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  • v1.6.0-rc.5
    29df8a8a · v1.6.0-rc.5 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 2.5.0-rc.5 and JS SDK 6.0.0-rc.1
    * Remove feature flag docs from docs on release
  • v1.6.0-rc.4
    58b7bbd3 · v1.6.0-rc.4 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 2.5.0-rc.4 and JS SDK 5.3.1-rc.4
  • v1.6.0-rc.3
    4e07c647 · v1.6.0-rc.3 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 2.5.0-rc.3 and JS SDK 5.3.1-rc.3
  • v1.6.0-rc.2
    c7133885 · v1.6.0-rc.2 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 2.5.0-rc.2 and JS SDK 5.3.1-rc.2
    * Enable cross-signing / E2EE by default for DM without config changes
  • v1.6.0-rc.1
    d3bc7fb4 · v1.6.0-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Enable cross-signing / E2EE by default for DM on release
    * Upgrade to React SDK 2.5.0-rc.1 and JS SDK 5.3.1-rc.1
    * Add instruction to resolve the inotify watch limit issue
    * docs: labs: add a pointer to
    * Fix Electron SSO handling to support multiple profiles
    * Add riot-desktop shortcuts for forward/back matching browsers&slack
    * Allow rageshake to fail in init
    * Fix broken yarn install link in
    * fix build:jitsi scripts crash caused by a missing folder
    * App load order changes to catch errors better
    * Upgrade deps
  • v1.5.16-rc.1
    8b6ec2c5 · v1.5.16-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade React SDK to 2.4.0-rc.1 and JS SDK to 5.3.0-rc.1
    * Update from Weblate
    * Mention Jitsi support at the .well-known level in Jitsi docs
    * Add new default home page fallback
    * App load order tweaks for code splitting
    * Add some docs about Jitsi widgets and Jitsi configuration
    * Bump minimist from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 in /electron_app
    * Fix Electron mac-specific shortcut being registered on Web too.
    * Add a console warning that errors from Jitsi Meet are fine
    * Fix popout support for jitsi widgets
    * Some grammar and clarifications
    * Don't immediately remove notifications from notification trays
    * Remove welcome user from config
  • v1.5.15
    0cfdc7b6 · v1.5.15 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    The `jitsi.html` widget wrapper introduced in Riot 1.5.14 could be used to extract user data by tricking the user into adding a custom widget or opening a link in the browser used to run Riot. Jitsi widgets created through Riot UI do not pose a risk and do not need to be recreated.
    It is important to purge any copies of Riot 1.5.14 so that the vulnerable `jitsi.html` wrapper from that version is no longer accessible.
    * Upgrade React SDK to 2.3.1 for Jitsi fixes
    * Fix popout support for jitsi widgets
  • v1.5.14
    413b26d7 · v1.5.14 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade JS SDK to 5.2.0 and React SDK to 2.3.0
  • v1.5.14-rc.1
    0a83f9c7 · v1.5.14-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade JS SDK to 5.2.0-rc.1 and React SDK to 2.3.0-rc.1
    * Update from Weblate
    * App load tweaks
    * Add review policy doc
    * Fix artifact searching in redeployer
    * Fix Jitsi wrapper being large by getting the config from elsewhere
    * Add webpack stats which will be used by CI and stored to artifacts
    * Revert "Remove useless app preloading from Jitsi widget wrapper"
    * Remove useless app preloading from Jitsi widget wrapper
    * Update from Weblate
    * Fix version for Docker builds
    * Register Mac electron specific Cmd+, shortcut to User Settings
    * Use a local widget wrapper for Jitsi calls
    * Delete
    * Remove remainders of gemini-scrollbar and react-gemini-scrollbar
    * Update electron to v7.1.14
    * Add url tests to Modernizr
    * ElectronPlatform: Add support to remove events from the event index.
