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[Full Changelog](
* Upgrade to JS SDK 9.10.0-rc.1
* Translations update from Weblate
* Track next event [tile] over group boundaries
* Fixing the minor UI issues in the email discovery
* Don't overwrite callback with undefined if no customization provided
* Fix redaction event list summaries breaking sender profiles
* Fix CIDER formatting buttons on Safari
* Improve discovery of rooms in a space
* Spaces improve creation journeys
* Make buttons in verify dialog respect the system font
* Collapse redactions into an event list summary
* Added invite option to room's context menu
* Add an optional config option to make the welcome page the login page
* Fix username showing instead of display name in Jitsi widgets
* Convert a bunch more js-sdk imports to absolute paths
* Remove forgotten rooms from the room list once forgotten
* Log error when failing to list usermedia devices
* Fix weird timeline jumps
* Replace type declaration in Registration.tsx
* Add possibility to delay rageshake persistence in app startup
* Fix left panel resizing and lower min-width improving flexibility
* Work around more cases where a rageshake server might not be present
* Iterate space panel visually and functionally
* Make some dispatches async
* fix: make room directory correct when using a homeserver with explicit port
* Hangup all calls on logout
* Remove now-unused assets and CSS from CompleteSecurity step
* Add details and summary to allowed HTML tags
* Support a media handling customisation endpoint
* Edit button on View Source dialog that takes you to devtools ->
* Show room alias in plain/formatted body
* Allow pills on the beginning of a part string
* [SK-3] Decorate easy components with replaceableComponent
* Use fsync in reskindex to ensure file is written to disk
* Remove unused common CSS classes
* Rebuild space previews with new designs
* Rework cross-signing login flow
* Change read receipt drift to be non-fractional