.split(', ');
+    const lowerAscVersionNew = new RegExp(versionGroup).exec(
+      lowerBoundAscPep440
+    )[0];
+    const upperAscVersionNew = new RegExp(versionGroup).exec(
+      upperBoundAscPep440
+    )[0];
+    const lowerBoundAscNew = lowerBoundAscCurrent.replace(
+      lowerAscVersionCurrent,
+      lowerAscVersionNew
+    );
+    const upperBoundAscNew = upperBoundAscCurrent.replace(
+      upperAscVersionCurrent,
+      upperAscVersionNew
+    );
+    const separator = currentValue.includes(',') ? ',' : '';
+    return lowerBoundAscNew + separator + upperBoundAscNew;
+  }
+  if (descendingRange.test(currentValue)) {
+    // Replace version numbers but keep rez format, otherwise we just end up trying
+    // to convert every single case separately.
+    const match = descendingRange.exec(currentValue);
+    const upperBoundDescCurrent = match.groups.range_upper_desc;
+    const lowerBoundDescCurrent = match.groups.range_lower_desc;
+    const upperDescVersionCurrent = match.groups.range_upper_desc_version;
+    const lowerDescVersionCurrent = match.groups.range_lower_desc_version;
+    const [lowerBoundDescPep440, upperBoundDescPep440] =
+      pep440Value.split(', ');
+    const upperDescVersionNew = new RegExp(versionGroup).exec(
+      upperBoundDescPep440
+    )[0];
+    const lowerDescVersionNew = new RegExp(versionGroup).exec(
+      lowerBoundDescPep440
+    )[0];
+    const upperBoundDescNew = upperBoundDescCurrent.replace(
+      upperDescVersionCurrent,
+      upperDescVersionNew
+    );
+    const lowerBoundDescNew = lowerBoundDescCurrent.replace(
+      lowerDescVersionCurrent,
+      lowerDescVersionNew
+    );
+    // Descending ranges are only supported with a comma.
+    const separator = ',';
+    return upperBoundDescNew + separator + lowerBoundDescNew;
+  }
+  return null;
+export const api: VersioningApi = {
+  equals,
+  getMajor,
+  getMinor,
+  getPatch,
+  getNewValue,
+  getSatisfyingVersion,
+  isCompatible: isVersion,
+  isGreaterThan,
+  isLessThanRange,
+  isSingleVersion,
+  isStable,
+  isValid,
+  isVersion,
+  matches,
+  minSatisfyingVersion,
+  sortVersions,
+export default api;
diff --git a/lib/versioning/rez/pattern.ts b/lib/versioning/rez/pattern.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9132efa141fdeedfc8bb66aa85c70c46630cc4dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/versioning/rez/pattern.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+// Regular Expressions have been copied from, some more work were necessary to make it work:
+// original rez regex written in python (#11634)
+// version_range_regex = (
+//     # Match a version number (e.g. 1.0.0)
+//     r"   ^(?P<version>{version_group})$"
+//     "|"
+//     # Or match an exact version number (e.g. ==1.0.0)
+//     "    ^(?P<exact_version>"
+//     "        =="  # Required == operator
+//     "        (?P<exact_version_group>{version_group})?"
+//     "    )$"
+//     "|"
+//     # Or match an inclusive bound (e.g. 1.0.0..2.0.0)
+//     "    ^(?P<inclusive_bound>"
+//     "        (?P<inclusive_lower_version>{version_group})?"
+//     "        \.\."  # Required .. operator
+//     "        (?P<inclusive_upper_version>{version_group})?"
+//     "    )$"
+//     "|"
+//     # Or match a lower bound (e.g. 1.0.0+)
+//     "    ^(?P<lower_bound>"
+//     "        (?P<lower_bound_prefix>>|>=)?"  # Bound is exclusive?
+//     "        (?P<lower_version>{version_group})?"
+//     "        (?(lower_bound_prefix)|\+)"  # + only if bound is not exclusive
+//     "    )$"
+//     "|"
+//     # Or match an upper bound (e.g. <=1.0.0)
+//     "    ^(?P<upper_bound>"
+//     "        (?P<upper_bound_prefix><(?={version_group})|<=)?"  # Bound is exclusive?
+//     "        (?P<upper_version>{version_group})?"
+//     "    )$"
+//     "|"
+//     # Or match a range in ascending order (e.g. 1.0.0+<2.0.0)
+//     "    ^(?P<range_asc>"
+//     "        (?P<range_lower_asc>"
+//     "           (?P<range_lower_asc_prefix>>|>=)?"  # Lower bound is exclusive?
+//     "           (?P<range_lower_asc_version>{version_group})?"
