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  • Sheogorath's avatar
    Open source setup script + basic documentation · aa4e163a
    Sheogorath authored
    Provide `` as tool to automatically set up GitLab
    projects to be used for `` to keep upstream work around
    A basic README should provide enough information for people to setup the
    project successfully in their environment.
    What `./` does:
     - Collect information from GitHub about the repository to mirror
     - Create a subgroup in the `github-mirror` group with the github
    username of the repository owner
     - Create the project with the github repository name within the created
     - Configure the project to use the github avatar as project avatar,
    disable issues, merge requests, CI/CD integration, wiki, and snippets,
    and cofigure the project description to the repository description from
    GitHub along with a reference to the upstream repository
     - Enable the deployment key of the mirror bot for the project and grant
    it write access
     - Provide a ready to use `./` instructions
    The goal of ...