import is from '@sindresorhus/is'; import type { Preset } from '../types'; const repoGroups = { acot: '', 'ag-grid': '', 'arcus.event-grid': '', '': '', 'arcus.messaging': '', 'arcus.observability': '', 'arcus.webapi': '', 'arcus.background-jobs': '', 'algolia-react-instantsearch': '', 'algoliasearch-client-javascript': '', 'algoliasearch-autocomplete': '', 'angular-eslint': '', 'apollo-server': '', 'aspnet-api-versioning': '', 'aspnet aspnetwebstack': '', 'aspnet extensions': '', 'aws-cdk': '', 'aws-sdk-js-v3': '', 'aws-sdk-net': '', 'azure azure-libraries-for-net': '', 'azure azure-sdk-for-net': '', 'azure azure-storage-net': '', 'bugsnag-js': '', 'chakra-ui': '', 'contentful-rich-text': '', 'datadog-browser-sdk': '', 'date-io': '', deno: '', 'devextreme-reactive': '', 'dnd-kit': '', 'elastic-apm-agent-rum-js': '', 'electron-forge': '', 'ember-decorators': '', 'graphql-modules': '', groovy: '', 'ionic-native': '', jsplumb: '', 'mdc-react': 'material-components/material-components-web-react', 'ngx-formly': '', 'ngxs-store': '', 'reach-ui': '', 'react-admin': '', 'react-apollo': '', 'react-dnd': '', 'react-navigation': '', 'react-page': '', 'reactivestack-cookies': '', 'reg-suit': '', 'semantic-release': '', '': '', 'telus-tds': '', 'telus-tds-core': '', 'shopify-app-bridge': '', 'theme-ui': '', tsoa: '', 'typescript-eslint': '', 'typography-js': '', 'vue-cli': '', accounts: '', angularjs: '', angular: '', 'angular-cli': '', angularfire: '', apolloclient: '', awsappsync: '', babel: '', baset: '', brave: '', capacitor: '', chromely: '', clarity: '', clearscript: [ '', '', ], commitlint: '', docusaurus: '', dotnet: [ '', '', '', '', ], 'dotnet-wcf': '', 'dotnet-azure-ad-identitymodel-extensions': '', dropwizard: '', emojibase: '', emotion: '', expo: '', feathers: '', fela: '', fimbullinter: '', flopflip: '', fontsource: '', formatjs: '', framework7: '', gatsby: '', graphqlcodegenerator: [ '', '', ], 'graphql-mesh': '', 'graphql-tools': '', guava: '', javahamcrest: '', Hangfire: '', hapijs: '', hotchocolate: '', 'infrastructure-ui': '', istanbuljs: '', jasmine: '', javascriptengineswitcher: '', jersey: '', jest: '', junit5: '', lerna: '', linguijs: '', lodash: '', loopback: [ '', // old repo (see: '', ], lrnwebcomponents: '', mapstruct: '', masstransit: '', 'material-components-web': '', mdx: '', 'material-ui': [ '', // Previous organization name (see: '', ], 'mikro-orm': '', mockito: '', mstest: '', nest: [ '', '', ], netty: '', neutrino: [ '', '', ], nexpect: '', nextjs: [ '', // old repo '', ], nivo: '', ngrx: '', nrwl: '', nswag: '', nuxtjs: '', orleans: '', feign: '', 'opentelemetry-js': '', 'opentelemetry-dotnet': '', 'opentelemetry-go': '', parcel: '', 'percy-cli': '', picassojs: '', pixijs: '', pnpjs: '', playwright: '', pollyjs: '', pouchdb: '', prisma: '', quartznet: '', react: '', 'react-router': [ '', // old repo '', ], reakit: '', redwood: '', remark: '', router5: '', 'rust-futures': '', 'rust-wasm-bindgen': '', 'sentry-dotnet': '', 'sentry-javascript': '', 'sentry-ruby': '', 'sitecore-jss': '', springfox: '', sanity: '', 'sendgrid-nodejs': '', steeltoe: '', storybook: '', strapi: '', 'stryker-js': '', surveyjs: '', 'swashbuckle-aspnetcore': '', tauri: '', treat: '', typefaces: '', uppy: '', vue: ['', ''], vuepress: '', webdriverio: '', workbox: '', vstest: '', xterm: '', 'zxing-net': '', }; const patternGroups = { 'apache-camel': '^org.apache.camel:', babel6: '^babel6$', clarity: ['^@cds/', '^@clr/'], wordpress: '^@wordpress/', angularmaterial: ['^@angular/material', '^@angular/cdk'], 'aws-java-sdk': '^com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-', 'aws-java-sdk-v2': '^', embroider: '^@embroider/', fullcalendar: '^@fullcalendar/', }; export const presets: Record<string, Preset> = {}; for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(repoGroups)) { presets[name] = { description: `${name} monorepo`, matchSourceUrlPrefixes: is.array(value) ? value : [value], }; } for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(patternGroups)) { presets[name] = { description: `${name} monorepo`, matchPackagePatterns: is.array(value) ? value : [value], }; }