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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v1.8.1
    c914d3d4 · v1.8.1 ·
    * Fix multiple VoIP regressions ([matrix-org/matrix-js-sdk#1860](
  • v1.8.0
    2dc89fb4 · v1.8.0 ·
    * Show how long a call was on call tiles ([\#6570]( Fixes #18405. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Add regional indicators to emoji picker ([\#6490]( Fixes #14963. Contributed by [robintown](
    * Make call control buttons accessible to screen reader users ([\#6181]( Fixes #18358. Contributed by [pvagner](
    * Skip sending a thumbnail if it is not a sufficient saving over the original ([\#6559]( Fixes #17906.
    * Increase PiP snapping speed ([\#6539]( Fixes #18371. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Improve and move the incoming call toast ([\#6470]( Fixes #17912. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Allow all of the URL schemes that Firefox allows ([\#6457]( Contributed by [aaronraimist](
    * Improve bubble layout colors ([\#6452]( Fixes #18081. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Spaces let users switch between Home and All Rooms behaviours ([\#6497]( Fixes #18093.
    * Support for MSC2285 (hidden read receipts) ([\#6390]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Group pinned message events with MELS ([\#6349]( Fixes #17938. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Make version copiable ([\#6227]( Fixes #17603 and #18329. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Improve voice messages uploading state ([\#6530]( Fixes #18226 and #18224.
    * Add surround with feature ([\#5510]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Improve call event tile wording ([\#6545]( Fixes #18376. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Show an avatar/a turned off microphone icon for muted users ([\#6486]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Prompt user to leave rooms/subspaces in a space when leaving space ([\#6424]( Fixes #18071.
    * Add support for screen sharing in 1:1 calls ([\#5992]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Dismiss electron download toast when clicking Open ([\#18267]( Fixes #18266.
    * [Release] Fix glare related regressions ([\#6622]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * [Release] Fix PiP of held calls ([\#6612]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * [Release] Fix toast colors ([\#6607]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix [object Object] in Widget Permissions ([\#6560]( Fixes #18384. Contributed by [Palid](
    * Fix right margin for events on IRC layout ([\#6542]( Fixes #18354.
    * Mirror only usermedia feeds ([\#6512]( Fixes #5633. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix LogoutDialog warning + TypeScript migration ([\#6533](
    * Fix the wrong font being used in the room topic field ([\#6527]( Fixes #18339. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix inconsistent styling for links on hover ([\#6513]( Contributed by [janogarcia](
    * Fix incorrect height for encoded placeholder images ([\#6514]( Contributed by [Palid](
    * Fix call events layout for message bubble ([\#6465]( Fixes #18144.
    * Improve subspaces and some utilities around room/space creation ([\#6458]( Fixes #18090 #18091 and #17256.
    * Restore pointer cursor for SenderProfile in message bubbles ([\#6501]( Fixes #18249.
    * Fix issues with the Call View ([\#6472]( Fixes #18221. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Align event list summary read receipts when using message bubbles ([\#6500]( Fixes #18143.
    * Better positioning for unbubbled events in timeline ([\#6477]( Fixes #18132.
    * Realign reactions row with messages in modern layout ([\#6491]( Fixes #18118. Contributed by [robintown](
    * Fix CreateRoomDialog exploding when making public room outside of a space ([\#6492]( Fixes #18275.
    * Fix call crashing because `element` was undefined ([\#6488]( Fixes #18270. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Upscale thumbnails to the container size ([\#6589]( Fixes #18307.
    * Fix create room dialog in spaces no longer adding to the space ([\#6587]( Fixes #18465.
    * Don't show a modal on call reject/user hangup ([\#6580]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fade Call View Buttons after `componentDidMount` ([\#6581]( Fixes #18439. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix missing expand button on codeblocks ([\#6565]( Fixes #18388. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * allow customizing the bubble layout colors ([\#6568]( Fixes #18408. Contributed by [benneti](
    * Don't flash "Missed call" when accepting a call ([\#6567]( Fixes #18404. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix clicking whitespaces on replies ([\#6571]( Fixes #18327. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix composer not being disabled when sending voice messages ([\#6562]( Fixes #18413.
