From f25a05fa2c6a491b0aa67c885006422dc5906fa5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sergei Zharinov <>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2021 12:00:20 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] test: Maven versioning tests (#11826)

 lib/versioning/gradle/index.spec.ts  |   2 +-
 lib/versioning/maven/compare.spec.ts | 210 ++++++++++
 lib/versioning/maven/index.spec.ts   | 587 ++++++++-------------------
 3 files changed, 372 insertions(+), 427 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 lib/versioning/maven/compare.spec.ts

diff --git a/lib/versioning/gradle/index.spec.ts b/lib/versioning/gradle/index.spec.ts
index 6a409b26d2..d67f436dac 100644
--- a/lib/versioning/gradle/index.spec.ts
+++ b/lib/versioning/gradle/index.spec.ts
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ describe('versioning/gradle/index', () => {
     a        | b      | expected
     ${'1.1'} | ${'1'} | ${true}
   `('isGreaterThan("$a", "$b") === $expected', ({ a, b, expected }) => {
-    expect(api.isGreaterThan('1.1', '1')).toBe(true);
+    expect(api.isGreaterThan(a, b)).toBe(expected);
diff --git a/lib/versioning/maven/compare.spec.ts b/lib/versioning/maven/compare.spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e27a8fe73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/versioning/maven/compare.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+import {
+  autoExtendMavenRange,
+  compare,
+  parseRange,
+  rangeToStr,
+} from './compare';
+describe('versioning/maven/compare', () => {
+  test.each`
+    a                       | b                          | expected
+    ${'1.0.0'}              | ${'1'}                     | ${0}
+    ${'1-a1'}               | ${'1-alpha-1'}             | ${0}
+    ${'1-b1'}               | ${'1-beta-1'}              | ${0}
+    ${'1.0.0'}              | ${''}                  | ${0}
+    ${'1-ga'}               | ${''}                  | ${0}
+    ${'1-ga-1'}             | ${'1-1'}                   | ${0}
+    ${''}            | ${'1.0'}                   | ${0}
+    ${'1'}                  | ${'1.0'}                   | ${0}
+    ${'1.'}                 | ${'1-'}                    | ${0}
+    ${'1.0.0-0.0.0'}        | ${'1-final'}               | ${0}
+    ${''} | ${''} | ${0}
+    ${'1.0ALPHA1'}          | ${'1.0-a1'}                | ${0}
+    ${'1.0Alpha1'}          | ${'1.0-a1'}                | ${0}
+    ${'1.0AlphA1'}          | ${'1.0-a1'}                | ${0}
+    ${'1.0BETA1'}           | ${'1.0-b1'}                | ${0}
+    ${'1.0MILESTONE1'}      | ${'1.0-m1'}                | ${0}
+    ${'1.0RC1'}             | ${'1.0-cr1'}               | ${0}
+    ${'1.0GA'}              | ${'1.0'}                   | ${0}
+    ${'1.0FINAL'}           | ${'1.0'}                   | ${0}
+    ${'1.0-SNAPSHOT'}       | ${'1-snapshot'}            | ${0}
+    ${'1.0-SNAP'}           | ${'1-snapshot'}            | ${0}
+    ${'1.0alpha1'}          | ${'1.0-a1'}                | ${0}
+    ${'1.0alpha-1'}         | ${'1.0-a1'}                | ${0}
+    ${'1.0beta1'}           | ${'1.0-b1'}                | ${0}
+    ${'1.0beta-1'}          | ${'1.0-b1'}                | ${0}
+    ${'1.0milestone1'}      | ${'1.0-m1'}                | ${0}
+    ${'1.0milestone-1'}     | ${'1.0-m1'}                | ${0}
+    ${'1.0rc1'}             | ${'1.0-cr1'}               | ${0}
+    ${'1.0rc-1'}            | ${'1.0-cr1'}               | ${0}
+    ${'1.0ga'}              | ${'1.0'}                   | ${0}
+    ${''}             | ${'1.0'}                   | ${0}
+    ${'1.0-final'}          | ${'1.0'}                   | ${0}
+    ${'1-0-ga'}             | ${'1.0'}                   | ${0}
+    ${'1-0-final'}          | ${'1-0'}                   | ${0}
+    ${'1-0'}                | ${'1.0'}                   | ${0}
+    ${'v1.2.3'}             | ${'1.2.3'}                 | ${0}
+    ${'0.0-1552'}           | ${'0.0-1552'}              | ${0}
+    ${'v0.0-1552'}          | ${'0.0-1552'}              | ${0}
+    ${'v0.0.1'}             | ${'0.0.1'}                 | ${0}
+    ${'5.0.7'}              | ${'5.0.7.RELEASE'}         | ${0}
+    ${'Hoxton.RELEASE'}     | ${'hoxton'}                | ${0}
+    ${'Hoxton.SR1'}         | ${''}           | ${0}
+    ${'1'}                  | ${'1.1'}                   | ${-1}
+    ${'1'}                  | ${'2'}                     | ${-1}
+    ${'1-snapshot'}         | ${'1'}                     | ${-1}
+    ${'1-snap'}             | ${'1'}                     | ${-1}
