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* Support for call upgrades. `setLocalVideoMuted()` and `setMicrophoneMuted()` are now `async` and return the new mute state ([\#1827]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
* Implement file versioning for tree spaces ([\#1952](
* Allow answering calls without audio/video ([\#1950]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
* Add `bound` to `IThreepid` ([\#1941]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
* Add `trusted_locally` to `TrustInfo` ([\#1942]( Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
* Fix incorrect return value type in getJoinedRooms() ([\#1959]( Contributed by [psrpinto](
* Make sure to set `callLengthInterval` only once ([\#1958]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#19221 and vector-im/element-web#19221. Contributed by [SimonBrandner](
* Fix event partitioning from non threading ready clients ([\#1948](
* Ensure unencrypted fields get exposed by getEffectiveEvent() ([\#1938]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#19062 and vector-im/element-web#19062.