    * Fix sizing issues of the screen picker ([\#6498]( Fixes #18281. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Stop voice messages that are playing when starting a recording ([\#6563]( Fixes #18410.
    * Fix random box appearing when clicking room list headers. ([\#6561]( Fixes #18414.
    * Null guard space inviter to prevent the app exploding ([\#6558](
    * Make the ringing sound mutable/disablable ([\#6534]( Fixes #15591. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix wrong cursor being used in PiP ([\#6551]( Fixes #18383. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Re-pin Jitsi if the widget already exists ([\#6226]( Fixes #17679. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix broken call notification regression ([\#6526]( Fixes #18335. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * createRoom, only send join rule event if we have a join rule to put in it ([\#6516]( Fixes #18301.
    * Fix clicking pills inside replies ([\#6508]( Fixes #18283. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix grecaptcha regression ([\#6503]( Fixes #18284. Contributed by [Palid](
    * Fix compatibility with accounts where the security passphrase was created on a mobile device ([\#1819](
  • v1.8.0-rc.1
    724f5751 · v1.8.0-rc.1 ·
    * Show how long a call was on call tiles ([\#6570]( Fixes #18405. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Add regional indicators to emoji picker ([\#6490]( Fixes #14963. Contributed by [robintown](
    * Make call control buttons accessible to screen reader users ([\#6181]( Fixes #18358. Contributed by [pvagner](
    * Skip sending a thumbnail if it is not a sufficient saving over the original ([\#6559]( Fixes #17906.
    * Increase PiP snapping speed ([\#6539]( Fixes #18371. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Improve and move the incoming call toast ([\#6470]( Fixes #17912. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Allow all of the URL schemes that Firefox allows ([\#6457]( Contributed by [aaronraimist](
    * Improve bubble layout colors ([\#6452]( Fixes #18081. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Spaces let users switch between Home and All Rooms behaviours ([\#6497]( Fixes #18093.
    * Support for MSC2285 (hidden read receipts) ([\#6390]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Group pinned message events with MELS ([\#6349]( Fixes #17938. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Make version copiable ([\#6227]( Fixes #17603 and #18329. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Improve voice messages uploading state ([\#6530]( Fixes #18226 and #18224.
    * Add surround with feature ([\#5510]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Improve call event tile wording ([\#6545]( Fixes #18376. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Show an avatar/a turned off microphone icon for muted users ([\#6486]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Prompt user to leave rooms/subspaces in a space when leaving space ([\#6424]( Fixes #18071.
    * none ([\#6455]( Fixes #18035.
    * Add support for screen sharing in 1:1 calls ([\#5992]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Dismiss electron download toast when clicking Open ([\#18267]( Fixes #18266.
    * Fix [object Object] in Widget Permissions ([\#6560]( Fixes #18384. Contributed by [Palid](
    * Fix right margin for events on IRC layout ([\#6542]( Fixes #18354.
    * Mirror only usermedia feeds ([\#6512]( Fixes #5633. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix LogoutDialog warning + TypeScript migration ([\#6533](
    * Fix the wrong font being used in the room topic field ([\#6527]( Fixes #18339. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix inconsistent styling for links on hover ([\#6513]( Contributed by [janogarcia](
    * Fix incorrect height for encoded placeholder images ([\#6514]( Contributed by [Palid](
    * Fix call events layout for message bubble ([\#6465]( Fixes #18144.
    * Improve subspaces and some utilities around room/space creation ([\#6458]( Fixes #18090 #18091 and #17256.
    * Restore pointer cursor for SenderProfile in message bubbles ([\#6501]( Fixes #18249.
    * Fix issues with the Call View ([\#6472]( Fixes #18221. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Align event list summary read receipts when using message bubbles ([\#6500]( Fixes #18143.