+    ${'1.2.3-snap1'}        | ${'1.2.3-snap2'}           | ${-1}
+    ${'1'}                  | ${'1-sp'}                  | ${-1}
+    ${'1-foo2'}             | ${'1-foo10'}               | ${-1}
+    ${'1-m1'}               | ${'1-milestone-2'}         | ${-1}
+    ${''}              | ${'1-foo'}                 | ${-1}
+    ${'1-foo'}              | ${'1-1'}                   | ${-1}
+    ${'1-alpha.1'}          | ${'1-beta.1'}              | ${-1}
+    ${'1-1'}                | ${'1.1'}                   | ${-1}
+    ${'1-ga'}               | ${'1-ap'}                  | ${-1}
+    ${'1-ga.1'}             | ${'1-sp.1'}                | ${-1}
+    ${'1-sp-1'}             | ${'1-ga-1'}                | ${-1}
+    ${'1-cr1'}              | ${'1'}                     | ${-1}
+    ${'0.0-1552'}           | ${'1.10.520'}              | ${-1}
+    ${'0.0.1'}              | ${'999'}                   | ${-1}
+    ${'1.3-RC1-groovy-2.5'} | ${'1.3-groovy-2.5'}        | ${-1}
+    ${'1-abc'}              | ${'1-xyz'}                 | ${-1}
+    ${'Hoxton.RELEASE'}     | ${'Hoxton.SR1'}            | ${-1}
+    ${'1.1'}                | ${'1'}                     | ${1}
+    ${'2'}                  | ${'1'}                     | ${1}
+    ${'1'}                  | ${'1-snapshot'}            | ${1}
+    ${'1'}                  | ${'1-snap'}                | ${1}
+    ${'1.2.3-snap2'}        | ${'1.2.3-snap1'}           | ${1}
+    ${'1-sp'}               | ${'1'}                     | ${1}
+    ${'1-foo10'}            | ${'1-foo2'}                | ${1}
+    ${'1-milestone-2'}      | ${'1-m1'}                  | ${1}
+    ${'1-foo'}              | ${''}                 | ${1}
+    ${'1-1'}                | ${'1-foo'}                 | ${1}
+    ${'1-beta.1'}           | ${'1-alpha.1'}             | ${1}
+    ${'1.1'}                | ${'1-1'}                   | ${1}
+    ${'1-sp'}               | ${'1-ga'}                  | ${1}
+    ${'1-sp.1'}             | ${'1-ga.1'}                | ${1}
+    ${'1-ga-1'}             | ${'1-sp-1'}                | ${1}
+    ${'1'}                  | ${'1-cr1'}                 | ${1}
+    ${'1.10.520'}           | ${'0.0-1552'}              | ${1}
+    ${'999'}                | ${'0.0.1'}                 | ${1}
+    ${'1.3-groovy-2.5'}     | ${'1.3-RC1-groovy-2.5'}    | ${1}
+    ${'1-xyz'}              | ${'1-abc'}                 | ${1}
+    ${'Hoxton.SR1'}         | ${'Hoxton.RELEASE'}        | ${1}
+  `('compare("$a", "$b") === $expected', ({ a, b, expected }) => {
+    expect(compare(a, b)).toEqual(expected);
+  });
+  test.each`
+    input
+    ${'1.2.3-SNAPSHOT'}
+    ${'[]'}
+    ${'[,]'}
+    ${'('}
+    ${'['}
+    ${','}
+    ${'[1.0'}
+    ${'1.0]'}
+    ${'[1.0],'}
+    ${',[1.0]'}
+    ${'(,1.1),(1.0,)'}
+    ${'(0,1.1),(1.0,2.0)'}
+    ${'(0,1.1),(,2.0)'}
+    ${'(,1.0],,[1.2,)'}
+    ${'(,1.0],[1.2,),'}
+    ${'[1.5,]'}
+    ${'[2.0,1.0)'}
+    ${'[1.2,1.3],1.4'}
+    ${'[1.2,,1.3]'}
+    ${'[1.3,1.2]'}
+    ${'[1,[2,3],4]'}
+    ${'[,1.0]'}
+  `('filters out incorrect range: $input', ({ input }) => {
+    const range = parseRange(input);
+    expect(range).toBeNull();
+    expect(rangeToStr(range)).toBeNull();
+  });
+  test.each`
+    input          | leftType             | leftValue | leftBracket | rightType            | rightValue | rightBracket
+    ${'[1.0]'}     | ${'INCLUDING_POINT'} | ${'1.0'}  | ${'['}      | ${'INCLUDING_POINT'} | ${'1.0'}   | ${']'}
+    ${'(,1.0]'}    | ${'EXCLUDING_POINT'} | ${null}   | ${'('}      | ${'INCLUDING_POINT'} | ${'1.0'}   | ${']'}
+    ${'[1.2,1.3]'} | ${'INCLUDING_POINT'} | ${'1.2'}  | ${'['}      | ${'INCLUDING_POINT'} | ${'1.3'}   | ${']'}
+    ${'[1.0,2.0)'} | ${'INCLUDING_POINT'} | ${'1.0'}  | ${'['}      | ${'EXCLUDING_POINT'} | ${'2.0'}   | ${')'}
+    ${'[1.5,)'}    | ${'INCLUDING_POINT'} | ${'1.5'}  | ${'['}      | ${'EXCLUDING_POINT'} | ${null}    | ${')'}
+  `(
+    'parseRange("$input")',
+    ({
+      input,
+      leftType,
+      leftValue,
+      leftBracket,
+      rightType,
+      rightValue,
+      rightBracket,
+    }) => {
+      const parseResult = [
+        {
+          leftType,
+          leftValue,
+          leftBracket,
+          rightType,
+          rightValue,
+          rightBracket,
+        },
+      ];
+      expect(parseRange(input)).toEqual(parseResult);
+      expect(rangeToStr(parseResult as never)).toEqual(input);
+    }
+  );
+  test.each`
+    range                      | version      | expected
+    ${'[1.2.3]'}               | ${'1.2.3'}   | ${'[1.2.3]'}
+    ${'[1.2.3]'}               | ${'1.2.4'}   | ${'[1.2.4]'}
