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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v1.0.34
    1a2b123f · v1.0.34 ·
    Re-enable read syncs (to your devices) or read receipts (to client devices) (#1604)
  • v1.0.33
    04fb736e · v1.0.33 ·
    Re-enable download and upload of larger attachments
    Prevent situation where lack of keys makes "Error handling incoming
    message." common (#1595)
    Stay connected or reconnect quickly in changing network conditions,
    returning from sleep, etc. (#1593)
    Don't send read syncs (to your devices) or read receipts (to client
    devices) for messages with errors (#1596)
    Fix occasional very long app startup (#1597)
    Don't check for auto updates on linux; handled by package manager
  • v1.0.32
    3525e9f4 · v1.0.32 ·
    Load profiles for a conversation without blocking convo load (#1570)
    The About window is no longer blank (#1564)
    Add 5s timeout for all requests but attachment up/down, avatar (#1584)
      - Move to node fetch API for web requests instead of XHR (#1552)
      - Log when we've detected a new version (#1567)
      - Reduce logging when the window moves (#1568)
      - Add GPLv3 LICENSE file (#1309)
      - Remove documentation references to BitHub (#1576)
      - models/conversation: Refer to proper error variable (#1569)
      - Deployment: No longer use CI windows assets (#1564)
      - Fix copy pasta of timestamp_m to timestamp_h in locales (#1582)
  • v1.0.31
    9e7c2357 · v1.0.31 ·
    Improved OS menus (#1563)
      - About box now available on all platforms
      - The Help menu now has four new items: Go to release notes, Go to forums, Go to support, File a bug
      - All menu item labels are now localizable
    Add setting to hide menu bar on Windows/Linux - thanks to @connection-reset! (#1551)
    Fix flickering offline/disconnected status on Linux (#1561)
    Fix slowdowns when composing multiline message (#1560)
    Fix intermittent incorrect conversation sort order (#1558)
      - Improve fixtures, restore `InboxView` rendering on the test page (#1562)
      - Bugfix updates to a number of dependencies (#1560)
      - .gitignore no longer excludes many files under `components` (#1560)
  • v1.0.30
    019ffba1 · v1.0.30 ·
    Add 100MB file size limit for arbitrary file types (#1555)
    Fully eliminate debug from imported data (#1556)
  • v1.0.29
    26bff0db · v1.0.29 ·
    Feature: Blue check marks for read messages if opted in (#1489)
    Re-enable import by excluding 'debug' items from export (#1532)
    Better handling of network disconnection/reconnection on Linux (#1546)
    Load debug log dialog immediately, then populate log data (#1540)
    Fix audio notifications on Linux (#1526)
    Re-enable fullscreen on OSX (#1525)
    Fix vertically-aligned onboarding progress text (#1547)
    Fix broken file icon when attaching non-image (#1548)
      - Standardize artifact names - include platform name (#1539)
      - Update electron-updater and supply it with windows/publisherName
      - Use cdn endpoint for auto update (#1538)
      - Override console.log in main process, handle non-strings (#1536)
      - window.onerror: move to proper window.log.error call (#1528)
      - Remove duplicate definition of getSyncRequest (#1530)
      - Ensure locale is 'en' when NODE_ENV=test (#1527)
  • v1.0.27
    68070561 · v1.0.27 ·
    Make long-lived socket connections more reliable (#1511)
    Show offline state faster on loss of network access (#1512)
      - Only show notifications when a large backlog download is complete
      - Ensure final message before 'empty' is ready for notification
    Ensure we always replace $name$ variable in strings (#1520)
    Update strings for fa, no, pt_BR, pt_PT, ro, zh_CN, zh_TW (#1517)
    Update electron to v1.6.14 to get security fix (#1519)
    Eliminate warning on Windows installation with code-signing (#1513)
      - Move logging to disk via bunyan - should make message processing
        faster! (#1506)
      - Only retry messages on startup, not every reconnect (#1510)
      - Log call messages instead of throwing error (#1504)
      - Redact group ids in logging
      - Remove manifest.json from project
  • v1.0.26
    33f5a804 · v1.0.26 ·
    Fix extended periods of not receiving messages on Linux (#1497)
    Fix crash on non-file drag/drop events (#1498)
      - yarn install now builds electron dependencies automatically
      - Docs are refreshed for the new world of Electron (#1491)
      - Update our release scripts to match changes in electron-builder
      - Additional logging when we can't decrypt a user's profile (#1483)
      - Remove images/emoji directory (#1485)
  • v1.0.25
    bf3eb6d3 · v1.0.25 ·
    Update to Emojiset 4.0 (#1482)
    Fix unthemed Submit Debug Log dialog (#1479)
    Additional logging to help track down socket disconnect problems
    Dismiss loading screen if we have network problems (#1466)
