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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v1.11.44-rc.1
    ce616caf · v1.11.44-rc.1 ·
    * Make video & voice call buttons pin conference widget if unpinned ([\#11576]( Fixes vector-im/customer-retainer#72.
    * OIDC: persist refresh token ([\#11249]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * ElementR: Cross user verification ([\#11364]( Fixes #25752. Contributed by @florianduros.
    * Default intentional mentions ([\#11602](
    * Notify users about denied access on ask-to-join  rooms ([\#11480]( Contributed by @nurjinjafar.
    * Allow setting knock room directory visibility ([\#11529]( Contributed by @charlynguyen.
    * Escape placeholder before injecting it into the style ([\#11607](
    * Move ViewUser action callback to RoomView ([\#11495]( Fixes #26040.
    * Fix room timeline search toggling behaviour edge case ([\#11605]( Fixes #26105.
    * Avoid rendering view-message link in RoomKnocksBar unnecessarily ([\#11598]( Contributed by @charlynguyen.
    * Use knock rooms sync to reflect the knock state ([\#11596]( Fixes #26043 and #26044. Contributed by @charlynguyen.
    * Fix avatar in right panel not using the correct font ([\#11593]( Fixes #26061. Contributed by @MidhunSureshR.
    * Add waits in Spotlight Cypress tests, hoping this unflakes them ([\#11590]( Fixes #26053, #26140 #26139 and #26138. Contributed by @andybalaam.
    * Fix vertical alignment of default avatar font ([\#11582]( Fixes #26081.
    * Fix avatars in public room & space search being flex shrunk ([\#11580]( Fixes #26133.
    * Fix EventTile avatars being rendered with a size of 0 instead of hidden ([\#11558]( Fixes #26075.
  • v1.11.43
    8436c912 · v1.11.43 ·
    (No changes - bumping the version number for an element-desktop release.)
  • v1.11.42
    60585cce · v1.11.42 ·
    * Update Compound to fix Firefox-specific avatar regression ([\#11604]( Fixes #26155.
  • v1.11.41
    189fa14c · v1.11.41 ·
    * Deprecate customisations in favour of Module API ([\#25736]( Fixes #25733.
    * Make SVGR icons use forward ref ([\#26082](
    * Add support for rendering a custom wrapper around Element ([\#25537]( Contributed by @maheichyk.
    * Allow creating public knock rooms ([\#11481]( Contributed by @charlynguyen.
    * Render custom images in reactions according to MSC4027 ([\#11087]( Contributed by @sumnerevans.
    * Introduce room knocks bar ([\#11475]( Contributed by @charlynguyen.
    * Room header UI updates ([\#11507]( Fixes #25892.
    * Remove green "verified" bar for encrypted events ([\#11496](
    * Update member count on room summary update ([\#11488](
    * Support for E2EE in Element Call  ([\#11492](
    * Allow requesting to join knock rooms via spotlight ([\#11482]( Contributed by @charlynguyen.
    * Lock out the first tab if Element is opened in a second tab. ([\#11425]( Fixes #25157.
    * Change avatar to use Compound implementation ([\#11448](
    * Fix vertical alignment of default avatar font ([\#11582]( Fixes #26081.
    * Fix avatars in public room & space search being flex shrunk ([\#11580]( Fixes #26133.
    * Fix EventTile avatars being rendered with a size of 0 instead of hidden ([\#11558]( Fixes #26075.
    * Fix compound external assets path in bundle ([\#26069](
    * Use RoomStateEvent.Update for knocks ([\#11516]( Contributed by @charlynguyen.
    * Prevent event propagation when clicking icon buttons ([\#11515](
    * Only display RoomKnocksBar when feature flag is enabled ([\#11513]( Contributed by @andybalaam.
    * Fix avatars of knock members for people tab of room settings ([\#11506]( Fixes #26083. Contributed by @charlynguyen.
    * Fixes read receipt avatar offset ([\#11483]( Fixes #26067, #26064 #26059 and #26061.
    * Fix avatar defects ([\#11473]( Fixes #26051 and #26046.
    * Fix consistent avatar output for Percy ([\#11472]( Fixes #26049 and #26052.
    * Fix colour of avatar and colour matching with username ([\#11470]( Fixes #26042.
    * Fix incompatibility of Soft Logout with Element-R ([\#11468](
    * Fix instances of double translation and guard translation calls using typescript ([\#11443](
  • v1.11.41-rc.2
    be3cb55f · v1.11.41-rc.2 ·
    * Fix vertical alignment of default avatar font ([\#11582]( Fixes #26081.
    * Fix avatars in public room & space search being flex shrunk ([\#11580]( Fixes #26133.
