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GitHub Mirror / stakater / Forecastle
Apache License 2.0Forecastle is a control panel which dynamically discovers and provides a launchpad to access applications deployed on Kubernetes – [✩Star] if you're using it!
Mirror of https://github.com/stakater/Forecastle
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GitHub Mirror / kyverno / kyverno
Apache License 2.0Kubernetes Native Policy Management
Mirror of https://github.com/kyverno/kyverno
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GitHub Mirror / groundhog2k / helm-charts
MIT LicenseHelm charts for open source applications - ready to use for deployment on Kubernetes
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GitHub Mirror / longhorn / longhorn
Apache License 2.0Cloud-Native distributed storage built on and for Kubernetes
Mirror of https://github.com/longhorn/longhorn
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GitHub Mirror / aquasecurity / Trivy
Apache License 2.0A Simple and Comprehensive Vulnerability Scanner for Containers, Suitable for CI
Mirror of https://github.com/aquasecurity/trivy
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GitOps-based setup for infrastructure, including all tooling and instructions for bootstraping
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GitHub Mirror / minio / minio
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0MinIO is a high performance object storage server compatible with Amazon S3 APIs
Mirror of https://github.com/minio/minio
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GitHub Mirror / twuni / docker-registry.helm
Apache License 2.0Helm chart for a Docker registry. Successor to stable/docker-registry chart.
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GitHub Mirror / goharbor / harbor-helm
Apache License 2.0The helm chart to deploy Harbor
Mirror of https://github.com/goharbor/harbor-helm
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GitHub Mirror / OT-CONTAINER-KIT / redis-operator
Apache License 2.0A golang based redis operator that will make/oversee Redis standalone/cluster mode setup on top of the Kubernetes.
Mirror of https://github.com/ot-container-kit/redis-operator
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GitHub Mirror / spotahome / redis-operator
Apache License 2.0Redis Operator creates/configures/manages high availability redis with sentinel automatic failover atop Kubernetes.