+    ${'[1.0.0,1.2.3]'}         | ${'0.0.1'}   | ${'[1.0.0,1.2.3]'}
+    ${'[1.0.0,1.2.3]'}         | ${'1.2.4'}   | ${'[1.0.0,1.2.4]'}
+    ${'[1.0.0,1.2.23]'}        | ${'1.1.0'}   | ${'[1.0.0,1.2.23]'}
+    ${'(,1.0]'}                | ${'2.0'}     | ${'(,2.0]'}
+    ${'],1.0]'}                | ${'2.0'}     | ${'],2.0]'}
+    ${'(,1.0)'}                | ${'2.0'}     | ${'(,3.0)'}
+    ${'],1.0['}                | ${'2.0'}     | ${'],3.0['}
+    ${'[1.0,1.2.3],[1.3,1.5)'} | ${'1.2.4'}   | ${'[1.0,1.2.4],[1.3,1.5)'}
+    ${'[1.0,1.2.3],[1.3,1.5['} | ${'1.2.4'}   | ${'[1.0,1.2.4],[1.3,1.5['}
+    ${'[1.2.3,)'}              | ${'1.2.4'}   | ${'[1.2.4,)'}
+    ${'[1.2.3,['}              | ${'1.2.4'}   | ${'[1.2.4,['}
+    ${'[1.2.3,]'}              | ${'1.2.4'}   | ${'[1.2.3,]'}
+    ${'[0.21,0.22)'}           | ${'0.20.21'} | ${'[0.21,0.22)'}
+    ${'[0.21,0.22)'}           | ${'0.21.1'}  | ${'[0.21,0.22)'}
+    ${'[0.21,0.22.0)'}         | ${'0.22.1'}  | ${'[0.21,0.22.2)'}
+    ${'[0.21,0.22)'}           | ${'0.23'}    | ${'[0.23,0.24)'}
+    ${'[1.8,1.9)'}             | ${''} | ${'[1.9,1.10)'}
+    ${'[1.8a,1.9)'}            | ${''} | ${'[1.8a,1.10)'}
+    ${'[1.8,1.9.0)'}           | ${''} | ${'[1.8,1.10.0)'}
+    ${'[1.8,'}         | ${''} | ${'[1.8,'}
+    ${'[1.8,'}         | ${'1.10.1'}  | ${'[1.8,'}
+    ${'[1.8,1.9)'}             | ${'1.9.1'}   | ${'[1.9,1.10)'}
+    ${'[1.8,1.9)'}             | ${'1.10.0'}  | ${'[1.10,1.11)'}
+    ${'[1.8,1.9)'}             | ${'1.10.1'}  | ${'[1.10,1.11)'}
+    ${'(,1.0.0]'}              | ${'2.0.0'}   | ${'(,2.0.0]'}
+    ${'(,1.0]'}                | ${'2.0.0'}   | ${'(,2.0]'}
+    ${'(,1]'}                  | ${'2.0.0'}   | ${'(,2]'}
+    ${'(,1.0.0-foobar]'}       | ${'2.0.0'}   | ${'(,2.0.0]'}
+    ${'[1,2]'}                 | ${'2'}       | ${'[1,2]'}
+    ${'[1,2)'}                 | ${'2'}       | ${'[2,3)'}
+    ${'[0,2)'}                 | ${'2'}       | ${'[0,3)'}
+    ${'[1.2,1.3]'}             | ${'1.3'}     | ${'[1.2,1.3]'}
+    ${'[1.2,1.3)'}             | ${'1.3'}     | ${'[1.3,1.4)'}
+    ${'[1.1,1.3)'}             | ${'1.3'}     | ${'[1.1,1.4)'}
+    ${'[1.2.3,1.2.4]'}         | ${'1.2.4'}   | ${'[1.2.3,1.2.4]'}
+    ${'[1.2.3,1.2.4)'}         | ${'1.2.4'}   | ${'[1.2.4,1.2.5)'}
+    ${'[1.2.1,1.2.4)'}         | ${'1.2.4'}   | ${'[1.2.1,1.2.5)'}
+    ${'[1,1.2.3)'}             | ${'1.2.3'}   | ${'[1,1.2.4)'}
+  `(
+    'autoExtendMavenRange("$range", "$version") === $expected',
+    ({ range, version, expected }) => {
+      expect(autoExtendMavenRange(range, version)).toEqual(expected);
+    }
+  );
diff --git a/lib/versioning/maven/index.spec.ts b/lib/versioning/maven/index.spec.ts
index 4f2e0a0be7..0304e5c5ce 100644
--- a/lib/versioning/maven/index.spec.ts
+++ b/lib/versioning/maven/index.spec.ts
@@ -1,442 +1,177 @@
-import {
-  autoExtendMavenRange,
-  compare,
-  parseRange,
-  rangeToStr,
-} from './compare';
 import maven, { isValid as _isValid } from '.';
-const {
-  isValid,
-  isVersion,
-  isStable,
-  getMajor,
-  getMinor,
-  getPatch,
-  matches,
-  getNewValue,
-} = maven;
+const { isValid, isVersion, isStable, getMajor, getMinor, getPatch, matches } =
+  maven;
 describe('versioning/maven/index', () => {
-  it('returns equality', () => {
-    expect(compare('1.0.0', '1')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1-a1', '1-alpha-1')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1-b1', '1-beta-1')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1.0.0', '')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1-ga', '')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1-ga-1', '1-1')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('', '1.0')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1', '1.0')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1.', '1-')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1.0.0-0.0.0', '1-final')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('', '')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1.0ALPHA1', '1.0-a1')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1.0Alpha1', '1.0-a1')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1.0AlphA1', '1.0-a1')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1.0BETA1', '1.0-b1')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1.0MILESTONE1', '1.0-m1')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1.0RC1', '1.0-cr1')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1.0GA', '1.0')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1.0FINAL', '1.0')