    * Fix EventTile avatars being rendered with a size of 0 instead of hidden ([\#11558]( Fixes #26075.
  • v1.11.41-rc.1
    d429e69d · v1.11.41-rc.1 ·
    * Make SVGR icons use forward ref ([\#26082](
    * Add support for rendering a custom wrapper around Element ([\#25537]( Contributed by @maheichyk.
    * Allow creating public knock rooms ([\#11481]( Contributed by @charlynguyen.
    * Render custom images in reactions according to MSC4027 ([\#11087]( Contributed by @sumnerevans.
    * Introduce room knocks bar ([\#11475]( Contributed by @charlynguyen.
    * Room header UI updates ([\#11507]( Fixes #25892.
    * Remove green "verified" bar for encrypted events ([\#11496](
    * Update member count on room summary update ([\#11488](
    * Support for E2EE in Element Call  ([\#11492](
    * Allow requesting to join knock rooms via spotlight ([\#11482]( Contributed by @charlynguyen.
    * Lock out the first tab if Element is opened in a second tab. ([\#11425]( Fixes #25157.
    * Change avatar to use Compound implementation ([\#11448](
    * Fix compound external assets path in bundle ([\#26069](
    * Use RoomStateEvent.Update for knocks ([\#11516]( Contributed by @charlynguyen.
    * Prevent event propagation when clicking icon buttons ([\#11515](
    * Only display RoomKnocksBar when feature flag is enabled ([\#11513]( Contributed by @andybalaam.
    * Fix avatars of knock members for people tab of room settings ([\#11506]( Fixes #26083. Contributed by @charlynguyen.
    * Fixes read receipt avatar offset ([\#11483]( Fixes #26067, #26064 #26059 and #26061.
    * Fix avatar defects ([\#11473]( Fixes #26051 and #26046.
    * Fix consistent avatar output for Percy ([\#11472]( Fixes #26049 and #26052.
    * Fix colour of avatar and colour matching with username ([\#11470]( Fixes #26042.
    * Fix incompatibility of Soft Logout with Element-R ([\#11468](
    * Fix instances of double translation and guard translation calls using typescript ([\#11443](
  • v1.11.40
    5ee16a9d · v1.11.40 ·
    * Hide account deactivation for externally managed accounts ([\#11445]( Fixes #26022. Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * OIDC: Redirect to delegated auth provider when signing out ([\#11432]( Fixes #26000. Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Disable 3pid fields in settings when `m.3pid_changes` capability is disabled ([\#11430]( Fixes #25995. Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * OIDC: disable multi session signout for OIDC-aware servers in session manager ([\#11431]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Implement updated open dialog method of the Module API ([\#11395]( Contributed by @dhenneke.
    * Polish & delabs `Exploring public spaces` feature ([\#11423](
    * Treat lists with a single empty item as plain text, not Markdown. ([\#6833]( Fixes vector-im/element-meta#1265.
    * Allow managing room knocks ([\#11404]( Contributed by @charlynguyen.
    * Pin the action buttons to the bottom of the scrollable dialogs ([\#11407]( Contributed by @dhenneke.
    * Support Matrix 1.1 (drop legacy r0 versions) ([\#9819](
    * Fix path separator for Windows based systems ([\#25997](
    * Fix instances of double translation and guard translation calls using typescript ([\#11443](
    * Fix export type "Current timeline" to match its behaviour to its name ([\#11426]( Fixes #25988.
    * Fix Room Settings > Notifications file upload input being shown superfluously ([\#11415]( Fixes #18392.
    * Simplify registration with email validation ([\#11398]( Fixes #25832 #23601 and #22297.
    * correct home server URL ([\#11391]( Fixes #25931. Contributed by @NSV1991.
    * Include non-matching DMs in Spotlight recent conversations when the DM's userId is part of the search API results ([\#11374]( Contributed by @mgcm.
    * Fix useRoomMembers missing updates causing incorrect membership counts ([\#11392]( Fixes #17096.
    * Show error when searching public rooms fails ([\#11378](
  • v1.11.40-rc.1
    ba5f9767 · v1.11.40-rc.1 ·
    * Hide account deactivation for externally managed accounts ([\#11445]( Fixes #26022. Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * OIDC: Redirect to delegated auth provider when signing out ([\#11432]( Fixes #26000. Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Disable 3pid fields in settings when `m.3pid_changes` capability is disabled ([\#11430]( Fixes #25995. Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * OIDC: disable multi session signout for OIDC-aware servers in session manager ([\#11431]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Implement updated open dialog method of the Module API ([\#11395]( Contributed by @dhenneke.
