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* The Browserify artifact is being deprecated, scheduled for removal in the October 10th release cycle. ([\#3189](
* ElementR: Add `CryptoApi#bootstrapSecretStorage` ([\#3483]( Contributed by @florianduros.
* Deprecate `MatrixClient.findVerificationRequestDMInProgress`, `MatrixClient.getVerificationRequestsToDeviceInProgress`, and `MatrixClient.requestVerification`, in favour of methods in `CryptoApi`. ([\#3474](
* Introduce a new `Crypto.VerificationRequest` interface, and deprecate direct access to the old `VerificationRequest` class. Also deprecate some related classes that were exported from `src/crypto/verification/request/VerificationRequest` ([\#3449](
* OIDC: navigate to authorization endpoint ([\#3499]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
* Support for interactive device verification in Element-R. ([\#3505](
* Support for interactive device verification in Element-R. ([\#3508](
* Support for interactive device verification in Element-R. ([\#3490]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#25316.
* Element-R: Store cross signing keys in secret storage ([\#3498]( Contributed by @florianduros.
* OIDC: add dynamic client registration util function ([\#3481]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
* Add getLastUnthreadedReceiptFor utility to Thread delegating to the underlying Room ([\#3493](
* ElementR: Add `rust-crypto#createRecoveryKeyFromPassphrase` implementation ([\#3472]( Contributed by @florianduros.
* Aggregate relations regardless of whether event fits into the timeline ([\#3496]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#25596.
* Fix bug where switching media caused media in subsequent calls to fail ([\#3489](
* Fix: remove polls from room state on redaction ([\#3475]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#25573. Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
* Fix export type `GeneratedSecretStorageKey` ([\#3479]( Contributed by @florianduros.
* Close IDB database before deleting it to prevent spurious unexpected close errors ([\#3478]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#25597.