+//     "           (?(range_lower_asc_prefix)|\+)?"  # + only if lower bound is not exclusive
+//     "       )(?P<range_upper_asc>"
+//     "           (?(range_lower_asc_version),?|)"  # , only if lower bound is found
+//     "           (?P<range_upper_asc_prefix><(?={version_group})|<=)"  # <= only if followed by a version group
+//     "           (?P<range_upper_asc_version>{version_group})?"
+//     "       )"
+//     "    )$"
+//     "|"
+//     # Or match a range in descending order (e.g. <=2.0.0,1.0.0+)
+//     "    ^(?P<range_desc>"
+//     "        (?P<range_upper_desc>"
+//     "           (?P<range_upper_desc_prefix><|<=)?"  # Upper bound is exclusive?
+//     "           (?P<range_upper_desc_version>{version_group})?"
+//     "           (?(range_upper_desc_prefix)|\+)?"  # + only if upper bound is not exclusive
+//     "       )(?P<range_lower_desc>"
+//     "           (?(range_upper_desc_version),|)"  # Comma is not optional because we don't want to recognize something like "<4>3"
+//     "           (?P<range_lower_desc_prefix><(?={version_group})|>=?)"  # >= or > only if followed by a version group
+//     "           (?P<range_lower_desc_version>{version_group})?"
+//     "       )"
+//     "    )$"
+// ).format(version_group=version_group)
+// - Replace {version_group} -> ${versionGroup}
+// - Replace (?P<...>) -> (?<...>)
+// - Replace ?(...) -> \k<...>
+// - Replace single \ -> double \
+export const versionGroup = '([0-9a-zA-Z_]+(?:[.-][0-9a-zA-Z_]+)*)';
+export const matchVersion = new RegExp(
+  `^(?<version>${versionGroup})$`
+); /* Match a version number (e.g. 1.0.0) */
+export const exactVersion = new RegExp(
+  `^(?<exact_version>==(?<exact_version_group>${versionGroup})?)$`
+); /* Match an exact version number (e.g. ==1.0.0) */
+// inclusiveBound is called inclusive but behaviour in rez is this:
+// package-1..3 will match versions 1.2.3, 2.3.4, but not 3.0.0 or above
+export const inclusiveBound = new RegExp(
+  `^(?<inclusive_bound>(?<inclusive_lower_version>${versionGroup})?\\.\\.(?<inclusive_upper_version>${versionGroup})?)$`
+); /* Match an inclusive bound (e.g. 1.0.0..2.0.0) */
+// Add ? after |\\+) in order to match >=1.15
+export const lowerBound = new RegExp(
+  `^(?<lower_bound>(?<lower_bound_prefix>>|>=)?(?<lower_version>${versionGroup})?(\\k<lower_bound_prefix>|\\+)?)$`
+); /* Match a lower bound (e.g. 1.0.0+) */
+export const upperBound = new RegExp(
+  `^(?<upper_bound>(?<upper_bound_prefix><(?=${versionGroup})|<=)?(?<upper_version>${versionGroup})?)$`
+); /* Match an upper bound (e.g. <=1.0.0) */
+// Add ,? to match >=7,<9 (otherwise it just matches >=7<9)
+export const ascendingRange = new RegExp(
+  `^(?<range_asc>(?<range_lower_asc>(?<range_lower_asc_prefix>>|>=)?(?<range_lower_asc_version>${versionGroup})?(\\k<range_lower_asc_prefix>|\\+)?),?(?<range_upper_asc>(\\k<range_lower_asc_version>,?|)(?<range_upper_asc_prefix><(?=${versionGroup})|<=)(?<range_upper_asc_version>${versionGroup})?))$`
+); /* Match a range in ascending order (e.g. 1.0.0+<2.0.0) */
+// Add , to match <9,>=7 (otherwise it just matches <9>=7)
+export const descendingRange = new RegExp(
+  `^(?<range_desc>(?<range_upper_desc>(?<range_upper_desc_prefix><|<=)?(?<range_upper_desc_version>${versionGroup})?(\\k<range_upper_desc_prefix>|\\+)?),(?<range_lower_desc>(\\k<range_upper_desc_version>,|)(?<range_lower_desc_prefix><(?=${versionGroup})|>=?)(?<range_lower_desc_version>${versionGroup})?))$`
+); /* Match a range in descending order (e.g. <=2.0.0,1.0.0+) */
diff --git a/lib/versioning/rez/readme.md b/lib/versioning/rez/readme.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3041ef1a9e80d8c344d8140dad5333ea457f93f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/versioning/rez/readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+rez versioning was developed to support the [rez Package Manager](https://github.com/nerdvegas/rez).
+It's based on Semantic Versioning but includes its own concept of ranges.
+**Use of dots**
+A range is expressed with dots `1.2..2` means `>=1.2.x <2.0.0`.