    * Polish & delabs `Exploring public spaces` feature ([\#11423](
    * Treat lists with a single empty item as plain text, not Markdown. ([\#6833]( Fixes vector-im/element-meta#1265.
    * Allow managing room knocks ([\#11404]( Contributed by @charlynguyen.
    * Pin the action buttons to the bottom of the scrollable dialogs ([\#11407]( Contributed by @dhenneke.
    * Support Matrix 1.1 (drop legacy r0 versions) ([\#9819](
    * Fix path separator for Windows based systems ([\#25997](
    * Fix instances of double translation and guard translation calls using typescript ([\#11443](
    * Fix export type "Current timeline" to match its behaviour to its name ([\#11426]( Fixes #25988.
    * Fix Room Settings > Notifications file upload input being shown superfluously ([\#11415]( Fixes #18392.
    * Simplify registration with email validation ([\#11398]( Fixes #25832 #23601 and #22297.
    * correct home server URL ([\#11391]( Fixes #25931. Contributed by @NSV1991.
    * Include non-matching DMs in Spotlight recent conversations when the DM's userId is part of the search API results ([\#11374]( Contributed by @mgcm.
    * Fix useRoomMembers missing updates causing incorrect membership counts ([\#11392]( Fixes #17096.
    * Show error when searching public rooms fails ([\#11378](
  • v1.11.39
    9a650bd1 · v1.11.39 ·
    * Deprecate camelCase config options ([\#25800](
    * Deprecate customisations in favour of Module API ([\#25736]( Fixes #25733.
    * Update for knock rooms ([\#25923]( Contributed by @charlynguyen.
    * Package release builds of element-web in debs ([\#25198](
    * Allow knocking rooms ([\#11353]( Contributed by @charlynguyen.
    * Support adding space-restricted joins on rooms not members of those spaces ([\#9017]( Fixes #19213.
    * Clear requiresClient and show pop-out if widget-api fails to ready ([\#11321]( Fixes vector-im/customer-retainer#73.
    * Bump pagination sizes due to hidden events ([\#11342](
    * Remove display of key backup signatures from backup settings ([\#11333](
    * Use PassphraseFields in ExportE2eKeysDialog to enforce minimum passphrase complexity ([\#11222]( Fixes #9478.
    * Fix "Export chat" not respecting configured time format in plain text mode ([\#10696]( Fixes #23838. Contributed by @rashmitpankhania.
    * Fix some missing 1-count pluralisations around event list summaries ([\#11371]( Fixes #25925.
    * Fix create subspace dialog not working for public space creation ([\#11367]( Fixes #25916.
    * Search for users on paste ([\#11304]( Fixes #17523. Contributed by @peterscheu-aceart.
    * Fix AppTile context menu not always showing up when it has options ([\#11358]( Fixes #25914.
    * Fix clicking on home all rooms space notification not working ([\#11337]( Fixes #22844.
    * Fix joining a suggested room switching space away ([\#11347]( Fixes #25838.
    * Fix home/all rooms context menu in space panel ([\#11350]( Fixes #25896.
    * Make keyboard handling in and out of autocomplete completions consistent ([\#11344]( Fixes #25878.
    * De-duplicate reactions by sender to account for faulty/malicious servers ([\#11340]( Fixes #25872.
    * Fix disable_3pid_login being ignored for the email field ([\#11335]( Fixes #25863.
    * Upgrade wysiwyg editor for ctrl+backspace windows fix ([\#11324]( Fixes vector-im/verticals-internal#102.
    * Unhide the view source event toggle - it works well enough ([\#11336]( Fixes #25861.
  • v1.11.39-rc.1
    f676406f · v1.11.39-rc.1 ·
    * Deprecate camelCase config options ([\#25800](
    * Deprecate customisations in favour of Module API ([\#25736]( Fixes #25733.
    * Update for knock rooms ([\#25923]( Contributed by @charlynguyen.
    * Package release builds of element-web in debs ([\#25198](
    * Allow knocking rooms ([\#11353]( Contributed by @charlynguyen.
    * Support adding space-restricted joins on rooms not members of those spaces ([\#9017]( Fixes #19213.
    * Clear requiresClient and show pop-out if widget-api fails to ready ([\#11321]( Fixes vector-im/customer-retainer#73.
    * Bump pagination sizes due to hidden events ([\#11342](
    * Remove display of key backup signatures from backup settings ([\#11333](
    * Use PassphraseFields in ExportE2eKeysDialog to enforce minimum passphrase complexity ([\#11222]( Fixes #9478.
    * Fix "Export chat" not respecting configured time format in plain text mode ([\#10696]( Fixes #23838. Contributed by @rashmitpankhania.
    * Fix some missing 1-count pluralisations around event list summaries ([\#11371]( Fixes #25925.