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1.0-SNAPSHOT', '1-snapshot')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1.0-SNAP', '1-snapshot')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1.0alpha1', '1.0-a1')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1.0alpha-1', '1.0-a1')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1.0beta1', '1.0-b1')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1.0beta-1', '1.0-b1')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1.0milestone1', '1.0-m1')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1.0milestone-1', '1.0-m1')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1.0rc1', '1.0-cr1')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1.0rc-1', '1.0-cr1')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1.0ga', '1.0')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('', '1.0')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1.0-final', '1.0')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1-0-ga', '1.0')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1-0-final', '1-0')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('1-0', '1.0')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('v1.2.3', '1.2.3')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('0.0-1552', '0.0-1552')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('v0.0-1552', '0.0-1552')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('v0.0.1', '0.0.1')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('5.0.7', '5.0.7.RELEASE')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('Hoxton.RELEASE', 'hoxton')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(compare('Hoxton.SR1', '')).toEqual(0);
-  });
-  it('returns less than', () => {
-    expect(compare('1', '1.1')).toEqual(-1);
-    expect(compare('1', '2')).toEqual(-1);
-    expect(compare('1-snapshot', '1')).toEqual(-1);
-    expect(compare('1-snap', '1')).toEqual(-1);
-    expect(compare('1.2.3-snap1', '1.2.3-snap2')).toEqual(-1);
-    expect(compare('1', '1-sp')).toEqual(-1);
-    expect(compare('1-foo2', '1-foo10')).toEqual(-1);
-    expect(compare('1-m1', '1-milestone-2')).toEqual(-1);
-    expect(compare('', '1-foo')).toEqual(-1);
-    expect(compare('1-foo', '1-1')).toEqual(-1);
-    expect(compare('1-alpha.1', '1-beta.1')).toEqual(-1);
-    expect(compare('1-1', '1.1')).toEqual(-1);
-    expect(compare('1-ga', '1-ap')).toEqual(-1);
-    expect(compare('1-ga.1', '1-sp.1')).toEqual(-1);
-    expect(compare('1-sp-1', '1-ga-1')).toEqual(-1);
-    expect(compare('1-cr1', '1')).toEqual(-1);
-    expect(compare('0.0-1552', '1.10.520')).toEqual(-1);
-    expect(compare('0.0.1', '999')).toEqual(-1);
-    expect(compare('1.3-RC1-groovy-2.5', '1.3-groovy-2.5')).toEqual(-1);
-    expect(compare('1-abc', '1-xyz')).toEqual(-1);
-    expect(compare('Hoxton.RELEASE', 'Hoxton.SR1')).toEqual(-1);
-  });
-  it('returns greater than', () => {
-    expect(compare('1.1', '1')).toEqual(1);
-    expect(compare('2', '1')).toEqual(1);
-    expect(compare('1', '1-snapshot')).toEqual(1);
-    expect(compare('1', '1-snap')).toEqual(1);
-    expect(compare('1.2.3-snap2', '1.2.3-snap1')).toEqual(1);
-    expect(compare('1-sp', '1')).toEqual(1);
-    expect(compare('1-foo10', '1-foo2')).toEqual(1);
-    expect(compare('1-milestone-2', '1-m1')).toEqual(1);
-    expect(compare('1-foo', '')).toEqual(1);
-    expect(compare('1-1', '1-foo')).toEqual(1);
-    expect(compare('1-beta.1', '1-alpha.1')).toEqual(1);
-    expect(compare('1.1', '1-1')).toEqual(1);
-    expect(compare('1-sp', '1-ga')).toEqual(1);
-    expect(compare('1-sp.1', '1-ga.1')).toEqual(1);
-    expect(compare('1-ga-1', '1-sp-1')).toEqual(1);
-    expect(compare('1', '1-cr1')).toEqual(1);
-    expect(compare('1.10.520', '0.0-1552')).toEqual(1);
-    expect(compare('999', '0.0.1')).toEqual(1);
-    expect(compare('1.3-groovy-2.5', '1.3-RC1-groovy-2.5')).toEqual(1);
-    expect(compare('1-xyz', '1-abc')).toEqual(1);
-    expect(compare('Hoxton.SR1', 'Hoxton.RELEASE')).toEqual(1);
+  it('uses same function module export and api object', () => {
+    expect(isValid).toBe(_isValid);
-  const invalidRanges = [
-    '1.2.3-SNAPSHOT', // versions should be handled separately
-    '[]',
-    '[,]',
-    '(',
-    '[',
-    ',',
-    '[1.0',
-    '1.0]',
-    '[1.0],',
-    ',[1.0]',
-    '(,1.1),(1.0,)',
-    '(0,1.1),(1.0,2.0)',
-    '(0,1.1),(,2.0)',
-    '(,1.0],,[1.2,)',
-    '(,1.0],[1.2,),',
-    '[1.5,]',
-    '[2.0,1.0)',
-    '[1.2,1.3],1.4',
-    '[1.2,,1.3]',
-    '[1.3,1.2]',
-    '[1,[2,3],4]',
-    '[,1.0]',
-  ];