    * Better positioning for unbubbled events in timeline ([\#6477]( Fixes #18132.
    * Realign reactions row with messages in modern layout ([\#6491]( Fixes #18118. Contributed by [robintown](
    * Fix CreateRoomDialog exploding when making public room outside of a space ([\#6492]( Fixes #18275.
    * Fix call crashing because `element` was undefined ([\#6488]( Fixes #18270. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Upscale thumbnails to the container size ([\#6589]( Fixes #18307.
    * Fix create room dialog in spaces no longer adding to the space ([\#6587]( Fixes #18465.
    * Don't show a modal on call reject/user hangup ([\#6580]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fade Call View Buttons after `componentDidMount` ([\#6581]( Fixes #18439. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix missing expand button on codeblocks ([\#6565]( Fixes #18388. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * allow customizing the bubble layout colors ([\#6568]( Fixes #18408. Contributed by [benneti](
    * Don't flash "Missed call" when accepting a call ([\#6567]( Fixes #18404. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix clicking whitespaces on replies ([\#6571]( Fixes #18327. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix composer not being disabled when sending voice messages ([\#6562]( Fixes #18413.
    * none ([\#6550]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix sizing issues of the screen picker ([\#6498]( Fixes #18281. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Stop voice messages that are playing when starting a recording ([\#6563]( Fixes #18410.
    * Fix random box appearing when clicking room list headers. ([\#6561]( Fixes #18414.
    * Null guard space inviter to prevent the app exploding ([\#6558](
    * Make the ringing sound mutable/disablable ([\#6534]( Fixes #15591. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix wrong cursor being used in PiP ([\#6551]( Fixes #18383. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Re-pin Jitsi if the widget already exists ([\#6226]( Fixes #17679. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix broken call notification regression ([\#6526]( Fixes #18335. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * createRoom, only send join rule event if we have a join rule to put in it ([\#6516]( Fixes #18301.
    * Fix clicking pills inside replies ([\#6508]( Fixes #18283. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
    * Fix grecaptcha regression ([\#6503]( Fixes #18284. Contributed by [Palid](
    * Fix compatibility with accounts where the security passphrase was created on a mobile device ([\#1819](
  • v1.7.34
    245d1387 · v1.7.34 ·
    * Sanitize untrusted variables from message previews before translation
    Fixes vector-im/element-web#18314
    * Fix editing of `<sub>` & `<sup`> & `<u>`
    Fixes #18211
    * Zoom images in lightbox to where the cursor points
    Fixes #17870
    * Avoid hitting the settings store from TextForEvent
    Fixes #17650
    * Initial MSC3083 + MSC3244 support
    Fixes #17686 and #17661
    * Navigate to the first room with notifications when clicked on space notification dot
    * Add matrix: to the list of permitted URL schemes
    * Add "Copy Link" to room context menu
    * 💭 Message bubble layout
    Fixes #4635, #17773 #16220 and #7687
    * Play only one audio file at a time
    Fixes #17439
    * Move download button for media to the action bar
    Fixes #17943
    * Improved display of one-to-one call history with summary boxes for each call
    Fixes #16409
    * Notification settings UI refresh
    Fixes #17782
    * Fix EventIndex double handling events and erroring
    Fixes #18008
    * Improve reply rendering
    Fixes vector-im/riot-web#9217, vector-im/riot-web#7633, vector-im/riot-web#7530, vector-im/riot-web#7169, vector-im/riot-web#7151, vector-im/riot-web#6692 vector-im/riot-web#6579 and #17440
    * Improve performance of room name calculation
    * Fix browser history getting stuck looping back to the same room
    * Fix space shortcuts on layouts with non-English keys in the places of numbers
    Fixes #17776
    * Fix CreateRoomDialog exploding when making public room outside of a space
    * Fix regression where registration would soft-crash on captcha
    Fixes #18284
    * only send join rule event if we have a join rule to put in it
    * Improve the new download button's discoverability and interactions.