    * Fix create subspace dialog not working for public space creation ([\#11367]( Fixes #25916.
    * Search for users on paste ([\#11304]( Fixes #17523. Contributed by @peterscheu-aceart.
    * Fix AppTile context menu not always showing up when it has options ([\#11358]( Fixes #25914.
    * Fix clicking on home all rooms space notification not working ([\#11337]( Fixes #22844.
    * Fix joining a suggested room switching space away ([\#11347]( Fixes #25838.
    * Fix home/all rooms context menu in space panel ([\#11350]( Fixes #25896.
    * Make keyboard handling in and out of autocomplete completions consistent ([\#11344]( Fixes #25878.
    * De-duplicate reactions by sender to account for faulty/malicious servers ([\#11340]( Fixes #25872.
    * Fix disable_3pid_login being ignored for the email field ([\#11335]( Fixes #25863.
    * Upgrade wysiwyg editor for ctrl+backspace windows fix ([\#11324]( Fixes vector-im/verticals-internal#102.
    * Unhide the view source event toggle - it works well enough ([\#11336]( Fixes #25861.
  • v1.11.38
    e059524f · v1.11.38 ·
    * Package release builds of element-web in debs ([\#25198](
    * Revert to using the /presence API for presence ([\#11366](
  • v1.11.37
    a0e0df32 · v1.11.37 ·
    * Deprecate camelCase config options ([\#25800](
    * Deprecate customisations in favour of Module API ([\#25736]( Fixes #25733.
    * Do not show "Forget room" button in Room View header for guest users ([\#10898]( Contributed by @spantaleev.
    * Switch to updating presence via /sync calls instead of PUT /presence ([\#11223]( Fixes #20809 #13877 and #4813.
    * Fix blockquote colour contrast ([\#11299]( Fixes matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#21800.
    * Don't hide room header buttons in video rooms and rooms with a call ([\#9712]( Fixes #23900.
    * OIDC: Persist details in session storage, create store ([\#11302]( Fixes #25710. Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Allow setting room join rule to knock ([\#11248]( Contributed by @charlynguyen.
    * Retry joins on 524 (Cloudflare timeout) also ([\#11296]( Fixes #8776.
    * Make sure users returned by the homeserver search API are displayed. Don't silently drop any. ([\#9556]( Fixes #24422. Contributed by @maxmalek.
    * Offer to unban user during invite if inviter has sufficient permissions ([\#11256]( Fixes #3222.
    * Split join and goto slash commands, the latter shouldn't auto_join ([\#11259]( Fixes #10128.
    * Integration work for rich text editor 2.3.1 ([\#11172]( Contributed by @alunturner.
    * Compound color pass ([\#11079]( Fixes vector-im/internal-planning#450 and #25547.
    * Warn when demoting self via /op and /deop slash commands ([\#11214]( Fixes #13726.
    * Correct Jitsi preferred_domain property ([\#25813]( Contributed by @benbz.
    * Fix edge case with sent indicator being drawn when it shouldn't be ([\#11320](
    * Use correct translation function for WYSIWYG buttons ([\#11315]( Fixes vector-im/verticals-internal#109.
    * Handle empty own profile ([\#11319]( Fixes #25510.
    * Fix peeked rooms showing up in historical ([\#11316]( Fixes #22473.
    * Ensure consistency when rendering the sent event indicator ([\#11314]( Fixes #17937.
    * Prevent re-filtering user directory results in spotlight ([\#11290]( Fixes #24422.
    * Fix GIF label on dark theme ([\#11312]( Fixes #25836.
    * Fix issues around room notification settings flaking out ([\#11306]( Fixes #16472 #21309 and #6828.
    * Fix invite dialog showing the same user multiple times ([\#11308]( Fixes #25578.
    * Don't show composer send button if user cannot send ([\#11298]( Fixes #25825.
    * Restore color for sender in imageview ([\#11289]( Fixes #25822.
    * Fix changelog dialog heading size ([\#11286]( Fixes #25789.
    * Restore offline presence badge color ([\#11287]( Fixes #25792.
    * Fix bubble message layout avatar overlap ([\#11284]( Fixes #25818.
    * Fix voice call tile size ([\#11285]( Fixes #25684.
    * Fix layout of sessions tab buttons ([\#11279]( Fixes #25545.
    * Don't bother showing redundant tooltip on space menu ([\#11276]( Fixes #20380.
    * Remove reply fallback from notifications ([\#11278]( Fixes #17859.
    * Populate info.duration for audio & video file uploads ([\#11225]( Fixes #17720.
    * Hide widget menu button if it there are no options available ([\#11257]( Fixes #24826.
