import fs from 'fs'; import { getOptions } from '../lib/config/definitions'; declare global { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-namespace namespace jest { type ContainsOption<T> = T extends ArrayLike<unknown> ? T[number] : unknown; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars interface Matchers<R, T> { /** * only available in `test/website-docs.spec.js` * @param arg Value which current values should contain */ toContainOption(arg: ContainsOption<T>): void; } } } const options = getOptions(); describe('docs', () => { const doc = fs.readFileSync('docs/usage/', 'utf8'); const selfHostDoc = fs.readFileSync( 'docs/usage/', 'utf8' ); const headers = doc .match(/\n## (.*?)\n/g) .map((match) => match.substring(4, match.length - 1)); const selfHostHeaders = selfHostDoc .match(/\n## (.*?)\n/g) .map((match) => match.substring(4, match.length - 1)); const expectedOptions = options .filter((option) => option.stage !== 'global') .filter((option) => option.releaseStatus !== 'unpublished') .filter((option) => !option.admin) .filter((option) => !option.parent) .filter((option) => !option.autogenerated) .map((option) => .sort(); const selfHostExpectedOptions = options .filter((option) => option.admin || option.stage === 'global') .map((option) => .sort(); it('has doc headers sorted alphabetically', () => { expect(headers).toEqual([...headers].sort()); }); it('has headers for every required option', () => { expect(headers).toEqual(expectedOptions); }); it('has self hosted doc headers sorted alphabetically', () => { expect(selfHostHeaders).toEqual([...selfHostHeaders].sort()); }); it('has headers (self hosted) for every required option', () => { expect(selfHostHeaders).toEqual(selfHostExpectedOptions); }); const headers3 = doc .match(/\n### (.*?)\n/g) .map((match) => match.substring(5, match.length - 1)); headers3.sort(); const expectedOptions3 = options .filter((option) => option.stage !== 'global') .filter((option) => !option.admin) .filter((option) => option.parent) .map((option) => .sort(); expectedOptions3.sort(); it('has headers for every required sub-option', () => { expect(headers3).toEqual(expectedOptions3); }); // Checking relatedOptions field in definitions const relatedOptionsMatrix = options .filter((option) => option.relatedOptions) .map((option) => option.relatedOptions) .sort(); let relatedOptions: string[] = [].concat(...relatedOptionsMatrix); // Converts the matrix to an 1D array relatedOptions = [ Set(relatedOptions)]; // Makes all options unique /* Matcher which checks if the argument is within the received array (or string) on an error, it throws a custom message. */ expect.extend({ toContainOption<T extends string>(received: T[], argument: T) { if (received.includes(argument)) { return { message: (): string => `Option "${argument}" should be within definitions`, pass: true, }; } return { message: (): string => `Option "${argument}" doesn't exist within definitions`, pass: false, }; }, }); const allOptionNames = =>; // Lists through each option in the relatedOptions array to be able to locate the exact element which causes error, in case of one it('has valid relateOptions values', () => { relatedOptions.forEach((relOption) => { expect(allOptionNames).toContainOption(relOption); }); }); });