-  it('filters out incorrect ranges', () => {
-    invalidRanges.forEach((rangeStr) => {
-      const range = parseRange(rangeStr);
-      expect(range).toBeNull();
-      expect(rangeToStr(range)).toBeNull();
-    });
+  test.each`
+    version              | expected
+    ${'1.0.0'}           | ${true}
+    ${'[1.12.6,1.18.6]'} | ${true}
+    ${undefined}         | ${false}
+  `('isValid("$version") === $expected', ({ version, expected }) => {
+    expect(!!isValid(version)).toBe(expected);
-  it('parses version ranges and translates them back to string', () => {
-    const presetRanges = {
-      ...invalidRanges.reduce((acc, str) => ({ ...acc, [str]: null }), {}),
-      '[1.0]': [
-        {
-          leftType: 'INCLUDING_POINT',
-          leftValue: '1.0',
-          leftBracket: '[',
-          rightType: 'INCLUDING_POINT',
-          rightValue: '1.0',
-          rightBracket: ']',
-        },
-      ],
-      '(,1.0]': [
-        {
-          leftType: 'EXCLUDING_POINT',
-          leftValue: null,
-          leftBracket: '(',
-          rightType: 'INCLUDING_POINT',
-          rightValue: '1.0',
-          rightBracket: ']',
-        },
-      ],
-      '[1.2,1.3]': [
-        {
-          leftType: 'INCLUDING_POINT',
-          leftValue: '1.2',
-          leftBracket: '[',
-          rightType: 'INCLUDING_POINT',
-          rightValue: '1.3',
-          rightBracket: ']',
-        },
-      ],
-      '[1.0,2.0)': [
-        {
-          leftType: 'INCLUDING_POINT',
-          leftValue: '1.0',
-          leftBracket: '[',
-          rightType: 'EXCLUDING_POINT',
-          rightValue: '2.0',
-          rightBracket: ')',
-        },
-      ],
-      '[1.5,)': [
-        {
-          leftType: 'INCLUDING_POINT',
-          leftValue: '1.5',
-          leftBracket: '[',
-          rightType: 'EXCLUDING_POINT',
-          rightValue: null,
-          rightBracket: ')',
-        },
-      ],
-      '(,1.0],[1.2,)': [
-        {
-          leftType: 'EXCLUDING_POINT',
-          leftValue: null,
-          leftBracket: '(',
-          rightType: 'INCLUDING_POINT',
-          rightValue: '1.0',
-          rightBracket: ']',
-        },
-        {
-          leftType: 'INCLUDING_POINT',
-          leftValue: '1.2',
-          leftBracket: '[',
-          rightType: 'EXCLUDING_POINT',
-          rightValue: null,
-          rightBracket: ')',
-        },
-      ],
-      '(,1.1),(1.1,)': [
-        {
-          leftType: 'EXCLUDING_POINT',
-          leftValue: null,
-          leftBracket: '(',
-          rightType: 'EXCLUDING_POINT',
-          rightValue: '1.1',
-          rightBracket: ')',
-        },
-        {
-          leftType: 'EXCLUDING_POINT',
-          leftValue: '1.1',
-          leftBracket: '(',
-          rightType: 'EXCLUDING_POINT',
-          rightValue: null,
-          rightBracket: ')',
-        },
-      ],
-    };
-    Object.keys(presetRanges).forEach((rangeStr) => {
-      const presetValue = presetRanges[rangeStr];
-      const fullRange = parseRange(rangeStr);
-      expect(presetValue).toEqual(fullRange);
-      if (fullRange === null) {
-        // eslint-disable-next-line jest/no-conditional-expect
-        expect(presetValue).toBeNull();
-      } else {
-        // eslint-disable-next-line jest/no-conditional-expect
-        expect(rangeToStr(fullRange)).toEqual(rangeStr);
-      }
-    });
+  test.each`
+    version              | expected
+    ${''}                | ${false}
+    ${'1.0.0'}           | ${true}
+    ${'0'}               | ${true}
+    ${'0.1-2-sp'}        | ${true}
+    ${'1-final'}         | ${true}
+    ${'1-foo'}           | ${true}
+    ${'v1.0.0'}          | ${true}
+    ${'x1.0.0'}          | ${true}
+    ${'2.1.1.RELEASE'}   | ${true}
+    ${'Greenwich.SR1'}   | ${true}
+    ${'.1'}              | ${false}
+    ${'1.'}              | ${false}
+    ${'-1'}              | ${false}
+    ${'1-'}              | ${false}
+    ${'[1.12.6,1.18.6]'} | ${false}
+    ${'RELEASE'}         | ${false}
+    ${'release'}         | ${false}
+    ${'LATEST'}          | ${false}
+    ${'latest'}          | ${false}
+    ${'foobar'}          | ${true}
+  `('isVersion("$version") === $expected', ({ version, expected }) => {
+    expect(!!isVersion(version)).toBe(expected);
-  it('extends ranges with new versions', () => {
-    const sample = [
-      ['[1.2.3]', '1.2.3', '[1.2.3]'],
-      ['[1.2.3]', '1.2.4', '[1.2.4]'],
-      ['[1.0.0,1.2.3]', '0.0.1', '[1.0.0,1.2.3]'],
-      ['[1.0.0,1.2.3]', '1.2.4', '[1.0.0,1.2.4]'],
-      ['[1.0.0,1.2.23]', '1.1.0', '[1.0.0,1.2.23]'],