    * Fix colour regressions ([\#11273]( Fixes #25788, #25808 #25811 and #25812.
    * Fix room view not properly maintaining scroll position ([\#11274]( Fixes #25810.
    * Prevent user from accidentally double clicking user info admin actions ([\#11254]( Fixes #10944.
    * Fix missing metaspace notification badges ([\#11269]( Fixes #25679.
    * Fix clicking MXID in timeline going to ([\#11263]( Fixes #23342.
    * Restoring optional ligatures by resetting letter-spacing ([\#11202]( Fixes #25727.
    * Allow emoji presentation selector to not break BigEmoji styling ([\#11253]( Fixes #17848.
    * Make event highliht use primary content token ([\#11255](
    * Fix event info events size and color ([\#11252]( Fixes #25778.
    * Fix color mapping for blockquote border ([\#11251]( Fixes #25782.
    * Strip emoji variation when searching emoji by emoji ([\#11221]( Fixes #18703.
  • v1.11.37-rc.1
    7018f785 · v1.11.37-rc.1 ·
    * Deprecate camelCase config options ([\#25800](
    * Deprecate customisations in favour of Module API ([\#25736]( Fixes #25733.
    * Do not show "Forget room" button in Room View header for guest users ([\#10898]( Contributed by @spantaleev.
    * Switch to updating presence via /sync calls instead of PUT /presence ([\#11223]( Fixes #20809 #13877 and #4813.
    * Fix blockquote colour contrast ([\#11299]( Fixes matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#21800.
    * Don't hide room header buttons in video rooms and rooms with a call ([\#9712]( Fixes #23900.
    * OIDC: Persist details in session storage, create store ([\#11302]( Fixes #25710. Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Allow setting room join rule to knock ([\#11248]( Contributed by @charlynguyen.
    * Retry joins on 524 (Cloudflare timeout) also ([\#11296]( Fixes #8776.
    * Make sure users returned by the homeserver search API are displayed. Don't silently drop any. ([\#9556]( Fixes #24422. Contributed by @maxmalek.
    * Offer to unban user during invite if inviter has sufficient permissions ([\#11256]( Fixes #3222.
    * Split join and goto slash commands, the latter shouldn't auto_join ([\#11259]( Fixes #10128.
    * Integration work for rich text editor 2.3.1 ([\#11172]( Contributed by @alunturner.
    * Compound color pass ([\#11079]( Fixes vector-im/internal-planning#450 and #25547.
    * Warn when demoting self via /op and /deop slash commands ([\#11214]( Fixes #13726.
    * Correct Jitsi preferred_domain property ([\#25813]( Contributed by @benbz.
    * Fix edge case with sent indicator being drawn when it shouldn't be ([\#11320](
    * Use correct translation function for WYSIWYG buttons ([\#11315]( Fixes vector-im/verticals-internal#109.
    * Handle empty own profile ([\#11319]( Fixes #25510.
    * Fix peeked rooms showing up in historical ([\#11316]( Fixes #22473.
    * Ensure consistency when rendering the sent event indicator ([\#11314]( Fixes #17937.
    * Prevent re-filtering user directory results in spotlight ([\#11290]( Fixes #24422.
    * Fix GIF label on dark theme ([\#11312]( Fixes #25836.
    * Fix issues around room notification settings flaking out ([\#11306]( Fixes #16472 #21309 and #6828.
    * Fix invite dialog showing the same user multiple times ([\#11308]( Fixes #25578.
    * Don't show composer send button if user cannot send ([\#11298]( Fixes #25825.
    * Restore color for sender in imageview ([\#11289]( Fixes #25822.
    * Fix changelog dialog heading size ([\#11286]( Fixes #25789.
    * Restore offline presence badge color ([\#11287]( Fixes #25792.
    * Fix bubble message layout avatar overlap ([\#11284]( Fixes #25818.
    * Fix voice call tile size ([\#11285]( Fixes #25684.
    * Fix layout of sessions tab buttons ([\#11279]( Fixes #25545.
    * Don't bother showing redundant tooltip on space menu ([\#11276]( Fixes #20380.
    * Remove reply fallback from notifications ([\#11278]( Fixes #17859.
    * Populate info.duration for audio & video file uploads ([\#11225]( Fixes #17720.
    * Hide widget menu button if it there are no options available ([\#11257]( Fixes #24826.
    * Fix colour regressions ([\#11273]( Fixes #25788, #25808 #25811 and #25812.
    * Fix room view not properly maintaining scroll position ([\#11274]( Fixes #25810.
    * Prevent user from accidentally double clicking user info admin actions ([\#11254]( Fixes #10944.
