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  • Michael Bridgen's avatar
    Use a file to record successful manifests build · 7ae4f289
    Michael Bridgen authored
    Using the directory cmd/flux/manifests as a prerequisite causes a
    problem: if the script that creates the files within fails, the next
    invocation of make will see the directory and assume it
    succeeded. Since the executable expects certain files to be present,
    but they are not explicit prerequisites of the recipe for building the
    binary, this results in a successful build but a broken `flux`
    Instead, depend on a file that's explicitly updated when the script
    has succeeded, and which itself depends on the inputs.
    A couple of the CI workflows run
        make cmd/flux/manifests
    before doing other things, presumably as a way to avoid running the
    whole test suite in a CI pipeline for some purpose other than testing,
    so these needed changing as well.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarMichael Bridgen <>
    Use a file to record successful manifests build
    Michael Bridgen authored
    Using the directory cmd/flux/manifests as a prerequisite causes a
    problem: if the script that creates the files within fails, the next
    invocation of make will see the directory and assume it
    succeeded. Since the executable expects certain files to be present,
    but they are not explicit prerequisites of the recipe for building the
    binary, this results in a successful build but a broken `flux`
    Instead, depend on a file that's explicitly updated when the script
    has succeeded, and which itself depends on the inputs.
    A couple of the CI workflows run
        make cmd/flux/manifests
    before doing other things, presumably as a way to avoid running the
    whole test suite in a CI pipeline for some purpose other than testing,
    so these needed changing as well.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarMichael Bridgen <>
.gitignore 358 B
# Binaries for programs and plugins

# Test binary, built with `go test -c`

# Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE

# Release

# Dependency directories (remove the comment below to include it)
# vendor/

# Docs