-      ['(,1.0]', '2.0', '(,2.0]'],
-      ['],1.0]', '2.0', '],2.0]'],
-      ['(,1.0)', '2.0', '(,3.0)'],
-      ['],1.0[', '2.0', '],3.0['],
-      ['[1.0,1.2.3],[1.3,1.5)', '1.2.4', '[1.0,1.2.4],[1.3,1.5)'],
-      ['[1.0,1.2.3],[1.3,1.5[', '1.2.4', '[1.0,1.2.4],[1.3,1.5['],
-      ['[1.2.3,)', '1.2.4', '[1.2.4,)'],
-      ['[1.2.3,[', '1.2.4', '[1.2.4,['],
-      ['[1.2.3,]', '1.2.4', '[1.2.3,]'], // invalid range
-      ['[0.21,0.22)', '0.20.21', '[0.21,0.22)'],
-      ['[0.21,0.22)', '0.21.1', '[0.21,0.22)'],
-      ['[0.21,0.22.0)', '0.22.1', '[0.21,0.22.2)'],
-      ['[0.21,0.22)', '0.23', '[0.23,0.24)'],
-      ['[1.8,1.9)', '', '[1.9,1.10)'],
-      ['[1.8a,1.9)', '', '[1.8a,1.10)'],
-      ['[1.8,1.9.0)', '', '[1.8,1.10.0)'],
-      ['[1.8,', '', '[1.8,'],
-      ['[1.8,', '1.10.1', '[1.8,'],
+  test.each`
+    version                 | expected
+    ${''}                   | ${false}
+    ${'foobar'}             | ${true}
+    ${'final'}              | ${true}
+    ${'1'}                  | ${true}
+    ${'1.2'}                | ${true}
+    ${'1.2.3'}              | ${true}
+    ${''}            | ${true}
+    ${'v1.2.3.4'}           | ${true}
+    ${'1-alpha-1'}          | ${false}
+    ${'1-b1'}               | ${false}
+    ${'1-foo'}              | ${true}
+    ${'1-final-1.0.0'}      | ${true}
+    ${'1-release'}          | ${true}
+    ${''}            | ${true}
+    ${'1.0milestone1'}      | ${false}
+    ${'1-sp'}               | ${true}
+    ${'1-ga-1'}             | ${true}
+    ${'1.3-groovy-2.5'}     | ${true}
+    ${'1.3-RC1-groovy-2.5'} | ${false}
+    ${'Hoxton.RELEASE'}     | ${true}
+    ${'Hoxton.SR'}          | ${true}
+    ${'Hoxton.SR1'}         | ${true}
+  `('isStable("$version") === $expected', ({ version, expected }) => {
+    const res = !!isStable(version);
+    expect(res).toBe(expected);
+  });
-      ['[1.8,1.9)', '1.9.1', '[1.9,1.10)'],
-      ['[1.8,1.9)', '1.10.0', '[1.10,1.11)'],
-      ['[1.8,1.9)', '1.10.1', '[1.10,1.11)'],
+  test.each`
+    input         | major   | minor   | patch
+    ${''}         | ${null} | ${null} | ${null}
+    ${'1'}        | ${1}    | ${0}    | ${0}
+    ${'1.2'}      | ${1}    | ${2}    | ${0}
+    ${'1.2.3'}    | ${1}    | ${2}    | ${3}
+    ${'v1.2.3'}   | ${1}    | ${2}    | ${3}
+    ${'v1.2.3'}   | ${1}    | ${2}    | ${3}
+    ${'1rc42'}    | ${1}    | ${0}    | ${0}
+    ${'1-rc42'}   | ${1}    | ${0}    | ${0}
+    ${'1-rc42-1'} | ${1}    | ${0}    | ${0}
+    ${'1-rc10'}   | ${1}    | ${0}    | ${0}
+    ${''}  | ${1}    | ${2}    | ${3}
+  `(
+    '"$input" is represented as [$major, $minor, $patch]',
+    ({ input, major, minor, patch }) => {
+      expect(getMajor(input)).toBe(major);
+      expect(getMinor(input)).toBe(minor);
+      expect(getPatch(input)).toBe(patch);
+    }
+  );
-      ['(,1.0.0]', '2.0.0', '(,2.0.0]'],
-      ['(,1.0]', '2.0.0', '(,2.0]'],
-      ['(,1]', '2.0.0', '(,2]'],
-      ['(,1.0.0-foobar]', '2.0.0', '(,2.0.0]'],
+  test.each`
+    version          | range                              | expected
+    ${'0'}           | ${'[0,1]'}                         | ${true}
+    ${'1'}           | ${'[0,1]'}                         | ${true}
+    ${'0'}           | ${'(0,1)'}                         | ${false}
+    ${'1'}           | ${'(0,1)'}                         | ${false}
+    ${'1'}           | ${'(0,2)'}                         | ${true}
+    ${'1'}           | ${'[0,2]'}                         | ${true}
+    ${'1'}           | ${'(,1]'}                          | ${true}
+    ${'1'}           | ${'(,1)'}                          | ${false}
+    ${'1'}           | ${'[1,)'}                          | ${true}
+    ${'1'}           | ${'(1,)'}                          | ${false}
+    ${'1'}           | ${'(,1),(1,)'}                     | ${false}
+    ${'1'}           | ${'(0,1),(1,2)'}                   | ${false}
+    ${'1.0.0.RC9.2'} | ${'(,1.0.0.RC9.2),(1.0.0.RC9.2,)'} | ${false}
+    ${'1.0.0-RC14'}  | ${'(,1.0.0.RC9.2),(1.0.0.RC9.2,)'} | ${true}
+    ${'0'}           | ${''}                              | ${false}
+    ${'1'}           | ${'1'}                             | ${true}
+    ${'1'}           | ${'(1'}                            | ${false}
+  `(
+    'matches("$version", "$range") === $expected',
+    ({ version, range, expected }) => {
+      expect(matches(version, range)).toBe(expected);
+    }
+  );
-      ['[1,2]', '2', '[1,2]'],
-      ['[1,2)', '2', '[2,3)'],
-      ['[0,2)', '2', '[0,3)'],
-      ['[1.2,1.3]', '1.3', '[1.2,1.3]'],