    * Fix missing metaspace notification badges ([\#11269]( Fixes #25679.
    * Fix clicking MXID in timeline going to ([\#11263]( Fixes #23342.
    * Restoring optional ligatures by resetting letter-spacing ([\#11202]( Fixes #25727.
    * Allow emoji presentation selector to not break BigEmoji styling ([\#11253]( Fixes #17848.
    * Make event highliht use primary content token ([\#11255](
    * Fix event info events size and color ([\#11252]( Fixes #25778.
    * Fix color mapping for blockquote border ([\#11251]( Fixes #25782.
    * Strip emoji variation when searching emoji by emoji ([\#11221]( Fixes #18703.
  • v1.11.36
    494cb399 · v1.11.36 ·
    * Fixes for [CVE-2023-37259]( / [GHSA-c9vx-2g7w-rp65](
    * Deprecate customisations in favour of Module API ([\#25736]( Fixes #25733.
    * OIDC: store initial screen in session storage  ([\#25688]( Fixes #25656. Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Allow default_server_config as a fallback config ([\#25682]( Contributed by @ShadowRZ.
    * OIDC: remove auth params from url after login attempt ([\#25664]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * feat(faq): remove keyboard shortcuts button ([\#9342]( Fixes #22625. Contributed by @gefgu.
    * GYU: Update banner ([\#11211]( Fixes #25530. Contributed by @justjanne.
    * Linkify mxc:// URLs as links to your media repo ([\#11213]( Fixes #6942.
    * OIDC: Log in ([\#11199]( Fixes #25657. Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Handle all permitted url schemes in linkify ([\#11215]( Fixes #4457 and #8720.
    * Autoapprove Element Call oidc requests ([\#11209]( Contributed by @toger5.
    * Allow creating knock rooms ([\#11182]( Contributed by @charlynguyen.
    * Expose and pre-populate thread ID in devtools dialog ([\#10953](
    * Hide URL preview if it will be empty ([\#9029](
    * Change wording from avatar to profile picture ([\#7015]( Fixes vector-im/element-meta#1331. Contributed by @aaronraimist.
    * Quick and dirty devtool to explore state history ([\#11197](
    * Consider more user inputs when calculating zxcvbn score ([\#11180](
    * GYU: Account Notification Settings ([\#11008]( Fixes #24567. Contributed by @justjanne.
    * Compound Typography pass ([\#11103]( Fixes #25548.
    * OIDC: navigate to authorization endpoint ([\#11096]( Fixes #25574. Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Fix read receipt sending behaviour around thread roots ([\#3600](
    * Fix missing metaspace notification badges ([\#11269]( Fixes #25679.
    * Make checkboxes less rounded ([\#11224]( Contributed by @andybalaam.
    * GYU: Fix issues with audible keywords without activated mentions ([\#11218]( Contributed by @justjanne.
    * PosthogAnalytics unwatch settings on logout ([\#11207]( Fixes #25703.
    * Avoid trying to set room account data for pinned events as guest ([\#11216]( Fixes #6300.
    * GYU: Disable sound for DMs checkbox when DM notifications are disabled ([\#11210]( Contributed by @justjanne.
    * force to allow calls without video and audio in embedded mode ([\#11131]( Contributed by @EnricoSchw.
    * Fix room tile text clipping ([\#11196]( Fixes #25718.
    * Handle newlines in user pills ([\#11166]( Fixes #10994.
    * Limit width of user menu in space panel ([\#11192]( Fixes #22627.
    * Add isLocation to ComposerEvent analytics events ([\#11187]( Contributed by @andybalaam.
    * Fix: hide unsupported login elements ([\#11185]( Fixes #25711. Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Scope smaller font size to user info panel ([\#11178]( Fixes #25683.
    * Apply i18n to strings in the html export ([\#11176](
    * Inhibit url previews on MXIDs containing slashes same as those without ([\#11160](
    * Make event info size consistent with state events ([\#11181](
    * Fix markdown content spacing ([\#11177]( Fixes #25685.
    * Fix font-family definition for emojis ([\#11170]( Fixes #25686.
    * Fix spurious error sending receipt in thread errors ([\#11157](
    * Consider the empty push rule actions array equiv to deprecated dont_notify ([\#11155]( Fixes #25674.
    * Only trap escape key for cancel reply if there is a reply ([\#11140]( Fixes #25640.
    * Update linkify to 4.1.1 ([\#11132]( Fixes #23806.
  • v1.11.36-rc.2
    dd9678d9 · v1.11.36-rc.2 ·
    * Fix read receipt sending behaviour around thread roots ([\#3600](
    * Fix missing metaspace notification badges ([\#11269]( Fixes #25679.