    * Fix voice recording UI looking broken while microphone permissions are being requested.
    Fixes #18223
    * Match colors of room and user avatars in DMs
    Fixes #2449
    * Fix onPaste handler to work with copying files from Finder
    Fixes #15536 and #16255
    * Fix infinite pagination loop when offline
    Fixes #18242
    * Fix blurhash rounded corners missing regression
    Fixes #18110
    * Fix position of the space hierarchy spinner
    Fixes #18182
    * Fix display of image messages that lack thumbnails
    Fixes #18175
    * Fix crash with large audio files.
    Fixes #18149
    * Make diff colors in codeblocks more pleasant
    Fixes #17939
    * Show the correct audio file duration while loading the file.
    Fixes #18160
    * Fix various timeline settings not applying immediately.
    Fixes #17748
    * Fix issues with room list duplication
    Fixes #14508
    * Fix grecaptcha throwing useless error sometimes
    Fixes #15142
    * Update Emojibase and Twemoji and switch to IamCal (Slack-style) shortcodes
    Fixes #13857 and #13334
    * Respect compound emojis in default avatar initial generation
    Fixes #18040
    * Fix bug where the 'other homeserver' field in the server selection dialog would become briefly focus and then unfocus when clicked.
    Fixes #18031
    * Standardise spelling and casing of homeserver, identity server, and integration manager
    * Fix widgets not receiving decrypted events when they have permission.
    Fixes #17615
    * Prevent client hangs when calculating blurhashes
    Fixes #17945
    * Exclude state events from widgets reading room events
    * Cache feature_spaces\* flags to improve performance
  • v1.7.34-rc.1
    37faa1ca · v1.7.34-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Translations update from Weblate
    * Update ESLint config
    * Update matrix-org-eslint-plugin and tighten max warning limit
    * Update webpack path for new voice message worker location
    * yarn upgrade
    * Conform to new typescript eslint rules
    * Add the Matrix Space to the translations guide
    * Update eslint-plugin-matrix-org
    * Fix browser history getting stuck looping back to the same room
    * Use URLSearchParams instead of transitive dependency `querystring`
    * Update PR template for new changelog generation
    * Fix space shortcuts on layouts with non-English keys in the places of
    * Add comment around feature_spaces flag usage
    * Standardise casing of identity server
    * Convert CONTRIBUTING to markdown
    * Ignore workers for jest tests because it disagrees with worker-loader
    * Use webpack worker-loader instead of homegrown hack
    * Fix types to match Typescripted IndexedDB store
    * Improve and consolidate typing
  • v1.7.33
    d75b0b4e · v1.7.33 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * No changes from rc.1
  • v1.7.33-rc.1
    d58c4dee · v1.7.33-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Translations update from Weblate
    * Revert "Don't run nginx as root in docker"
    * Don't run nginx as root in docker
    * Add VS Code to gitignore
    * Remove canvas native dependencies from Dockerfile
    * Remove node-canvas devDependency
    * Add `reskindex` to development steps
    * Update Modernizr and stop it from polluting classes on the html tag
    * Convert a few files to TS
    * Do not generate a lockfile when running in CI
    * Fix lockfile to match listed dependencies
    * Remove PostCSS calc() processing
    * Make issue template styling more consistent and improve PR template
    * Update jsrsasign to ^10.2.0 (Includes fix for CVE-2021-30246)
    * Migrate to `eslint-plugin-matrix-org`
    * Remove spurious overflow: auto on #matrixchat element
    * Enhance security by disallowing CSP object-src rule
  • v1.7.32
    6d46ed80 · v1.7.32 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * No changes from rc.1
  • v1.7.32-rc.1
    8f820249 · v1.7.32-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Update to react-sdk v3.25.0-rc.1 and js-sdk v12.0.1-rc.1
    * Translations update from Weblate
    * Fix canvas-filter-polyfill mock path
    * Mock context-filter-polyfill for app-tests
    * Add to default room directory
    * Improve typing of Event Index Manager / Seshat
    * Bump dns-packet from 1.3.1 to 1.3.4
    * Update matrix-widget-api to fix build issues
    * Fix whitespace in Dockerfile
    * Upgrade @types/react and @types/react-dom
    * Spaces keyboard shortcuts first cut
    * Labs: feature_report_to_moderators
  • v1.7.31
    e02d17a6 · v1.7.31 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.24.0 and JS SDK 12.0.0
  • v1.7.31-rc.1
    673a5ccc · v1.7.31-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.24.0-rc.1 and JS SDK 12.0.0-rc.1
    * Translations update from Weblate
    * Upgrade matrix-react-test-utils for React 17 peer deps
    * Fix lint errors in Webpack config
    * Preload only `woff2` fonts
    * ⚛️ Upgrade to React@17
  • v1.7.30
    74d51a3a · v1.7.30 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.23.0 and JS SDK 11.2.0
  • v1.7.30-rc.1
    8e111e2b · v1.7.30-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.23.0-rc.1 and JS SDK 11.2.0-rc.1
    * Translations update from Weblate
    * Add Modernizr test for Promise.allSettled given js-sdk and react-sdk depend
    on it
    * Bump libolm dependency, and update package name.