-      ['[1.2,1.3)', '1.3', '[1.3,1.4)'],
-      ['[1.1,1.3)', '1.3', '[1.1,1.4)'],
-      ['[1.2.3,1.2.4]', '1.2.4', '[1.2.3,1.2.4]'],
-      ['[1.2.3,1.2.4)', '1.2.4', '[1.2.4,1.2.5)'],
-      ['[1.2.1,1.2.4)', '1.2.4', '[1.2.1,1.2.5)'],
-      ['[1,1.2.3)', '1.2.3', '[1,1.2.4)'],
-    ];
-    sample.forEach(([oldRepr, newValue, newRepr]) => {
-      expect(autoExtendMavenRange(oldRepr, newValue)).toEqual(newRepr);
-    });
+  test.each`
+    a        | b      | expected
+    ${'1.1'} | ${'1'} | ${true}
+  `('isGreaterThan("$a", "$b") === $expected', ({ a, b, expected }) => {
+    expect(maven.isGreaterThan(a, b)).toBe(expected);
-  it('returns valid', () => {
-    expect(isValid('1.0.0')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isValid('[1.12.6,1.18.6]')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isValid(undefined)).toBe(false);
-    expect(isValid === _isValid).toBe(true);
-  });
-  it('validates version string', () => {
-    expect(isVersion('')).toBe(false);
-    expect(isVersion('1.0.0')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isVersion('0')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isVersion('0.1-2-sp')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isVersion('1-final')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isVersion('1-foo')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isVersion('v1.0.0')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isVersion('x1.0.0')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isVersion('2.1.1.RELEASE')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isVersion('Greenwich.SR1')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isVersion('.1')).toBe(false);
-    expect(isVersion('1.')).toBe(false);
-    expect(isVersion('-1')).toBe(false);
-    expect(isVersion('1-')).toBe(false);
-    expect(isVersion('[1.12.6,1.18.6]')).toBe(false);
-    expect(isVersion('RELEASE')).toBe(false);
-    expect(isVersion('release')).toBe(false);
-    expect(isVersion('LATEST')).toBe(false);
-    expect(isVersion('latest')).toBe(false);
-    expect(isVersion('foobar')).toBe(true);
-  });
-  it('checks if version is stable', () => {
-    expect(isStable('')).toBeNull();
-    expect(isStable('foobar')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isStable('final')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isStable('1')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isStable('1.2')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isStable('1.2.3')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isStable('')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isStable('v1.2.3.4')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isStable('1-alpha-1')).toBe(false);
-    expect(isStable('1-b1')).toBe(false);
-    expect(isStable('1-foo')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isStable('1-final-1.0.0')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isStable('1-release')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isStable('')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isStable('1.0milestone1')).toBe(false);
-    expect(isStable('1-sp')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isStable('1-ga-1')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isStable('1.3-groovy-2.5')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isStable('1.3-RC1-groovy-2.5')).toBe(false);
-    expect(isStable('Hoxton.RELEASE')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isStable('Hoxton.SR')).toBe(true);
-    expect(isStable('Hoxton.SR1')).toBe(true);
-  });
-  it('returns major version', () => {
-    expect(getMajor('')).toBeNull();
-    expect(getMajor('1')).toEqual(1);
-    expect(getMajor('1.2')).toEqual(1);
-    expect(getMajor('1.2.3')).toEqual(1);
-    expect(getMajor('v1.2.3')).toEqual(1);
-    expect(getMajor('1rc42')).toEqual(1);
-  });
-  it('returns minor version', () => {
-    expect(getMinor('')).toBeNull();
-    expect(getMinor('1')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(getMinor('1.2')).toEqual(2);
-    expect(getMinor('1.2.3')).toEqual(2);
-    expect(getMinor('v1.2.3')).toEqual(2);
-    expect(getMinor('')).toEqual(2);
-    expect(getMinor('1-rc42')).toEqual(0);
-  });
-  it('returns patch version', () => {
-    expect(getPatch('')).toBeNull();
-    expect(getPatch('1')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(getPatch('1.2')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(getPatch('1.2.3')).toEqual(3);
-    expect(getPatch('v1.2.3')).toEqual(3);
-    expect(getPatch('')).toEqual(3);
-    expect(getPatch('1-rc10')).toEqual(0);