  • v1.11.36-rc.1
    98f07357 · v1.11.36-rc.1 ·
    * Deprecate customisations in favour of Module API ([\#25736]( Fixes #25733.
    * OIDC: store initial screen in session storage  ([\#25688]( Fixes #25656. Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Allow default_server_config as a fallback config ([\#25682]( Contributed by @ShadowRZ.
    * OIDC: remove auth params from url after login attempt ([\#25664]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * feat(faq): remove keyboard shortcuts button ([\#9342]( Fixes #22625. Contributed by @gefgu.
    * GYU: Update banner ([\#11211]( Fixes #25530. Contributed by @justjanne.
    * Linkify mxc:// URLs as links to your media repo ([\#11213]( Fixes #6942.
    * OIDC: Log in ([\#11199]( Fixes #25657. Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Handle all permitted url schemes in linkify ([\#11215]( Fixes #4457 and #8720.
    * Autoapprove Element Call oidc requests ([\#11209]( Contributed by @toger5.
    * Allow creating knock rooms ([\#11182]( Contributed by @charlynguyen.
    * Expose and pre-populate thread ID in devtools dialog ([\#10953](
    * Hide URL preview if it will be empty ([\#9029](
    * Change wording from avatar to profile picture ([\#7015]( Fixes vector-im/element-meta#1331. Contributed by @aaronraimist.
    * Quick and dirty devtool to explore state history ([\#11197](
    * Consider more user inputs when calculating zxcvbn score ([\#11180](
    * GYU: Account Notification Settings ([\#11008]( Fixes #24567. Contributed by @justjanne.
    * Compound Typography pass ([\#11103]( Fixes #25548.
    * OIDC: navigate to authorization endpoint ([\#11096]( Fixes #25574. Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Make checkboxes less rounded ([\#11224]( Contributed by @andybalaam.
    * GYU: Fix issues with audible keywords without activated mentions ([\#11218]( Contributed by @justjanne.
    * PosthogAnalytics unwatch settings on logout ([\#11207]( Fixes #25703.
    * Avoid trying to set room account data for pinned events as guest ([\#11216]( Fixes #6300.
    * GYU: Disable sound for DMs checkbox when DM notifications are disabled ([\#11210]( Contributed by @justjanne.
    * force to allow calls without video and audio in embedded mode ([\#11131]( Contributed by @EnricoSchw.
    * Fix room tile text clipping ([\#11196]( Fixes #25718.
    * Handle newlines in user pills ([\#11166]( Fixes #10994.
    * Limit width of user menu in space panel ([\#11192]( Fixes #22627.
    * Add isLocation to ComposerEvent analytics events ([\#11187]( Contributed by @andybalaam.
    * Fix: hide unsupported login elements ([\#11185]( Fixes #25711. Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Scope smaller font size to user info panel ([\#11178]( Fixes #25683.
    * Apply i18n to strings in the html export ([\#11176](
    * Inhibit url previews on MXIDs containing slashes same as those without ([\#11160](
    * Make event info size consistent with state events ([\#11181](
    * Fix markdown content spacing ([\#11177]( Fixes #25685.
    * Fix font-family definition for emojis ([\#11170]( Fixes #25686.
    * Fix spurious error sending receipt in thread errors ([\#11157](
    * Consider the empty push rule actions array equiv to deprecated dont_notify ([\#11155]( Fixes #25674.
    * Only trap escape key for cancel reply if there is a reply ([\#11140]( Fixes #25640.
    * Update linkify to 4.1.1 ([\#11132]( Fixes #23806.
  • no-media-devices-release
  • v1.11.35-no-media-devices-hotfix
  • v1.11.35
    c2866179 · v1.11.35 ·
    * Remove `feature_favourite_messages` as it is has been abandoned for now ([\#11097]( Fixes #25555.
    * Don't setup keys on login when encryption is force disabled ([\#11125]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * OIDC: attempt dynamic client registration ([\#11074]( Fixes #25468 and #25467. Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * OIDC: Check static client registration and add login flow ([\#11088]( Fixes #25467. Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Improve message body output from plain text editor ([\#11124]( Contributed by @alunturner.
    * Disable encryption toggle in room settings when force disabled ([\#11122]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Add .well-known config option to force disable encryption on room creation ([\#11120]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Handle permalinks in room topic ([\#11115]( Fixes #23395.
    * Add at room avatar for RTE ([\#11106]( Contributed by @alunturner.
    * Remove new room breadcrumbs ([\#11104](
    * Update rich text editor dependency and associated changes ([\#11098]( Contributed by @alunturner.
    * Implement new model, hooks and reconcilation code for new GYU notification settings ([\#11089]( Contributed by @justjanne.
