import { exec as _exec } from 'child_process'; import is from '@sindresorhus/is'; import traverse from 'traverse'; import { toUnix } from 'upath'; import { ExecOptions } from '../lib/util/exec'; type CallOptions = ExecOptions | null | undefined; export type ExecResult = { stdout: string; stderr: string } | Error; export type ExecMock = jest.Mock<typeof _exec>; export const exec: ExecMock = _exec as any; interface ExecSnapshot { cmd: string; options?: ExecOptions | null | undefined; } export type ExecSnapshots = ExecSnapshot[]; export function execSnapshot(cmd: string, options?: CallOptions): ExecSnapshot { const snapshot = { cmd, options, }; const cwd = toUnix(process.cwd()); // eslint-disable-next-line array-callback-return return traverse(snapshot).map(function fixup(v) { if (is.string(v)) { const val = v.replace(/\\(\w)/g, '/$1').replace(cwd, '/root/project'); this.update(val); } }); } const defaultExecResult = { stdout: '', stderr: '' }; export function mockExecAll( execFn: ExecMock, execResult: ExecResult = defaultExecResult ): ExecSnapshots { const snapshots: ExecSnapshots = []; execFn.mockImplementation((cmd, options, callback) => { snapshots.push(execSnapshot(cmd, options)); if (execResult instanceof Error) { throw execResult; } callback(null, execResult); return undefined; }); return snapshots; } export function mockExecSequence( execFn: ExecMock, execResults: ExecResult[] ): ExecSnapshots { const snapshots: ExecSnapshots = []; execResults.forEach((execResult) => { execFn.mockImplementationOnce((cmd, options, callback) => { snapshots.push(execSnapshot(cmd, options)); if (execResult instanceof Error) { throw execResult; } callback(null, execResult); return undefined; }); }); return snapshots; } const basicEnvMock = { HTTP_PROXY: '', HTTPS_PROXY: '', NO_PROXY: 'localhost', HOME: '/home/user', PATH: '/tmp/path', LANG: 'en_US.UTF-8', LC_ALL: 'en_US', }; const fullEnvMock = { ...basicEnvMock, SELECTED_ENV_VAR: 'Can be selected', FILTERED_ENV_VAR: 'Should be filtered', }; const filteredEnvMock = { ...basicEnvMock, SELECTED_ENV_VAR: fullEnvMock.SELECTED_ENV_VAR, }; export const envMock = { basic: basicEnvMock, full: fullEnvMock, filtered: filteredEnvMock, };