-    expect(getPatch('1-rc42-1')).toEqual(0);
-  });
-  it('matches against maven ranges', () => {
-    expect(matches('0', '[0,1]')).toBe(true);
-    expect(matches('1', '[0,1]')).toBe(true);
-    expect(matches('0', '(0,1)')).toBe(false);
-    expect(matches('1', '(0,1)')).toBe(false);
-    expect(matches('1', '(0,2)')).toBe(true);
-    expect(matches('1', '[0,2]')).toBe(true);
-    expect(matches('1', '(,1]')).toBe(true);
-    expect(matches('1', '(,1)')).toBe(false);
-    expect(matches('1', '[1,)')).toBe(true);
-    expect(matches('1', '(1,)')).toBe(false);
-    expect(matches('1', '(,1),(1,)')).toBe(false);
-    expect(matches('1', '(0,1),(1,2)')).toBe(false);
-    expect(matches('1.0.0.RC9.2', '(,1.0.0.RC9.2),(1.0.0.RC9.2,)')).toBe(false);
-    expect(matches('1.0.0-RC14', '(,1.0.0.RC9.2),(1.0.0.RC9.2,)')).toBe(true);
-    expect(matches('0', '')).toBe(false);
-    expect(matches('1', '1')).toBe(true);
-    expect(matches('1', '(1')).toBe(false);
-  });
+  test.each`
+    versions | range  | expected
+    ${['1']} | ${'1'} | ${'1'}
+  `(
+    'getSatisfyingVersion($versions, "$range") === $expected',
+    ({ versions, range, expected }) => {
+      expect(maven.getSatisfyingVersion(versions, range)).toBe(expected);
+    }
+  );
-  it('api', () => {
-    expect(maven.isGreaterThan('1.1', '1')).toBe(true);
-    expect(maven.getSatisfyingVersion(['1'], '1')).toBe('1');
-    expect(
-      maven.getNewValue({
-        currentValue: '1',
-        rangeStrategy: null,
-        currentVersion: null,
-        newVersion: '1.1',
-      })
-    ).toBe('1.1');
-    expect(
-      maven.getNewValue({
-        currentValue: '[1.2.3,]',
-        rangeStrategy: null,
-        currentVersion: null,
-        newVersion: '1.2.4',
-      })
-    ).toBe('[1.2.3,]');
-  });
-  it('pins maven ranges', () => {
-    const sample = [
-      ['[1.2.3]', '1.2.3', '1.2.4'],
-      ['[1.0.0,1.2.3]', '1.0.0', '1.2.4'],
-      ['[1.0.0,1.2.23]', '1.0.0', '1.2.23'],
-      ['(,1.0]', '0.0.1', '2.0'],
-      ['],1.0]', '0.0.1', '2.0'],
-      ['(,1.0)', '0.1', '2.0'],
-      ['],1.0[', '2.0', '],2.0['],
-      ['[1.0,1.2],[1.3,1.5)', '1.0', '1.2.4'],
-      ['[1.0,1.2],[1.3,1.5[', '1.0', '1.2.4'],
-      ['[1.2.3,)', '1.2.3', '1.2.4'],
-      ['[1.2.3,[', '1.2.3', '1.2.4'],
-    ];
-    sample.forEach(([currentValue, currentVersion, newVersion]) => {
-      expect(
-        getNewValue({
-          currentValue,
-          rangeStrategy: 'pin',
-          currentVersion,
-          newVersion,
-        })
-      ).toEqual(newVersion);
-    });
-  });
+  test.each`
+    versions | range  | expected
+    ${['1']} | ${'1'} | ${'1'}
+  `(
+    'getSatisfyingVersion($versions, "$range") === $expected',
+    ({ versions, range, expected }) => {
+      expect(maven.getSatisfyingVersion(versions, range)).toBe(expected);
+    }
+  );
+  test.each`
+    currentValue             | rangeStrategy | currentVersion | newVersion  | expected
+    ${'1'}                   | ${null}       | ${null}        | ${'1.1'}    | ${'1.1'}
+    ${'[1.2.3,]'}            | ${null}       | ${null}        | ${'1.2.4'}  | ${'[1.2.3,]'}
+    ${'[1.2.3]'}             | ${'pin'}      | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'1.2.4'}  | ${'1.2.4'}
+    ${'[1.0.0,1.2.3]'}       | ${'pin'}      | ${'1.0.0'}     | ${'1.2.4'}  | ${'1.2.4'}
+    ${'[1.0.0,1.2.23]'}      | ${'pin'}      | ${'1.0.0'}     | ${'1.2.23'} | ${'1.2.23'}
+    ${'(,1.0]'}              | ${'pin'}      | ${'0.0.1'}     | ${'2.0'}    | ${'2.0'}
+    ${'],1.0]'}              | ${'pin'}      | ${'0.0.1'}     | ${'2.0'}    | ${'2.0'}
+    ${'(,1.0)'}              | ${'pin'}      | ${'0.1'}       | ${'2.0'}    | ${'2.0'}
+    ${'],1.0['}              | ${'pin'}      | ${'2.0'}       | ${'],2.0['} | ${'],2.0['}
+    ${'[1.0,1.2],[1.3,1.5)'} | ${'pin'}      | ${'1.0'}       | ${'1.2.4'}  | ${'1.2.4'}
+    ${'[1.0,1.2],[1.3,1.5['} | ${'pin'}      | ${'1.0'}       | ${'1.2.4'}  | ${'1.2.4'}
+    ${'[1.2.3,)'}            | ${'pin'}      | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'1.2.4'}  | ${'1.2.4'}
+    ${'[1.2.3,['}            | ${'pin'}      | ${'1.2.3'}     | ${'1.2.4'}  | ${'1.2.4'}
+  `(
+    'getNewValue($currentValue, $rangeStrategy, $currentVersion, $newVersion, $expected) === $expected',
+    ({ currentValue, rangeStrategy, currentVersion, newVersion, expected }) => {
+      const res = maven.getNewValue({
+        currentValue,
+        rangeStrategy,
+        currentVersion,
+        newVersion,
+      });
+      expect(res).toBe(expected);
+    }
+  );