VERSION --wait-block 0.7 # images builds all container images in the Repository images: ARG BUILD +images-earthly --CONTAINER_REGISTRY=${CONTAINER_REGISTRY} images-src: FROM COPY images/ ./images images-earthly: FROM +images-src ARG FOR dir IN $(find ./images -type d -execdir test -f {}/Earthfile -a \! -e {}/.skip-earthly \; -print) BUILD "${dir}+container" --registry="$CONTAINER_REGISTRY/$(basename ${dir})" END # changelog generates a local file using git-chglog changelog: FROM COPY . /src WORKDIR /src RUN git-chglog --template .chglog/ --next-tag "v$(date +%y.%m)" --output SAVE ARTIFACT AS LOCAL # merge allows to merge branches in the origin remote, this helps to keep everything signed merge: LOCALLY ARG --required branch RUN git fetch RUN git merge --no-ff origin/${branch} --no-edit RUN git push RUN git push origin --delete ${branch} # rotate will rotate encryption keys in sops-encrypted files rotate: LOCALLY RUN grep -Ril "sops:" ./**/*.yaml | xargs sops -r -i # enable-autoupdates enables the fedora autoupdating form the system-upgrades namespace enable-autoupdates: LOCALLY ARG --required node RUN kubectl label node "${node}" # vale-lint runs vale linting on documentation vale-lint: FROM ./images/tools+vale RUN apk add --no-cache hunspell-en WORKDIR /src COPY .vale.ini .vale /src/ COPY . /src ARG alertlevel=suggestion RUN vale --minAlertLevel=$alertlevel ./docs # vale-sync runs a new vale sync locally vale-sync: FROM ./images/tools+vale WORKDIR /src COPY .vale.ini /src RUN vale sync SAVE ARTIFACT ./.vale AS LOCAL .vale # docs runs a local mdbook instance using koolbox that will listen on localhost:3000 docs: WAIT BUILD ./images/koolbox+install END LOCALLY RUN koolbox mdbook serve docs docs-lint: BUILD +vale-lint --alertlevel=error docs-build: FROM ./images/tools+mdbook COPY . . RUN mdbook build docs SAVE ARTIFACT ./docs/book AS LOCAL ./docs/book