import fs from 'node:fs'; import type { Url } from 'node:url'; import { codeBlock } from 'common-tags'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports import nock from 'nock'; import { makeGraphqlSnapshot } from './graphql-snapshot'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports export type { Scope, ReplyHeaders, Body } from 'nock'; interface RequestLog { headers: Record<string, string>; method: string; url: string; status: number; body?: any; graphql?: any; } interface MissingRequestLog { method: string; url: string; } type BasePath = string | RegExp | Url; let requestsDone: RequestLog[] = []; let requestsMissing: MissingRequestLog[] = []; interface TestRequest { method: string; href: string; } function onMissing(req: TestRequest, opts?: TestRequest): void { if (opts) { requestsMissing.push({ method: opts.method, url: opts.href }); } else { requestsMissing.push({ method: req.method, url: req.href }); } } export function allUsed(): boolean { return nock.isDone(); } function getPending(): string[] { return nock.pendingMocks().map((req) => `- ${req.replace(':443/', '/')}`); } /** * Clear nock state. Will be called in `afterEach` * * @argument check Use `false` to clear mocks without checking for the missing/unused ones. * Disabling such checks is discouraged. */ export function clear(check = true): void { const isDone = nock.isDone(); const pending = getPending(); nock.abortPendingRequests(); nock.cleanAll(); const done = requestsDone; requestsDone = []; const missing = requestsMissing; requestsMissing = []; if (!check) { return; } if (missing.length) { const err = new Error(missingHttpMockMessage(done, missing)); massageHttpMockStacktrace(err); throw err; } if (!isDone) { const err = new Error(unusedHttpMockMessage(done, pending)); massageHttpMockStacktrace(err); throw err; } } export function scope(basePath: BasePath, options?: nock.Options): nock.Scope { return nock(basePath, options).on('replied', (req) => { const { headers, method } = req; const url = req.options?.href; const status = req.response?.statusCode; const result: RequestLog = { headers, method, url, status }; const requestBody = req.requestBodyBuffers?.[0]?.toString(); if (requestBody && headers['content-type'] === 'application/json') { try { const body = JSON.parse(requestBody); const graphql = makeGraphqlSnapshot(body); if (graphql) { result.graphql = graphql; } else { result.body = body; } } catch { result.body = requestBody; } } requestsDone.push(result); }); } export function getTrace(): RequestLog[] { return requestsDone; } function massageHttpMockStacktrace(err: Error): void { if (!err.stack) { return; } const state = expect.getState(); if (!state.currentTestName || !state.testPath) { return; } const content = fs.readFileSync(state.testPath, { encoding: 'utf8' }); // Shrink the `testName` until we could locate it in the source file let testName = state.currentTestName.replace(/^[^\s]*\s/, ''); let idx = content.indexOf(testName); while (testName.length) { if (idx !== -1) { break; } const prevName = testName; testName = testName.replace(/^[^\s]*\s/, ''); if (prevName === testName) { break; } idx = content.indexOf(testName); } if (idx === -1) { return; } const lines = content.slice(0, idx).split('\n'); const lineNum = lines.length; const linePos = lines[lines.length - 1].length + 1; const stackLine = ` at <test> (${state.testPath}:${lineNum}:${linePos})`; err.stack = err.stack.replace(/\+\+\+.*$/s, stackLine); } function missingHttpMockMessage( done: RequestLog[], missing: MissingRequestLog[], ): string { const blocks: string[] = []; const title = codeBlock` *** Missing HTTP mocks *** `; const explanation = codeBlock` --- Renovate testing strategy requires that every HTTP request has a corresponding mock. This error occurs when some of the request aren't mocked. Let's suppose your code performs two HTTP calls: GET 404 <without body> POST 200 { "ok": true } The unit test should have this mock: httpMock.scope('') .get('/fail') .reply(404) .post('/success') .reply(200, { ok: true }); Note: \`httpMock.scope(...)\` is the Renovate-specific construct. The scope object itself is provided by the \`nock\` library. Details: +++ `; blocks.push(title); blocks.push(codeBlock` ${{ method, url }) => `- ${method} ${url}`).join('\n')} `); if (done.length) { blocks.push(codeBlock` Requests done: ${{ method, url, status }) => `- ${method} ${url} [${status}]`).join('\n')} `); } blocks.push(explanation); return blocks.join('\n\n'); } function unusedHttpMockMessage(done: RequestLog[], pending: string[]): string { const blocks: string[] = []; const title = codeBlock` *** Unused HTTP mocks *** `; const explanation = codeBlock` --- Renovate testing strategy requires that every HTTP request has a corresponding mock. This error occurs because some of the created mocks are unused. In most cases, you simply need to remove them. +++ `; blocks.push(title); blocks.push(pending.join('\n')); if (done.length) { blocks.push(codeBlock` Requests done: ${{ method, url, status }) => `- ${method} ${url} [${status}]`).join('\n')} `); } blocks.push(explanation); return blocks.join('\n\n'); } // init nock beforeAll(() => { nock.emitter.on('no match', onMissing); nock.disableNetConnect(); }); // clean nock to clear memory leack from http module patching afterAll(() => { nock.emitter.removeListener('no match', onMissing); nock.restore(); }); // clear nock state afterEach(() => { clear(); });