    * Allow maintaining a different right panel width for thread panels ([\#11064]( Fixes #25487.
    * Make AppPermission pane scrollable ([\#10954]( Fixes #25438 and #25511. Contributed by @luixxiul.
    * Integrate compound design tokens ([\#11091]( Fixes vector-im/internal-planning#450.
    * Don't warn about the effects of redacting state events when redacting non-state-events ([\#11071]( Fixes #8478.
    * Allow specifying help URLs in config.json ([\#11070]( Fixes #15268.
    * Fix error when generating error for polling for updates ([\#25609](
    * Fix spurious notifications on non-live events ([\#11133]( Fixes #24336.
    * Prevent auto-translation within composer ([\#11114]( Fixes #25624.
    * Fix caret jump when backspacing into empty line at beginning of editor ([\#11128]( Fixes #22335.
    * Fix server picker not allowing you to switch from custom to default ([\#11127]( Fixes #25650.
    * Consider the unthreaded read receipt for Unread dot state ([\#11117]( Fixes #24229.
    * Increase RTE resilience ([\#11111]( Fixes #25277. Contributed by @alunturner.
    * Fix RoomView ignoring alias lookup errors due to them not knowing the roomId ([\#11099]( Fixes #24783 and #25562.
    * Fix style inconsistencies on SecureBackupPanel ([\#11102]( Fixes #25615. Contributed by @luixxiul.
    * Remove unknown MXIDs from invite suggestions ([\#11055]( Fixes #25446.
    * Reduce volume of ring sounds to normalised levels ([\#9143]( Contributed by @JMoVS.
    * Fix slash commands not being enabled in certain cases ([\#11090]( Fixes #25572.
    * Prevent escape in threads from sending focus to main timeline composer ([\#11061]( Fixes #23397.
  • v1.11.35-rc.1
    30bff44c · v1.11.35-rc.1 ·
    * Remove `feature_favourite_messages` as it is has been abandoned for now ([\#11097]( Fixes #25555.
    * Don't setup keys on login when encryption is force disabled ([\#11125]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * OIDC: attempt dynamic client registration ([\#11074]( Fixes #25468 and #25467. Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * OIDC: Check static client registration and add login flow ([\#11088]( Fixes #25467. Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Improve message body output from plain text editor ([\#11124]( Contributed by @alunturner.
    * Disable encryption toggle in room settings when force disabled ([\#11122]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Add .well-known config option to force disable encryption on room creation ([\#11120]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
    * Handle permalinks in room topic ([\#11115]( Fixes #23395.
    * Add at room avatar for RTE ([\#11106]( Contributed by @alunturner.
    * Remove new room breadcrumbs ([\#11104](
    * Update rich text editor dependency and associated changes ([\#11098]( Contributed by @alunturner.
    * Implement new model, hooks and reconcilation code for new GYU notification settings ([\#11089]( Contributed by @justjanne.
    * Allow maintaining a different right panel width for thread panels ([\#11064]( Fixes #25487.
    * Make AppPermission pane scrollable ([\#10954]( Fixes #25438 and #25511. Contributed by @luixxiul.
    * Integrate compound design tokens ([\#11091]( Fixes vector-im/internal-planning#450.
    * Don't warn about the effects of redacting state events when redacting non-state-events ([\#11071]( Fixes #8478.
    * Allow specifying help URLs in config.json ([\#11070]( Fixes #15268.
    * Fix error when generating error for polling for updates ([\#25609](
    * Fix spurious notifications on non-live events ([\#11133]( Fixes #24336.
    * Prevent auto-translation within composer ([\#11114]( Fixes #25624.
    * Fix caret jump when backspacing into empty line at beginning of editor ([\#11128]( Fixes #22335.
    * Fix server picker not allowing you to switch from custom to default ([\#11127]( Fixes #25650.
    * Consider the unthreaded read receipt for Unread dot state ([\#11117]( Fixes #24229.
    * Increase RTE resilience ([\#11111]( Fixes #25277. Contributed by @alunturner.
    * Fix RoomView ignoring alias lookup errors due to them not knowing the roomId ([\#11099]( Fixes #24783 and #25562.
    * Fix style inconsistencies on SecureBackupPanel ([\#11102]( Fixes #25615. Contributed by @luixxiul.
    * Remove unknown MXIDs from invite suggestions ([\#11055]( Fixes #25446.
    * Reduce volume of ring sounds to normalised levels ([\#9143]( Contributed by @JMoVS.
    * Fix slash commands not being enabled in certain cases ([\#11090]( Fixes #25572.
    * Prevent escape in threads from sending focus to main timeline composer ([\#11061]( Fixes #23397.