      On network error during setup, show error screen instead of hanging
      Allow user to setup new install with pre-profiles mobile device
    Ensure that we stay pinned to Windows taskbar on upgrade (#1473)
    Ensure we are in the right category on Linux (#1473)
    Ensure that we Heavye the right icon in the GNOME taskbar (#1473)
    Transifex config specific to electron, updated translations (#1478)
      Bypass often-corrupt node_modules/.bin/grunt.cmd on windows (#1481)
      AppVeyor: Reduce build output due to xcopy of all emoji files
  • v0.43.4
    6b7edc2d · v0.43.4 ·
    Force full contact/group import on next launch if not first run (#1476)
    Performance: Log entry max to 2k, less logging in hot codepaths (#1459)
    Don't show notification for verified state change with yourself (#1454)
    Export: Improve usability - timing expectations, install button (#1474)
    Add Transifex config to git to unblock Electron localization (#1477)
    Large localization update
  • v1.0.24
    5db71cd1 · v1.0.24 ·
    Contact profiles support - display avatars and names (#1453)
    Audio notes can now be recorded on Windows (#1456)
    When window is snap-positioned on windows, no longer automatically
    re-position window (#1455)
    Ensure that our sound setting applies for all notification types (#1445)
    Fix loading screen hang with application is unlinked (#1440)
    Fix error dialog on initial load (#1440)
    Based on
  • v0.43.3
    3a733ea1 · v0.43.3 ·
    Fix bug causing contact and group names/colors to be lost (#1437)
    Fix broken Swedish translation preventing new installs
    Fix clear message bubbles when adding contact with previous messages
    in iOS (#1438)
    Fix message bubble widths on horizontal resizes (#1447)
    Remove horizontal scrolling in convo/message lists (#1448)
    Update translations for hr, pt_BR and sv
    Export (still behind a flag):
      - Limit attachment filename length for Windows path limits (#1439)
      - Reintroduce conversation last-contact date in directory name (#1439)
    Add tests for export utility functions (#1439)
  • v0.43.2
    c956f64a · v0.43.2 ·
    Fix problems with updating contact information (#1419)
    Performance/reliability: Fetch conversations from DB only once (#1420)
    Export bug-fixes (still behind a flag)
      - Properly generate directory names for nameless groups (#1421)
      - Remove " as one of the allowed characters in filenames
  • v0.43.1
    a01588f5 · v0.43.1 ·
    Properly handle update of blocked numbers sync'd from mobile
    device (#1411)
    Fix some bugs with migration to Electron (still behind a flag)
      - Dark Theme: Increase banner text contrast for legibility (#1415)
      - Better disambiguate conversation directory names (#1409)
      - Handle long group or contact names (#1402)
      - Redact group ids in export logging (#1402)
    Better logging
      - Don't log expiration if queued task threw an error (#1412)
      - Additional error handling/logging during contact sync (#1395)
    Remove unknown group messages from cache - no need to retry! (#1414)
    Update a large number of strings via transifex (#1403)
  • v0.43.0
    6190ad79 · v0.43.0 ·
    Note: This version requires a new 'directory' permission
    Feature: Migration to Electron (currently behind a flag)
      - Warning banner that this version is deprecated
      - Export of all database contents to disk
      - This exported data can be used to initialize the Electron version
        of the app
      - Note: after export, this Chrome instance will not be useable since
        the Electron export-initialized instance will be an exact copy.
        _There can only be one_ client with the same identity!
      - See original pull request for flags to enable or reset:
    We now log 'clearAttention' less, since we call it every two seconds
    String updates for es, fi, it, ja, pt_PT, ru and sv
  • v0.42.7
    f26b9f35 · v0.42.7 ·
    - Don't try messages again on subsequent startup if error has been
      shown to the user
    - Performance improvement when processing incoming messages
    - Workaround for Chrome App icon flashing behavior
    - Additional logging when we get delivery receipt for unknown message
    - Addition logging to help track down problems with contact sync
  • v0.42.6
    ef00c382 · v0.42.6 ·
    Clean up recently-added strings with grunt locale-patch task
  • v0.42.5
    6659b0d3 · v0.42.5 ·
      - Avatar now persists through conversation unload
      - String updates for spanish, italian, and romanian
      - Logging for performance analysis and cross-device debugging
      - No more emails from Travis on CI runs
  • v0.42.4
    dd8e20b9 · v0.42.4 ·
    -- Fix for incorrect received_date when downloading large amount of
      messages from the server.
  • v0.42.3
    973a91d1 · v0.42.3 ·
    - Fix for incorrect recieved_date when downloading large amount of
      messages from the server.