    * Bump minimist from 1.2.0 to 1.2.2 in /electron_app
    * Add docs and flag for custom theme support
    * Declare jsx in tsconfig for IDEs
    * Remove stuff that yarn install doesn't think we need
    * yarn upgrade
    * Support TypeScript for React components
  • v1.5.13
    c4f3d39d · v1.5.13 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to JS SDK 5.1.1 and React SDK 2.2.3
  • v1.5.13-rc.1
    d4a57854 · v1.5.13-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Update from Weblate
    * Fix Docker image version for develop builds
    * docker: optimize custom sdk builds
    * riot-desktop open SSO in browser so user doesn't have to auth twice
    * Fix SSO flows for electron 8.0.2 by re-breaking will-navigate
    * index.html: Place noscript on top of the page
    * Remove will-navigate comment after Electron fix
    * Update loading test for JS SDK IDB change
    * Upgrade deps
  • v1.5.12
    6e68c106 · v1.5.12 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to React SDK 2.2.1
    * Revert to Electron 7.1.12 to fix Arch Linux tray icon
    * Fix image download links so they open in a new tab
  • v1.5.11
    43b70bf7 · v1.5.11 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to JS SDK 5.1.0 and React SDK 2.2.0
    * Fix SSO flows for Electron 8.0.2 by disabling will-navigate
  • v1.5.11-rc.1
    03f63397 · v1.5.11-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade to JS SDK 5.1.0-rc.1 and React SDK 2.2.0-rc.1
    * Change Windows signing to warning when missing token
    * Modernizr remove t3st/es6/contains
    * Switch out any eval-using Modernizr rules
    * Update from Weblate
    * Notify electron of language changes
    * Relax macOS notarisation check to print a warning
    * Clarify supported tier means desktop OSes
    * Use noreferrer in addition to noopener for edge case browsers
    * Document start / end composer shortcuts
    * Update from Weblate
    * Remove buildkite pipeline
    * Remove exec so release script continues
    * Use Persistent Storage where possible
  • v1.5.10
    eb66d62f · v1.5.10 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Get rid of dependence on
    * Add experimental support tier
  • v1.5.9
    a5d5e280 · v1.5.9 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Automate SDK dep upgrades for release
  • v1.5.9-rc.1
    08c149ed · v1.5.9-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Upgrade JS SDK to 5.0.0-rc.1 and React SDK 2.1.0-rc.2
    * Update from Weblate
    * Add top left menu shortcut
    * Remove modernizr rules for features on which we only soft depend
    * Embed CSP meta tag and stop using script-src unsafe-inline
    * Add contribute.json
    * Improve Browser checks
    * Document padlock flag
    * Enable cross-signing on /develop
    * Switch back to legacy decorators
    * Update babel targets
    * Install deps for linting
    * Update from Weblate
    * Change to minimal Webpack output
    * Remove docs for new invite dialog labs feature
    * ElectronPlatform: Add the indexSize method.
    * ElectronPlatform: Add the ability to load file events from the event index
    * Fix the remainder of the cookie links
    * Use bash in Docker scripts
    * Use debian to build the Docker image
    * Update cookie policy urls on /app and /develop config.json
    * BuildKite: Only deploy to /develop if everything else passed
    * Add docs for admin report content message
    * Load as little as possible in index.js for the skinner
    * Fix webpack config (by stealing Dave's config)
    * Force Jest to resolve the js-sdk and react-sdk to src directories
    * Fix build to not babel modules inside js/react sdk
    * Fix webpack to babel js-sdk & react-sdk but no other deps
  • v1.5.8
    768cabe4 · v1.5.8 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Fixes for alias display and copy / paste on composer
  • v1.5.8-rc.2
    902252ad · v1.5.8-rc.2 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    * Fix incorrect version of react-sdk
  • v1.5.8-rc.1
    ebd3f0e4 · v1.5.8-rc.1 ·
    [Full Changelog](
    This version contains an upgrade to the cryptography database
    version. Once users run this version, their session's indexeddb
    store will be upgraded and older version of Riot will no longer
    be able to read it. Users will have to log out and log in if
    the version of Riot is downgraded back to a previous version.
    * Fix webpack config (by stealing Dave's config)
    * Fix webpack to babel js-sdk & react-sdk but no other deps
    * Update from Weblate
    * Fix rageshake post-sourcemaps
    * Fix yarn start concurrent commands
    * Run the react-sdk reskindexer for developers
    * Update labs documentation for feature_ftue_dms given new scope
    * Fix indentation on webpack config and make sourcemapped files legible
    * Remove spinner check
    * Don't minifiy builds of develop through CI packaging
    * Use Jest for tests
    * Support application/wasm in Docker image
    * Fix sourcemaps by refactoring the build system
    * Disable event indexing on develop
    * Updated blog url
    * Enable and document presence in room list feature flag
    * Add stub service worker so users can install on desktop with Chrome
    * Update from Weblate
    * Sourcemaps: develop -> feature branch
    * Update build scripts for new process
    * Make the webpack config work for us
    * Updates URL for Electron Command Line Switches
    * Import from src/ for the react-sdk and js-sdk
    * Convert components to ES6 exports
    * Remove now-retired package.json property