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* **The Browserify artifact is being deprecated, scheduled for removal in the October 10th release cycle. (#3189)**
* Allow knocking rooms ([\#3647]( Contributed by @charlynguyen.
* Bump pagination limit to account for threaded events ([\#3638](
* ElementR: Add `CryptoApi.findVerificationRequestDMInProgress` ([\#3601]( Contributed by @florianduros.
* Export more into the public interface ([\#3614](
* Fix wrong handling of encrypted rooms when loading them from sync accumulator ([\#3640]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#25803.
* Skip processing thread roots and fetching threads list when support is disabled ([\#3642](
* Ensure we don't overinflate the total notification count ([\#3634]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#25803.