import upath from 'upath'; import type { MockedFunction } from 'vitest'; import type { DeepMockProxy } from 'vitest-mock-extended'; import type { RenovateConfig } from '../lib/config/types'; import * as _logger from '../lib/logger'; import type { Platform } from '../lib/modules/platform'; import { platform as _platform } from '../lib/modules/platform'; import { scm as _scm } from '../lib/modules/platform/scm'; import * as _env from '../lib/util/exec/env'; import * as _fs from '../lib/util/fs'; import * as _git from '../lib/util/git'; import * as _hostRules from '../lib/util/host-rules'; import { regEx } from '../lib/util/regex'; /** * Simple wrapper for getting mocked version of a module * @param module module which is mocked by `vi.mock` * @deprecated Use `vi.mocked` instead */ export const mocked = vi.mocked; /** * Simple wrapper for getting mocked version of a module * @param module module which is mocked by `vitest-mock-extended.mockDeep` */ export function mockedExtended<T extends object>(module: T): DeepMockProxy<T> { return module as DeepMockProxy<T>; } /** * Simple wrapper for getting mocked version of a function * @param func function which is mocked by `vi.mock` * @deprecated Use `vi.mocked` instead */ export function mockedFunction<T extends (...args: any[]) => any>( func: T, ): MockedFunction<T> { return func as MockedFunction<T>; } /** * Simply wrapper to create partial mocks. * @param obj Object to cast to final type */ export function partial<T>(): T; export function partial<T>(obj: Partial<T>): T; export function partial<T>(obj: Partial<T>[]): T[]; export function partial(obj: unknown = {}): unknown { return obj; } export const fs = vi.mocked(_fs); export const git = vi.mocked(_git); export const platform = vi.mocked(partial<Required<Platform>>(_platform)); export const scm = vi.mocked(_scm); export const env = vi.mocked(_env); export const hostRules = vi.mocked(_hostRules); export const logger = vi.mocked(_logger, true); export type { RenovateConfig }; function getCallerFileName(): string | null { let result: string | null = null; const prepareStackTrace = Error.prepareStackTrace; const stackTraceLimit = Error.stackTraceLimit; Error.prepareStackTrace = (_err, stack) => stack; Error.stackTraceLimit = 5; // max calls inside this file + 1 try { const err = new Error(); const stack = err.stack as unknown as NodeJS.CallSite[]; let currentFile: string | null = null; for (const frame of stack) { const fileName = frame.getFileName() ?? null; if (!currentFile) { currentFile = fileName; } else if (currentFile !== fileName) { result = fileName; break; } } } catch { // no-op } Error.prepareStackTrace = prepareStackTrace; Error.stackTraceLimit = stackTraceLimit; return result; } export function getFixturePath(fixtureFile: string, fixtureRoot = '.'): string { const callerDir = upath.dirname(getCallerFileName()!); return upath.join(callerDir, fixtureRoot, '__fixtures__', fixtureFile); } export function regexMatches(target: string, patterns: string[]): boolean { return patterns.some((patt: string) => { const re = regEx(patt); return re.test(target); }); }