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  • v1.7.26-rc.1
    1a7cfc67 · v1.7.26-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.19.0-rc.1 and JS SDK 10.0.0-rc.1
    * Translations update from Weblate
    * Bump ssri from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2
    * Fix `NODE_ENV` value for CI environments
    * Use React production mode in CI builds
    * Labs documentation for DND mode
    * Rename blackboxing to new option ignore list
    * Remove velocity-animate from lockfile
    * Add mobile download link configuration
    * Switch develop to not-staging Scalar by default
    * Support a config option to skip login/welcome and go to SSO
  • v1.7.25
    0bc5a012 · v1.7.25 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.18.0 and JS SDK 9.11.0
  • v1.7.25-rc.1
    11ce4fa4 · v1.7.25-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.18.0-rc.1 and JS SDK 9.11.0-rc.1
    * Translations update from Weblate
    * Revert "Docker image: serve pre-compressed assets using gzip_static"
    * Move native node modules documentation to element-desktop
    * Add user settings for warn before exit
    * Change ISSUE_TEMPLATE bold lines to proper headers
    * Add example for deployment into Kubernetes
    * Create bare-bones ``
    * Add webpack config and labs flag docs for voice messages
  • v1.7.24.1
  • v1.7.24
    ac15f275 · v1.7.24 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.17.0 and JS SDK 9.10.0
  • v1.7.24-rc.1
    a05c68e8 · v1.7.24-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.17.0-rc.2 and JS SDK 9.10.0-rc.1
    * Translations update from Weblate
    * Docker image: serve pre-compressed assets using gzip_static
    * Fix style lint issues
    * Updated expected webpack output in setup guide
    * Docs for `loginForWelcome`
    * Disable rageshake persistence if no logs would be submitted
  • v1.7.23
    1c7828e7 · v1.7.23 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.16.0 and JS SDK 9.9.0
  • v1.7.23-rc.1
    9789f411 · v1.7.23-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.16.0-rc.2 and JS SDK 9.9.0-rc.1
    * Translations update from Weblate
    * Improve docs for customisations
    * Update triage guide to match the new label scheme
    * Remove a couple useless 'use strict' calls
    * Remove old conferencing doc
    * Bump elliptic from 6.5.3 to 6.5.4
    * Add option for audio live streaming
    * Update velocity-animate dependency
    * Add Edge to the supported tier
    * Add multi language spell check
    * Document feature_spaces
  • v1.7.22
    06798f30 · v1.7.22 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    Element Web 1.7.22 fixes (by upgrading to matrix-react-sdk 3.15.0) a low
    severity issue (CVE-2021-21320) where the user content sandbox can be abused to
    trick users into opening unexpected documents. The content is opened with a
    `blob` origin that cannot access Matrix user data, so messages and secrets are
    not at risk.  Thanks to @keerok for responsibly disclosing this via Matrix's
    Security Disclosure Policy.
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.15.0 and JS SDK 9.8.0
  • v1.7.22-rc.1
    4f13b707 · v1.7.22-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.15.0-rc.1 and JS SDK 9.8.0-rc.1
    * Translations update from Weblate
    * Add hostSignup config for clients
    * VoIP virtual rooms, mkII
    * Jitsi widget: Read room name from query parameters
    * fix / sso: make sure to delete only loginToken after redirect
    * Disable Countly
  • v1.7.21
    dd0e2e52 · v1.7.21 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.14.0 and JS SDK 9.7.0
  • v1.7.21-rc.1
    c4c1b728 · v1.7.21-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.14.0-rc.1 and JS SDK 9.7.0-rc.1
    * Translations update from Weblate
    * Add RegExp dotAll feature test
    * Fix Electron type merging
    * README: remove Jenkins reference
    * Enable PostCSS Calc in webpack builds
    * Add configuration security best practices to the README.
    * Upgrade matrix-widget-api
  • v1.7.20
    ff9df5dd · v1.7.20 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.13.1
  • v1.7.19
    56caad3e · v1.7.19 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.13.0 and JS SDK 9.6.0
    * [Release] Upgrade matrix-widget-api
  • v1.7.19-rc.1
    341c806a · v1.7.19-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.13.0-rc.1 and JS SDK 9.6.0-rc.1
    * Translations update from Weblate
    * Use history replaceState instead of redirect for SSO flow
    * Document the mobile guide toast option
    * Update widget-api to beta.12
    * Upgrade deps 2021-01
    * Move to newer base image for Docker builds
    * Docs for the VoIP translate pattern option
    * Fix Riot->Element in permalinkPrefix docs
    * Supply server_name for optional federation-capable Jitsi auth
    * Fix Widget API version confusion
    * Add Hebrew language
    * Update widget-api to beta 11
    * Fix develop Docker builds
    * Skip the service worker for Electron
    * Use isolated IPC API
  • v1.7.18
    9a1b667c · v1.7.18 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.12.1 and JS SDK 9.5.1
  • v1.7.17
    1da652ed · v1.7.17 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.12.0 and JS SDK 9.5.0
  • v1.7.17-rc.1
    f31b3c1c · v1.7.17-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.12.0-rc.1 and JS SDK 9.5.0-rc.1
    * Translations update from Weblate
    * webplatform: Fix notification closing
    * Stop building code and types for Element layer
  • v1.7.16
    625e0015 · v1.7.16 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.11.1 and JS SDK 9.4.1
  • v1.7.16-rc.1
    d5325e20 · v1.7.16-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 3.11.0-rc.1 and JS SDK 9.4.0-rc.1
    * Translations update from Weblate
    * Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.7
    * Document pull request previews
    * Improve asset path for KaTeX fonts
    * Fix an important semicolon
    * Bump highlight.js from 10.1.2 to 10.4.1
    * Add to room directory
    * Extend Platform to support idpId for SSO flows
    * Include KaTeX CSS as a dependency