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  • idodod's avatar
    Support AWS authentication with OIDC (#4096) · 9bd9d70f
    idodod authored
    Address #3804 
    High level implementation details:
    1. Add new RUN flag behind a feature flag that expects multiple
    key/values (some are mandatory).
    2. Parse and pass the keys to the converter, pass the key values as
    additional params to the aws secrets IDs
    3. Modify the aws credentials provider (which was used so far to fetch
    credentials from local env) to try to get the credentials with oidc:
    1. If the oidc key/values are present in the secret - try to call the
    cloud to get the credentials, otherwise fallback to local envs.
    2. If oidc, use cache/locks to overcome the fact that secrets are
    fetched one by one but AWS creds are a group of secrets.
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