+**No exact versions unless using two equals ==**
+In rez, `1.2.3` doesn't mean "exactly 1.2.3", it actually means `>= 1.2.3 <1.2.4`.
+If you want to use an exact version use two equal characters, like this: `==1.2.3`.
+**Use of pipes**
+rez uses pipes as an OR operator, `2.7..3|4` means `>=2.7 <3 OR 4.x.x`.
+This has not been implemented yet.
+The current iteration of rez versioning does not support pipes yet.
diff --git a/lib/versioning/rez/transform.ts b/lib/versioning/rez/transform.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b5685560821795200e78c246996431d012aa7746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/versioning/rez/transform.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+import {
+  ascendingRange,
+  descendingRange,
+  exactVersion,
+  inclusiveBound,
+  lowerBound,
+  matchVersion,
+  upperBound,
+} from './pattern';
+function getVersionParts(input: string): [string, string] {
+  const versionParts = input.split('-');
+  if (versionParts.length === 1) {
+    return [input, ''];
+  }
+  return [versionParts[0], '-' + versionParts[1]];
+export function padZeroes(input: string): string {
+  if (/[~^*]/.test(input)) {
+    // ignore ranges
+    return input;
+  }
+  const [output, stability] = getVersionParts(input);
+  const sections = output.split('.');
+  while (sections.length < 3) {
+    sections.push('0');
+  }
+  return sections.join('.') + stability;
+function plus2npm(input: string): string {
+  if (input.includes('+')) {
+    return '>=' + input.replace('+', ' ');
+  }
+  return input;
+export function rez2npm(input: string): string {
+  if (matchVersion.test(input)) {
+    return input;
+  }
+  if (exactVersion.test(input)) {
+    return input.replace('==', '=');
+  }
+  if (inclusiveBound.test(input)) {
+    return '>=' + input.replace(/\.\./g, ' <');
+  }
+  if (lowerBound.test(input)) {
+    return plus2npm(input);
+  }
+  if (upperBound.test(input)) {
+    return input;
+  }
+  if (ascendingRange.test(input)) {
+    const match = ascendingRange.exec(input);
+    const lowerBoundAsc = match.groups.range_lower_asc;
+    const upperBoundAsc = match.groups.range_upper_asc;
+    return plus2npm(lowerBoundAsc) + ' ' + plus2npm(upperBoundAsc);
+  }
+  if (descendingRange.test(input)) {
+    const match = descendingRange.exec(input);
+    const upperBoundDesc = match.groups.range_upper_desc;
+    const lowerBoundDesc = match.groups.range_lower_desc;
+    return plus2npm(lowerBoundDesc) + ' ' + plus2npm(upperBoundDesc);
+  }
+  return input;
+export function rez2pep440(input: string): string {
+  if (matchVersion.test(input)) {
+    return input;
+  }
+  if (exactVersion.test(input)) {
+    return input;
+  }
+  if (inclusiveBound.test(input)) {
+    return '>=' + input.replace(/\.\./g, ', <');
+  }
+  if (lowerBound.test(input)) {
+    return plus2npm(input);
+  }
+  if (upperBound.test(input)) {
+    return input;
+  }
+  if (ascendingRange.test(input)) {
+    const match = ascendingRange.exec(input);
+    const lowerBoundAsc = match.groups.range_lower_asc;
+    const upperBoundAsc = match.groups.range_upper_asc;
+    return plus2npm(lowerBoundAsc) + ', ' + plus2npm(upperBoundAsc);
+  }
+  if (descendingRange.test(input)) {
+    const match = descendingRange.exec(input);
+    const upperBoundDesc = match.groups.range_upper_desc;
+    const lowerBoundDesc = match.groups.range_lower_desc;
+    return plus2npm(lowerBoundDesc) + ', ' + plus2npm(upperBoundDesc);
+  }
+  return input;
+export function pep4402rezInclusiveBound(input: string): string {
+  return input
+    .split(',')
+    .map((v) => v.trim().replace(/[<>=]/g, ''))
+    .join('..');
+export function npm2rezplus(input: string): string {
+  return input.trim().replace('>=', '') + '+';
diff --git a/lib/versioning/versioning-metadata.spec.ts b/lib/versioning/versioning-metadata.spec.ts
index 7275d4d394b51f6d454430acfdd16e182c91fd46..371d9abadf7467297c4fa02f3167ba8574ad0d41 100644
--- a/lib/versioning/versioning-metadata.spec.ts
+++ b/lib/versioning/versioning-metadata.spec.ts
@@ -26,8 +26,7 @@ describe('versioning/versioning-metadata', () => {
       (item) => !item.includes('.') && !item.startsWith('_')
-    // TODO: revert rez in #10930
-    for (const versioning of allVersioning.filter((v) => v !== 'rez')) {
+    for (const versioning of allVersioning) {
       const versioningObj = require(`./${versioning}`);