    * Remove logo spinner
  • v1.7.29
    3a67dc18 · v1.7.29 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    Element Web 1.7.29 fixes (by upgrading to olm 3.2.3) an issue in code used for
    decrypting server-side stored secrets. The issue could potentially allow a
    malicious homeserver to cause a stack buffer overflow in the affected function
    and to control that function's local variables.
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.22.0 and JS SDK 11.1.0
    * [Release] Bump libolm dependency, and update package name
  • v1.7.29-rc.1
    618665f6 · v1.7.29-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.22.0-rc.1 and JS SDK 11.1.0-rc.1
    * Translations update from Weblate
    * Prevent minification of `.html` files
    * Update matrix-widget-api/react-sdk dependency reference
    * Add `yarn start:https`
    * Translations update from Weblate
    * Remove "in development" flag from voice messages labs documentation
    * Add required webpack+jest config to load Safari support modules
  • v1.7.28
    4e0ea04d · v1.7.28 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    Element Web 1.7.28 fixes (by upgrading to matrix-react-sdk 3.21.0) a low
    severity issue (GHSA-8796-gc9j-63rv) related to file upload. When uploading a
    file, the local file preview can lead to execution of scripts embedded in the
    uploaded file, but only after several user interactions to open the preview in
    a separate tab. This only impacts the local user while in the process of
    uploading. It cannot be exploited remotely or by other users. Thanks to
    [Muhammad Zaid Ghifari]( for responsibly disclosing
    this via Matrix's Security Disclosure Policy.
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.21.0 and JS SDK 11.0.0
  • v1.7.28-rc.1
    5eaaf34f · v1.7.28-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.21.0-rc.1 and JS SDK 11.0.0-rc.1
    * Switch back to release version of `sanitize-html`
    * Bump url-parse from 1.4.7 to 1.5.1
    * Bump lodash from 4.17.20 to 4.17.21
    * Bump hosted-git-info from 2.8.8 to 2.8.9
    * Disable host checking on the webpack dev server
    * Bump ua-parser-js from 0.7.23 to 0.7.24
  • v1.7.27
    93e6abef · v1.7.27 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.20.0 and JS SDK 10.1.0
  • v1.7.27-rc.1
    ee620be1 · v1.7.27-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.20.0-rc.1 and JS SDK 10.1.0-rc.1
    * Translations update from Weblate
    * Document option for obeying asserted identity
    * Implement IPC call to Electron to set language
    * Convert Vector skin react components to Typescript
    * Add code quality review policy
    * Register RecorderWorklet from react-sdk
    * Preload Inter font to avoid FOIT on slow connections
    * Disable `postcss-calc`'s noisy `warnWhenCannotResolve` option
  • v1.7.26
    6d056d7a · v1.7.26 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.19.0 and JS SDK 10.0.0